Well if I'm not allowed to wish for more wishes, an easy way to get around that would be to wish for the power to grant my own wishes whenever, with no strings attached.If that wasn't allowed I would wish to have any superpower I could think of, or want, on demand (so basically the first one).I could then use my newfound abilities to solve any of the worlds problems in a constructive and non-harmful mannar. Learn More About Genies & Jinn, Those who came here under the search term wish you all genies must realize you cant wish everyone was a Genie because that violates number two above. Genies can only grant wishes including their own whilst outside the lamp. The meaning of "bad" is of course discussed elsewhere on Philosophy SE. Why is most modal logic about necessity vs possibility rather than permission or wishes? The Gypsy then gathered her clan who still had powers to get revenge but the Genie appeared and threatened to destroy all of them! You need to spend several days, if not weeks, studying your wishes to think of every possible consequence or twist that could be perpetrated upon you. Unlimited money 9. lol Not that I know of. Naturally, a hit was placed on the person. Yes you can get another three wishes with a new Genie. How would word a wish to become a WereTiger? I shouldnt release them into this world. Shapeshifting powers 5. You cannot wish to kill or bring back from the dead. What do genies say when they grant a wish? Its been shortened to the top 35 images based on user votes. Too many deals with Satan to think Genies arent gonna be the slightest bit cheeky. 4.4 miles away from Carpet Genie. What happens if you wish for infinite wishes? - Magical powers for myself without any negative consequences for me (Matter manipluation for example) - The creation of safe elements that can be used for clean energy productionOut of ideas for #3. If the genie is a PIRATE GENIE, there can only be one wish per matey on ship. I also wish for the first one. This, however, is easily bypassed if you wish for more genies of the type in our premise. And Im sure I wont find a genie. 1. 1) Put Trump in jail or, respectively, to a place where he can no longer cause any damage in the future and replace him with a reasonable people-loving and nature-loving individual. I also have been known to be very clumsy.. Not saying they are for sure to blame. Since if they are of evil nature. If I can figure it out I am disappointed. I felt his power. Jinn basically are an evil, and malicious species from another dimension. He settles with Aladdin, Jasmine, Abu, and Rajah in the Sultans palace. What about "I wish to have the power to fulfill all my wishes." The Genie explains to Aladdin how the whole wish thing works. Your other comment ("make me wish the best wishes") seems quite a smart short-cut, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Like for instance, wishing for world peace ends up with all life being extinguished. When you get a genie, it can only give you 3 wishes, but you can't wish for more wishes. Geniewish Stands For What we believe in Respect Respecting the unique worth of every person. Paranormal Answers To Supernatural Questions, Genies are the most infamous supernatural wish granters in all the Universe! Assuming that there are already more genies of the type in our premise out there, wishing for more genies should still work, but eventually you will run out of genies (unless there are already an infinite number of genies out there). Well, first off, I'd wish for a billion dollars. You cannot wish to bring anything into existence which is not already in existence nor remove anything from existence. They are the nefarious Jinn from another dimension who are bottled or lamped up by the forces of righteousness to protect our reality. World peace, including reversing climate change. Have you ever had this happen? I Went On Vacation With My Friend And Her Family, They Kicked Me Out So I Got My Own Room And Stayed On, Someone Asks "What Makes You Not Want To Have Kids?" seriously? It naturally attracts dark fortune! Although the Genie sensed the curse and neutralized it by inserting their own Jinn spirit in between it and their human Masters soul. Worse case scenario, you'll trade one wish for another. And 30 People Deliver Sincere Answers, "False Frugalities": 45 Examples Of People Trying To Save But Actually Losing Money, Woman Buys Ex-Hoarder's Home With All Of Their Belongings, Spends 4 Years Cleaning When Relatives Start Demanding Heirlooms They Didn't Want, "You Are So Beaut-OHGOD! They can magically cloak their real appearance. Imagine being able to go back and witness some of the most significant moments in history or fast forward to see what the future holds. He wanted me to put on those g strings. With the wish above you would already have highly enhanced strength, speed, agility, and senses. @Jack Note that with your comment on "happy" you are touching on philosophical debate (also in economic theory, political theory, decision theory, and probably more fields). For everyone suggesting to wish for more wishes, it's always rule 1 of a genie that you can't do that. The origin of Jeannie is the same as Jinn. Edit: I acknowledge and appreciate the easy answer of Gugg but if someone could give an answer with the now additional made up - and admittedly kinda dull - restriction, please answer as well: One cannot just tell the genie that what he says just doesn't count any more at all. Within wish mode, they can return to their bottle or lamp but they cant use magic without the Masters permission. Sorry, They are not selfish and you deserve everyone of them. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved In the 1992 movie, Princess Jasmine and her father, the sultan, get into a fight early on because one of their kingdoms rules proclaims that she needs to get married by a certain birthday. Image Based Life > Uncategorized > can you wish for more genies from a genie. When we express our wishes to others, we make ourselves vulnerable in a kind of way. What happens if you wish for infinite wishes? No Infinite Wishes - You cannot wish for more wishes otherwise known as Infinite Wishes. Wish #1: Wealth or Happiness. ", - Putin chokes on a peanut- To go back and handle one little thing differently that changed the course of my life- Find affordable cure for cancer. (Family, neighbours, etc). It's not just genie, it's genius! A Gedankenexperiment. So I had to get rid of that too. Dameon_the_demon 3 yr. ago. Until reading this. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. by. With that kind of money, you could do just about anything you wanted. Ifrit: used for a jinni that is more powerful and stronger than a Shaytan. People dont get offended over everything 2. Is it scientific or a logical error to claim something is true because I can't think of another explanation, A logical approach to the question of God. The only safe genie is a genie that shares all your judgment criteria, and at that point, you can just say "I wish for you to do what I should wish for." Which simply runs the genie's should function. They deal with specific humans, using their powers to grant wishes. With my NOs. Ive never seen the Wishmaster films however 3 and 4 are available to watch online at Netflix so maybe Rebecca, and I will power up our full wall projection TV with streaming Netflix player, break out the popcorn, and watch them. The beyond angered Gypsy tried to destroy both of them by conventional means but it was a complete joke. Thats why avoiding Genies is best! Theres some ambiguity in making such a wish. They backed down and realized there was no way to win. Any doubt, no baby. Genies (also known as Djinn) are a powerful race of wish-granting beings made of pure magic who are gifted with phenomenal cosmic powers that allow them to bend the rules of the world and take on any form they desire. Criss Angel is mysterious either way! - Bring back my grandparents in full health. Everyday they would move. 5 CLICK TO DONATE 10 CLICK TO DONATE 50 CLICK TO DONATE Any Other Amount CLICK TO DONATE However weve seen no evidence that they exist. Your account is not active. You are right about the Djinn, I never thought it was real when I would watch it. If they trick me. Genies cannot countermand any restrictions imposed by the Higher Power. Even the few Immortals who came across a Genie, and became a Master, never found one again after hundreds, and in another case thousands of years. Think carefully. "asking for us to speculate on the rule-based restrictions of a mythical creature in a work of fiction": The name here is philosophy of religion ;). Within the parameters of the question , this is a compromise with which I agree. I took it as a bad omen to go to NY. March 2, 2023. GENIES WISHES- REQEST SERIES. The wish-granting releases that power in a safe controlled manner to prevent the equivalent of a supernatural nuke going off. Once the Genie was let out of the bottle her magical Jinn aura halted normal human aging. Then I wont burn the dolls. The Genie got revenge by proxy and went back into their bottle with a smug superiority! I told him when I ever become single I would let him know. For all sorts of reasons, the imaginations of many people seem only to run to worse-case scenarios. It is getting harder to navigate the world without a cellphone, so you tell me. Theres also an issue if someone discovers you all of the sudden have this money and the IRS becomes involved along with other governmental agencies investigating you! Eight Billion Genies #1 is written by Charles Soule, drawn by Ryan Browne and lettered by Chris Crank for Image Comics. What would you think if u were me? Community We are proud to be part of the local communities we serve. Why does no one think to wish for more genies? Edit: Yeah Im going to need those other two wishes. Its such a rare find to get hold of Genie so it would be a shame to pass the wishes up. Zoe Brown Constantly working on self betterment. 1. - For my Dad to be alive again, and in full health- For my beloved baby Filou (kitty) to be alive again- Enough money to retire instantly and live comfortably for the rest of my days (goes for me, Mom and my brother). quick tutorialand don't add more than 3 to that number it can crash the game -No bringing people back from the dead. To get candy whenever I want it 12. We pride ourselves in Christian values and not finishing until we are completely satisfied. In the distant past, the different tribes of Genie had a lot of interaction with mortals.In some terminalogies Demons also refernced towrads Genies. Teleportation abilities 11. A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar. The quintessential Vampire Apocalypse! TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. Wish 2: Give me all the knowledge in the universe. Ultimately you can never know for sure if the Genie is good because they are very devious, and manipulative. Criss sounds like a pervert. Ill send more protection tonight. He then tried to hypnotise me with his eyes. One restriction is that Shenron wont grant the same wish twice, which is especially problematic when it comes to resurrections. Im so glad you posted this.. A Gremlin might have sensed your power, and pushed you off so it could wreak havoc with the train free of your interference. It may sound cheesy or cliche, but can you imagine a world without war, hatred or violence? However, they may be trapped again by a Genie Hunter or Jinnologist. Finally, someone thought of the fact that genies are tricksters. Each genie grants one wish. Something essential to prevent them from going crazy! Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. I believe most of us have dreams. (and let's pretend the genie really let's you have only three wishes, because in the comic one cannot say how many wishes the genie actually (wanted to) allow for. Theologians of the Arabic language have given a variety of names to jinn. As with many mechanics in The Sims 3, socialization leads to the best results, and . However, adding a phrase like, I make this wish with good luck, is essential to having things turn out in your favor. Particularly in the form of Borrowed Magic. This idea combined with other fables to add the "be careful what you wish for" moral of the tales we're so familiar with today. Was called Avast .. what a bugger. You cannot wish anything that would alter the structure of the wishing system itself. Hes like no.. when you wake it wont be gone. To this day she still walks among us! You can gain a great advantage by holding off on making all three wishes and enjoying the protection of the Genie. You'll have to resummon the genie and make another wish after winning a battle. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? To go back to eighteen knowing what I know now. Any person who releases a Genie from their lamp or bottle becomes the Master who is granted three wishes. More answers below However, we are still allowed to dream about magically achieving our desires. The simplest way to achieve human bodily perfection is to declare, I wish I had the DNA of an Alpha Human born within The Garden Of Eden at the heart of Mother Earths perfection. You would then become a flawless superhuman complete with a high IQ and beautiful appearance. It's even sadder that a lot of folks think this is a normal way of living and it's not. This list makes me sad. You can change your preferences. No homework 3. Please enter your email to complete registration. Things all humans have to have in order to exist and maintain themselves. You apparently don't know that saying, one with genuine power! There is still no confirmation that Genie is now human, though. Although, over all. He put his hands on my belly and it was gone! If you just ask for a billion dollars then it could very well be stolen from a bank or even worse dangerous criminals! I want a job. Oh I like the idea of that last one! Fair, no? Unfortunately, we do not live in Aladdin's world where even the most utopian wishes can come true. In the anime, Beerus noted that he could have wished the dragon to destroy the universe if he wanted to. Clearly some will become very dangerous, and devious Genies. The ability to travel to fictional worlds. Rate this book. Whatever you can afford to donate will help grant magical wishes to those who need it most. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Thats a good question that we never addressed it seems. The ability to instantly make sequels and stuff of my fav movies and TV shows so they never die out, 1. It's boring. First I would wish for at least $1 to appear in my wallet anytime I snapped. How would you maximize your three wishes? At least in their bottle, they can manufacture a rather realistic dream world to live in. Then word everything perfectly. I would just make 3 simple wishes. My first wish would be that me and my loved ones are always perfectly healthy and will live with that perfect health until our peaceful death during sleep at a high but still normal age. Firstly, who put the bomp in the bomp ba bomp ba bomp.Secondly, who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong.And thirdly, the name of the exalted entity who placed the boog in the boogity boogity shoo.I trust that the honorable genie will consider my entreaty forthwith, and I thank him for his consideration. The genie is only doing BODY SWAP, TG/MTF, INANIMATE TF, ABSORPTION/ BODYPART TF and SHRUNKEN/ GIANTESS Captions. That couples only can get pregnant if they both really, really want to have a baby. They need to know what's it like . So you may think you are smart and beating the system by "I wish for ten more wishes" or "I wish for infinite wishes" or "I wish that all my wishes came true" But those are all meta-wishes and cannot be granted. You will just irritate the genie, who finds this sort of thing tiresome in the extreme. The summoner can require all three wishes at the same time or at different times. He didnt like it one bit. (Please read all the info before you make a request.) Unfortunately, Jinn Hunters couldnt trap her as she was already bound to a bottle and Master. It often needs to be a paragraph or more! The Irish red head could be a Leprechaun in disguise. Anyone can write on Bored Panda. My wish would be for a magic lamp, then I would rub it and get unlimited wishes. Some say the color of the smoke coming out of the lamp or bottle might be an indicator but the only color identified for sure is that of black which indicates a pure evil entity that should be avoided at all costs. Minecraft, legos, and animals basically keep me alive. I just saw this SMBC comic. Aladdins Genie exists in a gaseous state and thats why, the molecules of the gas scatter shorter wavelengths of light too, making the giant appear blue. you think that when your coworker uses profanity; toronto general hospital family practice. Yeah I was like what the heck is going on? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In Aladdin 2019, Genie becomes a full-on human instead of merely being given freedom; his physical change means that he loses his blue form and magic abilities, leading to him taking on a brand new life. The genie is an NPC that Sims can summon by cleaning an Antique Lamp [TS:LL] or rubbing the Dusty Old Lamp [TS2:FT] [TS3:ST].In the first three main games in The Sims series, a genie can grant various wishes on behalf of the Sim who summoned it, although in the first two games these wishes may turn out to have either positive or negative consequences.In Livin' Large and FreeTime, genies cannot . Assuming that there are already more genies of the type in our premise out there, wishing for more genies should still work, but eventually you will run out of genies (unless there are already an infinite number of genies out there). In the animated Disney version of Aladdin, Aladdins three wishes were: 1) to make him a prince; 2) to save him from drowning; and 3) for the Genie to be free. He can't wish for more wishes, rule free or otherwise. There is a purported reason why . If someone wished that genies didn't exist, then they could essentially make it so all past genies and the wishes they granted also didn't exist. lol He didnt say anything. I would presume that the heart of what is meant by the latter restriction is that you cannot wish anything that would alter the structure of the wishing system itself. These are all good. The particular Clause within Universal Law states that you must be in the same physical condition of mind and body as when the Genie was released from their bottle or lamp. You can't wish for genies, wishes or "posts like that". My friends and family to forever have only good memories3. In ancient times people didnt have such help but in the modern world you can turn to paranormal professionals. Super Shenron has no apparent limits to what he can do but only grants only one wish per summoning. You can also add our website to your white list. Especially if youre suffering from anything. No more poverty2. will it stay this way? Is there a way to ask the genie for infinite wishes in a very clear logical way, that leaves the genie no loophole? Be it something material or intangible, human beings always have something to wish for. Note: this post originally had 122 images. Bring your sword b***h.3. Im like wow! Some somewhat related stuff on genies and wishes: It would be more interesting to wish "I dont want this wish to come true". If you are asking for us to speculate on the rule-based restrictions of a mythical creature in a work of fiction, then I think this is off-topic for Philosophy.SE. You cannot wish for anyone to fall in love with you. These are all good wishes. And Broly was stated by Goku to be stronger than Beerus. The dolls may have moved themselves, and are hiding from you as they sense their eventual entrapment or demise. Right before I moved. You cannot wish to kill or bring back from the dead. Youre probably right though about the strange occurrences with good and evil. The Bored Panda iOS app is live! First, we asked about whether a wish can tell a lot about a person. Why is it so hard to achieve? Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? So any diseases, disabilities, etc. I have not fallen since. That my kids will grow up being well-balanced and content human beings. Also, technically killing is a transition of states, but the genie likely refuses to do this on principle as well. We don't just stop there, if you are not . lol If the Jin is anything like Criss Angels Jin in the movie. The genie gains the special interaction "Make a Wish," but before we do that, Pyro decides to talk him up first. Whats this mean? I met him through a friend. Genies (or jinn, as they are better known in the Arabic world) are supernatural beings with roots in ancient Mesopotamian legends. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. I wish I could be a helping hand but all I can say is anxiety is the fear of not living up to expectations and ur daughter just needs to know that she is doin great and to keep goin. We are are the real Genies that help make your wishes come true with junk removal. Your feedback will help us improve the article. Frieza also presumes that the Super Shenron could grant him the desire to reign over all Gods. Are you crazy? Information on changes and updates in the latest Genie version can be found in our Release Notes section on our Knowledgebase. I think I'm gonna except it as an answer ;), Ah, no I see, this is basically saying, I wish that your restriction doesn't count. You can read more about it and change your preferences. So, there you gogenies, lamps, and wishes. As well as the usual wealth & health--all great wishes. I'd wish for every rapist and pedophiles in the world to spontaneously combust.. And suffer the same fate for yourself---"Be very careful what you wish for.it can backfire and come true for you." Next up, I'd wish for the ability to time travel. It is a question about logic. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. If no one fell ill or was upset, there would be more joy and less stress. Not to be rude or anything I just don't understand. can you wish for more genies from a genie; 31257 via maria elena bonsall ca, 92003; grand circle travel to scotland 3. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. and we are all in an alternate timeline/history. Hes 62. No more climate change, poverty, or jerk billionaires. We cannot control the actions of others and how they may think about or act toward us. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us! It can be assumed, then, that after the end of Aladdin, Genie is free, no longer bound by the constraints of living in a lamp and serving different masters, but hes not human.
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