the Earth's crust and mantle c. comets d. Jupiter and Saturn e. no other body in the solar system b. the Earth 's crust and mantle This file and its content are copyright 2019, Rice University.All Rights Reserved. Jonathan is riding a bicycle and encounters a hill of height h . . Astronomers call the vast, rotating cloud of vapor and dust from which the solar system formed: The first technique that allowed astronomers to find exoplanets involved: measuring changes in the radial velocity (Doppler shift) of the star caused by the pull of orbiting planets. Which of these is not an original theory for the origin of the Moon. The moon's gravity pulls at the Earth, causing predictable rises and falls in sea levels known as tides. come back again and again at predictable intervals. -interplanetary gas/dust b. the Moon was formed in the same area of space and at the same time as the Earth Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. c. Deep inside craters in the regions near the Moon's poles Which of the following is a failed star, an object with too little mass to qualify as a star? Jeletzky (1956, p. 6811 i a b r a s i o n p H A term proposed by Stevens & Carron (1948)to desig- proposed that the term be abandoned because its usage, based on nate the characteristic pH achieved by a suspension of a pulver- criteria peculiar to the Earth and having the present part of' gee ized mineral in water, resulting from a complex of . ^none of the above. The first human being to step out onto the surface of another world was: 6. Moon facts: Fun information about the Earth's moon | Space In studying the surfaces of solid bodies in the solar system, astronomers have learned that the number of craters (per unit area): is roughly proportional to the age of the surface we are examining, Earthquake producing faults are much more likely to be found, on the boundaries of continental plates, where they meet other plates. carbon dioxide (and other gases) in the atmosphere cause a greenhouse effect. When energy is first produced by fusion deep in the core of the star, that energy moves outward mostly by what process? What makes astronomers think that impact rates for the Moon must have been higher earlier than 3.8 billion years ago? WQ #9 Flashcards | Quizlet They are waterless. What is the source of the fine, powdery dust found on the Moon's surface? Cast in quality designer resin, hand-painted in bold and vibrant hues, and then punctuated with sparkling faux gems along its wide ruffled bib, this traditional Italian-style work is an heirloom collectible. Rewrite this program by finding the largest number In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles Earth's crust and mantle. CI chondrite - Wikipedia Why? Sometimes, when the Moon is a thin crescent, you can still dimly make out the full disk of our satellite. How many electrons are located in the outermost orbit in the bohr model of a boron atom?. The Sun also raises tides on Earth, but its effect is smaller than that of the Moon. takes the same time to rotate on its axis. First question: True [this is because the atmosphere of Venus is composed of nitrogen (3%) and carbon dioxide (96.5%). Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. d. The Moon rocks were puzzling, because they resemble rocks from the Earth's crust in many ways, but also have subtle differences. Clavius Crater Which of the following statements about temperature changes on Mercury is correct? The core is largely composed of iron and some nickel. Which of the following statements about Mercury's orbit is TRUE? (e) Soil plays an important role in biogeochemical cycles. in its overall composition, the moon roughly resembles: C. the time they take to spin once on their axis is the same. The spectra show significant differences. (PDF) Taking Offense Religion, Art, and Visual Culture in Plural A. you can't fool me, Mercury is not similar to the Moon in any way. If your question is not fully disclosed, then try using the search on the site and find other answers on the subject Physics. Which of the following statements about this cycle is TRUE: The number of sunspots gets larger and smaller over the course of 11 years. The most likely models of the planet Mercury indicate that more than half the planet may be composed of. Titled Caracol in Spanish. What makes astronomers think that impact rates for the Moon must have been higher earlier than 3.8 billion years ago? AST 180 Exam 2 Flashcards | Of the following planets, which do NOT have satellites (moons)? -composition Behrooz A. Akbarnia George H. Thompson Muharrem Yazici Ron El-Hawary Editors. What was the result? At their centers, all the jovian planets have cores made of: a solid mixture of rocky and icy materials under great pressure, high pressure storm system in the atmosphere, made of a reddish colored material (but we don't know what gives it the reddish color). c. all except one (the first one) marleen. a. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Two stars have the same luminosity, but star B is three times farther away from us than star A. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: a. the Earth's coreb. Jupiter's axis is hardly tilted so it has no real seasonal variations. In its overall composition the moon roughly resembles - Course Hero What is the explanation for this? This article (in German) develops the outlines of a Wittgensteinian philosophy of the proper name. Calculate the magnitude of B. -life Online Auction: "Exceptional Antiquities, Ethnographic, Fine Art" by Artemis Gallery. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: a. the Earth's core b. the Earth's crust and mantle c. comets d. Jupiter and Saturn e. no other body in the solar system 3. b. about half of the astronauts were trained scientists This supports the theory of the expanding universe. -8 planets In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: the Earth's core; the Earth's crust and mantle; comets; Jupiter and Saturn; no other body in the solar system; 3 points QUESTION 7. >same gravity on the surface A 1500 W heater runs on 120 V rms. hot Jupiters formed further out in their star system, and then migrated inward somehow. 4. Donec aliquet. -asteroids ASTM A220, Grade 70003. In what way is the Moon similar to the Earth? the jovian planet that has the longest year (period of revolution) is, Jupiter has enough mass to make 318 Earths. the active geology and weather on Earth destroy traces of impacts over millions of years. pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Chapter 6 Moon .pdf - Subject: Astronomy Lesson 5 The Moon Astronomy Exam 2 HW Questions Flashcards | Quizlet c. secondary craters e. a gushing out of lots of water that had been frozen inside the ground on the cold Moon, but is briefly heated by the impact, e. a gushing out of lots of water that had been frozen inside the ground on the cold Moon, but is briefly heated by the impact, Which of the following statements about temperature changes on Mercury is correct? the difference in temperature between Mercury's daylight side and its night side is the greatest difference of any planet in the solar system. its average density is less than that of the Earth (it seems to have fewer heavy materials), most of what we know about its geology is the result of the Apollo landings, on Earth, we can see all its sides in the course of a month as it goes around us. maria( hope that helps) Rate answer b. maria. Where has frozen water has been discovered on the Moon? In the far future, a visiting tourist from another planetary system asks to see the most massive object in our solar system. The current to be measured is given by I(t)=I(t)=I(t)= ImaxsintI_{\max } \sin \omega tImaxsint. The large, roughly circular, dark, and somewhat younger - In 1980, scientists suggested that the great mass extinction of 65 million years ago (which ended the reign of dinosaurs) may have been caused by a large impact from space. This is simil . they are made mostly of frozen gases, not rock, they are both much further from the Sun's heat than Earth is, they are both significantly larger than the Earth, they both turn on their axes much faster than the Earth. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: the Earth's core, Not Selected comets, Not Selected Jupiter and Saturn, Not Selected Correct answer: the Earth's crust and mantle no other body in the solar system, Not Selected 5297 views. as20 | Crust Mantle Core | AssignGuru d. very light and porous rocks b. maria ), heavier materials sink to the centers of molten planets, What is the strategy that allows seeds to survive long periods of bitter cold, extreme CHAP 8 and 9 Flashcards | Quizlet a rough hilly apron (or slope) of ejected material, a gushing out of lots of water that had been frozen inside the ground on the cold Moon, but is briefly heated by the impact. They watch the Sun set one mercurian evening and decide they will go exploring in opposite directions and meet again the NEXT time the Sun is setting in the spot where they started. An important way that scientists have been able to study the interior of the Earth is by: measuring how seismic waves from Earthquakes are transmitted through the Earth. d. In the maria, regions of the Moon that are water filled seas Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. in its overall composition, the moon roughly resembles: What wavelength of electromagnetic radiation would I be smartest to use: The same gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars and Venus. Questions and Answers for [Solved] The lunar highlands are made mostly of rocks that A) fell on to the Moon from space B) were recently expelled by volcanoes from the deep interior of the Moon C) rose to the top as the Moon cooled from a molten state early in its history D) that were pushed upwards due to active plate tectonics on the Moon E) don't have a good scientific explanation yet . giant impacts in its early history may have torn away much of its original crust and mantle. Its origin can be in celestial bodies such as the sun, the moon, or the stars, natural phenomena such as lightning, or in materials in combustion, ignition, or incandescence.Throughout history, human beings have devised different procedures to obtain light in spaces lacking it, such as torches, candles, candlesticks . This means that the source and the detector are moving away from each other. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: Where has frozen water recently been discovered on the Moon? Categories . The average temperature on planet Earth is higher than you would expect just from the heating of sunlight alone. a. a crater If there are at least a million asteroids, how did spacecraft like Galileo survive their trip through the asteroid belt? by counting the craters visible on the surface and comparing crater counts to other worlds. Ultraviolet light is typically divided into three categories. -high altitude What is the cause of these meteor storms? Images from orbiting spacecraft reveal ancient channels that look like dried-up river beds on Earth (and our rovers show geological formations made by running water). Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Sometimes, when the Moon is a thin crescent, you can still dimly make out the full disk of our satellite. Nam risus ante, iscing elit. No Easy . B. the highest temperature on the two worlds is the same. 2. The villain has 4 kilograms of the radioactive material now, and he needs a minimum of 1 kg. heat, or drought? What allowed the differentiation of the Earth's layers to happen? d. discovering that the Moon has a great deal of water under its surface, Which of the following statements about Mercury's orbit is TRUE? . What is the reason for this. maria( hope that helps). The wavelengths where a specific element can absorb or emit light. Which of the following statements about the seasons on Jupiter is correct? Neptune has an average distance of 2.8 billion miles/4.5 billion kilometers or 30 AU away from the Sun, being the furthest of the eight planets. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: The large, roughly circular, dark, and somewhat younger regions on the Moon are called. Astronomers call the vast, rotating cloud of vapor and dust from which the solar system formed: A key difference between the protoplanets that formed in the outer solar system and those that formed in the inner solar system was that, those in the outer solar system were in a place where ice, not just rock, condensed and thus could grow larger. The largest impact basin on Mercury (located on that part of the planet which is closest to the Sun at noon) is called: Which of the following statements about the rocks brought back from the Earth's Moon by the astronauts is TRUE? Wavelength was shifted upward (frequency decreased). What discovery gives a big boost to this idea? Explain. Overall: 12.25'' H x 10.5'' W; Overall Product Weight: 0.04kg The element that can act like a metal when it is under tremendous pressure and is probably responsible for Jupiter and Saturn's magnetism is: The planet that orbits "on its side" (i.e. -dwarf planets The smaller objects in the solar system made of rock and metal (most of which orbit between Jupiter and Mars) are called: The smaller objects in the solar system composed mainly of ices (frozen gases) that usually orbit far from the Sun are called: Radioactive dating techniques have revealed that our Earth and Moon are approximately how old? radioactive dating of the primitive meteorites indicates they have that age (since they are left-over building blocks of the solar system).
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