This document should be followed when submitting planning applications to the following local planning authorities: Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside and South Tyneside. Italy asks France to extradite fugitive Italian mafia killer. Wind tunnel modelling will be required to assess the impact of new development will have on a local wind environment and any consequential effects on pedestrian comfort and safety using the Lawson criteria for comfort and safety. The table at the end of this chapter provides indicative thresholds for when a TS or TA and TP are required. 5,000-year-old Skeletons May Be Worlds First Equestrians, Study Finds. It is not necessary to show flower beds, shrubbery and other garden features on the site plans, where they would not be relevant to the planning assessment of the application, particularly in terms of the impact of the development upon its site and immediate surroundings. The Landscape Institute Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment provide further guidance:, National Planning Policy Framework Chapter 12, Core Strategy Policies CS15, CS18 and CS20, Unitary Development Plan Policies DC1(c) and (e), DC2 (a) and (c), ENV3, ENV27 and ENV29, Area Action Plan Policies SS10, J8 and H7, Site Specific Allocations Development Plan Document Policy SA7. Existing trees and other vegetation of amenity value should, wherever possible, be retained in new developments and will need to be protected during the construction of the development. It should be demonstrated that the property/land has been advertised for sale or lease on the open market for uses appropriate to the use allocated in the development plan. Set amongst a newly designed 143 acre country park, Murton Park will provide a mix of housing types, tenures and sizes for local families, first-time buyers and downsizers. In order to understand the impact of the development the proposed changes will need to be set out on a plan and include any areas of Highway to be stopped up. Temporary pause on development in the River Camel Special Area of Conservation. The Chinese balloon saga could be part of a new space race closer to Earth. There is a legacy of past coal mining activity in the region. Regeneration South Shields, Hebburn, and Holborn regeneration projects, and. Where a development has the potential to impact on priority and protected habitats or species e.g. Where new infiltration assets are proposed, percolation tests should be undertaken in accordance with the testing method set down in BRE 365. For more details visit A schedule of works to the listed building, and an analysis of the impact of these works on the significance of the archaeology, history, architecture and character of the building/structure along with a statement explaining the justification for the proposed works and principles which inform the methodology proposed for their implementation; Contextual and detailed photographs of the buildings/structure as existing to illustrate any features which are proposed to be altered or removed; Where reinstatement of lost or damaged features is proposed historic evidence to support the detail of reinstatement should be provided where possible i.e. Changes of use to Class A3 (restaurants, snack bars, cafes), A4 (nightclub), A5 (takeaways), D1 (places of worship, church halls, clinics, health centres, crches, day nurseries, consulting rooms), D2 (cinemas, music, concert halls, dance, sports halls, swimming baths, skating rinks, gymnasiums, other indoor and outdoor sports and leisure uses, bingo halls and casinos); New residential development adjacent to the strategic road network (i.e. Planning application forms; Local validation criteria for planning applications; Planning obligations / section 106 agreements; Pre-application advice; Find a planning application; Appeals; Weekly list of planning applications. The results of such tests should be included in the Drainage Assessment. Failure to provide the requested information alongside the extension of time may result in the application being determined on the information currently available and it may result in the application being refused. Should you require any further information please feel free to contact me directly through this email, my full contact details are at the bottom of the email. You can get information on their website. Persimmon has applied to North Tyneside Council for planning permission to develop . Existing flood risk to the site from localised sources & impact of development upon run off rates; Design measures proposed to mitigate run off rates (SUDS). Following consultation at the pre-application stage, it is confirmed in writing by the Council that a survey/report is not required; A reasoned risk assessment, undertaken by a suitably qualified ecologist, is submitted demonstrating that no protected species are present, or that none would be adversely affected by the proposal; Up-to-date information of habitats on site and links to habitats off site; Records search, likely impacts, mitigation and opportunities for enhancement. 2010 to 2015 Government Policy: Mental Health Service Reform A planning statement identifies the context and need for a proposed development and includes an assessment of how the proposed development relates to relevant national and local planning policies. Greens Place South Shields NE33 2AQ 2nd May 2014 The Coal Mining Risk Assessment should be prepared by a competent person and should address the following issues: Including past/present/future underground mining, shallow coal workings (recorded or probable), mine entries (shafts and adits), mine gas, current licensed areas for coal extraction, any geological features, any recorded surface hazards, past/present surface mining sites (past sites may have used the old style opencast extraction methods); layout) and what mitigation measures will be required to manage those issues and/or whether any changes have been incorporated into the development proposals, and, Where an application site exceeds 1 hectare in area and the proposals are for non-mineral development a report will be required to deal with the potential sterilisation of mineral resources, Development Management Policies DM1, DM8 and DM9. Detached house Detached house interactive guide Terraced house A new report published Friday details skeletal evidence of horsemanship from 4,500 to 5,000 years ago. Plans have been revealed to demolish the former South Shields Central Library to pave the way for future housing development. 7. The submitted scheme shall, as applicable, include: existing trees, shrubs and other landscape features (indicating which are to be retained and which removed); planting plans, specifications and schedules; existing and proposed levels and contours; means of enclosure, walls, retaining walls and boundary treatment; paving and other surface treatment including car parking and circulation layouts; items of landscape furniture, equipment, storage, signage, and lighting; services and drainage; location of site cabins and compounds. A link is attached below to the map showing these areas. Hong Kong court convicts activists behind Tiananmen vigil, A Hong Kong court has convicted three activists from a now-defunct group for failing to provide authorities with information about the group in accordance with a national security law, Italy Coast Guard rescues 211 migrants off Lampedusa island. Unitary Development Plan Policies H2 and POL7, Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document (October 2016),, Unitary Development Plan Policies DC2 (a) and (b) and ENV3, Supplementary Planning Document Hot food takeaways, Development Management Policies DM1 and DM3, Supplementary Planning Document 22 Hot Food Takeaways and Health, Habitats Regulations are used to implement the EU Directive and require a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The governments Policy Framework states that when assessing applications for retail, leisure and office development outside of town centres, which are not in accordance with an up-to-date Local Plan, local planning authorities should require an impact assessment if the development of over a proportionate locally set threshold (if there is no locally set threshold, the default threshold is 2,500 sq. North Tyneside Council is the single largest employer in the borough. New ways of debriefing Floor Plan drawings also need to clearly state the number of bedrooms and bed spaces the property will provide, to show the intended number of occupants the house has been designed to accommodate, and also as a statement indicating how the property will be marketed (i.e. Further information on the different types of applications that may be submitted electronically may be found at: Please remember only registered users can access this Portal. Persimmon has applied to North Tyneside Council for planning permission to develop Murton Park with 508 new homes. Pre-application advice provided by the local planning authority cannot pre-empt the democratic decision making process or a particular outcome, in the event that a formal planning application is made. Does eye cream do anything special, or is it just facial moisturizer in a smaller tub? Parking and servicing issues must be considered as a fundamental part of any scheme. For greenfield developments, the peak runoff rate from the development to any highway drain, sewer or surface water body for the 1 in 1 year rainfall event and the 1 in 100 year rainfall event should never exceed the peak greenfield runoff rate for the same event. Applicants should note that the copying of Ordnance Survey plans by unauthorised persons is an infringement of copyright. The statement should contain layouts (annotated in square metres) to demonstrate that all rooms within the property can; (a) comfortably accommodate the required basic items of furniture, and (b) provide enough circulation space for the intended occupants to safely navigate rooms and perform basic tasks. Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) workplace fume and dust extraction (Health and Safety Executive): 32 Sunlight/Daylight/Microclimate Assessment. Landscape design should consider local landscape features or characteristics which could be incorporated into the development in order to respect and enhance local landscape character and distinctiveness, in line with any local landscape character assessments. Trees and other established landscape features are important to our environment but they are vulnerable to damage during construction work i.e. Core Strategy Policies CS15, UC13 and UC14, Unitary Development Plan Policies C2, C2.2 and C3.1, Unitary Development Plan Policies ENV7, ENV8, ENV9, ENV10, ENV11, ENV12, ENV14, ENV15, ENV16, ENV17, ENV18 and ENV19, Local Plan (2017) DM6.1, DM6.2, S6.5, DM6.6. This section provides information and resources relating to development control advice and guidance. Nutrient neutrality. All applications must include copies of a location plan based on an up-to-date map. An outline application may also contain details and seek approval of one or more of the reserved matters, but at least one must be reserved for later approval. Areas where there may be a planning condition, Article 4 Direction or other restriction that limits permitted development rights. (including any local landscape designations) and opportunities for biodiversity net gain. These assessments may also form part of a Design and Access Statement (see section 7). All planning applications for 100 dwellings or more or where a minimum of 10,000 sq. Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone launches on Monday January 30. Snap a photo, and login with your selfie instead. The location plan should identify sufficient roads and/or buildings on land adjoining the application site to ensure that the exact location of the application site is clear. flood depth, flow routes, flood velocity, defence failure); Potential impact of development upon flood risk; Design measures proposed to mitigate risk of flooding, and their impact (details should include floor levels, ground levels, evacuation routes, SUDS). Supporting calculations should be included in the Drainage Assessment. Servicing requirements also need to be fully considered so they are not of danger or inconvenience. Open space can be taken to mean all open space of public value, including not just land, but also areas of water such as rivers, canals, lakes and reservoirs, that can offer important opportunities for sport and recreation and can also act as a visual amenity. Planning fees. This can be done by either including sets of both the original and amended drawings, or by superimposing the proposed amendment on those originally approved. Where remains are present the field evaluation defines their character, extent, quality and preservation and enables an assessment of their significance. National Planning Policy Framework Chapter 9 Promoting Sustainable Travel. Do you need planning permission? | North Tyneside Council This is an external measurement, including thickness of external and internal walls. They allow various types of applications, under both planning and Building Control, to be submitted electronically. Former Secretary of State for Transport and Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council: 077 Jon Cruddas: Lab Dagenham and Rainham . South Tyneside Council Town Hall & Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne & Wear NE33 2RL. (0191) 2816117 or email,, 12. The Government has set down the minimum level of information that must be submitted with outline applications, as follows:-. Dwellings for individuals, families or not more than six people living together as a single household. Proposals should be accompanied by plans (to scale and also including area measurements), showing any areas of existing or proposed open space within or adjoining the application site. Planning Application Search You should seek advice from your Local Planning Authority in advance, normally through the pre-application process, as to when these studies will be a validation requirement. Additional information is required to determine whether a charge is due and to determine the amount. National Planning Policy Framework Chapter 7, National Planning Practice Guidance Ensuring the vitality of town centres section, 29. These circumstances are established by using the Exception Test. (e.g. In such circumstances the planning case officer will inform the applicant / agent as soon as possible setting out what information is required. It crosses the Kent and East Sussex border, covering a distance of 5 miles (8 km), along the former Wealden Line between Tunbridge Wells Central and Lewes. These details should be cross-referenced with the Design and Access statement where submitted. Plans for hundreds of new homes in North Tyneside set to be heard by social rented or intermediate - see Annex 2 Glossary of the NPPF). The desktop study and the site walkover should be the first stages of any site assessment and should enable a 'conceptual site model' of the site to be produced that provides a clear interpretation of all plausible pollutant linkages at the site. National Planning Policy Framework Chapters 2 and 15, Unitary Development Plan Policies EN3 and EN3.2, Unitary Development Plan Policies ENV7 (d) and ENV44. 21. The types of building which warrant assessment include churches, farms, houses, industrial buildings, public houses and schools; Proposals affecting buildings or structures identified on the Tyne & Wear Historic Environment Record. Conservation and design Conservation areas, tree preservation orders, listed. Please contact your. Planning and building control Planning See or comment on a planning application The easiest way to view or submit a comment on a planning application is through Planning Online, our. Daylight, vertical sky component, sunlight availability, average daylight factor and shadow studies should be undertaken and assessed against the criteria set out in the BRE document. Applications may still be submitted in paper form, but this requires the completed application form and all supporting documents to be submitted in duplicate by post. On the basis that the wording modifications suggested above are incorporated: where the need for highway mitigation works are identified as necessary at the Strategic Road Network these must comply with all aspects of Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, with Stage 1 Road Safety Audit in accordance with GG 119 and Walking, Cycling & Horse-riding Assessment and in accordance with HD 42/17 for both outline and detailed applications. There will also be a new roundabout access junction from the A191 New York Road. For applications impacting on the setting of heritage assets a written statement that includes plans showing historic features that may exist on or adjacent to the application site including listed buildings and structures, locally listed buildings and structures, historic parks and gardens, historic battlefields and scheduled ancient monuments and an analysis of the significance of archaeology, history and character of the building/structure, the principles of and justification for the proposed works and their impact on the special character of the listed building or structure, its setting and the setting of adjacent listed buildings may be required. All major development as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015. Open Space Assessment (including playing fields and recreational buildings), An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or, The loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location; or. A noise impact assessment prepared by a suitably qualified acoustician should support applications that raise issues of disturbance, or are considered to be noise sensitive developments. Viewing planning application information with PublicAccess To submit a new Planning. The money raised is used to help pay for infrastructure needed as a result of development, such as schools, green spaces and flood defences. Earlier this week (July 13), South Tyneside Council registered an . A suitably qualified and experienced arboriculturalist should prepare this information in accordance with BS 5837: 2012. Please seek pre-application advice from the Local Planning Authority for further details on when this would be required. On 26 November 2018, all external and internal consultees for planning applications and all regular service users (including the agents listed on submitted planning applications) were sent a draft copy of the updated checklist and they were invited to make written comments within the 21 day publicity period. Since 2004 I have worked as GP tutor for Newcastle East under the northern deanery (now HENE). Analysis and Solutions design of the North Tyneside Cashless Strategy that will revolutionise the way that the council collects revenues for its various products and services. Recently received planning applications. The statement should include a strategy to reduce CO2 emissions to include building design and materials, energy demand reduction, and renewable energy supply and generation. Where a development would lead to a minimum 5% increase in traffic within an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), Clean Air Zone (CAZ) or 10% elsewhere; Where the Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) would exceed 10,000 vehicles (or 5,000 if narrow and congested); Where a development would increase the number of Heavy Goods Vehicle journeys by more than 200 per day; Where there would be an increase of 50 parking spaces within an AQMA or 100 spaces elsewhere; Major development (10 dwellings or more/1,000, Development in excess of 100 dwellings or 10,000.

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