These links are provided for the user's convenience. 59. Interrogatories; 1. Questions in sets 1 - 3 are designed like a funnel to narrow down responses from defendants. (d) the name and address of the Court in which the proceedings were initiated; (b) name, specifically those beverages which you consume; (a) the purposes for which these drugs were prescribed; (a) the name and address of each physician or practitioner; (e) the nature of the treatment and the duration thereof. Planning, Wills Does the Defendant/Plaintiff consume alcohol? off Incorporation services, New Jersey Divorce - Discovery - Interrogatories, Identity Agreements, Corporate (b) Uniform Interrogatories in Certain Actions. 0000000616 00000 n The attorneys who sent them to you already have a legal determination that you do owe it. If we represent the spouse who has not had access to the assets or finances of the marriage, the answers to Interrogatories are one way that we can obtain a disclosure of the marital assets and protect you in the event your spouse has concealed or failed to disclose assets. This form includes the Notice of Service of Interrogatories for filing with the court. Will, Advanced Sales, Landlord an LLC, Incorporate 90. /Font<< In this practitioners opinion, the most important inquiry is Number 10: Set forth the date and circumstances under which the petitioner became aware that the claimed injuries resulted from his employment. The interrogatories are available in both Word (DOC) and Adobe PDF format. /N 18 (S or C-Corps), Articles /H [ 32078 142 ] The Family Law sample interrogatories are viewable by clicking on one of the links below. Agreements, Sale Required fields are marked *. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Please list any and all jobs the Defendant/Plaintiff has held in the last ten years, specifying for each; (d) how long you worked at that employer; (g) date you commenced employment and the date your employment was terminated; and. 3. List all former names and when you were known by those names. Maura Burk, Esq. (d) name and address of each institution attended; (e) dates and/or years of education, training, and experience. Have you ever discussed your relationship with the Plaintiff with the child/children? Is any person(s) known to the Defendant/Plaintiff to possess knowledge of any relevant facts relating to this case, or any expert witness(es) related by blood, marriage, law, contract, employment or in any other way to the person(s) of their counsel, to whom these questions are addressed: 7. Agreements, Bill The rules cited in Rule 5:5-1 of the Chancery Court Appendix - Appendix II. 0000007751 00000 n endobj 0000004304 00000 n 43. Has there been any history of suicide or attempted suicide in the Defendants/Plaintiffs extended family? Describe in detail the prior arrangement existed with regard to custody and parenting time. qp8 In terms of (1) strong, (2) moderate, or (3) weak, describe the Defendant/Plaintiff as to the following categories: 14. Written questions where you request the other party to admit or deny some relevant fact. Has the Defendant/Plaintiff ever personally observed or witnessed in the last five years any acts of domestic violence as to child/children. of relevant evidence. The answer not applicable is not acceptable. Respondent's Answer to Application for Review & Modification of Formal Award (can be used for Amended Answer) wc-369 . Are you going to rely on expert testimony at the trial? of Attorney, Personal When Should an Employer Order a Fitness-For-Duty or Functional Capacity Exam? The demand for discovery included standard form interrogatories, supplemental interrogatories, and a notice to produce, which demanded plaintiff produce executed authorizations to obtain his medical and prescription records. (iv) Reference to any such document by any witness or by your attorney for the purpose of cross-examination, to refresh the recollection of a witness, to impeach the credibility of any witness or for any other purpose. When answering the following Interrogatories, provide any and all information either in your possession, under your control, within your dominion or available to you, regardless of whether this information is in your personal possession or possessed by your agents, servants, employees, representatives or others with whom you have a relationship and from whom you are capable of deriving information, documents or material. > > Read More.. Service. Does the Defendant/Plaintiff have any plans to marry? If the document is commercially printed or published, the name and address of the printer or publisher are required. and to request the inspection of property. 46. 71. It also includes requests for production of documents. Often, the Answer to Inquiry 10 is something along the lines of, I became aware of my issues and their relationship to work upon consultation with my attorney, but if a specific date is noted, Respondent should compare the date listed in Inquiry 10 to the date of the filing of the Claim Petition. Thank you. A-Z, Form For example, if you do not have the most recent statement from your pension plan, but can obtain it from your employer, you are obligated to make the inquiry and obtain it from your employer. Written questions from Plaintiff to Defendant, or from Defendant to Plaintiff. Interrogatories are a series of written questions submitted by one party in a lawsuit to the opposing party. 30. (a) set forth the names and addresses of the child/childrens closet friends? Contractors, Confidentiality 0000002399 00000 n SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION - ESSEX VICINAGE -----X Civil Action Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, As Trustee Of Argent Securities, Inc. Asset Backed Pass Through Certificates, Series 2004-PW1 Docket Number: XXX REQUEST FOR INTERROGATORIES Plaintiff(s), vs. XXX; John Doe, Husband Of XXX XXX Avenue Rosedale, NY 11422 Defendant(s)/Pro Se -----X REQUEST FOR 12:235-3.8(g), interrogatories may be allowed in other cases, upon motion, for good cause shown. Download Form . Forms, Small To obtain this information, the Plaintiff can pose interrogatories to the Defendant. In the U.S. states of California, New Jersey, and Florida, the courts have promulgated standard "form" interrogatories. View Ohio Partial Satisfaction and Release of Land Installment Contract, View Ohio Correction and Ratification of Notice of Extension of Term of Pipeline Right of Way Agreement, View Ohio Durable Limited Power of Attorney, View Ohio General Unlimited Power of Attorney. D. All headnotes in the within Interrogatories are for reference only and are not intended to qualify or limit context of any question appearing thereunder. for Deed, Promissory You should only use this form as a guide and delete questions not relevant to your case, as well as add questions you or your client want to ask the Defendant based upon the facts of your case. & Resolutions, Corporate Download the document by choosing the preferred format (.docx or .pdf). Has the child/children ever been exposed to or witnessed any upsetting or disquieting incidents between you and the Plaintiff? packages, Easy Order Respondent may wish to investigate petitioners subsequent/ additional employment, and in that instance, a set of interrogatories could be served seeking information regarding a claimants second job, including job duties, earnings, and employment information. Rule 4:17-1. 69. C. All Interrogatories require an answer even if the context of the question seeks only an affirmative response and the response you intend is not affirmative. 48. The interrogatories may include a request, at the propounder's expense, for a copy of any paper. (c) by whom they were made and their address; (a) the name and address of each educational institution; (c) certificates or degrees awarded, if any, with respect to each educational institution attended by you. (c) Full and detailed qualifications, training, professional and practical experience, education, and academic degrees, including date and/or years of each item; (d) The name and address of each institution attended; nature of business at each place which experience or training was received; (e) Names of professional organizations or societies including dates of membership to which each expert belongs; (f) Title of all publications, articles or books authored by each expert including date, name and address of publisher and publication. Depositions 4:17-1 - Service, Scope of Interrogatories. Any document containing images (i.e. Virtually all states have adopted a version of civil procedure rules which include rules dealing with discovery. Discovery Interrogatories for Divorce Proceeding for either Plaintiff or Defendant. The attorneys and staff of Stark & Stark envision a world where everyone is judged on their success where everyone has an equal opportunity to find their own path and their own idea of success. Attachment(s): PDF Organization: U.S.D.C. 0000004843 00000 n In this instance, interrogatories could be served seeking to obtain deeds and/or tax records and other documents to demonstrate ownership and control, or lack of ownership or control. Interrogatories not stricken must be answered within the unexpired period of the sixty (60) days that remained when the notice of motion was served, or as the court directs. Often, information that was not available to you, that you overlooked, or that you simply did not recall at the time of your original answers can appear to your spouses attorney or the judge to be a deliberate withholding of information which can have a significant adverse impact on your case. 56. /F0 71 0 R /Info 65 0 R CCP 2030.310-2030.410. (R. 4:18-1); requests for admissions (R. 4:22-1); and copies of documents In re-opener cases, inquiries are posed to petitioner regarding any treatment since the entry of the prior Award, including details regarding physicians and the nature of any treatment since the entry of the prior Award. If you are looking for a lawyer to discuss this with further, please do not hesitate to contact my law firm. age of 18, and including parties or experts, as of course may be taken Contact information & background of expert witnesses. << Practical Advice in New Jersey Workers Compensation. Corporations, 50% Z~vYk2cI'i1nlYI>W-uiGJj>)u. of Business, Corporate Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Business Packages, Construction The document is set to not allow editing except for the filling-in of forms, although this can be changed at any time. Sample Answer To Interrogatories New Jersey - Indiana Mulch! If so, state as to each position (a) the name, address and telephone number of your employer; (b) is it part-time or full-time (c) the position or title held; (d) how long you have worked at the position; (e) number of days and hours worked and (f) current salary. The term You or Your refers to the Defendant, __________________ and shall mean any of his consultants, experts, officers, former officers, agents, former agents, employees, former employees, assignees or successors, parent organizations, affiliates, or subsidiaries, or any and all other persons or entities acting on his behalf or with his authorization. If you don't have a subscription but need to have New Jersey Discovery Interrogatories from Plaintiff to Defendant with Production Requests, take a look at the guidelines below: Now, submit the file online or print it. State the date of the physical examination, the physician who examined you. (b) An interrogatory requesting financial information may be answered 67. To do so open the document in Word and go to Tools / Unprotect document. Agreements, Letter Did the Defendant/Plaintiff ever attempt to strike the child/children? If you have additional . Forms, Independent served by any party as of course pursuant to R. 4:17. Spanish, Localized Your email address will not be published. Respondent's Answer . /F2 3 0 R of Directors, Bylaws Amendments, Corporate Pursuant to Rule 6:4-3 of the New Jersey Rules of Special Civil Part Procedure, Defendant Jane Doe submits the following answers to Plaintiff Midland Funding set of Interrogatories. Easily find the app in the Play Market and install it for signing your sample answers to interrogatories personal injury attorneys. US Legal Forms is really a unique platform where you can find any legal or tax form for filling out, including New Jersey Discovery Interrogatories from Plaintiff to Defendant with Production Requests. 85. A-Z, Form Does the Defendant/Plaintiff tolerate the use of drugs in others? service of the original complaint in actions assigned to the expedited 12:235-3.8(a)), re-opener cases (See N.J.A.C. 31. Resource Family Information Form. If the re-opener application is filed more than two years after the last date of payment or treatment date if treatment is rendered, Respondent should seek a dismissal of the matter pursuant to Section 27. Forward any reports (or resumes or oral reports) received by the Defendant/Plaintiff after these answers to interrogatories were served. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment. Planning Pack, Home While interrogatories are only allowed without a Motion in dependency, re-opener, and occupational exposure cases, respondents can also file Motion for Leave for Special Interrogatories in other cases, and special interrogatories are under-utilized in New Jersey workers compensation. 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