All the Gups that had been taken out were in ruins and the Launch Bay was a mess. Don't worry!" And make sure to have some extra air tanks because we have no idea how long we're gonna be down there," Captain Barnacles explained to the crew in the launch bay. He was finally better. Have you ever wonder what the octonauts do after they finish the episode? When finally she got to bed, she slept like a log, but always had to get up early to get everything ready for a mission. The Captain, Kwazii, Peso, Shellington and Dashi were all going out on a big mission. Hope you enjoy the carrotsLove fromThe OctonautsPS. Professor Inkling: As the founder of the octonauts, I am proud to say that Juan and Juliana (Tweak and Captain's kids) will be in octo-training tomorrow! Barnacles: You two get your very own bedrooms right here in the octopod! And Barnacles is updating his very old training videos, at the same time monitoring the progress of the repairing. Shellington and Dashi get the fancy penthouse room! Sarabi was briefly mentioned in "The Undersea Twister" before making her official debut in "New Squirrel in Town". Inkling: Heavens no! Barnacles: I do[Tweak and Barnacles kiss][Shellington puts on Barnacles and Tweak's rings]All of the Octonauts:Bye guys!Enjoy you honymoon! Inkling is in his library, while Shellington is in his lab compiling research papers for the Omura's whale. Dashi, Shellington and Kwazii were all talking about what creatures they had saved that day. He trusts the Octonauts, more than he trusts himself. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (37), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (1), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types (1), Captain Barnacles/Kwazii (Octonauts) (11), Captain Barnacles/Kwazii/Peso (Octonauts) (7), Random Headcanons Fight Me Or Don't Please Don't, | Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! With nothing in their possession, the . Kwazii: Yeow! In "Happy Birthday, Shellington", Lekona refers to Shellington as "skipper". What happens when the Octonauts aren't exploring, rescu ' "It really is a shame that such a pretty face is about to get so fucked up." Every Christmas Tunip and his vegimal friends out a mistletoe somewhere around the octopod, that sometimes leads to someone kissing someone. That afternoon Barnacles recovered completely from the poison but had to stay in bed just to be sure. Shellington: I should give Dashi a cookie. Coco gets sucked into life in the crew when she least expects it. Kwazii: KwaziiPeso: PesoShellington: ShellingtonDashi: DashiProfessor Inkling: InklingTweak: TweakTunip: Turnup {translation: Tunip}Barrot: Beeot {translation: Barrot)Other Vegimals: Veveemals {translation: Vegimals}Barnacles: Octonauts! And his fever grew even higher as his heartbeat grew slower. (Video Game), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, #JusticeForTheRandomPolicemanNikolaiShot'sFamily, I Feel Bad For You If You Actually Read These, Shellington (Octonauts)/Original Character(s), Captain Barnacles is sent to the real world by accident, Captain Barnacles/Kwazii/Peso (Octonauts), Captain Barnacles/Shellington (Octonauts), I Wrote This Whilst Listening To Radiohead And It Shows, Captain Barnacles (Octonauts)/Original Character(s), Captain Barnacles (The Octonauts)/Original Female Character(s), Captain barnacles & original female character, kwazii and shellington have trichotillomania, this is just an excuse for me to include my headcanons, focus on the relationships within the crew, but the Yandere is a Penguin with medical knowlage, Warning: This fic doesnt include any chic bandaids, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types. She opened the Octo-Hatch and waved them off, then decided to design the suits that Captain Barnacles had been wanting for a while. Barnacles told Tweak "I haven't slept for weeks. Bless Shellington and Dashi and however many kids they have! We're sorry we overworked you. Can he tell them his secret? Dashi: Super! Other Vegimals: Joppok {Translation: Cool!} The Octonauts are exploring a shallow reef when Shellington noticed a strange fish hiding in a hole. Dashie: Tweak's in labor! It is well known that Shellington cannot drive for his life. Shellington has been having nightmares about the crew ever sence the incafent where him and kwazzi got stuck in "tumors cave" what happens next? He' As most octonaut fans know . After the creature report the show ends. In the French translation, Kitsune Fox and Deborah Deer were changed to Kitsune Renard and Deborah Cerf. "That was great! Meg is the adventurous tomboy to Finch's loving girly girl. CONTAINS MILD KWASO, DASHNACLES, AND SHELLINGTWEAK. When I entered college, I changed. (Get's there)Shark: Mmmm Even more lunch served! (Juan Pinches the shark with with the Gup D's crab claw)Shark: Oww! [Blushes back.] Will he be able to put up with their antics? I'm used to getting up early to fix up the gups for the days missions. Today, Dashi is leading us all on an expedition of another cenote and the caves connected to it. Inside the HQ Shellington and Dashi were putting up and decorating the Christmas . Dashi (who is in the room with Shellington): They are a wonderful couple and they had Juan and Juliana and they are married! The best, most cutest and binge worthy octonauts One-shots! Tweak has recently made a new invention called the fish food generator (lol idk) with a simple push of a button the user can make fish food appear out of nowhere but whe yeet fanfiction!!!!! Shellington: Fine! What secrets do they keep? Peso rushed into the playroom and gasped when he saw the puddle of blood next to Barnacles's paw. Tweak: After I got married to Captain Barnacles, We did some stuff, and now I am pregnant! All of the Vegimals call Shellington "Shellydo". Because the crew has been lazy, they left the others that WERE working hard extremely exhausted. When Biscuit followed Kwazii home How will the poor thing function with his new humanoid body? Then when the crew was about to go on a mission for three days on the Ganges River, Barnacles finally decided to admit it saying "Guys, I've beenpoisoned by a snake." And as you said at Captain and Tweak's wedding to me, It says that in your files that you cannnot be the justice of the peace! Categories . And why is he so pudgy? Dashi's Little Space part 2. One day, the Octonauts wake up human-but why is Peso so small? Shellington: Alright let's go then! But what was she doing here? She reached up and put her hand on the button that allowed her to contact the Octonauts. But when we were driving home, he crashed and fell into my arms. For more information, please see our Tweak gasped when she saw his paw had a cut and was bleeding and he didn't know it! Professor Inkling :Barrot could you ask Shellington for his magnifying glass. Tweak: Cap did you hear that? That's okay though. Deborah and especially Margaret hate their father Humphrey for being a verbally abusive misogynist. Calico Jack: Forget it. Tunip: Cheepa Cheepa Bree Bree! You're to write him an apology note to make it up to him!" Shellington Sea Otter: Well it doesn't say on your files that you are able to be the justice of the peaceInkling: Those are personalShellington: Not any more[Inkling gasps][Peso whistles]Peso Penguin: Stop fighting, Professor Inkling can be the justice of the peace! Shark: MMM more lunch served! It just goes to show you that I can be the Justice of the Peace! Tweak: Back in the gup back in the gup! Shellington: Very Nice! Barrot: Buck speeggmkontuse: [Translation: Yes I will]Shellington: Perfect then! An hour later, the Octonauts had made it to a white sandy beach, jagged black boulders dotted here and there, but with little intrusion from any form of life. Are you OK, Matt? she asked, her eye on the road. (Nobody's POV) Calico Jack takes his sword and air tank, and swims down to the farm. I am not afraid of risking my life. Shellington: Sure! Eternal Tears Hopeless Ch III - I'm not me, an octonauts fanfic | FanFiction Eternal Tears Book Two: Hopeless Chapter IIII'm not me "And then Shellington was all like, 'It wasn't my fault!' Too bad for him!" They both shared a hearty laugh. Thats not why Im here! Just random headcanons I came up with for the Octonauts. Curse me and my autistic butt. Deborah is also the girly girl to Margaret's sporty, outspoken tomboy. Maybe I'm starting to like Shellington Anyways, Peso came back and saved his life! Shellington spends the majority of the Kelp Forest arc in bed with stomach flu. But, Dashi realized as she looked at the chaos in the Launch Bay, Tweak had been holding back, not telling anyone her troubles. She took a few and began to munch, sitting in a corner of the room. It was already eleven at night and all the other Octonauts had probably gone to sleep. I wonder what it is Perhaps a kitten of his own? After the Ring of Fire, things aren't all the same on the Octopod. Kwazii: Sorry granddad, I still want to have more adventures with the Octonauts. But they question if they are more then just friends and co Based on @I'mTheKinderSurprise's story (go read their stories right now, they're amazing). Peso said, "He is about to die from the poison. Work Search: He once disappeared for an entire weekend, and then shouted at his wife upon his return that his whereabouts were none of her business. "Blanche" is the French word for "white"; specifically, the feminine version of the word. "Captain, come to the Launch Bay quickly! Inkling: I didn't do anything and my name is not Inkers for the FINAL time! Shellington: Where is Dashi? Shellington: Hi Dashi, want a cookie? The Junior Officers themselves: Elekai, Kitsune, Lekona, Sarabi, and then Deborah. Tweak Bunny: I'm so sorry Dashi,are you okay? Not to mention he hasn't slept for weeks and he was very stressed out." Probably. Tweak and Shellington. It was too much work for one person. "Dear TweakWe hope you are feeling better and we are sorry for all the work we have put you through recently. Calico Jack: You are still defending them? [Dashi drives the Octopod to Hawaii](On the beach in Hawaii)Professor Inkling Octopus [fighting with Shellington]: As the founder of the Octonauts, I have a right to run the wedding! A few minutes later, the captain came into the Launch Bay. [Dashi and Shellington blush and giggle, but that's a whole different story]. "Heal" mentions an unspecified incident that caused Deborah to cut pickles out of her diet. Deborah does this in "The Undersea Twister" when Shellington apologizes for supposedly causing her argument with Captain Barnacles. Her name is Nova she is Annie's best friend from primary and guess how the lemon will be. Dashi: Wow! How low. The True Meaning of Christmas. There were bumps and bangs all over the Gup E, and as for the Gup B, driven by Kwazii well, it wasn't a pretty sight. You can't get away that easily This is something random that came to my head after reading other stories and my own imagination combining. Shellington does this in "Cooking with Sarabi" while translating Tunip's Vegimalese. Turns out this was not a good idea, as it causes his mental breakdown in "The Swell Shark". He nodded. Ah, nothing like a good old joke to pass the time. Want to join our next mission? "Barnacles thought. Done by Deborah after being shouted at in "Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes". Shellington: No, I just don't feel well today. Shellington: Excuse me! She was always happy and never stressed. This will have absolu After a terrible tragedy, the Octonauts begin to fall apart. Inkling: First test! If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Kwazii: Yeow! Those are personal! Almost upset. If we had realized""Don't worry about it Cap! She was tired, but didn't tell anyone about it, fearing she might be looked down on and thought to be under standards at her job. In "A Pirate's Tail", Kwazii mentions in his narration that as a teen, he had been through four years of "identity crises". Kwazii: Sorry granddad! I began flirting with boys My life was miserable. He asked if we would be willing to go collect the ingredients for it. Shellington: Professor, wait! I am really sorry, granddad.. Calico Jack: Kwazii, what are you talking ab-. And potentially BARNSO; it was n. Completed dashi shellington kwazii +11 more # 11 Octonauts Oneshots by Zoe 7.4K 127 10 A bunch of oneshots I come up with about Octonauts. Surprises For The Octonauts Chapter 2, an octonauts fanfic | FanFiction Chapter Two Usually, Dashi was quick to spring into action, but for the next week after she had discovered she was pregnant, Shellington began to realise she was becoming noticeably less and less energetic. The Octopod! To be continued. He tries to radio for help but the connection was lost, just like he was. I was the first one up, as usual. Tweak makes phones for all the Octonauts (even though they are on the same ship.) In "New Squirrel in Town", it was updated with a "S" for. [They kiss]Kwazii Cat [pops out of nowhere, shouting]: A-ha! Kwazii sees his grandfathers face. [Tunip wakes up]Tunip: Buk duo doo {Translation:Thanks for waking me up, Barrot!] That's good news!Congrats to you two! He'd come to my room every night, and try to make me like him but enchanting me. But, the farther down the group ventured into the tunnels, the more narrow they got. The only ones who knew were Dashi, Tunip, Kwazii, and Peso. the.playroom. Of the full-fledged Octonauts, it's Shellington (twenty-one). (The next morning)Barnacles (while peeking out of his window): Oh no! Inkling: Good morning Shellington! He surveyed the chaos in shock, then saw Dashi with an unconscious Tweak in her arms. Don't let me down. "I don't like this." Lunch is cancelled! Tweak sat next to her poor friend and asked him if he was all right and he replied he was so exhausted he couldn't stand and/or walk. Boy, I was confused. Are you alright? tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. After Barnacles finished his extra large workload for the day he flopped onto his bed and sighed heavily. Colleen Holt was at the wheel, her son sat on one of the back seats of the car. Being in the same area with your crush often means that its easier to ask them out, especially when the crush likes you back. We spent most of the morning in the library, but even if we wanted to we couldn't go talk to peso. We forgot a flower girl, ummmBarrot I know you're a boy but you can be a flower boy! Peso said he can do surgery once Shellington feels better to patch up the hole. I do not own the Octonauts. I'm so happy now, but Shellington has a huge hole in his stomach. This is the story of Carly's first Christmas, let's begin shall we. Shellington: Tweak hit you pretty hard, are you okay? Who did it!! But the poison grew even more and Peso couldn't wake up Barnacles to check him. Barrot: Zooba Zooba {Translation:You're welcome Tunip}Shellington [looking on his Kindle Fire]: Who posted this video of Dashi and me on Youtube?? So, I filled it out and I was accepted to the crew. About 3 months later Barnacles regained consciousness. Octonauts and Paw patrol save each. ", technically, the first chapter, an introduction to the characters, was published in January of that year, but August 15th is when regular chapters began being published. Dashi's Little Space part 4. She prepared the Gups and oiled all the motors, then as the others came down ready to go out, she quickly ate a few carrots that would keep her going for a while. One day when the Octonauts were in China helping Min the Mapmaker collect special herbs in the Chinese Bamboo Forest, Barnacles wandered off from the group and discovered a snake which bit him in his left wrist out of self defense. Sarabi's mother. Matt said something that sounded vaguely like, Can I have my teeth back? They all boarded the Gup Q and entered the caves. Shellington: I'll be fine. I knew it! (In the HQ)Inkling: Now, Shellington just like Captain and Tweak's wedding I can be the justice of the peace! Also any incorrect quotes and stuff. Whole chunks were missing out of the Gup A and the control panel was waterlogged and falling apart. Just remember to ask me if you need a break instead of just slacking off. I nodded. She opened it and started to read. The Vegimals go in the Gup-Z2, with Tunip piloting it. She lifted her head and saw on her bedside table a bunch of juicy carrots and a note. This is a human Octonauts story, since those seem to be so popular. Before he lost consciousness he was able to send Peso his location coordinates so he could come help him. The answer is all that happens in this book! Our babies are going to be octonauts! Though it grows harder as students suspect something strange with the two girls, The Octonauts help a vaquita out of a fishing net. She had a little crush on the captain but she never had a great time to tell him. She hasn't been sleeping well recently. "Tweak! I felt like I could throw up, but it didn't. [He blushes.] It is written by NoonboryKedabory and hosted on FanFiction.Net. CAPTAIN AND TWEAK SITTING IN A TREEK-I-S-S-I-N-G FIRST COMES LOVE AND NOW COMES A RING THEN COMES A BEAUTIFULOCTO-WEDDINGBarnacles & Tweak [laughing]: Kwazii! Tweak Bunny: Hi,Cap! As of "Heal", Deborah likes to call Shellington "Ollie". Help is on the way!" Sarabi hates her neglectful mother. Geez, being the only girl on board made me go bizerk. In "Midnight Emergency", a younger Ichiro has what appears to be a cold. Inkling: Into there! How will she handle all the new challenges that come with becoming a crewmate and even finding love? Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Feel better, your crew/friends." But when she looked up they were under a mistletoe. Also Tweak obviously wasn't well. Margaret proceeds to. Or will forces outside of his control reveal it all? The venom will make me sick. Everyone was like "Oh my gosh! Before her arrival, though, it was Deborah (eighteen). Remember to hold onto the guide rope and stay together. And dilemma. Some chapters render Kwazii's Cockney accent and/or Shellington's Scottish accent in this way (i.e "no" becomes "noo"). I'm fine now!" This is just a crossover for Octonauts and Pokmon where a Pokmon oc of mine ends up in the Octonauts world! then collapsed only to land hard on the forest floor making his bite wound bleed. Dashi put her arm around tweaks shoulders, allowing Tweaks head to rest on her shoulder. I don't want you to take the chance in getting worse. "Dashi, tell Peso we have an emergency." Shellington: Congratulations Tweak! Captain Barnacles Bear: Hi,Tweak. Inkling (while squirting out ink): Oh my!!!! Oh yeah this story (Warning: Old story and very cringy! [Barnacles pulls out a ring]Barnacles: Tweak Bunny, will you mary me? The second chapter of my latest Octonauts fanfic, the sequel to Shellington's Big Day. Barnacles screamed in pain and ran to join the rest of group who asked him if he was all right to which he answered yes. She will have the babies tomorrow! She took the brush and tool kit from the side and got to work. Because of your selfish actions Barnacles ended up in the Sick Bay! She knew she wouldn't have to worry about anything now. Luckily he managed to save Barnacles before he went over the rapids and brought him back to camp. Shellington: What? From "Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes": "It Was Only a Kiss" elaborates more on Deborah falling under the. Min quickly heated some water and boiled the flower into an elixir. They think good things in life just come to them instead of being diligent. Barnacles has a bad dream. I felt like I could throw up, but it didn't. I hope you all like it! One day, however, Tweak convinces him to let his guard down and long story short; she finds out. Great! I haven't seen a scenario with these guys. And it wasn't until another 2 weeks that Tweak came. She was getting a slight head ache, but she wasn't too worried. Peso, and Dashi are using the gups to transport supplies from the Octo-port to the Octo-repair station. In "Atlantis: The Lost Octonaut", Sarabi mentions "the time with the skateboard". The answer is all that happens in this book! The poison forced Barnacles into a poison coma and he couldn't hear what was going on which was a good thing because there were all sorts of animals yelling at him saying bad things about him. It is written by NoonboryKedabory and hosted on FanFiction.Net. Shellington: Good morning Inkling! One chapter even mentions that she is dead to her. The crew and the captain were back to normal. A few days later Barnacles woke up one morning feeling much better and his paw was almost completely healed. Why was my life always the hard one? I looked down at where Kwazii was sleeping. Implied with Elekai's father. You put on your sting proof gloves and help it! On September 10th, 2021, a French translation began publication. Dashi held her friend close. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Completed crossover tweak dashi +21 more # 12 Captain Barnacles x Y/N by Becca Chapman 357 1 5 Barnacles finally caught up with them to tell them they were heading into Golden Snub-Nose Monkey territory and to be careful. The daredevil cat with a mysterious pirate past. But one day tweak was walking around the octopod until she bumps into barnacles and his eyes widen. A more straigt example would be Seacliff, the previous captain, who was abusive towards his staff. He will experience what real life is like outside of his world. We're just dating. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Im high on random lemon sparkling water thing from italy i think maybe its made in the usa how am i supposed to know, with my friend who is equally if not more high on the random lemon italian sparkling water that probably has alcohol or something\, definitely not high lmfao lololololololoaoiodafosdboaibeiwvf;oavwefsv. What happens when the Octonauts aren't exploring, rescuing, or protecting? Barnacles & Tweak [in unison]: No, we are not, Kwazii! Complicity- to be involved with others in illegal activity or wrongdoing. I got out of bed and walked to the door. The Gups had been in a state and she had to clean them. All the Octonauts (exept Shellington and Dashi because they were still kissing and Tunip because he fainted) were laughing[Dashi and Shellington stop kissing]Shellington: I call Dashi's tent! The captain's face had gone completely paler than normal and Peso was trying to stabilize him by the time they reached the medical unit. Can also include blood. She just so happens to be a fox. Calico Jack: No, Kwazii! It was true. I closed my journal and placed it with the books. Tweak:I do! It had been a long day and she was exhausted. She just kept sobbing, her head between her knees, feeling like the world was on her shoulders. "Then he started crying and felt himself going into unconsciousness. I ship kwazii and peso so much so why not make a fan fic Just some Octonauts drawings and some other things I've done over the past however long I've like the Octonauts. Inkling told Peso and Tweak to put on some headphones and play some music in the Sick Bay with Tunip while he scolded the crew in the HQ.The rest of the crew was really really nervous because they never saw Prof. Inkling this mad. After a while, the other Octonauts came up, chattering excitedly about their adventures. (Kwazii: But we didn't mean to.) Quiet! Junior Officers is an Octonauts Fan Fiction released on August 15, 2020 note . Dashi had just come down to check something on the engines, but when she heard the sobs and saw the green bunny crying under the control panel, she rushed to her side to comfort her, her original purpose forgotten. Though as no no knows, two witches have been born into this world of magic. Barrot and Tunip: ZOOBA ZOOBA! Shellington has already healed from his emotional funk. She called Peso into the playroom and told him "We have an extreme emergency." She was so distraught and her sobs were so long and loud, she didn't hear the Octo-Chute hatch open and someone come through. "Haddock, Rising Seas, and Gloria": Dashi being interrupted while trying to tell others about the Gulf. Want to discover art related to octonauts? Dashi asked. It seemed like just a normal day for the Octonauts. She has been fixing the Gups late into the night." She headed up to the HQ, to see all her friends smiling at her. Peso: Super! But as I grew older, I was made fun of at school because I was the only one who has never dated. Because I will eliminate Captain Barnacles myself. [Shellington, Barrot,Tunip, and the other vegimals arrive to see Dashi looking up the weather,and Inkling looking at the map to the cave.] Barnacles replied. I was looking through Wattpad and I noticed that there was was no Shellington x reader stories so I decided to make on Shellington was always young at heart. Barnacles: Professor InklingProfessor Inkling: Inkling here CaptainCaptain Barnacles: I know you don't go out on missions but could you please come and help? When Barnacles looked at her she gasped at the condition Barnacles was in,finally noticing how tired he looked. Link for wattpad, Shellington: A little (The next morning)Inkling (while swimming out of the octo-hatch): Good morning Peso! For the past few weeks Barnacles was exhausted because he had done ALL the work on the latest missions.And that caused him to suffer from insomnia because he hasn't slept for weeks and he was getting sick. The title says it all- Octonauts one-shots! POSSIBLE TW FOR DESCRIPTIONS OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND DISORDERS! Her body was aching as she slipped into the water to assess the damage on the bottom of the Gups. He was a tall, skinny lad in his late teens with overgrown chestnut hair and large round glasses, wearing a mint green jumper. to himself when Kwazii noticed the bite mark on Barnacles's wrist was turning blue and purple. I do not own these characters. Kwazii: OhI have no idea?? < Octonauts Wiki:Fanon View source FanFiction FanFic p.1 [Shellington, Barrot,Tunip, and the other vegimals arrive to see Dashi looking up the weather,and Inkling looking at the map to the cave.] I'll come in the Gup B! So he detached Barnacles from his drip and helped him walk into the HQ and sit in a chair. The Octonauts reminisce about their first day on the job. back in the gup! They shocked Barnacles awake and made him laugh. In that same chapter, Shellington himself is. "Do you want Peso to bandage that up for you, Captain? For the first time she realized how tired Tweak looked, the dark circles under her eyes. We flopped into arm chairs and began reading while taking notes. If we had just realized," "It's OK. She whispered "You've a fever. Chapter Two. (They go out of the octopod and into the hotel room)(Next Morning, the wedding day)Inkling: Shellington Sea Otter do you take Dashi Puppy Dog as your wife? Juliana: Wow! "All right, Octonauts. "Don't worry, Tweak. We both said the same thing at the same time, On It!!! This is something random that came to my head after reading other stories and my own imagination combining. And he took Barnacles to the Sick Bay. Kwazii along with Octo-Agents Pearl and Paani embark on a research mission. The Captain looked tired himself. She obviously hadn't been sleeping often, feeling that she needed to do all the work overnight. Shellington and Deborah have one in "New Year's". She walked out and looked at the Launch Bay which was gleaming clean. OF COURSE I WASN'T GOING TO BE FINE! [Tweak throws the bouquet of flowers][Dashi catches them!] Thanks Captain!" Usually, Dashi was quick to spring into action, but for the next week after she had discovered she was pregnant, Shellington began to realise she was becoming noticeably less and less energetic. If so this is a good fic for you we will get snipits of there life outside of TV there will be drama, love, but most importantly angst because I have no other way to cope with wanting to kill myself other than writing fanficon, TW - Self Harm - Self Hatred - Depression, Due to his depression and anxiety, Kwazii feels like he has no place on the team and turns to self harm as a coping mechanism. (Looks)Peso: It's 2 babies, a Male Cub and a Female Bunny! I'd have let you have a break if you just asked." Read to find o After an explosion happened in Shellington's lab. She laid me down on my bed and hugged me again. Juliana: Oh What? I've been working late into the night sometimes even staying up all night trying to do all this work. Dashi's Little Space part 3. The Captain and Dashi nodded, then went off to their rooms. I am shamed. All octonauts and vegimals: Woo hoo! Juan: good idea! At first, Shellington is a good sport about it, but soon his feeling Just random headcanons I came up with for the Octonauts. Are you OK Captain?" [blushes and gets a cookie.] The Captain lifted her gently into his arms. Tweak: Done! It seemed like just a normal day for the Octonauts. She was lucky to have such good friends. But the crew didn't know they were acting THIS lazy towards Barnacles. Some say it could have aired late 2018, but the continuity implies that "Caves of Sac Actun" and the musical come first, so who knows what the scheduling would've looked like, especially when disregarding the Netflix deal. He passed us each a book. Inkling: Not anymore! (Today was so shocking. We rubbed our sore heads and then walked out of the door and headed for the lunch bay.