You can also purchase individual subscriptions or agency subscriptions for access to all our live and archived webinars. Thu, Mar 30, 2023 11:00 AM BST (+01:00) Save Northern Police Research Webinar - Domestic Violence & Risk Assessment to your collection. Currently, Kim manages her law firm, Jade Law Offices, and continues her work helping to educate others on preparing for their financial future as a Senior Marketing Director of WealthWave and a registered representative and investment advisor representative of Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc., Transamerica Financial Group Division. Domestic Violence Webinars - YouTube Training for Board, Staff, and Volunteers - Virginia If you would like to view all of the webinars in our webinar series thus far, click here. Webinars: Helpful Videos for Domestic Violence Victims and Survivors Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 2:00pm - 3:15pm Aug Live webinars are recorded and available to download in the Online Learning Academy. March 7, 2023, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern. DVP Webinar Series | Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) This page provides access to recorded webinars hosted by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health on various topics related to trauma, mental health, and domestic violence. All Rights Reserved -, Searchable directory of domestic violence programs and shelters in the United States and Canada, Articles, videos, and helpful tools for people experiencing and working to end domestic violence. This webinar from Futures Without Violence will review the ways that human trafficking can intersect with domestic and sexual violence, how to engrain equity and cultural responsiveness in your support of survivors, and the power of collaborative relationships to better support and serve survivors. Kim Scouller has been an attorney for over 30 years, having served as an adjunct professor at the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville and as an in-house attorney for one of the largest financial services companies in the world. 3) Improve your ability to detect and intervene in situations of coercive control and intimate partner violence. No upcoming webinars found. We have such a large library of webinar recordings that it is overwhelming this webpage! About Rachel Ramirez, MA, MSW, LISW-S, RA Webinars Archive - NNEDV PCADV webinars for judges, court personnel, law enforcement and prosecutors are supported by grant funds awarded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD), the state administering office for the STOP Formula Grant Program. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Victim Services Division (VSD) Texas Crime Victim Clearinghouse (TxCVC) hosts a webinar series designed for criminal justice professionals, victim service professionals and victims. This recorded webinar featuring Kim Pentico from the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), will be exploring different aspects of economic justice as prevention work. National Resource Center on Domestic Violence This meeting is an executive session and is closed the the public. Engaging Youth in Violence Prevention, Supporting Children Through Trauma, A Conversation on Building Resiliency as a Foundation for Perseverance. This Advocacy Information Packet is a collection of articles, booklets and handouts covering a range of topics about advocacy with emphasis on work with survivors of intimate partner violence. Additionally, domestic violence is a problem that replicates itself, much like the spreading of a virus. According to a 2017 Prosecutor's Report, Attorneys and well-intending people tell victims to DOCUMENT EVERYTHING but not everything is admissible as evidence. Webinar Archive - EVAWI makes it simple to find the services and resources that victims and survivors of domestic violence need. National Institute on Fatherhood & Domestic Violence, Strike Out Violence Day with San Francisco Giants. Webinars | Safe Havens . This webinar will provide information about the importance and effectiveness of Domestic Violence High-Risk Teams in rural communities and how to form and implement one. She previously served as the executive director of a statewide organization in Georgia whose mission was to help the human and animal victims of . COVID 19 Impact on Domestic Violence Survivors in Harris County. Learn more about the Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) approach, what we've learned from the project, and how you can become a DVHF agency! These materials offer information that is critical to clarifying and strengthening the role of advocates and their work to end violence against women and . About Kim Scouller Training | Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) As one of the few women broker-dealer presidents, she traveled around the country talking with people, especially women, about investments and financial goals. Discover ways to support parent and child survivors of domestic violence to heal and thrive. This presentation is a Q&A session with DV shelter professionals. Victims of domestic violence during childhood are at an increased risk of falling victim to an abusive partner in adulthood. Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV) Office 700 S. Rock St. Little Rock, AR 72202 . : Teen DV Month Last Minute Call to Action Menu, Collaborating to Address the Needs of Trafficked Survivors with Disabilities, Collaborating to Address Trafficking in Rural Communities: Lessons from the Field, 2017 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: Ask the Experts, A Cross-Sector Model for Addressing Gender-Based Violence Impacting the Workplace, Trauma-Informed Care for Refugees and Children, Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care for Organizations, Legal Aspects of Human Trafficking for Health Providers, Supporting Safety and Change: A policy Framework for Engaging with Men Who Use Violence, Trauma-Informed Approaches to Working With Immigrant Children, Trauma-informed Approaches to Domestic Violence Exposure, Adverse Childhood Experiences And Resiliency: Opportunities For Early Child Care Providers, We Believe Moms Matter: Enhancing Child Welfare Responses to Mothers Experience Domestic Violence, Context and Practice: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Building Affirming Environments for LGBTQ + Youth, Healthy Moms, Happy Babies: Using the Relationship Assessment Tool and Universal Education, Strong Collaborative, Strong Families: Co-Located Domestic Violence Services Within Child Welfare, Assessing Trauma-Informed Practice: Lessons Learned From a Trauma Audit, Building Competence and Resilience in Children and Parents: The Advocate as Change Agent, Introduction to Labor and Sex Trafficking: A Health Care & Human Rights Challenge, Measuring Trauma-Informed Practice: Tools for Organizations, Collaborating with Community Based Organizations and Faith Based Communities to Address Human Trafficking, Labor Trafficking and the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Addressing and Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence in Healthcare Settings, Assembling the Pieces:Tools to Build an Effective Board, Building Promising Futures: Guidelines and Outcome Measures for Enhancing Response of Domestic Violence Programs to Children & Youth, Reimbursement and Payment Strategies for DV/Health Partnership, Promising Futures: Capacity Assessment for DV/SV Programs for Supporting Children, Youth, and Parents, Expanding Healthy Moms/Happy Babies: Spotlight on Our New Young Mothers Safety Card, Beyond Screening: A Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence, The News About Childhood Trauma: Findings and Implications, Addressing and Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence in Campus Health Centers, Domestic Violence, Mental Health, And Substance Use Coercion, Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships in Pediatric Health Settings, Thats Not Cool: Mobilizing Youth Communities for Teen Dating Violence Prevention & Education, Navigating Fund Development Strategies During Transition, New Public Health Strategies for Violence Prevention, Gender Based Violence, Health, and HIV: Intersections and Implications for Clinicians, Open Enrollment: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing abuse, Ending the Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: A Public Health Approach, Applicant Webinar on Funding Announcement: Phase II to Identify and Provide Brief Counseling on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in PCMH Recognized Health Centers, Improving Health Outcomes through Violence Prevention, Returning to Being Good Relatives: Addressing Lateral Oppression and Violence, Achieving Access for Parents and Children. ACTIVATE YOUR SCHOOL: How-to-Guide for hosting an Audrie & Daisy Screening at a Local High School, FIGHTING FOR CHANGE: Make Your Voice Heard With Your Elected Officials, Case Management Approaches to Support Trafficked Victims/Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Whats the Dish? An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence. 3. 1) Learn How Money Works The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) funds police departments, sheriffs' offices, and other law enforcement professionals to respond to the crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. Resilience and Life Storytelling Expert Stacy Brookman takes us through the process of understanding our own stories and helping our clients understand theirs. This conference webinar served as the official welcome for the new MSPI and . In this webinar, Kim Scouller will help you to become a better financial advocate for victims and survivors of abuse. Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV) The Findings Are Here: Domestic Violence Housing First Works! As a follow up to What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us, this training will focus on taking what Ohio has learned about the intersection of domestic violence, strangulation, and traumatic brain injury and how to take the frameworks, knowledge, and tools developed in Ohio to use in your work at your agency. Download Transcript:, Do you want to eradicate and prevent domestic violence? Upcoming Events | Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault - MCASA Ph.D, Senior Director of Research, ASPCA Strategy and Research. This webinar series will examine the intersections between trauma, domestic violence, and the opioid epidemic; discuss innovative approaches to addressing these complex issues; and offer practical strategies for domestic violence programs and opioid/substance abuse treatment providers. 2021 PLAN VOCA Grantee Training | Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network Webinars: These trainings are longer, typically running between 60-90 minutes. This is a great place to start if youre looking to have a more comprehensive understanding of the experience of abuse. This Trauma series can be watched independently or together as a piece. Livin' on a Prayer: Better Utilizing Places of Worship to Aid Victims RedRover is a national animal welfare nonprofit focused on bringing animals out of crisis and strengthening the human-animal bond through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and humane education. Participate in a webinar by watching the live event or on-demand recording in its entirety. Let your voice be heard on domestic violence public policies. CVP Webinar Series | Center for Violence Prevention This Rapid Rehousing webinar will be specifically tailored to the needs of survivors and will provide needed information to serve survivors with new CoC grant funds. Find Domestic Violence and Abuse Help, Information and Stats The webinar introduces participants to a slideshow presentation church leaders can use with their congregations. This webinar is designed to provide all Criminal Justice, Healthcare and Human Services Professionals with an overview of the management of complex cases involving substance use disorder and trauma. You are safehere. 2023 International Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and This webinar will educate advocates on the processes and procedures for Protection from Abuse Order and Protection from Sexual Violence and/or Intimidation Orders. When Domestic Violence Goes Digital Abuse has gone digital. We provide the largest searchable database of programs and shelters in the U.S. and Canada and an extensive library of resources. The Nation's Leading Grassroots Voice on Domestic Violence From what used to be standard prostitution cases, now theres a keen eye out there for warning signs of human trafficking, says one investigator. Find a domestic violence advocate who can help near you. We can better address and eliminate intimate partner violence if we see the problem as an ongoing crime of controlmore like a long-term hostage situation than a series of domestic violence assaults. Click here to view the videos in the Webinars on the Impact of Abuse Playlist (PPT links in the video description). National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health (NCDVTMH) This page provides access to recorded webinars hosted by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health on various topics related to trauma, mental health, and domestic violence. Learn about relevant federal and state laws, Identify the intersection between domestic violence and sex trafficking, Understand why victims of sex trafficking dont always identify themselves as domestic violence victims and that the psychological and trauma bonds with their trafficker are fundamental obstacles. Recorded Video Webinars Advocacy Domestic Violence Sexual Violence Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Home Visitation/MIECHV Prevention Legal Gender & Sexual Minority Wheels Technology & Safety Teen Dating Violence Trauma Informed Care Vicarious Trauma Faith Leaders UALR MidSouth Training Academy. Online Learning Center. Domestic Violence, Firearm Surrender, and Court Monitored Compliance While federal and many states' statutes specifically disqualify those convicted of domestic violence crimes or subject to protection orders from possessing or purchasing firearms, relatively few communities have official firearm surrender protocols and procedures in place. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in these webinars are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of PCCD, AOPC or the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. We offer five online training modules that count towards Domestic Violence Professional certification. Strangulation of victims of domestic violence is a common tactic used by batterers. Since doing so, they have reduced their local DV homicide rate from 11 (2000-2013) to one. In partnership with the Idaho Sheriff's Association, learn more about Idaho VINE's features. Keeping it Confidential in California: New Privacy Protections Under CHIA, Exploring and Addressing Equity Issues Across Sectors, Special Enrollment Period for Survivors: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence, Trauma Informed and Equitable Approaches to Training Development and Implementation, Addressing the Effects of Violence and Abuse to Improve the Health Outcomes of Women Living with HIV, Defending Childhood Website Launch: New Innovations for Addressing Childrens Exposure to Violence, Talking to Legislators and Other Policymakers, Elder Abuse: Raising Awareness and Impact on Health, Trauma-informed Approaches to Domestic Violence Exposure, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resiliency, Mitigating Childhood Trauma in Indian Country: Community and Policy-level Recommendations, Open Enrollment AND Beyond: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence, Building Stronger Collaborations With Domestic Violence Agencies and Addressing Programmatic Barriers to Screening: Healthy Moms Happy Babies 2nd Edition, 2015 Has Answers, Voices of Formerly Incarcerated Leaders: A Growing National Movement, Campus Sexual Assault: What Clinicians Need to Know, Applying an Adolescent Wellbeing Focus in Juvenile Justice Assessment and Treatment Planning, Tools for Connecting the Dots: Latest Research and Innovative Strategies Honoring Linkages Between Multiple Forms of Violence, Incorporating a Trauma Informed Approach to Social Emotional Learning in Diverse Community Settings, New Updates on How the Affordable Care Act can Help Patients Experiencing Domestic and Interpersonal Violence, Traditional Cultural Mentoring for Native Children and Youth, From Associates to Allies: Forging Public Sector Partnerships that Prevent Violence, All Communities are Not Created Equal: How a Health Equity Approach Enhances Violence Prevention Efforts, Extended ACA Enrollment Period and Hardship Exemptions for Victims of Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking: The Role of the Healthcare, Improving Existing, and Creating New Gendered Violence Prevention Programs and Policies on College Campuses: An Organizing Approach, Domestic Violence, Adolescent Relationship Abuse and Mandatory Reporting in California, The NJ and NY Initiatives on DV Advocates Co-Located in Local Child Protective Offices, Supporting Our Troops Families: The Impact of Family Violence on Military Families, Lessons Learned from Abusive Men on the Journey to Nonviolence, Building A Health Care Response to Human Trafficking, What Domestic Violence Advocates Need to Know About How New Health Policy Changes Can Help Survivors of Domestic Violence, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Evaluation outcomes from a four-year, multi-million dollar initiative on promoting healthy relationships and preventing teen dating violence, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships School and District Policies, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships In-and Out-of-school Settings, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Social Marketing and Communications, Redefining Safety Planning in the Context of Reproductive Coercion: Integrating Assessment for Emergency Contraception Within Domestic Violence Shelter and Advocacy Programs, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Influencers, Gun Violence: The Healthcare Providers Role in Prevention Webinar, Tribal Laws: Protecting the Sacredness of Our Children, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Overview, Promoting Wellness: Incorporating Health Care into Advocacy, A Survivors Journey: Understanding the Health Impact of Abuse and Paths to Promote Wellness, Good Solutions Solve Multiple Problems: Addressing the Links Between Multiple Forms of Violence, Workplace Protections For Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking, Shifting the Paradigm: Building Program Capacity to Effectively Serve Mothers and their Children Together in Domestic Violence Programs, Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships: Preventing Teen Dating Violence, Addressing Domestic Violence within Home Visitation Settings: Children Exposed to Domestic Violence & Its Impact on Parenting, Part 2: Strengthening Healthcare-based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation, Trauma Informed Care: The Role of the Health Care Provider Webinar, Part 1: Strengthening Healthcare-based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation, Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings: Screening, Assessment & Safety Planning, School-based Health Services, Adolescent Health and Anticipatory Guidance for DV/SA, Project Connect 2.0 State/Territory Application, New DHHS Recommendation for Domestic Violence Screening and Counseling, Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Programs: Opportunities for Holistic Programming and Partnerships, Child Sexual Abuse: Health Consequences and the Role of the Health Care Provider, Teen Dating Violence and Reproductive Coercion: Innovative Opportunities for Programs and Partnerships, Bullying: Health Consequences and Role of the Health Care Provider Webinar, Defending Childhood: Lessons Learned on Leadership, Social Change and Building Community. The speaker is John F. Wilkinson, J.D., an Attorney Advisor with AEquitas: The Prosecutors Resource on Violence Against Women. This webinar provides valuable information on understanding the dynamics of male victims of intimate partner violence, how to identify male survivors, how socialization and victimization affect the male survivors interactions with the legal system, and best practice advice on how to relate to male survivors so their needs are addressed appropriately. How Could Proposed Changes to Medicaid Impact Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence? Menstruation is an experience shared bygenerations of women across theglobe. Use the "Safety Exit" button or press "Esc" for a safe and fast way to leave this site. The interactive 90-minute webinar will help participants to develop a shared understanding and definition of domestic violence and battering, unpack common myths and misconceptions, and explore the connections between our beliefs and our practice with individuals and families experiencing domestic violence. Financial Education - NCADV Police domestic violence activist Renae Griggs also believes that education is the key to helping officers learn ways to constructively cope with job-related stress. The 2022 DVAM Webinar Series will highlight topics about rights and resources for domestic violence survivors; sexual health and reproductive coercion; and a Native Hawaiian framework for well-being. Firearms. . This webinar will help advocates feel more comfortable discussing this topic and engaging with survivors. Multi-Abuse Trauma is part 2 of a 2-part Trauma series. This approach allows the DV Team, as civilian advocates within the department, to develop and implement effective strategies to address the issue of domestic violence within the city of Newport News. It will also discuss the CARE (Connect, Acknowledge, Respond, Evaluate) service provision framework and will share Ohio's practical, free, trauma-informed tools and materials developed for you to raise awareness with those you serve and the agencies you work in. 8 OUT OF 10 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASES ARE DISMISSED DUE TO A LACK OF EVIDENCE AND VICTIMS BEING TOO SCARED TO TESTIFY In this session, participants learn about the connections between workplace . Without sufficient funds, domestic violence shelters and programs will be increasingly forced to close their doors just when they are needed the most. Webinars About Domestic Violence - PCADV Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault - Justice Clearinghouse For TDVAM 2023, we're uplifting the theme "Health Equity Matters: Making Connections Through Experiences." This playlist includes webinars that provide tools, resources, and other information that could aid victim-survivors in their healing journey. This webinar will provide advocates with knowledge of trauma responses, an overview of secondary trauma and how it impacts advocates, and how to develop a meaningful self-care plan. March 8, 9 am - 4 pm PST. The series will also feature crossover webinars, exploring the intersection of domestic violence in two particularly vulnerable groups: queer and . Gender-Based Violence Webinars | Global Rights for Women ), Strengthening Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs to Support Trafficking Survivors: Intersections, Equity, Cultural Humility, and Collaborations, Supporting Survivor Health Access Webinar Series: Open Enrollment, HCADV Day 2022: Reproductive Justice is Survivor Justice, National Health Collaborative on Violence and AbuseVirtual Briefing on Intersection of Reproductive Health and Violence and Abus, Developing an Engaged Board of Directors to Advance Equity, Building Bridges: Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence Specialists Making a Difference in Child Welfare, Intersection of Human Trafficking and Substance Use: Trauma-Informed Care and Collaboration Strategies to Support Survivors, Building Healing Environments for Children and Youth Impacted by Violence, Centering Equity in Multisector Collaborations, Living Our Values: Supervision and Feedback for Survivor-Serving Organizations, Question-and-Answer Dialogue, Lessons Learned About Survivor-Centered Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic (3-part Webinar Series), Collaborating with Culturally Specific Community-Based Programs to Support Survivors of Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Collaborative Community Resource Mapping to Support Survivors of Human Trafficking, and Domestic and Sexual Violence, Lessons Learned from Project Catalyst: State/Territory-Wide Transformation on Health, Intimate Partner Violence, and Human Trafficking, Collaboration with Employment Agencies to Increase access to Economic opportunities for Survivors of HT/DV/SA, Session 3: Promoting Workforce Wellness and Resilience (2021 ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and Mobile Health Units Supplemental Funding Technical Assistance), NHCVA Presentation: Federal Policy Update 2022, Living Our Values: Supervision and Feedback for Survivor-Serving Organizations, Session2: Increasing Access to Support Services for Survivors (2021 ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and Mobile Health Units Supplemental Funding Technical Assistance), Session 1: Partnerships, Practices, Policies and Products to Support COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and Mobile Health Units for Survivors (2021 ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and MobileHealth Units Supplemental Funding Technical Assistance, Building Collaborative Responses with Community Health Centers to Support Survivors at the Intersection of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking, HCADV Day 2021: Discussing the impact of COVID-19 and other public health emergencies on survivor health, community health, and looking towards new collaborative prevention efforts, Virtual Hill Briefing: Maternal Mortality and Intimate Partner Violence, 21st Century Cures Act: Considerations for working with survivors of intimate partner violence, Learning through Interactivity: Creating Meaningful and Accessible Interactivity, Supporting Family Resiliency through Relationships with Animals: A Three Part Series, Practical Tools for Supporting Survivors Mental Health in the Workplace (Part 2), Learning through Interactivity: Creating Curiosity through Learning Activities, Integrating Behavioral Health Approaches to Address Gender, Violence and Homelessness, Practical Tools for Supporting Survivors Mental Health in the Workplace (Part 1), Supporting Family Resiliency through Relationships with Animals: Part Two, Supporting Family Resiliency through Relationships with Animals: Part One, Intimate Partner Violence and Human Trafficking: Collaboration between Medical Legal Partnerships, FQHCs, and Domestic Violence Programs, Addressing Adolescent Relationship Abuse in School-Based Health Care, Increasing Staff Capacity to Respond to Intimate Partner Violence/Human Trafficking During COVID-19, Supporting Survivors at the Intersection of Immigration and Child Welfare, Building Intimate Partner Violence/Human Trafficking Partnerships Between Community Health Centers andDomestic Violence Advocacy Programs, Virtual Hill Briefing Preventing and Addressing Elder Abuse during COVID-19, Advancing Innovative School-Based Health Strategies to Reduce Trauma, Advance Equity, and Help California Children Heal, Organizational Resiliency in Managing Challenges within Survivor-Serving Organizations, Legal Services & Advocacy Collaboration to Support Trafficked Survivors of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault During COVID-19, Building Back Better: Reimagining the Justice System to Better Serve and Protect Families, NHCVA Webinar Telehealth Visits: Increasing Safety for People at Risk for Abuse, Q & A: Creating a Virtual Education That Sticks, Supporting the Health and Economic Needs of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault and Trafficking Survivors During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Innovation on Demand Part 3: Well-being as a Pathway to Safety, Strategies to Enhance Employee Resilience and Engagement within Survivor-Serving Organizations, Innovation on Demand Part 2: Advancing Collaboration during COVID-19 to Protect Children and Families. Welcome, this is your discreet connection tohelp. The webinar will highlight how domestic violence impacts the grieving process, particularly through secondary trauma and disenfranchised grief. This training will focus on taking what Ohio has learned about the intersection of domestic violence, strangulation, and traumatic brain injury and how to take the frameworks, knowledge, and tools developed in Ohio to use in your work at your agency.

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