This will take you to the Stripe website where you can log into your existing account if you have one or create a new account if you do not. Dynamic descriptors can be especially helpful for merchants who have multiple brands under the same merchant account. If you have feedback about how we collect sales tax, submit it here. Easy Digital Downloadsis a Sandhills Development project. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? Theyre what you need to tell the difference between an acrobatic cat, a delirious cat, and a precious cat (or maybe a cat thats all three). Now that you have several different examples of descriptive text, you can try your hand at writing a detailed, descriptive sentence, paragraph or short story of your own. connect with us on your favorite social platforms: Over 21 million sites use our software. Focus on how much more you now know and feel about Lou than in the first example. Easy Digital Downloads comes bundled with our Stripe integration. - View supported Stripe commands:, Set the statement descriptor on non-card charges, "payment_method_options[card][statement_descriptor_suffix_kanji]", "payment_method_options[card][statement_descriptor_suffix_kana]", You can unsubscribe at any time. Fortunately, it's also one of the easiest to fix. By default, the statement descriptor will show up as your product name. The use of file descriptors is essential because they allow you to access files from a variety of programs. If youre not based in a country or state where we collect taxes, and you believe we shouldnt collect taxes from you, please explain. So, for example, if the prefix is RUNCLUB (7 characters), the dynamic suffix can contain up to 13 charactersfor example, 9-22-19 10K (11 characters) or OCT MARATHON (12 characters). All rights reserved. This descriptor will then appear on the customers bank statement. "top::media:video-storage":"New Release Team (Chat)", 1. Descriptors can assist a cardholders in understanding the terms and conditions of their card, as well as in keeping track of their spending. When they input search queries the results will show a variety of pages - what you write will directly affect what someone sees so having unique meta on every . If you have the space, including your URL provides another easy way for cardholders to look you up and jog their memory. Free online sessions where you'll learn the basics and refine your Squarespace skills. Good product descriptions for online stores - IONOS A complete statement descriptoreither a single static descriptor or the combination of a prefix and suffixmust meet the following requirements: A static prefix, also called a shortened descriptor in the Dashboard, must contain between 2 and 10 characters, inclusive. The customers statement uses the connected accounts static component for the following charge types: The platform provides the static component for /v1/charges requests with on_behalf_of for API versions before 2019-02-19. Dynamic suffixes are supported only for card charges. Delivered to your inbox! If you meet the Buy Now requirement, this will allow customers to checkout via a popup modal. If youve installed both our Stripe Pro and Recurring Payments extensions together (both included in our Extended (or higher) Pass, you will not incur this additional initial transaction 2% fee. While friendly fraud can happen for a wide range of reasons, confusing merchant descriptors are one of the most common causes. If your brand is more serious and formal, then make sure your business description is crisp and authoritative. synonyms. 100 Words & Adjectives to Describe Yourself [Interview Tips] - zety The question presents a great opportunity to highlight your skills and . Choose the type of payment information to which your customers will be entitled on their bank statements. Write funny menu descriptions of food. A vignette (pronunciation: vin-YET) is a short scene in literature that is used to describe a moment in time. How to set up Stripe Descriptor? - Yapsody Support 1. Remember sensory details. Appeal to your readers' senses with a list of, Learn to describe a persons (or characters). Go to WordPress admin Downloads Settings Payments, then enable the Stripe payment gateway. Choosing Your Billing Descriptor Wisely - Fidelity Payment Services Similarly, some companies operate multiple businesses with different names under the same corporation. A page's meta description tag is displayed as part of the search snippet in a search engine results page (SERP) and is meant to give the user an idea of the content that exists within the page and how it relates to their search query. 3. Using the file descriptor for a spreadsheet file, you can open a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. When a refund is detected, the corresponding purchase in EDD is also marked as refunded. 10 Ways to Write Product Descriptions That Persuade (2023) - Shopify Character Descriptions: How To Write Them (in 3 Steps) - Reedsy Welcome to the Weber family. If so, can you look through the logs for one of these orders and send the contents over ( you can redact the personal information)? For custom development and consultation, we have partnered with Codeable. This feature is not officially supported in the Payment Elements, and has been deprecated. These will make your LinkedIn profile more emotionally resonant. Use this form to submit a request about exemption from sales tax collected for Squarespace payments. A bank statement that shows the bank header, bank accountholder name, and the most recent Squarespace charge. To save this word, you'll need to log in. A statement descriptor (also known as a billing descriptor or merchant descriptor) is a set of numbers and text that appears on a bank statement. A website URL only is acceptable if it provides a clear and accurate description of a transaction on a customers statement. This address is typically your home address, but if you own a business, it can also be your business address. When a customer makes a purchase from that merchant, they will be presented with a merchant descriptor or billing descriptor on their bank statement. calculated_statement_descriptor in API responses is always the Latin statement descriptor, but it doesnt mean the issuer will select the Latin statement descriptor rather than the Japanese one. Find even more resources to help grow your business on our Youtube channel. When cardholders dispute legitimate charges, this leads to friendly fraud chargebacks. If the customer purchased Basic Product, thats what will show up on the bank statement. Descriptor Abbreviation - 4 Forms to Abbreviate Descriptor These advertisements remind the customer where their money was spent. Although newborn, they start out looking good (and old). For non-card charges, if you set a value only for statement_descriptor on a payment intent, Stripe uses it in place of the account statement descriptor (static descriptor). If you want to avoid disputes, you should use a descriptor that your customers can understand. A: Yes, you can deactivate and delete the Stripe Pro extension and Stripe Standard will automatically take over. You can set all descriptors and their corresponding prefixes when creating a Japanese Custom connected account as follows: You can set dynamic kanji and kana suffixes when creating card charges with payment_method_options[card][statement_descriptor_suffix_kanji] and payment_method_options[card][statement_descriptor_suffix_kana]. A good merchant descriptor should contain a name customers will recognize, a URL, and a customer service phone number. Your audience likes a good founding story. You can create an account for each employee and have them generate statements that show how much money they have in and out of each account. A customer service number or the businesss address may also be included in a descriptors. However, if the merchants name is longer than the maximum number of characters allowed for a shortened descriptor, the bank will truncate the name. They can be adjectives, adverbs, or participles that describe the subjects or actions of your sentence. How would you rate your experience with the Help Center? Note: only 22 characters are allowed for statement descriptors. A: You will not incur an additional 2% fee from your Stripe transactions if you purchase a license to an EDD Extended (or higher) Pass or the individual Stripe Pro extension. 1. Using "incredible" instead of "very good" and "jaw-dropping" instead of "surprising" are two common examples of how copywriters use power words to create good content. When you activate your account, you can set a single statement descriptor (static statement descriptor) that appears on all customer statements. The billing descriptor explains a transaction that appears in the credit card statement of a customer. See Japanese statement descriptors for more details. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Accessibility Statement. Your customers will see the information you want them to see as soon as they check out. By making it easy for your customers to pay, you can make payments easier to manage. Your statement descriptor, the business name, appears when your customers make credit card payments. Company Description Examples & Templates. 5. On this statement, you will see the name of the company that you paid for the purchase with a credit card. If you manage a Connect platform with Custom or Express connected accounts, see Set statement descriptors with Connect. You can use the card number 4242424242424242with any CVC and a valid expiration date (any date in the future). Writing a short professional bio is a great way to build your online presence. If a cardholder doesn't recognize the merchant descriptor on their account statement, they may assume that the charge is fraudulent and dispute it with their bank. Example of how the Endpoint settings should be configured: After you add the endpoint you will see the new URL listed in the webhooks settings. The next step in creating product descriptions that shine is making them irresistible. Read our. Doesnt contain any of the following special characters: Reflects your Doing Business As (DBA) name. Statement descriptors for Japanese merchants JPY-denominated Visa and Mastercard payments are sent to issuers at time of payment capture. Fraud note:collecting a full billing address can help reduce fraudulent charges. 2. And stay that way. A billing address is the address where your credit card or bank account is registered. If the account statement descriptor contains fewer than 10 characters, we dont truncate it. "top::memberareas:creatingmemberareas":"New Release Team (Chat)", Only card charges require the statement_descriptor_suffix value for a dynamic statement descriptor. Oftentimes this is a complicated process, but in some cases it can be relatively simple. Note, card data is securelystored on Stripes servers, not on your site. For Standard accounts, the connected account sets the static components in the Dashboard. To identify potential problems, try making some test transactions with multiple issuers to see how your descriptor looks with each of them. Requirements and recommendations for bank statement descriptor Job description. The card is a Visa or Mastercard issued in Japan. How to Create a Photography Website in WordPress. Every online course should have a great one to two-sentence tagline. This statement does not contain any transaction descriptors. Please note that we can't reply individually, but well contact you if we need more details. The short descriptors that we promote are more noticeable aspects of a person than those we don't promote. Contains between 5 and 22 characters, inclusive. - View supported Stripe commands: Enable other businesses to accept payments directly, Connect platforms using the Payment Methods API, Debit Express and Custom connected accounts. For information on when and why we collect personal data, please read our Privacy Policy. This company is referred to as a billing descriptor. 6 Ways to Write a Brief Description of Yourself - wikiHow Examples of How to Write a Good Descriptive Paragraph - ThoughtCo This is far more beneficial as it offers a more secure way to save cards, gives users the option to save their card, and the legacy card element only showed cards used on your store, where as the Link saved cards are global and apply to any store using the Link integration. Because file descriptors are unique, you cannot open two files with the same one. Any additional documents, such as Legal Representation documentation. FAQ: What is the Address Verification Service (AVS)? 6607). 4. This change will take effect on May 1, 2017 for all customers in the United States. You don't need to show readers the narrative of your story in this post. Statement descriptors | Stripe Documentation How to Set Up and Manage Billing Descriptors These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'descriptor.' For example, the field descriptor "Ljava/lang/String;" can be shortened to "L/String;". With the new Link integration built into the Payment Element, users can now authenticate and save cards with the Link by Stripe service. 12 Product Description Examples to Boost Conversions in 2022 I'm very cheerfulStudies show that positivity can have a huge effect on patient recovery times, so I smile often and crack jokes whenever the time is right. Descriptor Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster 33 examples of great meta descriptions for search - Econsultancy This value then appears on all customer statements for charges or payments. 3. By utilizing soft descriptors, banks can inform and alleviate any potential confusion or frustration that may arise. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Descriptor Abbreviation. antonyms. Get help from our community on advanced customizations. 6 Job Description Examples and What Makes Them Effective - LinkedIn What Is A Billing Descriptor? - Small Business Credit Card Processing There are a lot of different reasons why a merchant might be receiving chargebacks, and it's important for merchants to investigate and understand the reasons behind their chargebacks in order to take the steps need to fix them. Using clear and accurate statement descriptors can help reduce refunds and disputes.. this practice is sometimes called cyber-shoplifting, first enrolls with their payment processor, Protecting Your Business From First-Party Misuse, Amazon's Just Walk Out Payments Technology, A Merchant's Guide to Cross-Border Payments, A Merchant's Guide to Payment Service Providers. When writing character descriptions, it's easy to get ahead of yourself. If a soft descriptor is displayed, it indicates that the transaction is still being processed by the bank and that there may be some delays. I do like the idea of putting build/height indicators at the end of a person's description based on your character's height and ability to estimate. You can change your accounts static kanji and kana statement descriptors and shortened descriptors (prefix) in the Dashboard. If webhooks are not configured properly or are blocked by a plugin or configuration of your site, this automatic refund detectionwill not function. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. You set a static statement descriptor or the shortened descriptor (prefix) in the Dashboard. Past participles end in -ed or -en, present participles end in -ing, and they all look like descriptive words that you probably use all the time. Yes! Select the Stripesub-tab within the Payment Gateways tab, then click the Connect with Stripe button. Stripe account and press Control + Backtick on your keyboard to start managing your Stripe Interview Question: "How Would You Describe Yourself?" (With Examples See the Recurring Payments with Stripe documentation for details. including a payout statement descriptor can help customers identify your business on their bank statements and may help prompt them to remember their purchase. These descriptors may include additional information, such as the location of the business or a customer service number. This saves card information so returning customers do not have to re-enter payment details. You provide multiple products or services. There are numerous types of descriptors available on a credit card statement. How to Write Effective Product & Service Descriptions - HostPapa Related terms for short description- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with short description. A shortened descriptor is a shortened version of a field descriptor. ARMv7-A Short Descriptor format. Open your door to the world of grilling with the sleek Spirit II E-210 gas grill. Climate Stripe Maps: A New Way To Visualize Climate Change, Using Venmo With Samsung Pay: Everything You Need To Know, The Limits Of Sending Money Through Venmo: Exploring The Maximum Amount You Can Transfer, Why Canadians Should Not Give Up On Venmo: Exploring Its Potential Launch In Canada And Alternative Options, What Happens If You Owe Venmo Money? Stripe advises that their JavaScript library be loaded on every page to take advantage of their advanced fraud detection rules. Read our. How To Write a Company Description - The Balance Small Business Friendly fraud chargebacks can be hard to prevent. If you used our Stripe integration before the introduction of Payment Elements, weve given you temporary access to a setting called Elements Mode in Downloads > Settings > Payments > Stripe. shortened descriptor example - Pentagon Rides How do bad descriptors cause chargebacks, and what do merchants need to know in order to make sure their descriptor is a good one? These descriptions appear in Wikipedia searches and elsewhere, and help users identify the desired article. For example, if you're selling a yoga t-shirt with a pattern, call it Fleck Studio Shirt. 40 Short Professional Bio Examples and How To - Indeed Career Guide The prefix must contain between 2 and 10 characters, inclusive. This drop-down field will allow you to select which billing details are collected. Garment-dyed 100% cotton slub. Try our delicious food today! Set statement descriptors with Connect | Stripe Documentation Here's how Dan Gilroy introduces the same character in Nightcrawler: Ignore the somewhat idiosyncratic formatting for a moment and just focus on how this character description kicks ass. Descriptor. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Browse our Documentation or contact Support to get your questions answered. Total length is the length of either the static descriptor or the concatenated descriptor (prefix + separator + suffix). While shortened descriptors can be helpful in identifying the merchant from which a purchase was made, they can also cause confusion if the truncated name doesnt clearly indicate the merchant.
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