21 talking about this. All rights reserved. The 5-year-old died after being bound in a high chair with duct tape, spurring reform in Maine's foster care system. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Arts in environmental policy and a Master of Urban Planning, both from the University of Kansas in Lawrence. State of Maine, Office of the Attorney General. jklika@mrsc.org, Procurement & Contracting Consultant from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles (where she played NCAA Division I soccer for four years) and received her J.D. The office was established as a state agency in July 1968. WASHINGTON Attorney General Merrick Garland vowed Wednesday he won't interfere with an investigation into Hunter Biden's taxes, a probe that's . Cooperative Extension: Livestock. Below is our current staff directory, including email addresses for our staff attorneys, policy consultants, and other staff members. Blanton began his career in rural southern Ohio where, after a brief stint in private practice, he spent more than 10 years as the elected prosecuting . Prior to his time as the first full-time attorney general in Maine history, Lund was an assistant country attorney for Kennebec County, member of the Augusta City Council and two-time county attorney for Kennebec County. Staff; Advocacy; Guidelines of Prof. Maine is the only state where the attorney general is selected by a secret ballot of state legislators at the beginning of each session. The Board is an independent agency under the jurisdiction of the Court. All 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, have an attorney general who serves as the chief legal officer in their jurisdiction, counsels its government agencies and legislatures, and is a representative of the public interest. (back to top), Division Profile: Ariel Gannon, Division Chief. Browse; Cities; . Jacob Rice joined MRSC as a Training and Outreach Coordinator in September of 2021. However, many programs are open to the legal staff of the District Attorneys Offices and attorneys employed by the State of Maine, as well as private attorneys if space is available. Exp She also defended the County in Growth Management Act and Land Use litigation. She served as a City Prosecutor in Snohomish County for eighteen years, served as the Presiding Judge for the City of Black Diamond, and serves as a Judge Pro Tempore. IOLTA account rule violations, failure to supervise nonlawyer assistant, failure to respond to a lawful demand for information, dishonest conduct and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice. At MRSC, Flannary enjoys providing legal guidance to municipalities on all municipal issues, including the OPMA, PRA, and personnel. The Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar was created by the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in 1978 and governs the conduct of lawyers as officers of the Court. Clerk/Secretary of the Board (back to top). mfuchs@mrsc.org, Accounting Coordinator At Skagit County, Jill advised the planning department on a wide variety of issues including permit processing and appeals, Growth Management Act (GMA) compliance, code enforcement, SEPA, public records, legislative process, and public records. If you are experiencing an emergency or require urgent legal advice or assistance, you should contact your local police department, a local attorney (search the American Bar Association), or your state's attorney general. She has full charge accounting responsibilities for the center, as well as the two Professional Associations, WCMA and WSAMA. Digging Into Public Works In-person regional forums and training resources for public works staff and local contractors. from the University of Washington School of Law in 2003. Law Firm Info. Please enter your change or describe your request. elowell@mrsc.org, Procurement & Contracting Consultant Brynn is a West Coast native and enjoys exploring all the beauty it has to offer: hiking, kayaking, finding the best coffee spots and restaurants, and spending time in her garden with her dogs. Her background in nonprofits includes serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA, and then Volunteer Engagement Coordinator with 501 Commons. sdoar@mrsc.org, Legal Consultant Division Profile: Jane Gregory, Chief; 12 AAGs; 2 legal secretaries. He also has been a legal policy advisor for the Pierce County Council and has worked in contract administration. TTY 711. 7/14/2025 Theresa joined MRSC in summer 2022. you may access the Member Directory. If content on this page is inaccessible and you would like to request the information in a different format, please contact (207) 626-8800 and it will be provided to you. The Attorney Generals Child Protection Division handles all of the States child protection litigation in the District Courts. It is located in Augusta on Hospital Street, behind the State Police Crime Laboratory. If content on this page is inaccessible and you would like to request the information in a different format, please contact (207) 626-8800 and it will be provided to you. The Consumer Protection Division focuses on four substantive areas: 1) consumer, including enforcement of the Unfair Trade Practices Act (modeled on the Federal Trade Commission Act), the Mediation and Information Program, and the Lemon Law Arbitration Program; 2) antitrust enforcement of the Monopolies and Profiteering law (modeled on the federal Sherman Act) and of the states merger statute; 3) oversight of public charities; and 4) tobacco enforcement. Maine Law's Externship Program allows students to work alongside seasoned attorneys and judges for academic credit. By researching lawyer discipline you can: At FindLaw.com, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. The Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar was created by the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in 1978 to govern the conduct of lawyers as officers of the Court. Click the photos below for profiles of each attorney general. Filing Fees. Gerald Goodale, 63, an inmate at Maine State Prison in Warren, admitted to killing Janet Brochu and was subsequently sentenced to 32 years. She holds a bachelors degree in Art from the University of California at Berkeley and worked at various academic libraries in California before moving to Seattle and joining MRSCs staff. Information on appeals to the Supreme Judicial Court or Superior Court. Murder prosecutions are handled by the Criminal Division of the OAG. Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmitive Action Policy Statement. The mission of the Civil Rights Team Project (CRTP) is to increase the safety of elementary, middle level, and high school students by reducing bias-motivated behaviors and harassment in our schools. Any credits you complete may take up to 45 days to appear on your record depending on when your credits are reported to the Board. Attorney General William Tong today joined a multistate federal lawsuit against the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) accusing it of singling out one of the two drugs used for medication abortions for excessively burdensome regulation, despite ample evidence that . Augusta, Maine 04332-0527, Telephone: (207) 623-1121 A brief explanation of Maines criminal justice system and frequently asked questions. Carefully consider client reviews and recommendations from WASHINGTON Senators focused on deaths from fentanyl and violent crime as Attorney General Merrick B. Garland appeared Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee for the first time in more Gaby Nicas joined MRSC as the Information Specialist / Librarian in August 2016. Eligible government agencies can use our free one-on-one inquiry service. 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. 200 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 21202. Fax: (207) 623-4175 Recent funding cutbacks place even greater pressures on the district attorneys. With one call or click you can get a personalized answer from one of our trusted attorneys, policy consultants, or finance experts! Exp Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone . District Attorneys. When necessary, autopsies are performed to assist in that determination. (2) COVID-19 Response; . Maine Bar Association 124 State St. Augusta, ME 04330 . lgallagher@mrsc.org, Legal Consultant fit. Does my property qualify for an appeal? Assistant Attorney General - Drug Task Force Prosecutor State of Maine Office of Attorney General Jan 2016 - Jul 2022 6 years 7 months. mdane@mrsc.org, Planning & Policy Manager Exp In recognition of the financial hardship crime victims often suffer, the Maine Legislature in the spring of 1992 created the Victims Compensation Fund and Victims Compensation Board. Flannary Collins is the managing attorney for MRSC. The Division provides legal counsel and representation to the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation (PFR), as well as the Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MePERS), Maine Harness Racing Commission, Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages & Lottery Operation, State Board of Property Tax Review, and the Liquor Licensing and Compliance Division of the Department of Public Safety. Eric Chang has been involved in technology ever since serving in the US Navy as a radar technician. The district attorneys and the attorney general work together in the area of drug prosecutions -- four assistant attorneys general serve as Maine Drug Task Force attorneys physically situated in York, Cumberland and Androscoggin counties, with one assistant attorney general covering both Penobscot and Hancock counties. She first joined the organization as a legal consultant in August 2013 after serving as assistant city attorney for the city of Shoreline where she advised . The office was established as a state agency in July 1968. District Attorneys - MCCA. Other staff in the district attorneys offices are county employees. (1) Lindas municipal law experience includes risk management, torts, civil rights, transit, employment, workers compensation, eminent domain, vehicle licensing, law enforcement, corrections, and public health. Name Title . Download image. 0:57. Police Staff Directory Department of Administrative and . Board of Overseers of the Bar. Tracy Burrows joined MRSC as the Executive Director in September 2011. 7/15/2024, Kerry Leichtman(6) in Accounting from Central Washington University. In matters of exceptional gravity or importance the Attorney General appears in person before the Supreme Court. She has worked with various nonprofits, membership associations, and research organizations in a variety of positions, from raising funds to editing academic manuscripts. The OCME is dedicated to providing the citizens of Maine with comprehensive, scientific, forensic investigation of deaths that fall within the jurisdiction of the office, determined by state statute (Title 22, Chapter 711, MEDICAL EXAMINER ACT). Steve joined MRSC in July 2014 and is responsible for writing, editing, and conducting research for many of MRSCs website resources, with a particular focus on local government finance, budgeting, ballot measures, and procurement. A man hooks a fish on the Snake River in Idaho Falls, Idaho, in this file photo from Oct. 11, 2020. News and Press 2/24/2023. The leading case on the powers and duties of the Attorney General is Superintendent of Insurance v. Attorney General, 558 A.2d 1197 (Me.1989). Oskar is a life-long resident of Washington and graduated from the University of Washington School of Law in 1992. She has been passionate of her non-profit work with organizations like Refugee Womens Alliance ReWA, Tacoma Community House TCH, American Red Cross, Emergency Food Network EFN, and Tacoma Rescue Mission. Exp The Division also handles administrative appeals in the Superior Courts and appeals to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. Saint Anselm College ( BA) Roger Williams University ( JD) Aaron M. Frey (born c. 1978) [1] is an American lawyer and politician serving as the 58th Attorney General of Maine since 2019. gnicas@mrsc.org, Information Specialist / Librarian Rep. Clinton Collamore, a Democrat, qualified in April . District Attorney: Andrew S. Robinson has been replaced! Set forth below are descriptions of the various divisions, whichare organized by the nature of the services they provide, followed by discussions of specific programs of the Office of the Attorney General. The Board is an independent board comprised of three members drawn from Maine's legal, medical and victim services communities and decides claims to be paid from the Fund. Congressman, and the 38th Governor of Maine.. Plaisted was born and raised in Jefferson, New Hampshire. If you read that you are currently non-compliant for 2022, don't worry! (back to top). He has been involved in most aspects of community planning for over 30 years, both in the public and private sectors. She was born and raised in Ohio and moved to Seattle in 1999. After many years of teaching English to students in the Health Sciences at a university in Barcelona, Spain she went back to graduate school for a Masters in Library and Information Science at the University of Washington. Compare 806 Maine attorney profiles and 107 law firms by experience, credentials and reviews. All rights reserved. 109 Sewall St. Augusta, ME 04330-6830 . Washington, DC 20530-0001. The district attorneys review thousands of police reports to determine whether there are sufficient grounds to issue a criminal complaint, sponsor police training and continuing legal education to law enforcement, provide legal advice to county governments, handle the many criminal appeals that are filed every year, and serve on innumerable committees, working groups, boards and commissions. [Read more] Steve Butler joined MRSC in February 2015 as a Planning Consultant as well as the manager of the policy team. The Criminal Division also advises the Bureaus within the Department of Public Safety (DPS), including the Maine Criminal Justice Academy (MCJA), Maine Emergency Medical Services (MEMS), Maine State Police (MSP), State Fire Marshals Office, Emergency Services Communications Bureau and the Gambling Control Board. If you feel that you have been a victim of consumer fraud or if you have a question about your rights . Get more information about CLE Offerings. Position Announcement: Federal Public Defender for the District of Puerto Rico, Defending Against IRS Audits, Part 2: Live Replay Audio Webcast | WebCredenza, Ethical Issues in Contract Drafting: Audio Webcast | WebCredenza. She has also served as the City of Kirkland's intergovernmental relations manager, where she was instrumental in successful efforts to regionalize fire and police dispatch services and to secure state annexation funding. (back to top). Most recently, she was the legislative liaison for the Seattle Department of Transportation where she led the Department's efforts to develop a transportation funding ballot measure and advocated on behalf of the city on state and federal transportation policy transportation issues. These include laws on retail tobacco sales, public and workplace smoking. lpool@mrsc.org, Finance Consultant in Biology from Case Western Reserve University and a J.D. Other Correspondence. She is passionate about MRSC's mission of supporting and helping local governments better serve their communities. If you have complex legal needs, a larger firm with multiple attorneys who can advise you in different areas may be the best He said those . fcollins@mrsc.org, Managing Attorney Sandra also handles the education training registration and maintains the membership database for the Washington Finance Officers Association. An attorney being monitored by two state agencies had his license to practice law suspended amid allegations that he improperly took money from a client. Child's death changed protective care. My business taxes are too high. Find the right attorney by reviewing and comparing our profiles of lawyers and their law firms, with details on each attorney and their Aimy Enriquez joined MRSC in spring 2017. She graduated from Central Washington University with a B.S. aenriquez@mrsc.org, Accounting Coordinator 7/15/2025, Geoffrey Herman (10) idelajara@mrsc.org, Research and Communications Analyst How and how often will they get in touch with Connect with NAAG and the Attorney General Community, To provide you more clarity about how we collect, store and use personal information, and your rights to control that information, we have updated our, NAGTRI Center for Ethics & Public Integrity, NAGTRI Center for International Partnerships & Strategic Collaboration, NAGTRI Center for Legal Advocacy & Faculty Development, Visit our AG Archives for lists of past attorneys general. He was previously convicted in the death of Geraldine Finn. 124 Main Street, Suite 105, PO Box 179, Auburn, ME 04210-0179. Tel: (651) 296-3353 (Twin Cities Calling Area) or (800) 657-3787 (Outside the Twin Cities) (800) 627-3529 (Minnesota Relay) Representatives are available to take calls during the hours listed below. From the homepage, click "Register" at the MyCLEAccess portal. Exp Fax: 978-281-9389. Division Profile: Mark Toulouse, Chief; 1 Law Office Manager; 1 Human Resources Manager; 1 Accountant III; 3 Research Assistants (1 assigned to accounting and 2 assigned to Information Services); 1 Receptionist. Division Profile: Lisa Marchese, Chief; 15 AAGs; 2 program directors; 2 victim witness advocates; 1 paralegal; 3 senior legal secretaries; 1 account clerk. Sign In. [2] The state legislature selected Frey for a second term on December 2, 2020, which began on January 4, 2021. two people in U.S. history to serve twice as Attorney General. James Tierney is a Lecturer in Law at Harvard Law School. Leah values the wonderful cultural and civic opportunities the city offers, as well as the breathtaking Puget Sound landscape. How long must I wait until my appeal comes up for a hearing? Chief of Staff and Counselor to the Attorney General.Brian Rabbitt, Room 5111, 514- 3892. She has a Masters in Nonprofit Organizations from Case Western Reserve University and a Certificate in Editing from the University of Washington. Exp Mississippi Board of Examiners for Social Workers and Marriage & Family Therapists. Waterville police responded in February 2021 to reports of Eric . Office of the Maine Attorney General; Site Policies; If content on this page is inaccessible and you would like to request the information in a different format, please contact (207) 626-8800 and it will be provided to you. Oskar Rey has practiced municipal law since 1995 and served as Assistant City Attorney for the City of Kirkland from 2005 to 2016, where he worked on a wide range of municipal topics, including land use, public records, and public works. tburrows@mrsc.org, Managing Attorney The Maine Attorney General's Office has ruled that the fatal shooting of a man in Waterville by police last year was justified. By BETTY ADAMS and JOHN RICHARDSON . Box 527 Comfort Who are you most comfortable working with? After initial investigation, the office accepts jurisdiction in approximately 1,350 cases, providing complete death investigation and determining the cause and manner of death. First Assistant Attorney General. Want to know more about the team behind MRSC or contact a specific staff member? These statutes direct the attorney General to discharge various responsibilities, including representing the State and its agencies in civil actions; prosecuting claims to recover money for the State; investigating and prosecuting homicides and other crimes; consulting with and advising the district attorneys; enforcing proper application of funds given to public charities in the State; and giving written opinions upon questions of law submitted by the Governor, Legislature, or state agencies. If there is any conflict with the content on this website and the Maine Bar Rules or the Maine Rules of Professional Conduct (Rules), then the rules prevail. 7/15/2025, Michael Chonko (14) . Credentials How many cases has this attorney worked on similar to yours? in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. To check out the new website please visit: www.MECLE.org and register your new account. The Division is based in Augusta and the three regional offices in Caribou, Bangor and Portland. mfuchs@mrsc.org, Program Support Coordinator American lobster bins in the Northeast. 2022 Seafood Tower LLC. William Joseph Schneider (born April 25, 1959) is a Maine politician and lawyer. Leah LaCivita joined MRSC as a Communications Coordinator in the fall of 2016 and manages MRSCs blog and webinar training program, in addition to developing website content. When viewing a listing, consider the state advertising restrictions to which lawyers and law firms must adhere, as well as our FindLaw.com Legal Directory disclaimer. Division Profile: Debby Willis, Chief; 11 child support attorneys (7 full time, 1 half-time, and 3 split their time between child support and child protection, total 9 full time equivalent attorneys); 4 full time paralegals, plus 1 shared duties with the Child Protection Division; 2 paralegal/secretary hybrids. The essential principle stated by the Court in this landmark decision is that the Attorney General possesses constitutional and common law authority, independent of the agencies represented by the Office that may be exercised by the Attorney General in the public interest. February 22 2023. In addition to its Chief, the Division has 27 trial attorneys, and 1 appellate attorney. This will lead you to the final set up screen where you will create your login and password. Attorney General Tong Sues FDA Over Unlawful, Unnecessary Restrictions on Medication Abortion Drug. On the next screen you will enter your bar number and date of birth. 5741 Libby Hall Orono, Maine 04469-5741. She has been a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners since 2009. What are my options if I lose the appeal. ELLSWORTH An Ellsworth attorney who was disbarred last December after being accused of taking $189,000 from a client's estate has been indicted by a Hancock County grand jury, which convened . Assistant Attorney General . He has also served as a recurring panelist, facilitator, and presenter on numerous topics relating to procurement and contracting for various professional organizations. He has been involved in local government finance for over 13 years. sgross@mrsc.org, Legal Consultant The In Memoriam page is dedicated to honoring those members of the Maine Bar who have passed away in recent years. orey@mrsc.org, Legal Consultant Email: board@mebaroverseers.org. Courtesy; Contact Us; Member Resources . How many cases like mine have you handled? A brief explanation of Maine's criminal justice system and frequently asked questions. Below is our current staff directory, including email addresses for our staff attorneys, policy consultants, and other staff members. llacivita@mrsc.org, Graphic Designer Learn More, 2023 Copyright National Association of Attorneys General. She has a bachelor's degree in economics from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts and a master's degree in urban and regional planning from the University of Florida. Executive Director If you are a Washington State city or county official, staff member, or one of MRSC's contract partners and you have an inquiry for the MRSC consultant staff, please use our Ask MRSC form and your request will be routed to the appropriate staff member. Basic Search. svong@mrsc.org, IT Manager In addition to this, she served two terms with AmeriCorps State and National. Your MyBoardAccess credentials will not work for your new MyCLEAccess. Rules & Procedures. The Division also provides representation to the Division of Support Enforcement and Recovery for non-Maine residents under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act. Our current website will remain your primary resource for all non-CLE related Board matters. Angela earned a Bachelor of Fine Art degree from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and a Master of Fine Art degree from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. The Attorney General may appoint deputy and assistant attorneys general, all of whom serve at the pleasure of the Attorney General. 207-592-0574. The information on this website is intended to assist members of the bar and the public. Amy Fairfield, who was the center of a Maine Monitor investigation in 2019 about abnormally high billing by her law firm, is being sued by state officials for allegedly . 2/15/2023: Attorney General Aaron Frey Joins Multistate Coalition in Support of EPA Supplemental Proposal to Regulate Methane Emissions from the Oil and Natural Gas Sector. echang@mrsc.org, IT Manager 7/15/2024, Edmond J. Bearor, Esq. Tosearch within specific profile fields use the advanced search. Exp She also coordinates conference planning and membership services for WA State professional associations: WSAMA, WCMA, and WPTA. The Division is responsible for all homicide prosecutions in the State of Maine (with the exception of vehicular manslaughter cases); for providing significant support to the prosecution of drug-related crimes through six AAGs specializing in this area; interstate extraditions; and handling appeals in criminal cases arising from the Criminal Division and as needed and as requested by the eight elected District Attorneys. Prior to joining MRSC she worked as a Metadata Specialist at Dow Jones where she worked on taxonomy maintenance and development and other metadata and indexing support activities for Factiva. Division Profile: Tom Knowlton, Chief; 20 AAGs; 2 research assistants; 3 senior legal secretaries. District Attorney. PHONE: (207) 592-6942 Maine State Police announced Friday afternoon Daniel Lafrenier . At Island County, Sarah advised on many aspects of government business, including compliance with public record and opening meeting laws. If content on this page is inaccessible and you would like to request the information in a different format, please contact (207) 626-8800 and it will be provided to you. Representation is provided in cases in which parents are in receipt of public assistance, as well as in cases in which parents are not in receipt of public assistance and receive non-welfare services from the Division of Support Enforcement and Recovery. CONCORD, N.H. The clock is ticking for New Hampshire to stop the involuntary holding of psychiatric patients in emergency rooms after a federal judge declared . He is a retired United States Army officer. In March 2012, he announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, seeking to . February 27 2023, Integrating Best Available Science: New Tools for Land Use Planning & Emergency Management Prosecution Team Leader . [Read more], The Board of Overseers of the Bar provides assistance to Maine attorneys through its "Ethics Helpline" on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - Eric Lowell joined MRSC in December 2020 as a Finance Consultant. The Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) is a statewide system that is charged with the investigation of sudden, unexpected and violent deaths. Jill Dvorkin joined MRSC as a legal consultant in June 2016 after working for nine years as a civil deputy prosecuting attorney for Skagit County. Wed, 01/25/2023 - 9:00am. [1] All 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, have an attorney general who serves as the chief legal officer in their jurisdiction, counsels its government agencies and legislatures, and is a representative of the public interest. . The New Hampshire man accused of killing a man inside a home in Berwick last month entered a not-guilty plea during his arraignment Thursday in York County Superior Court. The Health & Human Services Division represents the Department of Health and Human Services (except for child support and child protection). 97 Winthrop Street 7/15/2023, Stanley W. Piecuch (9) Is the lawyers office nearby? Approximately 3,000 deaths are reported to the OCME each year. You should now have access to your CLE transcript and be able to see your courses posted for 2022 so far. He is a graduate of Appalachian State University and the University of Puget Sound School of Law. (back to top). She earned a B.A. colleagues practice, experience, education, training, honors and fee structure.
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