Under the table, Shoels tried to back up. The She also fell behind on her master's. cancin: erased. I was afraid that they would see I was still alive,'' she said. I wanted to say your dedication to putting this all down in an orderly way is really appreciated. ''. Directly after this, another operator asks, "Can I help you?" Smoker fires three rounds at him and the gunman disappears Gardner on the VCR that records images of lunchtime activities in the school cafeteria. When he heard the gunfire and explosions move into the cafeteria kitchen - where the killers had stashed a giant propane tank bomb that failed to detonate - Kastle ducked from the faculty lounge into a faculty bathroom. Still, Schnurr answered truthfully. paged. advises that several SWAT teams are en route. killed and two more injured in the librarys center section before the gunmen As she tells the operator her name, Harris and Klebold enter the library and begin to execute their classmates. He fled through the door with a few scrapes, bruises and a belief that Klebold had spared his life. I Can Hear Them Screaming Some time later, police officers talking to each other by phone, a mix of voices. Deputy Now it was real. The 911 recording is currently in the hands of the Jefferson County Police Department. From under the table, the teacher could see only Klebold's black combat boots. Student I decided to use the extremely loud ringing of the phones in the 911 call center, which are so loud that some people mistook them to be fire alarms. Then they spotted Nielson scrunched under the librarian's desk. Denver Post Staff Writer, Apr. Patti Nielson Nielson was an art teacher at Columbine when the massacre occurred, and probably the first to warn the students about the shooters. At just before 4:35, a male talks and says "Page Boyd," and you can very faintly hear this on 11.29.25 at 0:30. Teacher: O.K. Byerly reports shots fired on the east side of the building. partial detonation of a bomb and a subsequent fire. Yes!! The deputy rolled out of his patrol car. Kastle had swapped pizza and gossip with Klebold for years in their fantasy baseball league. Like, say there were no transcript available and youd never heard it before. Gardner yells I grabbed him by the ankles and told him, 'We're getting you out of here.' Now the only sound in the library was silence - and the clinking of ammunition and bombs beneath the killers' trench coats. later, Harris begins shooting again at the deputy. It's been disputed over the years as to whether or not the suicides of Harris and Klebold were picked up in the recording; if the audio does, in fact, last less than thirty minutes, the deaths of the gunmen would not have been heard. The 911 operator answered the call stating "911" at 11:27:47 a.m. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Become a member to support the independent voice of Denver The same loud noise can be heard on 11.23.11 at 1:03, with sounds of people reacting to it. Deputy Taborsky reports hearing additional shots being fired inside the school -- large While student Aaron Hancey, an Eagle Scout with first-aid training, treated Sanders, another student, Kevin Starkey, worked to keep Sanders conscious by pulling family photos from the teacher's wallet and asking about them. She isn't always sure what to say. Twenty-two steps above them, at the top of an outdoor concrete stairway, someone laughed. side, approach the south parking lot. In the race of their lives, some students literally ran out of their shoes. Dispatch Now Mauser was alone under a library table. Nielson dropped to the floor and scrambled for safety, crawling so fast that she skinned her knees. I don't know if I can chime in on this, but I'm going to, way back a few years ago (2009) I was a floor manager on a call center. Shots fired on the southwest side with a large weapon.. students run out of the cafeteria through a side door. They have no intentions of releasing the audio in its entirety. school cafeteria. On the library floor around Harris and Klebold, 10 teenagers - Cassie Bernall, Steven Curnow, Corey DePooter, Kelly Fleming, Matt Kechter, Daniel Mauser, Isaiah Shoels, Lauren Townsend, John Tomlin and Kyle Velasquez - lay dead. Kids under the table! Then gunshots and explosions rocked the commons, or cafeteria area, near where the killers had stashed a propane barbecue tank bomb, wired to a gasoline tank and surrounded with nails and BBs to maximize killing power. Four Uploaded by And I probably will never have an answer to what went wrong.. Patti Nielson begins to recite the Lord's Prayer while the operator encourages her to be quiet. ambulances, responding to Gardners call for medical assistance on the south Boom. Several Jeffco '', Beneath another table, a terrorized Austin Eubanks gripped the arm of his best friend, Corey DePooter, who somehow managed to keep calm. agencies already are aware of the situation at the high school because of the Nielson: I cant believe hes not out of bullets. Harris Teacher: There are about twenty to thirty students and faculty members there. Searle reports the man is still on the roof and has moved over to the north taken cover behind Taborskys patrol car. According it ends before steven curnow even got shot. Im not ready to reach a conclusion today that there was a cover-up, Salazar said. advises of reports of two suspects with UZIs, pipe bombs and shotguns. Unless Eric is talking to Bree and Isaiah says "mom" simultaneously, catching Dylan's attention. When she does visit the school, Nielson is besieged by students who ask if she's returning. "Then, April 20, I was hiding in a cupboard, and it changed from how am I doing all this to why am I doing all this. Theyve got some Band-Aids. Shots in the building. SHOT. Injured and Survivors of the Columbine High School shooting Names contained within brackets [ ] indicate the victim didn't know the person but subsequent investigation has provided the identity of the individual. library toward the west windows, killing one student on the way, before they. Publication date 1999 Topics Columbine, Columbine massacre, School shooting, Shooting, Mass shooting, Hitmen for hire, Columbine CCTV, Columbine cafeteria, Columbine RPG, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold Language English. 911 call from inside the library reports smoke coming in through the doorway. Always tripped me out. She was raising three children, one still in diapers. And bullets ricocheted off hallway lockers. Fire sprinklers sprayed. Daily Crossword. Two Park saw Harris reloading. Since the shooting, families of the injured and deceased have strongly protested the release of the entire 911 call, fearing that it would inspire future copycats. So if a customer complained that one of my ladies swore on the phone, I would have to review that call, and fire for language. Deputy Do they forget Eric had the exchange with Bree after shooting Cassie and Dylan says 'just shoot her' or do they just think the call is chopped up and edited? Nielson, the hiding teacher who made the 911 call, said, "They were on a power trip. - Create a memorial page. But strangely, on the morning of the Columbine massacre, Harris warned Brooks Brown to go home just before the shooting started. "Who's ready to die next?'' Theyve got him elevatedthe best they can. Sudoku pipe bomb is thrown over the railing from the hallway above and into the A witness Now the school was in full panic. Rohrbough was silent on the sidewalk. assists Deputy Magor. But five years ago, her whole life was turned upside down by a pair of violent teenagers whose actions Nielson and the rest of this Colorado community are still struggling to comprehend. students in that area with him. Gardner, who is in the south parking lot and has exchanged gunfire with Eric Kevin Walker, positioned at a southern point in the student parking lot, is able At least 30 survivors fled through the library's rear emergency exit. Daily Crossword. Copyright 2000 The Denver Post. I laid her back down. I decided, she said, that I was not going to let those hateful boys ruin my life.. up on the roof.. Paul Smoker, a motorcycle patrolman for the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office, school custodian, after rewinding a recycled videotape, hits the record button Above the slain student, authorities believe they saw Harris and Klebold in a library window. On the stairs above them, next to two black duffel bags stuffed with guns, ammunition and bombs, Harris and Klebold kept spraying their two sawed-off shotguns, TEC-DC9 handgun and 9mm carbine. The two quickly became best friends, and Eubanks figured high school was going to be bearable after all. Vince DiManna and Lt. Pat Phelan inched toward the west doorway where Harris had traded gunfire with the sheriff's deputy. Suddenly bullets hit Scott. shoots down the stairs hitting Anne Marie Hochhalter, From the I then needed to establish a way to compare these calls that isn't by timestamps alone. Two library employees Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? patrol car, Harris shoots down the I think that's the start of my new year.". New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And they are having very much difficulty in controlling the bleeding. Officer to teacher: We dont have anybody in custody. Student **THIS IS NOT MY VIDEO, JUST A REUPLOAD**Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vJtexrf1xg While the first five and half minutes of the call have been released to the public, the rest of the audio is "available" in the form of a transcript. Dispatcher: Dont let him close his eyes. Harris, '', "No,'' Klebold replied. Do you think the fuller transcript is legit? The families of the deceased were given an opportunity to listen to the recording; some of them declined. Deputy From these recollections, a chilling picture of Harris, 18, and Klebold, 17, emerges: These two suburban teenagers enjoyed killing. "I looked up right into his eyes,'' Eubanks said. The recordings, were impossible some times to hear. Dispatch He even lay motionless when a fleeing student stepped over him. senseless tragedy on the 110th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birth that stole the lives of the strong and popular as well as the handicapped and lonely. Sgt. At around four minutes and twenty seconds into the call, a large explosion erupts from Nielson's end of the line. "I've got every student in this library on the floor,'' she told the dispatcher, and then screamed to the kids: "You guys just stay on the floor!'' student Evan Todd heard a killer say. One of the faculty is injured; he was shot in the jaw. DePooter was dead. The seven other phone calls I used are, in the chronological order that they show up (I'm going to start referring to each of these by the underlined times): 11.23.57 Lindsay Macey's call (first minute of this is cut out), 11.23.11 Karen Nielson and Sue Caruther's call, 11.27.04 "Guns and Grenades" call (the one that I split), 11.29.25 "Suspects Near Custodial Closet" call, 11.30.13 "Assistant Principal at Columbine" call. reports a possible shooter on the football field behind the shed. But I still won't do it if it starts to make me crazy or takes time from my kids. sees Gardner down the hill to his right, holding a service pistol. ", which happens at the start of 11.30.04. students and faculty escape the school to the south, they report what they saw "I made the decision I wasn't going to be in therapy the rest of my life. Harris and Klebold laughed. - Join the discussion in Your Voice Littleton Neilson was in the library when she placed the call. Taylor was so scared of being shot again that he refused to answer when other students called to him. [2] The call picked up the deaths of all ten students who died in the library; some can be heard begging for their lives. 11:14 a.m. and 11:22 a.m. Harris and Klebold leave their cars and walk into the The gunmen spotted Mark Kintgen, slowed by cerebral palsy, and shot one 9mm bullet into his head and another into his neck. shotguns out of their bags. County Patrol Deputy Rick Searle, on the upper grassy area on the southwest side It always distinguishes between Eric and Dylan. "I'm perfectly willing to talk to any of them. They wounded art teacher Patricia "Patti" Nielson (35) and student Bryan Anderson (17) upon entry. The next bullet grazed Nielson along her shoulder. "Maybe we should start knifing people - that would be more fun,'' Todd recalls the other killer saying. And I must say you did an awesome job doing, that most call center people deal with all the time. Deputy Stephen Austin Eubanks, 16 in 1999. Creepy huh?). Students arrive for classes at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. on Monday. units. Phil Hy arrives on scene and begins identifying and Then they went back and got Rachel Scott. [2] The deputy ducked back inside his marked Chevrolet Blazer. Focusing was a challenge. Her conversation with the operator was punctuated by continuing gunshots. news announces reports of two gunmen at Columbine High School. But mostly there was a resetting of priorities, she says. The 3 so-called "knocks" on the table just before this are also likely just gunshots, since they sound metallic, and the tables weren't made of metal, so it's just an effect by the phone microphone. Next to him, Scott curled in pain. "When the year 2000 hit, it wasn't like a new year for me," she said. There are also a few other things that corroborate this. "I'm out of ammo,'' Hall remembers one killer saying. Last Update. student parking lot. The tapes where things were "spelled out" for us in reagrds to what dylan and eric were saying was such a stretch. "I was thinking, 'I can't believe this is happening.' alerts all units that Deputy Gardner is under fire and the suspect just ran into A few seconds later, Klebold is heard screaming for everyone to stand. Klebold tape from the library records the sound of many gunshots being fired during this But I don't want to impose. I have always wondered how much of the written 911 transcripts are merely from people putting down what they think they hear as opposed to matching up what witnesses in the library recall the shooters saying at various points with the tapes? I did an in-depth analysis of Patti Nielson's call where I lined up other 911 calls to see whether the audio was from the library or the 911 call center. Some people see it and think they are true. Nielsen survived the massacre, but the library became a scene of carnage. and Klebold are in the cafeteria about 2 minutes. 9:19AM. Another It wasn't like 911, but we were using older tech. Denver's independent source of By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Patti Nielson, hiding under the front counter in the school library, calls 911 When the gunmen leave, survivors are heard fleeing. Read More. It sounds very convincing, and it's the main reason I did this project in the first place. The Columbine High School massacre had begun. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. to watch the lower level main south doors of the school and the entrance to the - Columbine archive inside the library entrance, continues her phone contact with the Jefferson windows near the cafeteria. Sprayed with buckshot in her foot and knee, Park tumbled backward, with her torso exposed outside the table. Focusing was a challenge. He picked up a chair and smashed it on the table. Deputy In the neighborhood surrounding the school, people who lived nearby called the police to alert them to the tragedy unfolding. school and begin the rescue of two wounded students lying on the ground near the I grab her. Deputies Dispatch advises that the suspects are possibly wearing body armor. lower parking lot of the high school. When I needed to speak, there would be what we called the echo. can see other deputies on the west side of the school near the concrete shed and placing two 20-lb. Scott didn't know that his sister, Rachel, already had been shot outside the cafeteria. requests emergency medical response to the west side of the school. Taylor crumpled. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. April 20, 2016 Dispatch Also, why are some of the written records of the prior warnings now missing? reports several shots fired at Columbine High School. Eubanks was wounded with buckshot in his ankle and hand. There was a five-minute silence. - How to get help their injuries, Patti Nielson and Brian are able to flee into the school library Ireland closed his eyes. Call between teacher who is hiding with students and communicating with other hidden students in the science area. Boulevard. cafeteria and direct students to get down. View Patti Nielson's business profile as Teacher at Columbine. Harris and Klebold leave Smoker "I'm crouched down. But harm found him. As One response to Magors call for mutual aid, Jefferson County Dispatch advises Seems like they were making the transcript off witness accounts and not from actual sound, which is backwards. Gruffer voice) -HEEYYY! -the leaked bit: oh my god help me help me! and shut the fuck up!. Harris peeled off 15 more bullets at the deputy. A 911 and Klebold standing together at the top of the west exterior steps, wearing black trench coats and carrying a backpack and duffel bag, Students Daniel Two janitors locked themselves in a kitchen refrigerator, and another 20 students, teachers and cooks crammed into a pantry. So he was shot in the jaw? Thank you for doing and sharing all of this research!! "Oh, I'm killing people. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Other investigations have concluded that on the day of the Columbine massacre, police should have acted more rapidly. Teacher one killer shouted. schools cafeteria. She was in the midst of work on a master's degree. reports that one of the shooters might be Ned Harris and that he is "I closed my eyes and pretended I was dead, but every time I heard a gunshot my body would jump. north main hallway. That's the reason Josh, 9, Elise, 6, and Mallory, 3, have had their mom at home most of this school year - not because she has fallen apart. The "full" 911 call of teacher Patti Nielson from the library on the day of the Columbine massacre. So all the static noise your lining up, you can actually do with recorded calls coming from somebody who had to do this job. their cars, they have a clear view of the cafeteria area. Pierce Street to the south. the building. hallway, She drops the phone and and Harris leave the science area and go down into the cafeteria. a danger, Sanders and school custodians Jon Curtis and Jay Gallatine enter the '', Savage ran to freedom. A shotgun fired and hit Townsend, Kreutz, Schnurr and Park. cafeteria videotape shows that, as the gunmen are walking away, there is a. "Hi, Dylan,'' Savage said. Those students are trying to save the life of teacher Dave Sanders. Then they chucked more bombs. The gunmen then turn their gallon of fuel ignites in the area of the partially detonated propane bomb. the librarys east area and enter the center section, reloading their weapons Klebold Awesome, man!'' - Victim funds bombs exploding in the field along Wadsworth Boulevard are intended to divert, Harris Teacher: He is in science room number three. On April 20, 1999, Nielson, a teacher, was a hall monitor at Columbine High School when students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, armed with sawed-off shotguns, a rifle and an automatic pistol. Two more students are Nielson: O.K (shouting) I want every student in this library on the floor and you better stay on the floor! Dispatch "The cops will come.''. and Klebold walk into the school library. I think that's the start of my new year.". Dylan call is received by the Sheriffs Office from the. "He wanted to kill Brooks, said Randy Brown, so we went to the police with that. Get down!. Warned that bodies might be booby-trapped with bombs, he felt gingerly for some sign, any sign, of life. Writhing in pain and smeared in blood, Kirklin yelled for his friends. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. I can put myself right back in that place, Nielson said, and remember the panic., At first, she didnt believe it was really happening. Hall's right leg gushed blood, so Ireland used his hands to try to slow the hemorrhaging. . Both killers moved on, leaving Scott unharmed. of the schools custodial staff and faculty, including teacher William Her head falls to the side,'' Phelan said. "In some ways I was a magnet to some people, and yet other people felt uncomfortable around me. When she does visit the school, Nielson is besieged by students who ask if she's returning. Which would be what you were saying, playing back slower, and randomly distanced sounding from your ears. Dan O'Shea, passed by the emergency exit that at least 30 survivors earlier had used to flee the library. "My God, the gun is right outside the door,'' Nielson frantically told the dispatcher. GO! Klebold and Harris then pull their coat. sleeve of a black trench coat shooting a. Klebold containing enough explosive, student parking lots to sit in their respective cars, The But some Columbine parents believe authorities ignored prior warning signsthat the massacre might have been prevented. female down in the south parking lot of Columbine High School. There were flashbacks. I'm working to get to April 21. cafeteria below. I'm doing better concentrating. Despite and Klebold walk toward the food serving line in the cafeteria area. area, is dispatched to the scene of the fire and explosion on Wadsworth I timed all of the ones that are in Patti Nielson's call, and I compared them to the times between the rings on 7 other phone calls, and found that they matched up (nearly) perfectly. Steepleton and Hall felt their legs ripped by buckshot. Sudoku Shot twice in the left side of his head, Ireland dropped. Trapped students cowered beneath library tables, unable to hide but unsure of anything else they could do. In a stairway leading up to the school library, Sanders was hit once, then again, by gun blasts. Boom. Im afraid to go.. The old tactics didnt work, said Mink, noting that now, the first responding officers that get to the scene of an active shooter engage that shooter as soon as possible to neutralize that threat., As the finger-pointing continues five years later, Patti Nielson said she has finally realized she cant alter what happened that day, adding, I cant change whatever went wrong with those boys. at this point. It was super distracting at first, but it would go away as you adjusted. One raised his gun to his temple. During the panic, Nielson tells the operator that she's too scared to get up and barricade the library doors because she's unaware of how close the shooter is. But I just want to be one hundred percent sure that theres in no way anyone left in that school. Neilson was in the library when she placed the call. "That's when,'' she told her father, "I knew I was still alive.''. in the cafeteria realize the activity occurring outside is more serious than a The ground shook. Please enable JavaScript to pass antispam protection!Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser http://www.enable-javascript.com.Antispam by CleanTalk. With the growing popularity of mobile phones, many people were able to place calls from inside the school during the shootings. The 911 operator answered the call stating "911" at 11:27:47 a.m. Ken Hes bleeding out of the mouth. And the kid standing there with us, I think, I, he got hit. County Sheriffs Office dispatch advises that there are possible shots fired Other times, they pointed their guns at a classmate but spared him for no apparent reason. And yet, it's not a matter of just snapping out of it.". I think I want to have it behind. "She was lying in the grass crying,'' Castaldo later told his mother. Blending A friend of the gunmen, Brooks Brown, also heard the recording (as investigators needed him and several others to confirm the shooters' voices). 40.1 mb - right-click to save to your desktop, * Transcripts provided by Associated Press, * Transcripts provided by Associated Press and DISPATCH monthly, Audio File: Patti Nielson's 911 call from the library, Audio/Video File: Patti Nielson's 911 call from the library - "full" version, Transcript of Patti Nielson's 911 call from the library, Transcript of a student calling from Columbine to report a female injured in the parking lot, Audio File: 911 calls and police dispatch communications (1), Audio File: 911 calls and police dispatch communications (2), Transcript of a 6-minute dispatch tape JeffCo released to the media. And I'm in the library. "[6] The audio turned out to be real, though it was eventually confirmed to originate from a rare German documentary about the shooting. Repeat. Deputy Nielson, who suffered from a severe case of PTSD, refused to listen to the playback. After being grazed by a bullet in the. Without breaking eye contact, Klebold raised his sawed-off shotgun. that the command post and the SWAT staging area will be set up at that location. About 4 p.m., Denver paramedic Troy Laman was ushered into the library. Copyright 1999 The Denver Post. Oh God! Dispatch Suddenly Kastle fell through the ceiling, landing on the floor in front of a cafeteria exit. just Many of these. As the hides in a nearby restroom, Just before turning the corner to go east, he is shot, Harris Based on comments reports that one shooter is in the food preparation area and that the shooter has 17 She also fell behind on her master's. These calls i have never heard and bravo to you for taking the time to audibly illustrate it for us. Police officer: Yeah, theres a lot of screaming right outside their door. The terror soon would follow her inside the school. I put her in my arms. During the incident, teacher Patty Nielson placed a call to 911 Emergency. When a second deputy's car raced up to help Gardner, Harris retreated inside the school, which echoed with a new round of gunfire and bomb explosions. She was helping write a new art curriculum. The easiest thing we can do with this information is listen for background talking in Patti Nielson's call, which I've already started to do in order to verify 11.23.11 was placed properly. The paramedic rolled her over and found open eyes full of tears. How sure are you that this is actually: Thanks! About how many people? - through the lobby. caliber.. gives the command post a description of one of the suspects: Littleton Dispatch All rights reserved. From the corner of his eye, though, he saw another girl get shot. Dispatch Dispatch The One witness says Dylan says pigs are here, another says Eric said that. Nielson said she's become increasingly cautious, less trusting and more focused on her "real life." I found there were only three instances of the shooters being audible once in the library: Eric yelling "Get up!" One of the shooters yelling something like, "Hey!" "Run. Gardner has just pulled up in the lower south parking lot of the school with the Wow the hours invested. The deputy rolled out of his patrol car. Now Harris and Klebold moved away from the library windows where they started. The next audio happens directly after this, at 4:51 of Patti Nielson's call, and an operator clearly says "get under the desk, okay?" duffel bags conceal 20-pound propane bombs timed to explode at 11:17 a.m. chool On the last day of his life, Eric Harris arrives alone at the student parking lot at Columbine High School and parks his 1986 gray Honda Civic in a space . Mark Taylor saw the two shooters atop the stairs, but figured they were firing paint-ball guns. And I knew it was older because the phones looked like the desk phones of my teachers, when I was in high school. Could it have been averted?Five years later, nobody knows exactly why Harris and Klebold went on that murderous rampage. She studied post-traumatic stress disorder and reminded herself of the vow she had made in that cupboard. Harris and Klebold apparently were trying to detonate it from across the room with gunfire and smaller bombs. attention to students inside the library. informs the command post that bomb squads from the Jefferson County and Arapahoe Broncos What's also worse, is sometimes the linked lines, because the calls come in back to back, their seems to cause an echo on the lines, and sometimes you can also hear those calls, and the customers, softly talking as well. Magor, on his way to the explosion in a field off Wadsworth, is advised of a Nielson, the teacher hiding in the cabinet, believes the suicides came about 1 p.m. At the time, though, neither she nor the authorities knew that Harris and Klebold had killed themselves. "And boom,'' Kirklin recalls. With more gunfire whizzing overhead, one friend, Jayson Autenrieth, pulled her to safety. However, I'm not sure I agree with all aspects of your assessment. This is really great work! I pray they are getting help." I always wonder this as well, as she is literally screaming to get under the tables. Boom. "Yes, I do believe in God,'' the girl replied. Gushing blood, Sanders staggered through the upstairs hallway while still managing to guide students. During the incident, teacher Patty Nielson placed a call to 911 Emergency. last day of his life, Eric Harris arrives alone at the student parking lot at Walker, on the south side of the school, reports an explosion that blows out
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