Marie was a standout volleyball player at McNicholas and holds school records for games played and assists and is ranked second in digs. Click on the arrows below to explore all that McNicholas has to offer and scroll down to enjoy a glimpse of the brilliance of our students through our recent news. "I very seldom use the word great because I think that's only for real special occasions, but yesterday was great," Doerger said Monday. Our students livein 30 area zip codes and attended 42 different grade schools. NAHS inspires and recognizes students who have shown an outstanding ability and interest in art and supports members in their efforts to attain the highest standards in art scholarship, character, and service. 69% of our students receive financial assistance. Ashley Clark Brothers 01 Jerry Doerger Kathleen Donohoe Mezher 77 McNicholas engineering students learned real-world skills and provided a valuable service to the community through a semester-long partnership with May We Help. 4m ago. Senior Isabella Bonner wins a Silver Medal in the National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards competition for her exceptional work in ceramics. Rob Heise, Director of Athletics Archbishop McNicholas High School 6536 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45230. 2/28/2023. McNicholas students have the Co-Ed Advantage. Michael Oberschmidt '08 Seven teams of students from McNicholas participated in the event as well, contributing to that total. The "farthest commute" award goes to Jake Tetrault '10 who flew in from Atlanta. "This probably will be it unless something dramatically changes. The McNicholas Theatre Department is eager to present a heart-felt snapshot of love and nostalgia in their fall production of Kodachrome. Schmidt led the ceremonies from a midcourt podium while Monohan presented his old coach with a hardwood plaque. Kerry Byrne 83 Customized learning and leadership programs help you make a difference in this close-knit, faith-based community and beyond. Schroeder was a four-year volleyball player and letter winner at McNicholas High School. If we dont use both, we dont get very far.As such, McNicholas expects students to walk with both feet during their four years as Rockets, requiring at least 40 hours of Christian service prior to graduation. PSD Sports Hall of Fame. Pat was four-year basketball and football athlete who is ranked fourth in interceptions. If you are able to help out with this event. Nothing tops being in the middle of the Launch Pad in full force for a home basketball or football game, where students of all kinds come together and are full of pride for our school. Inductees by State - NFHS [8] In 2014 at age 75 he continues to work out regularly and closely follows local high school basketball as well as college and NBA basketball. Peggy Bogenschutz Ascue 77 We have received the Governors Award for Excellence in STEM Educationfor31consecutive years. Click here to visit the Franklin High School Hall of Fame interactive website! Congratulations to our - McNicholas High School Alumni | Facebook Coach Mrs. JoleneEszattributes their success to their enthusiasm and their hard work in the UC Early IT Program. Gordon Massa '85, Tina Matlock 95 Bob Wiesenhahn - Wikipedia 3) We looked at ways in which the alumni can support the current and future students of McNicholas High School. Patty Seta 84 1 in the city most of the season and won 24 games. Cant make it to the game? The game will start at 11:45 a.m. Katey Schroeder '06 The National High School Hall of Fame was founded in 1982 by the National Federation of State High School Associations to honor high school athletes, coaches, officials, administrators and others. 35 students were invited to present their projects to a panel of judges comprised of faculty, friends of McNicholas, and Science National Honor Society members. | "Dixie Heights" 2005-06 Three Pointers Made (Game) | 15 | "Jesuit New In volleyball, Oberschmidt is McNicholas all-time assist leader. These students, with help from our Adult Leadership Team, will create and lead meaningful activities that will impact the continued growth of our CREW program and our school. Freshmen Amanda Braig and Taylor Ferenc and junior Shannon WhitelywinPoetry Slam contest. Coach Doerger will forever be in our hearts and on our floor.". With a focus on Community, Curiosity, and Creativity, the RLC provides students with the opportunity to learn through community engagement. Washington, and homework assistance at St. Joes. McNicholas announces Special Appeal to expand and enhance Sports Performance Center, McNicholas welcomes Robert Noll as Principal for 2023-24, Senior leads city-wide CancerFree KIDS Night for the Fight event, McNicholas crowns 2023 Mardi Gras King and Queen, McNicholas Theatre gets groovy with Xanadu, Mu Alpha Theta honors students with a passion for math, Five rockets commit to college athletic programs, Rockets earn superior and excellent OMEA ratings, Rockets showcase scientific process in action at annual science fair, Rockets engineer fun & accessibility for adaptive baseball team, CyberPatriots earn top scores at state competition, Culinary chemistry offers a tasty new take on science, Rockets impact community with tutoring outreach program, Fr. 92% of our students participate in our 40 clubs and 26 GCL athletic programs. Please join us in welcoming new faculty and staff members to the McNicholas family, many of whom are filling new positions in our growing community. Post-McNick, Doerger was the head coach at Clermont Northeastern where he went 86-59 between 2004-2011. McNicholas Athletics inducts 2022 Hall of Fame Class | News Details - McNicholas High School The Athletic Department is pleased to announce its newest members of the Hall of Fame: Marie Jubak Flath '08, Pat Stricker '85, and Chris Wilson '95. At that time, I was highly upset. The reception will follow game - around 1:30 p.m. Get together with past players and graduates and watch the current Rockets take on Mariemont High School. Please join us in welcoming eleven new faculty and staff members to the McNicholas family, many of whom are filling new positions in our growing community. Lyons Township High School names three grads to its Hall of Fame He's scheduled to get his vaccine soon and is sticking to his plans of stepping away once this current season ends. Coach Pete Collopy is building champions on and off the playing field. Kevin Scalf shares faith and a sense of humor, Sports Performance Director helps student-athletes excel, McNicholas inducts 31 National Honor Society members, McNicholas gives Gifts for Hope to local teens, Environmental science students take on school-wide recycling initiative, McNicholas IT students win top prizes in university competition, Rockets enjoy Pumpkin STEM lab and creative fall fun, Heritage Week inspires Class of 2026 through history of service leadership, McNicholas launches Principals search for 2023-24, McNicholas Theatre presents Kodachrome, snapshots of life and love, Hands Across Campus honored by IJPC for promoting diversity, Alum shares inspiring advice with Science National Honor Society inductees, Spanish Honor Society inductees dedicate themselves to learning and community building, Students work, pray, and love during service-learning retreat in Appalachia, Mission & Ministry Team encourages students to complete Christian Service with two feet, the video "Two Feet of Love in Action" by the USCCB, Rockets share life and learning with students from Barcelona, President & Principal discuss Progress & Programs, McNicholas gears up for 'groovy' Homecoming, Rocket Learning Community opens inaugural year with service project, Junior earns superior rating and STEM scholarship at State Science Fair, McNicholas welcomes new faculty and staff, McNicholas teachers featured as 'Role Models of Faith' in Catholic Telegraph, Welcome McNicholas President, Dr. Denver Stanfield, Coach Orlando honored by Cincinnati Bengals, Mr. Corbett and Ms. De Zarn retire after a combined 34 years at McNicholas, Rockets support local non-profit with the help of Magnified Giving, McNicholas celebrates a successful year of student achievement, CREW Leadership announced for 2022-2023 school year, St. Joseph Scholars present capstone projects, Congratulations, Prom King Grant and Queen Ashley, Xavier Leadership Center leads day of formation for Class of 2025, Student athlete commits to collegiate basketball program, Architecture students pasta bridge holds over 14 pounds, Artists inducted to National Art Honor Society, Architecture students egg-cel in annual egg drop competition, Rockets lead Angels through CANabiliites Program, Rockets celebrate successful winter sports season, McNicholas Athletics inducts 2022 Hall of Fame Class, Three-sport athlete wins State Wrestling Title, Rockets celebrate National Foreign Language Week, McNicholas crowns 2022 Mardi Gras King and Queen, Three Rockets named National Merit Finalists, McNicholas Theatre ups the ante with Guys and Dolls, McNicholas students support alum and Bengals punter Kevin Huber '04, Football team sends a Boom Chicka Boom to alum and Bengals punter Kevin Huber '04. The, didn't have any goalies and no one wanted to play goalie, so they moved the lacrosse goals inside the soccer goals to make the goal target smaller. Pat Brennan 81 Now it is time to invite you to help us in this mission. Margie Snider Wiesenhahn 57, Featuring Heather Mitts Feeley, Professional Soccer Player & Olympic Gold Medalist, 5:30 Wine Social Hour $7for adults & students, Presale for home and league away Cincinnati High School Sports Awards: Meet all the fall athlete of the Welcome to McNicholas,the place to discover your unique, God-given brilliance and put it into action! We maximize the depth and breadth of opportunities for all students because everyone benefits when everyone is in the mix. At McNicholas, we build bridgesbut sometimes we break them too! Brad Cupito 99 Mr. Mueller also shares ways in which McNicholas is continuing to support students in all areas, including mental health. Other than that, I've been very fortunate all these years to have the players I was given and the parents who have always been super. McNicholas theatre showcases solidarity with All Together Now! Richard Steigerwald 62 Theresa Haefner Barnes 76 Chuck Kiser 85 MOUNT WASHINGTON - Nearly 18 years after a student protest was held in the McNicholas gym protesting the dismissal of then-head basketball coach Jerry Doerger, they've named the court after him. An individual making a nomination is asked to provide an address and phone number in case additional information supporting the nomination is required. HALL OF FAME Our Mission The intent and purpose of the Bulkeley High School "Bulldogs" Hall of Fame is to recognize, honor and preserve the memory of the athletes, teams, coaches, staff members and those who performed meritorious service for their positive and selfless contributions on behalf of Bulkeley Athletics and the school community. For three consecutive years, Oberschmidt was first team GCL as well as Most Valuable Player in 2006 and 2007 and Team Captain in 2007. Our student-run HOPE Squad provides peer-to-peer mental health support and that our CREW mentoring small groups meet every day to help build a culture which allows all our students to become the best version of themselves. Conner Dute 22 and Conner Gibson 22 were both awarded Gold Keys for their architecture work. The first place winner was sophomore Carly Kent. Spanish students inducted to honor society, Rocket photographers' images on display at university gallery, St. Joseph Scholars visit the Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub. The senior St. Joseph Scholars highlighted the ways they have grown in compassionate leadership as they presented their Social Justice Capstone Projects. McNicholas names home floor for former basketball coach Jerry Doerger With Broadway veteran Ms. Teresa De Zarn directing the show and a talented cast of McNicholas students, Guys and Dolls is a sure bet. Gerry Oaks We have volunteered at the National Veteran's Wheelchair Games. I just tell the McNick principals, the big shots, this is your ideal example of how a McNick graduate should turn it out. At the gate - Varsity Pierce is a decorated three-sport athlete and is currently ranked in the Ohio Top 20 for the Class of 2022 wrestlers. Dr. Denver Stanfield, President of McNicholas High School, is spearheading a task force to find a qualified, enthusiastic, and experienced candidate to serve as our next Principal. Timmy Griffin, Archbishop Mcnicholas High School SR. Riley Hemler, Madeira High School SR. . If you were part of the concert, jazz, pep band or marching band/color guard for 1, 2, 3 or all 4 years, please join us! It has been my mission since taking this position over three and a half years ago to try to bring together the past, present, and the future. Mary Menchen, Bob Minardi E. Scott Tieke 60 Seniors Ian Philips and Madison Isaacs named Captain and Maid of Honor of the 69th annual Mardi Gras Ball. McNicholas welcomes Robert Noll as Principal for 2023-24 The event, hosted by Jeff Mulvey, class of 1986, also featured a speech by Ron Oester, Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame member. Boosters will once again be hosting the annual golf outing Friday, September 29, at Legendary Run Golf Course. Leadership McNick is a four-year, intentional growth experience that combines high-quality leadership training with small-group relationship building, retreat programming, vocation and career exploration, and formal and informal mentoring. All rights reserved. Congratulations to seniors Michael Cheek and Carly Weidenbacherwho have been named Captain and Maid of Honor of the 71st annual Mardi Gras Ball. The womens induction celebration on March 22 wasemceed by Hall of Fame memberMargaret McClure '83and featured speaker Elizabeth Blackburn, Director of Strategy and Engagement for the Cincinnati Bengals. Bill Moehring PDF Hall of Fame - Shaler Area School District This contest is intended to encourage students to reflect upon Dr. King's life, philosophy, and impact on the Civil Rights movement and present day America. The McNicholas Theatre Department is excited to announce the high-rolling fun of our spring musical production of Guys and Dolls. Dennis Crowley 65 The current McNick Rocket Band would like to invite ALL Rocket Band/Color Guard alumni to join them in the stands at the football game on October 14 (1:00 pm game). McNicholascelebrates its 125th Kairos retreat. During a six-day service immersion retreat, 12 seniors visited eastern Tennessee to serve the rural poor and build a community both among themselves and with the people in the Appalachian Mountains. . Registration and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Dinner, awards, and auction begin at 6 p.m. Every student contributes in an experiential environment of doing not watching. It is located in the Archdiocese of St. Louis . Every student contributes in an experiential environment of doingnot watching. 2020 (Freshman): Did not play. His career there spanned 28 years and was full of great success. Now we have another opportunity to show one another the support of the Rocket community. In this edition of Connecting the Dots, we are really going to start connecting the dots! ime to mark your calendars for the first everAlumni Soccer Day, on Saturday, September 2. Eli and Jonathan, who took second place as a team in the Web Development category, were challenged to create an original website that highlights the UC Early IT Program at McNicholas. Mr. Pete Collopy joins the Athletic Department as a strength and conditioning coach, Mrs. Julie Miller has returned to McNicholas as full-time math tutor and co-teacher, and Mrs. Andrea Wheeler joins us as a full-time co-teacher in the English Department. Spots will go very fast for this event. Jerome Couzins 63 Feel free to contact us at anytime for more information or to schedule an on-campus visit. The award includes a $10,000 Bengals donation to the McNicholas Athletic Department. Larry Cipa 69 The Rockets lost to Linden-McKinley in the last minute of the state tournament game. This groovy musical will run March 2-5 at the Anderson Center with a special appearance at McNick at Night. This announcement officially kicks off the Mardi Gras season at McNicholas which culminates in the annual Mardi Gras Pageant on Sunday, Feb. 19. Students in Mrs. Kendra Lonnemans personal finance classes learned about the importance of philanthropy and supported pediatric cancer research by participating in the Magnified Giving program. In addition to the three seniors announced on Sept. 15 as semifinalists in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) program, six are being recognized as Commended Students: Emma Clemmons, Andrew Collette, Bobby Fechtel, Emily Fridley, Zach Geiser, and Joe Walters. 7:00 Dinner & Induction Ceremony. Brian Mannino 91 Craig Sanders 97 Sr. Roberta Baumgartner Discover your unique, God-given brilliance and put it into action. Please consider a making a contribution to our much-anticipated HVAC Project which includes air conditioning for the gym. Customized learning and leadership programs help you make a difference in this close-knit, faith-based community and beyond. Rockets earn Superior and Excellent ratings in the Ohio Music Education Spring Solo & Ensemble Competition. This is about getting out and having some fun this winter. Please join us in welcoming three new faculty and staff members to the McNicholas family. Congratulations to our newest graduates who received their diplomas at the PromoWest Pavilion at Ovation on Sunday, May 22. Ify Akubeze Whitfill 00 Rockets raisedover $15,000. 5850 or. He is also a member of the McNicholas High School Athletic Hall of Fame. Wed like to develop a more modern Sports Performance Center for all our students. We are proud of their hard work.". The score was close the entire game, and the green team ended up winning 10-9. McNicholas HS Bio Stats Historical Biography 2021 (Sophomore): Appeared in 16 contests with four starts on the year attempted a shot on frame against North Florida . Twenty-six Rockets were inducted to the National Art Honor Society this April. McNicholas celebrates Homecoming, Three Rockets named National Merit Semifinalists, Class of 2022 bonds during Senior Sunrise, Rocket scientist recognized by PhysiciansCharitable Foundation, Junior wins first prize and scholarship at State Science Fair, McNicholas welcomes Father Kevin as School Chaplain, Big Read for Summer 2021: What the Eyes Don't See, Alumni and SAIL students bond via pen pal program, Norm retires after over 40 years of dedication to students at McNicholas, Rocket artwork chosen for Bicentennial Holy Card, Senior recognized with Spirit of Dorothy Stand Award, Architecture students compete in egg-citing competition, Virtual galleries showcase student artwork from inspiration to completion, Three additional seniors commit to college athletic programs, Top 10 Scholars recognized at Academic Signing, Science National Honor Society members provide science-related service, Senior named Presidential Scholar Semifinalist, Rockets connect in-class learning to real-world experiences, Congratulations, Prom King Ian and Queen Claire, 'Spelling Bee' cast delivers B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T performances, Rocket musicians earn Superior and Excellent OMEA ratings, Six Rockets commit to college athletic programs, Senior wins silver in National Scholastic Art competition, McNicholas SVDP Youth Conference encourages active learning and serving, Celebrating Kairos 125: 27 years of Living the 4th', Senior places second in state poetry competition, McNicholas crowns Mardi Gras King Ayden and Queen Aimee, At McNick, it IS Rocket science!

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