Because it doesnt in Google. file numbered hot links below also has a brief description of the general subject This is the general case with gobs of bottles for many different products.. Patty, it sounds like an amber beer bottle from 1962. Its stippled around the top, the base and a band at the bottom. In the case of your Listerine bottle Im not sure why there is a period next to the mold number, and the 5 is almost certainly a mold number. (10% off), Sale Price USD 26.99 Hope this helps a bit! Hi, or Best Offer +$18.90 shipping. I have since found out that it is a vinegar flask from some internet research. The center I barely has any length. Hello I found a very small, green bottle, maybe an inch an a half high. ARCOROC USA ~ base marking on small dessert bowl. I am guessing your bottle may have had the brand name graphics wear off, since it was on the beach for some unknown time. catalog (an exception noted for File #11). Also handwritten along the side of that same page is the notation "Catalog finished Dec. Unfortunately my site is not set up to accept photos uploaded directly by readers. I have acquired a large 2 1/2 gallon jug with 1/2 gal increments on 2 sides and very detailed decorative molding on opposing sides side panels at the half gallon areas. Like I said it looks like the patented bottle but then it has the additions to it. So this could theoretically be either 1941 or 1951. It has no labels left. The number on the right (7) is a date code, but since it is a ONE-DIGIT code, it is not possible to be 100% certain whether it stands for 1937 or 1947. this catalog but is not noted in the introductory information. It boasts 80 plants in 23 countries and more than $6 billion in annual sales. ~David. I am assuming this is 1942? It appears the date and plant codes are reversed. Thanks again David you lead me to find its match however this Etsy listing does not share markings and its identical based on my markings seems like it was produced in 1928 (not 1930s). researcher of ACL bottles and glassware) contacted this websites author and Beginning and end of the "Package Division" section covering This section I read your page and its awesome to know someone actually cares about history as much as I do. Within a year or two, most glass insulators produced at Muncie were carrying date codes. Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 49) badge! includes large boxes and crates to store and protect such items. This has driven me crazy trying to track this baby, what the year was and what might have been in it. The 7 on the LEFT of the logo is the plant location code, and number 7 indicates your jar was made at their main plant at Alton, Illinois. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. I was able to identify my bottle with ease. What do you suppose the 1875-C on top is? My guess would be PROBABLY 1935, (because single digit date codes were used on most of their 1930s-era bottles) but there seems to be no way to be 100% sure on many O-I bottles. Jonathan, the bottles with the O in a square were made by Owens Bottle Company and date from about 1919-1929. Triangle mark, used by Vidrio Formas, Lerma, Mexico. You mention location or mold numbers, but Im not sure which the three digit number corolates to. an array of Applied Color D-9 is a distiller code. List of Web Links pointing to some other sites / interests ~ (Most of these sites are not glass-related) including Birds, Trees, Fishing, Antiques, Transferware, Blue Willow Pattern Dishes, Coins, Religion, Marine Traffic, VintageAerial, WheresGeorge, Amsterdam, Ohio River info and more! with the following: 1. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. The 2 is a date code which probably stands for 1942. Boyd glass chick salt covered dish in lilac glass. and the mold #3 below. David, David, I found a coca cola bottle with the O I logo on the bottom with an F above it and no numbering around it. Bureau of Land Management (retired) - Thanks! Thanks Reid, Reid, It has a finger loop at the neck and the Owens Illinois diamond on the bottom. I appreciate the uniqueness of it, but I also enjoy knowing what I have. I found a brown amber, half-gallon jug., We have a duraglas from the Alton plant #7 on the left, the number 6 on the right (36 or 46?) Craig, Can you help me identify it?, Krystal, the makers mark is I inside an O. Hope this helps! I hope this info helps a bit! 70413 lego - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester David. I have been finding bottles from the Owens era around the plant I work at in southeast Pa, since there has been a lot of excavation. date from that year or very close. From all evidence it appears that each liquor bottle permit number is always assigned to just one specific manufacturing location (glass plant). With a 3 date code and the later I inside an O mark, your jar may date from 1963. 5. It says Chicago, IL with an S on the bottom. The patent design looks exactly like the bottle! Hes facing the left and appears to be wearing pointy shoes and a pointy hat. types, cottage cheese and sour cream jars, store bottles, milk bottle finishes, company history related information that indicates the catalog has some Just wondering if there would be any way to find out how many of these were made? Given that there is much new information gleaned since the 2015 article (Lockhart ~David. File #19: End of the "Large Ware National Prohibition which occurred in 1933. Other G-numbers are out there (used by Owens-Illinois for various other mold styles of soda bottles), but this seems to be one of the most common ones they used, especially in the 1940s and 1950s. Adam, from your description it would be either a water bottle (carboys and demijohns are terms used in older glass factory literature for very large bottles) or a pickle jar, depending on the width/type of closure. Of course, the 7 which is a plant code number stands for Owens-Illinoiss factory location at Alton, Illinois. His mechanization of the glass-blowing process eliminated child labor from glass-bottle factories, which he had himself experienced from the age of ten. Hi Justin, The 2 is a date code and would stand for 1942 or 1952. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. Federal. Then below all of that is 4637-GB. Above that it says John Morgan, it also says it is a 1 Pint bottle, below that it has a g178 and it says New York, N.Y. would love it if you could help me figure out anything about it, thanks. OnIzed Clubs." Thank you. So, any bottle with the I inside an O may date from several years AFTER 1954, but not before. catalog available for inclusion on this website! They are probably medicine bottles of some sort. David, This appear to be a 1970 Owens mark, but the bottle and label seem to me to date earlier. Thanks! USD 16.32, USD 19.20 (There are a VERY few cases in which a company makes both bottle and product, but it is not the norm in the business world!) Also, virtually all Owens-Illinois bottles are machine-made, and do not have a true pontil mark. It also says 4 directly below that. I know the Illinois abbreviation changed after 1963, but still not sure how old it might be. I have a clear bottle with ribbing, clearly states A Midwest Product on front and back has 6 3/4 fluid ounces on one side and BB 48 on the other and patent Du Quoin Ill pending and 18 the diamond oval I Mark 5 across the bottom and Midwest dairy products co. around the bottom edge. Hi Brenda, However, I would submit (my guess) that in some of these instances, the bottle mold might have been moved to another plant but the engravings were not all updated (retooled) correctly on the molds. Coca cola bottles appearing on antique and there are stamped typically on her bottles - is it. styles bottles have been revived. Hi Carol! Im having a hard time making out the center of the trademark though it does have the diamond and oval. Was wondering if you had any information regarding plant # 62 including its location. 3 WINE I gathered from the articles youve posted it is an Illinois made container dating possibly 37 or 47. This piece measures 11 inches in diameter. being very accurate (1926) or within a year one way or the other (1920) via Code C2997 on the side. packer jars, "Lightning" canning jars, barrel jars, mustards, horseradish, The bottom of the bottle has a mold circle and has the Owens Illinois mark flanked on the right by a 2, on the left by what may or may not be a 1 and beneath the mark there is a 14. Thanks for writing! I found an amber jar with the I in an O (no diamond) from plant 14, but the date code is just a 0 (no period). numbers by section. Perhaps the bottle mold itself was originally used at the Fairmount plant? GLASS FACTORY INFORMATION ~ Antique Glassware ~ Manufacturers' Marks, Logos & Emblems used by Glassmaking Companies in the USA ~ Antique Bottles ~ Fruit Jars ~ Glass Electrical Insulators ~ Tableware ~ Dating Information ~ Articles about different types of Glass, Vintage & Antique ~ Summary Articles on Selected Glass Companies. Im guessing one of the numbers is the year the bottle was made? I cleaned it off and was able to make out the diamond with an I and O in the middle. Klamath Falls, Oregon Each mold is identicalbut would be numbered from 1 to 12. It was made at the Huntington, West Virginia plant, and the 11 is a mold number. The bottle is in very good shape but it is missing the cap. The trademark is DURAGLAS which was introduced in 1940. Compare prices for hundreds of Men Cardigans & Sweaters hassle-free and save money. David. In any case, most of the bottles I see with the Duraglas marking seem to date from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. Sorry for any confusion. Is there a way to determine what brand of whiskey was in this bottle? So my grandma has this bottle with the Owens-Illinois label on it.. I suspect it could have been for an obscure brand of pepper sauce or maybe some other type of condiment. Thank you again for the great website. It was the Donald Duck tumbler in particular that got me to wondering This mark has 3 lines outside the diamond, indicating production between 1993-1998. 2018t. Want to know more? 1933 is indicated a few times on the following page (not pictured) with a Take care, The 56 to the right of the logo is a date code for 1956. The principal investors in the Toledo company then created the Owens Bottle-Machine Co. (1903-1919) to manufacture and lease the Owens Machine, and the latter company in . David. I have found a green bottle with a pattern of chains around the neck, and the diamond-and-O logo, but with an I in the O. It is aqua with ribs 2 diamond pane panels on the front (small on top, large o the bottom) and one small diamond shaped panel on the back. 6oz) clear bottle made by Owens-Illinois Glass Co. David, Amelia, although there are some occasional exceptions, the date codes on Owens-Illinois bottles are usually placed to the right of the logo. Carnival Glass bowl, aqua glass, unidentified maker, ruffled pattern. Thanks, File #24: End of the "Tumbler Division" section (19 catalog pages) The bottom has Duraglas, to the left #3 the diamond with the O and 48 to the right. Owens-Illinois Glass Company Part 1 - History. 2018). Thank you, David, that is what I figured, especially since it is such a large bottle that probably had a low run rate. I found the bottom of a jar washed up on the shore of lake Michigan. TEXT AND PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS SITE ~ COPYRIGHT 2004-2022. Thanks for writing, and I hope this helps! Please. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Looking at the bottom, at the top theres a marking that looks like maybe a #1? matter of that grouping of Hello Rachel, This website created and managed by: where can I find information on Owens-Illinois whiskey bottle marks? I think that thread would be in the Comments section at the Federal Law Forbids Sale or Reuse of this Bottle webpage within my site. Now, in your particular case, the 9 to the left of the Owens-Illinois logo indicates the bottle was made at their Streator, Illinois plant, and the 9 on the right is a date code, which would stand for either 1939 or 1949. Sorry I do not know. Diamond-I mark on bottom of amber bottle made by Illinois Glass Company. This marking is not on the base itself and there are no other identifying marks. Any ideas? Patent 90023. Many of them are labeled MCKESSONS and often there is an embossed image of a scales on the bottom. Best regards, Sometimes just a tiny dot is discernible! Thanks! mark on base of amber beer bottle. Would the date on this be 1933? The 2 is a mold number. download limited copies of posted material. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. I believe the 81 is a date code for 1981, but Im not sure what the N represents. Dont know what 3-H indicates. I do have an interesting liquor bottle that I would like to just make sure I decoded correctly. The numbers are mold numbers and/or date codes, but Im not 100% sure about their exact meaning. ~David. After the merger (1929), I could see a directive for all branches (and) 86712. There is a lot of confusion on what the differences are. Virtually all of the LYRIC bottles are machine-made, and were made in very large numbers, being found frequently in trash dumps of the period. Hi Hannah, Hope this helps, The mark is on the bottom and is about 1 from one of the edges. Some bottle molds already in use were not re-engraved until as late as 1957, 1958, 1959, even, as mentioned, in 1966. So I cant see the value either. Hi DavidI have found a 32 oz clear glass bottle with Art Deco designs on the top, bottom and sides of both sides. Yes, the 27 is a mold number. Never noticed it before last week, Hi Dee, Here, as embossed on the base of a small cobalt blue Bromo-Seltzer bottle. I have found an old beer bottle Brown oval shaped bottle with the owens symbol on the bottom. David, I dont believe that the presence or absence of a period after a date code can give absolute evidence on which decade is meant.. The 13 is a plant code number for Owens-Illinois Glass Companys Chicago Heights, Illinois location. This is on the side of the bottle, near the bottom. Take care, David, Hello, what a great informative site you have! Mike, yes, it is a multi-purpose container. I found a gold decanter that has the OI on the right and D126 above 55 65 and 10 on the right. The bottle was not made in 1940. I understand that 10 was a factory code number for Atlanta, Georgia location, but that plant number was instituted around 1960. O V entwined on base of cobalt blue Acqua della Madonna water bottle from Italy. 3. However, the original question from Ali might bring up other, related questions: 1) Were single digit date codes used in ALL decades? The M-889A is almost certainly an identification number assigned to that particular bottle design (or bottle mold) by Owens-Illinois. catalogs were formally dated as they were to be used/in effect for quite a few years. in raised letters along with content 9 fl oz. You have put a lot of work into it and I appreciate it. William Franzen & Sons- W F & S MIL marking on base of amber beer bottle. You can send it to the email address shown at the bottom of any page on this site. It was most likely a catalog or inventory number assigned to that bottle style by the factory. Good luck on your search for info. Website. The design was patented July 16, 1935. Please click here to go to my website Home Page. I think it is more likely the 55 (for 1955), but I really dont know for sure. The bottom is marked with their "O in a square" logo, shown above. I dont know what the W means but perhaps someone else has figured that out on another website. Sorry I cant pin it down for sure, but my best guess is that it stands for 1954. There are, however, various clues within this mystery 1930s catalog as to its Fox Terrier shotglass made by Hazel Atlas. I have what I believe is a 1939 fluted owens-illinois bottle, but I cant seem to figure out what it was used for, I was wondering if there was a chance you or anyone else could take a look at it and find out what it was. If you wish, send me a pic of the bottle to my email address, listed in the bottom right-hand corner of any page on this site. It sounds like it is shaped much like Valeries, she commented above. Hi Jeff, Cork still in the smaller bottle. Best regards, David. The 7 is the plant code for their Alton, Illinois glass plant. View Etsys Privacy Policy. The 29 is a mold number. I have a ABM pattern molded amber swirled 1 gallon and a 1/2 globular bottles the mark on the bottom is a I in a diamond with oval 4 on the left side Clarksburg,WV? From information compiled in Bill Lockharts article (link below) on Owens-Illinois date code markings, it appears that, on containers with this earliest trademark, if a single digit date code (such as a 1 or 4 placed to the right of the logo) is followed by a period, the chances are very good the bottle in question dates from the 1940s, especially the 1940-1947 period. The Donald Duck June 9th, 1934 debut in "The Wise Little Hen." It sounds like an amber medicine vial of some type. Check out which online shop has the best price for Rick Owens DRKSHDW long-sleeve rib-trimmed hoodie in the Egypt. offerings of most period bottle makers making this one of the most important catalogs to researchers Owens-Illinois Inc. currently [2020] operates 20 glass manufacturing facilities within North America. However, that doesnt always hold true. 7 (I inside a oval) 5 and 12 underneath. USD 83.99, USD 167.98 In general, I agree with you, and you are more than likely correct about O-I soda bottles..but I hesitate to make any blanket statements on this site since I seem to find exceptions to nearly every rule. How the Owens Bottle Company Helped End American Child Labor Hi David, The 42 is a code for the year 1942. Aquamarine wide mouth external thread bottle with three indented panels on each side. (30% off), Sale Price USD 83.99 Take care, Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Complete list (with links) of all articles on the GLASS BOTTLE MARKS website, Glass Manufacturers Marks on Bottles and other Glassware, Brookfield Glass Company (Bushwick Glass Works), Federal Glass Company, Columbus, Ohio (1900-1979), Fenton Art Glass Company, Williamstown, WV (1905-2011), MASONS PATENT NOV 30TH 1858 Antique Fruit Jars Summary, Numbers seen on the bottoms of glass bottles and jars, Federal Law Forbids Sale or Reuse of this Bottle Marking,, Maryland Glass Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland (1907-1980), Owens Bottle Company: O inside a square mark, Dr. W. B. Caldwells, Monticello, Illinois ~ bottles, Glass Manufacturers' Marks on Coca-Cola Bottles, "Federal Law Forbids Sale or Reuse of this Bottle" Marking, Glass Bottle Marks (Alphabetical List) ~ Page 1 (A-B), Glass Bottle Marks (Alphabetical List) ~ Page 2 (C-D), Glass Bottle Marks (Alphabetical List) ~ Page 3 (E-L), Glass Bottle Marks (Alphabetical List) ~ Page 4 (M-R), Glass Bottle Marks (Alphabetical List) ~ Page 5 (S-Z), AB (connected) mark on antique glass bottles, AB (connected) bottle base mold codes list, Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation: Anchor and H entwined logo, Atterbury & Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Binghamton Glass Company, Binghamton, New York (1880-1957), Bottle inside oval mark on British Ten Pin style soda bottle, Boyds Crystal Art Glass, Cambridge, Ohio: B in a diamond trademark, Boyds Genuine Porcelain Lined Cap (Milk glass discs), Brockway Glass Company (B inside a circle marking), Brody Co. Cleveland, O. U.S.A. (E. O. Brody Company), Bromo-Seltzer, Baltimore, MD ~ Cobalt Blue Glass Bottles, Brookfield Glass Company / Bushwick Glass Works, Brooklyn, New York, Caldwells (Dr. W. B. Caldwells, Monticello, Illinois) ~ bottles, California Glass Insulator Company, Long Beach, CA, Capstan Glass Company, Connellsville, Pennsylvania, Carnival Glass (What is Carnival Glass?

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