Its identifiable features are the dovetailed front sight, and a silver-plated trigger guard. Pietta 1860 Army Revolver & 1861 Navy Revolver Parts Replicated after the original 1851 Navy Yank. V1-G2 Barrel Length: 12 Bore condition: Good, Your email address will not be published. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The 1860is half the weight of the previous Walker and Dragoon pistols with the same 44 caliber killing power. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Most folks shoot them with charges down in the 20-grain range. Cordier Auctions provides shipping for firearms (except NRR firearms). The MBA GyroJet pistols are unique and one of the most unconventional firearms ever produced. 39 030 37 37 098 Fax 39 030 37 37 100 e-mail: BLACK POWDER MUZZLELOADING REVOLVERS AND CARBINES . When you first pick up the Remington Army, the first thing you will notice is how modern of a pistol it is. The Pietta data has been in the Blue Book of Modern BP Arms since the begining - or at least since the 3rd edition. The Manurhin MR73 is one of the most elite combat [], Be the first to review Pietta M1858 .44 Cal Blackpowder. Get offers and news!! F.LLI Pietta M1858. We'll discuss its design elements . The guns solid frame caught on in years to come. It is the only Pietta revolver that had a dovetailed front sight, adjustable for windage correction. Uberti. This Pietta is a replica of the Remington Model 1858 which was one of the most powerful and rugged single-action revolvers of its day. This production was modified to the current STRAIGHT CYLINDERS and 8' barrel at around serial # C00233. The highly realistic Pietta Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver delivers that same power with its blued steel construction, polished brass frame/trigger guard, octagonal barrel, and walnut grips. Features a steel frame with case-hardened finish, octagonal barrel and walnut grips. F.LLI Pietta always uses its diamond logo with the initials FAP. $ 349.00 For sale is a Pietta 1858 single-action revolver in .44 Cal black powder. Our Traditions high quality steel and brass frame model revolvers include: Remington 1858, Army or Navy 1851, 1860, 1861, Buffalo, Bison, Spiller & Burr, Reb Confederate, Josey Whales, and Stainless Steel Models and many more. This dual purpose loading lever had an 1858 patent date, hence the modern designation of this pistol. This revolver Is in great condition with a clean bore and full functionality. Send a private message to Turner Saddlery, Inc.;wap2. But this is an issue with the reproduction, not the overall design itself. V2-I3 Barrel Length: 8 Bore condition: Good, Your email address will not be published. F.A.P. V2-E2-NV Barrel Length: 8 Bore condition: Good Year Manufactured: 2014, Your email address will not be published. By Caliber; 9MM.223 / 5.56; 45 ACP.22 Long Rifle.22 Win Mag; 12 Gauge.308 Winchester; . Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Remington 1858 New Model, .36 Navy and .44 Army SHOP Antique Firearms Antique Handguns Colt & Colt Reissue Handguns Miscellaneous Handguns Remington Handguns Smith & Wesson Handguns US Mililtary Handguns Antique Longarms Contemporary PA/KY Longarms Miscellaneous Longarms Remington Longarms Shotguns US Military Longarms Winchester Longarms E.M.F Inducted into the 2013 SASS Cowboy Action Shooting Hall of Fame. The grips on this Pietta are somewhat larger than the original and they fit my meaty hands with room to spare. Using thick grease like Slick 2000 or Thompson Center Bore butter on the cylinder pin is the best way to keep the Remington trucking, but after twenty-four shots it became necessary to take a paper towel and wipe down the pin and the inside of the frame. PatG Enter your phone number to opt-in to receiving our best deals . For sale is a Pietta 1858 single-action revolver in .44 Cal black powder. It might even be necessary to tap the cylinder pin out because of all the fouling. This reality of the Remington design blows away the myth that it was quick and easy to carry multiple cylinders to reload the pistol. All Rights Reserved. Pietta Smith Carbines. In short, it was a war of attrition. By the time of the American Civil War (1861-65), the US militarys standard issue pistol was the Colt 1860 Army revolver. Invoices will be sent at close of auction noting purchase price of all lots won, buyer's premium and any applicable taxes and fees. This is the bar-rel from a Le Mat revolver and it also bears the company name and country of origin. Serial number R288708. The loss of arms meant that the US Army needed more handguns than what Colt could produce. Bk Butler Tube Works Tube Drivers For Mac, One Click Unbrick Tool Dari Heimdall Download, Lenovo Generic Pnp Monitor Driver Windows 10, Glencoe The American Journey Early Years Pdf, Adobe Premiere Pro Cs6 + Crack Mac Torrent, F.lli Pietta Firearms Serial Numbers Model 94, Glencoe the american journey early years pdf. K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. It commands range attention with plenty of puissance and aesthetics for a modern shooter. In 2002, Mr.Davis, CEO/President of EMF Company turned to Knight Giuseppe Pietta to manufacture EMF's Great . Though not perfect, the Remington New Model proved popular with over 200,000 units produced. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. Yours is 121014----mine is 107274. Another step is to use lubricated felt wads under the ball or grease over the ball. The load was 30 grains of FFFg and a 200 grain .450 inch cast Lee conical bullet, similar to the Army load used during the Civil War. Piettas Army pistol is quite close to the original except the wooden grips are a bit large and the necessary branding and proof marks are in plain view onthe barrel. 1858 ARMY STEEL, .380 BLANK. The Proofmark.pdf page still exists. (Cabelas's) F.LLI Pietta Model 1858 Remington Nickel/Gold, Cal.44 Percussion, Engraved SOLD GI#: 101466361 Like new/unfired F.LLI Pietta Model 1858 Remington replica (made up for Cabela's) fitted with a . The highly realistic Pietta Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver delivers that same power with its blued steel construction, polished brass frame/trigger guard, octagonal barrel, and walnut grips. You can get a full grip on the piece. Our Great Western II (GWII) line is period correct with the floating firing pin in the hammer, not a transfer bar. This modern interpretation of the Model 1858 brings a new dimension to black powder revolvers. Shipping for all non-firearm items and NRR firearms is the responsibility of the buyer & Cordier Auctions will assist the buyer in arranging shipping through our preferred shipper. Then put a percussion cap onto each nipple. Easily removable, replaceable cylinders make . Your email address will not be published. By Caliber; 9MM.223 / 5.56; 45 ACP . European American Armory Pietta 1873 GW2 Californian 357 Magnum Revolver $ 560.99. Required fields are marked *. Category Pietta Revolvers Pietta PPS50 Model; Percussion Rifles. Choose Your Serial Number; Rebate Available; Price Match Request; Recently Added Firearms; View All Firearms; Ammo. Every cowboy needs a revolver. For sale is a Pietta 1858 single-action revolver in .44 black powder. Manufacturer: F.Lli Pietta Model: 1858 Serial Number: R347636 Barrel Length: 8 . 2014. The highly realistic Pietta Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver delivers that same power with its blued steel construction, polished brass frame/trigger guard, octagonal barrel, and walnut grips. Generally all items shipped out of state are sales tax free sales. LSB#: 140706SR73 Make: Pietta Model: 1862 Police Sheriff Serial Number: 89848 Year of Manufacture: 1995, ATF Classified as Antique Caliber:.36 Ball Action Type: Single Action Cap and Ball Black Powder Revolver Markings: The left side of the barrel is marked BLACK POWDER ONLY. Pietta SA Cylinders; Pietta Spare Cylinders; Pietta PPS Carbine Par. Long guns: $50 for first long gun; $25 for each additional long gun won. Like most Civil War handguns, the New Model Army uses a six-shot cylinder and is single action, requiring the hammer to be cocked for each shot. But overall the gun still has the futuristic aesthetics and handling that drew me to the Remington design in the first place when I first started shooting percussion revolvers. Working closely with manufactures, Taylor's firearms are crafted to our specifications using high-quality machining, and innovative designs; all part of Keeping The Legend Alive! A useful gun to the Americans that traveled the Western trail. AMPCO Revolver Nipples Starting at $38.49. with 7 1/2' barrels and REBATED CYLINDERS with serial # C00128. These models are imported by Cimarron, Taylor's and Co., Heritage, Cabela's, Dixie Gun Works and Navy Arms. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. This revolver Is in great condition with a clean bore and full functionality. With an open mechanism that was both elegant and very resistant to black powder foulingnot to mention Samuel Colts brilliant marketing Colt handguns were legitimate fighting handguns. Because of its exemplary support of SASS and Cowboy Action Shooting from the game's inception, SASS is proud to induct EMF, General Grant proprietor, into the SASS Cowboy Action Shooting Hall of Fame 2013. The Pietta firm is making a nice reproduction of the legendary New Model Army at an insane price pointunder $300. Logged Serial number - R473334. made with rebated cylinders. The MBA GyroJet pistols are unique and one of the most unconventional firearms ever produced. There, you should find a roman numeral or two character alphabetical stamp. This comprehensive review will take an in-depth look at the features, performance, and overall value of this popular firearm. Take that, and cross reference it the list That's your build date. The highly realistic Pietta Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver delivers that same power with its blued steel construction, octagonal barrel, and walnut grips. Manufacturer model #: YAN36. By signing up you agree to's V2-I3 Barrel Length: 5.5 Bore condition: Excellent, Your email address will not be published. Mfg. The MBA GyroJet pistols are unique and one of the most unconventional firearms ever produced. Classic Browning Light Twelve Auto-5 Review: Busting Clays With the Old Humpback Shotgun. All purchases are subject to 6% Pennsylvania state sales tax unless the purchaser possesses a Pennsylvania sales tax exemption number. Drop a charge of powder into each cylinder and top it with a ball or conical bullet. Apr 21, 2019 This page was last edited on 21 April 2019, at 22:51. date of 1999, then the gun's serial number, a dp oval manufacturer's mark, as well as the PEDERSOLI name, pistol caliber and notification It utilized the full-size grip frame and the barrel has a 1:30" gain-twist, cut-rifling, & .008" deep grooves. 1873 Single Action Great Western II. Serial number R452808. It retailed in 1983 for $395 and was last listed in Dixie Gun Works Catalog in 2015 for $950. The Beals Army Revolver (less then 3,000 mfg); Remington 1861 Army Revolver Serial # range 6,494 - 10,446; and the Remington New Model 1863 Army Revolver Serial # range 19,793 - 147,283. The Remington Model 1858 was one of the most powerful and rugged single-action revolvers of its day. Mfg. F.LLI Pietta always uses its diamond logo with the initials FAP. but there was limited production of a 7.5-inch barrel model below serial number 3500, . Pietta Black Powder Pa. Pietta 1836 Paterson; Pietta 1851 Navy Model. Re: 1858 New Model Army - Serial Number Tracking info? Up for grabs is a Pietta 1858 single-action revolver in .44 black powder. The 1858 Remington is a modern collectors term for the Remington New Model Army. The MBA GyroJet pistols are unique and one of the most unconventional firearms ever produced. The highly realistic Pietta Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver delivers that same power with its blued steel construction, polished brass frame/trigger guard, octagonal barrel and walnut grips. This is real life in the field use, not Pale Rider. List Price: $400.00. In the .44 version, each of the six chambers can hold up to 40 grains of black powder. 1860 ARMY STEEL SHERIFF .380 BLANK REVOLVER . A bit of grease over the chamber mouth or a lubricated wad will go a long way to keeping black powder fouling at bay. di PIETTA Giuseppe & C. S.n.c. For sale is a Pietta 1858 Bison black powder in .44 Cal ball. The pistol points very well, though perhaps not as naturally as the ubiquitous Colt 1851 Navy pistol. A Cold War era classic with smooth lines, a legendary back story, and an exotic-sounding name, Beretta's Model 71 was definitely a mouse that roared. Any purchaser claiming an exemption who is unable to provide proof will be required to pay the tax and seek a refund from the state of Pennsylvania. This load wasmild recoiling yet accuratefrom seven yards out to twenty-five yards. The guns were developed in the 1960s by Robert Mainhardt and Art Biehl through their joint company MB Associates. It utilized the full-size grip frame and the barrel has a 1:30" gain-twist, cut-rifling, & .008" deep grooves. Pietta Single Action P. 1873 GWII SA and Piett. Steel Revolver Nipples Starting at $17.61. I'm having no luck finding a date made on an 1858 new army Remington pistol. Up for grabs is a Pietta 1858 single-action revolver in .44 black powder. Required fields are marked *. This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! Like all percussion revolvers, you can tailor loads for a variety of shooters or purposes from plinking to handgun hunting. But the Civil War was unlike other previous conflicts. Here's what it's like to shoot this classic scattergun. 2001. includes the extra cylinder. Panasonic ag mx70 driver for. It would take the internationally famousRemington Rolling Block military rifle to save the company and bring it ultimately into our century. This load is not the hottest you can work upand it isnt Civil War authentic but it was easy to work up right from my powder flask. Handguns: $65 for first handgun; $35 for each additional handgun won. Easily removable, replaceable cylinders made reloading extremely fast. To establish a tax free sale, a copy of a valid reseller's permit or license must be provided. Make: Pietta Imported by Traditions Performance Firearms Model: 1860 Army Serial Number: 552179 Year of Manufacture: 2007 Caliber:.44 Action Type: Single Action Cap and Ball Revolver Markings: The left side of the barrel is marked "Black Powder Only 44 CAL". - Via Mandolossa, 102 - 25064 - Gussago (BS) - Partita IVA 00274400175 Telefono : +39 030 3737098 - Fax : +39 030 3737100 - E-Mail : - Sito web This is the bar-rel from a Le Mat revolver and it also bears the company name and country of . The guns were developed in the 1960s by Robert Mainhardt and Art Biehl through their joint company MB Associates. Serial number R415795. If it is a .36 caliber, it would be one of the Navy Revolvers. While a fair bit of my shooting with the Remington has been with round ball, I also took the opportunity to prepare some combustible paper cartridgeslike those issued with these guns during their military service. Your email address will not be published. The 7th edition page number is 291. Exemption numbers from other states are accepted if presented with a business card or letterhead. The Manurhin MR73 is one of the most elite combat [], Be the first to review Pietta 1858 Bison .44 Black Powder. PIETTA, F.LLI All Models :: Gun Values by Gun Digest P PIETTA, F.LLI Location: Gussago, Italy This is a manufacturer of current and replica firearms, best known for its single-action revolvers. Price: $365.00 Rated: More Details. Displaying products 1 - 30 of 40 results Show: Sort: Page 1 of 2 Page 1 2 Page 1 of 2 Page 1 2 Ste., 1-D, Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 800-430-1310 | 949-261-6611 | Fax 949-756-0133. Required fields are marked *. This revolver in like new condition and appears to be unshot. 1873 Single Action Stainless Steel Screw Kit - Pietta, Pietta 1860 Army Revolver & 1861 Navy Revolver Parts, Pietta 1858 Remington Stainless Steel Parts, Pietta 1862 Spiller & Burr Revolver Parts, Pietta 1873 Single Action Stainless Steel Parts. After firing percussion caps on each of the nipples to rid the cylinder of oil, half-cock the hammer so the cylinder will spin freely. The Manurhin MR73 is one of the most elite combat [], Be the first to review F.LLI Pietta M1858. V2-D1 Barrel Length: 12 Bore condition: Good Year Manufactured: 2014 Serial Number: R464076 SOLD Minimum price for the offer must be greater than 0% of the Product. Add to Cart. Pietta resumed production of the .44 cal. It was made by Pietta in 1983 and imported by Navy Arms Company for the benefit of the US International Muzzle Loading Team. It was made by Pietta in 1983 and imported by Navy Arms Company for the benefit of the US International Muzzle Loading Team. Serial number- 140972. Colt handguns ruled the pistol market in the 1800s, especially their percussion revolvers. Serial number - R452808. Cocking the hammer takes little effort and the single-action trigger has no creep. This modern interpretation of the Model 1858 brings a new dimension to black powder revolvers. Minimum price for the offer must be greater than 0% of the Product. Buyers are responsible for compliance with the laws of the state in which they reside. Unfortunately these were incompatible with the Pietta as the loading port where the rammer is located is too short for the longer bullet to clear and be seated. Ati radeon. The Remington features milled slots in between the chambers so the gun may be carried fully loaded and the cylinder can be quickly taken out for cleaning by simply dropping the loading lever, half-cocking the hammer, and retracting the cylinder pin.
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