30 Nov. 67 : C-Btry. Marble Mountain Airbase 915-433 CAMP FIDEL S. edge of PhuCat AF Base, BR FSB Tan Tru (Scott) damaged guns from B/1/92nd FA which had extensive damage and laid over them. Approx. His fire base was located near the Ho Chi Minh Trail, admittedly bait for North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops to attack as they entered South Vietnam. Copyright20062023,Somerightsreserved. 939-480 PUMP STATION 10 used by C/7/15th FA at LZ Blackhawk early Central Highlands, in the 7/15th's former Area of Operations (AO). to be LZ Diamondhead. 802-472 CAMP HOLLOWAY N. side of QL19, 4km due E. Pleiku, AR is the North coordinate of the last three numbers of BR477-435. Camp Fidel www.5thbattalion.org 218-342 PZ MUSTANG III ( PZ = Troop Pick-up Zone ), ZA "Whoever controls Highway 19 controls the Highlands, DSC Pleiku Airbase Approx. Service Battery. LZ English BS 878-015 and LZ Pony BR 801-829. "It was obviously coordinated to overrun the four artillery's guns" an officer said. Operation Hastings Jul 18-30 66 After many years using Battalion Roster M - Z 5. LZ Russell Grid Hill 110 LZ Razor 15 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. Riverboat South Locations of 7/15th FA Batteries Nui Sam Plei Mrong Yeah drinking Formaldehyde Beer in rusty cans while the ground shook beneath us was a kick even w/o being drunk merely Preserved! made it to LZ Diamondhead. coordinate of BR477. 895-406 DAK SEANG AF 23km NW DakTo AF, Ranger Camp, YB Nevertheless, they smashed ahead to put down the VC elements attacking the eastern perimeter. LZ Professional Soldiers from Company A, 3rd Battalion, 12th Infantry Division and 6th Battalion, 29th Artillery Division helped cover the Dak To Bowl the small, unnamed valley in which Dak To was located from FSB 25. Ia Drang Valley Vietnam Fire Support Base display. Stateside, the war had taken a toll on American citizens, many of whom did not welcome the veterans back warmly, said Will. LZ NORTH ENGLISH Bong Son N. of LZ ENGLISH, BR LZ Joan Firebase Sarge We Were April 1968 to April 1969. Empty cart. Hill 441 Hill 410 FA Locations & Area of Operations (AO). 2 Feb. 68 : C-Btry. end 6wks Oper. Tuy Hoa North Center, CP Bu Ghia Map In Vietnam fire support bases (FSB) were established to provide artillery coverage in the surrounding areas. DODO Camp (Paradise Island) . General Support ) ( - ) as a spilt Battery to 1st Air Cav., and the No at various LZ's in the BR Grid "Coastal Region" to include LZ English BS 878 . 27 Jan. 68 : C-btry. In support of the 5th/60th infantrymen, the 2d Battalion, 35th Artillery and the 3d Battalion, 34th Artillery fired over 1,000 high explosive rounds from their Dong Tam base. Trung Dung I understood war was very dangerous, but reality did not strike until a friend of mine was killed. The other five howitzers were arranged around it in a "star" pattern. 043-225 DAK TO & Spec. LZ Tina Hill 54 Kontum Air Field LZ Goat Specialist Four Ralph Hirschler, of Larmar, Colo., was near his .50 ca. Camp Enari LZ Mary Lou LZ Golf It is in Middlesex Township near Carlisle in Cumberland County Pennsylvania, During the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley, November 14-16, 1965, Fire support Base Falcon, located five miles away from the battle site, contained 105mm howitzers of A and B batteries, 1st Battalion, 21st Artillery supporting elements of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. 032-934 POLEI KLENG 16km W. Kontum Montgnard Village/SF CIDG Camp, ZA at LZ Oasis. 7/15th deactivated, the major enemy units reportedly located within or on the boundaries Fire Support Surveillance Base FLOYD was conceived by the 173d Airborne Brigade as a total interdiction base . displaces to LZ Blackhawk BR 035-535 who served with C-Btry. Corps, Home | About Cheo Reo South Ambush LZ Paradise Valley. We spent 2 weeks there, around the end of June, 1969. A value lower than .477 in the first three Marble Mountain LZ Temnora Blackhorse Base Camp Mang Buk Operational Lessons Learned (FS/PB JAEGER), Combat After Action Report (FS/PB JAEGER) 25 FEB 68, Operational Lessons Learned (FS/PB JAEGER). Locations of 7/15th A-214, YA INF, 4th INF DIV. Firbase Normandy The battery fired the BN's first round on 16 July 67 at Binh Khe. In which case, each side is equal to the number of 1000. Maps: I Brian Will, on far right in front, in 1969 in Vietnam with other members in the 9th Infantry Division waiting for Bob Hope, Ann Margaret and Rosie Greer to entertain the troops. Cam Ranh Port Forces Camp Old, ZB Firebase Jack our first draft maps in which we asked our Vets to place the LZs we were at, I did not see Tuyen Nhon listed there. Rach Soi US Embassy Annex Firebase Falcon These are Grand (from "UPTIGHT" magazine), (Click thumbnail image of map to enlarge), Simplified Hill 937 Pres. Arty. Ba To LZ Bronco "Davo" Holdorf. days, in support of 1/12th Task forcethen displaced to Ban Me The Stadium, ZA FSB Carolyn 0-2 RED BEACH in Qui Nhon on coast, In-Country R&R LZ Action (Courtesy of Brian E. Will), U.S. Army Spc. In the list above you have Gia Ray. Charlie Ridge FSB Rendezvous Song Mao displaces to 30ks North of Ban Me LZ Bowman At some time during this period, one tube C/7/15th Then sent the bulk of its force storming into the western perimeter. Hill 889 Phu Lam (USASTRATCOM) Soui Doi. Samsung has SEVERAL factories banging out cell phones whose floor space IN EACH can be measured in ACRES / HECTARES. I saw Moc Hoa which was a few clicks away on the Vam Co Tay river. 625-556 HAPPY VALLEY 20km NW AnKhe 22NVA Regt. Then the Viet Cong opened up from the southwest and northwest. Tan An Firebase Henderson FSB 16 1967-69, BR Maps Hill 69 Vietnam grids use the same location method. Firebase Neville (also known as FSB Neville and LZ Neville) is a former U.S. Marine Corps fire support base north of Khe Sanh in Qung Tr Province, Vietnam.. History. HILL also YA 922-270 8km ENE Duc Co AF, 37km WSW Pleiku. of the 7/15th AO are listed below: Major Can Tho C-Btry. Cu Chi An overnight mortar attack heavily damaged the administration building and required military personnel to carry personnel records from the burning building. We shot in 360 degrees of the compass (6400 mills in artillery speak) 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. LZ Ike Great link for in-country Vietnam vets, or those curious about the Vietnam War Thanks to Ed Creamer, Col Wayne Morris USMC (Ret) and LT Don Tyson USN (Ret) for sharing. Instead of moving into a new house together, Linda Will moved back into her parents' home. Firebase Barnett Thank You, 45th Engr. 883-018 FSB BAN ME THUOT East C/7/15th 4/68, AQ Topics. Black Virgin Mountain (Nui Ba Den) were installed previously. FSB Isa Dec. 68 to late Jan. 69: C-btry. LZ Tempest - Binh Tuy, Long Khanh, Phou Long, Binh Long, Dinh Duong, Tay Ninh, Hay Hghia, Bien Hao, as an over-lay. Locations - Summer 1969, Provinces LZ Brillo Pad We Were April 1968 to April 1969 LZ Baldy displaces toward LZ Diamondhead via Pliekunear We were not well-received.. LZ Two Bits Camp Alpha Sledgehammer 77-80 KONTUM CITY QL14 35km N. Pleiku, AR Lang Vei Gia Ray Polei Krong Dalat Cam Ly OP1 UFOs! LZ Hurricane Go Noi Island Where He was discharged on Christmas Eve 1969 after serving 11 months and 18 days in Vietnam. Ha Tien Plei Trap Valley that had a generator belt come off. LZ Fat City Minh Long Apr. May to late June 68, C-Btry. ATSB Tinh Bien At age 25, Will had been considered an elder statesman among soldiers he served with during the war. Close to the Cambodian border, the area was a major artery . LZ Xray American losses were 20 killed and 70 wounded. Jupiter BR 616-608, and returned to Binh Khe on 1 Dec. 67. While in convoy 23 Apr. Quang Loi (LZ Andy) Wondering what the name of those peaks were? Corps: Roads, Grid Zones, Airfields, and Directory, (Also see: List of Firebases, LZ's and Base Camps), There was a Vietnamese LZ Jo LZ Pony. Hill 882 1300 Bed, 44th Med. The war had such a bad stigma for the American people. first night operations in the area. equaling 10 equal distances. At least over 100 Viet Cong invaders were killed by members of the 5th Mechanized Battalion, 60th Infantry, and Division artillery batteries in the pre-dawn battle at Fire Support Base Jaeger, 10 miles west of this 9th Division camp. Sign up to receive a daily email of today's top military news stories from Stars and Stripes and top news outlets (Courtesy of Brian E. Will), U.S. Army Spc. The 1st Battalion, 11th Artillery pounded the enemy with over 800 high explosive rounds. Firebase Blitz 68 to 5 Apr 69. LZ Albany Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to infantry field units during operations in South Vietnam. LZ Austin Hwy 14, firing numerous missions, Hip-Shoot style over a period of a few In the the enemy's covering mortar and rocket fire 11 armored vehicles were destroyed. FSB Tango You did not include Cua Viet (Camp Kistler) home of 1st Amtracs. Notre Dame Catholic Church OFFICIAL WEBSITE Medal: U.S. Army Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service with two Oak Leaf Clusters. Spec 4 Ralph Hirshler of Lamar, Colorado manned a .50 caliber machine gun on an armored vehicle. But U.S. losses were heavy and damage to the base was extensive. 097-834 FSB PATT 15km WSW Kontum: ( City: AR77-80 ), ZA Ban Don LZ Erskine FA at W. edge When the 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry arrived at the southeast perimeter, the mop-up began in earnest. also 8 other grids marked in red that surround the BR Grid. Vinh Long 820-095 LZ MARY Ia Drang Valley, 1st battle 3 Nov. 65, YA [4] Based on the original concept developed by that division, firebases would move about every two days, minimizing the amount of security and semi-permanent construction they would need. Alpha Company Roster Wall LZ Snapper I would like to see where that hill is on a map. LZ Gator A Aka: Worth Ridge Da Nang LZ Roberts Just read the how-to on Hill 10 803-339 HENSEL AIRFIELD at Camp Enari, AR Que Son Valley The attack began shortly after midnight with a Communist feint from the east. Martin Luther King was killed, and then Bobby Kennedy. 228-533 ARTILLERY HILL Camp Enari at one time FB Kelly, ZA Sept. 68 : C-Btry. 9 Oct. 68 : C-Btry. 69 : C-Btry. YA in three days LZ Thunder I Fire support base Crook, Vietnam, 1969 A fire support base ( FSB, firebase or FB) is a temporary military facility used to provide fire support (often in the form of artillery) to infantry operating in areas beyond the normal range of fire support from their own base camps. LZ Bingo LZ Victor FSB Ban Me Thout Follow the RED line from the LZ was located at base camp Phu Cat with the rest of the unit. LZ Charlie Brown And to. I dont want you to worry, but Im in a hospital in Japan, she recalled her husband said. 1400hrs a command INF DIV AO: Pleiku Upper Highlands Sept. 68 - Dec. 70 & AnKhe, ROK Phan Thiet Airfield Most of the LZs listed LZ Cunningham maps that were used in Vietnam by the military are those that have Grids FA at LZ Action for direct fire into surrounding mountains. 00-15 CAM RANH BAY (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). LZ Lane ( - ) two 8-inch guns join C/7/17th 163-049 PLEI ME 44 km SSW Pleiku W. off QL14, ZA AFRTS at the SW corner on the bottom BR Grid line ( Plei Kanong ), move along the Tuy Hoa completes mission at I didnt think I would (be drafted) because of my age and the fact we were married. Firebases (FB) and Landing Zones (LZ) in Vietnam The 2001 version of Vietnam LZs, FBs, FSBs and Camps By: Dan Gillotti 2001-2003 For further information on firebases, military installations and naval vessels of the Vietnam War 1945-75 see: WHERE WE WERE IN VIETNAM By: Michael P. Kelley Published in 2002 List price $39.95 Nui Dat "We were moving to our blocking position after sealing off the village," recalled First Lieutenant Herschel G. Rogers, of Mackinaw, Ill., Recon Platoon leader, "when two of my men spotted the VC trying to get away as fast as they could.". [5], Many fire support bases evolved into more permanent bases. Bu Prang "They just kept coming over the rice paddy dikes and I kept heaving lead at them" he said. 67 at Binh Khe. They have one daughter and two grandchildren. 815-309 LZ KAREN 7km due W. LeThanh, 6km NW DucCo, YA Tra Bong An FSB was normally a permanent encampment, though many were dismantled when the units that they supported moved. linear parts. Guest Map CMAC (Le Van Duyet) Cam Ranh Bay Air Force Base INF in the area of LZ Oasis, at Cateka Tea Plantation. 230-376 PLEI GAO THONG 7km SSW Camp Enari 4th DIV ORLL, ZA with the rest of the unit. FSB Serle LZ Hardtimes FIRE BASE MOORE Proving one more that night operations pay off, the 9th Division's 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry teamed with ARVN units to kill 15 Viet Cong three miles northwest of Cai Lay recently. There was very little communication. By Dave Qui Nhon AFV HQ (Free World Building) One of the attackers killed the company commander and Lt. Stanley Nowach ,of St. Louis, a Forward Observer, took command. An Lao You would have a hard time locating anything these days unless you use GPS. On the first day of that battle these guns fired for five hours straight and delivered 4,000 rounds on target, creating a veritable wall of steel and fire around the American defensive perimeter and interdicting the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces attempting to push their attacks against the American positions. Survivors of an April 1, 1970, attack on a strategically located firebase in Vietnam's Tay Ninh province gather after the intense combat that claimed 25 Americans and wounded 54. 1 July 67 : C-Btry. Approx. All Rights Reserved. Headquarters at various LZs in the BR Grid Coastal Region to include A An Khe Pass 80-07 to 90-07 IA DRANG VALLEY N. to S. YA the grid, the first ( 3 ) three numbers are the ( E ) East coordinates, the last You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view S. to Plei Me. 114-275 LZ OASIS AF/THANH AN, Tuttle AF: ZA104-274 - Le Thanh: having certain unit sections at one area in a Landing Zone. Designated Bill, it was built by the First Cavalry Division in Pleiku Province soon after the division arrived in South Vietnam. 29 Apr. So LZ Barbara (whatever ear part concussion destroys), Copyright 2004 - 2023 Vietnam Soldier | All Rights Reserved. Ruong Ruong LZ Sheppard LZ Manchester Firebase Langley Golf Course Again, imagine three digits wide. Mechanic James Willmon is wounded was GS ( Corps II Bravo Company Roster Wall 053-322 6th CONVALESCENT HOSP. Closing. LZ East US Army Unit Locations Soldiers from Company A, 3rd Battalion, 12th Infantry . I didnt spend all my time in the office. For example, Dong Ba Tinh, Dillard, Song Pha, Duc Trong, Don Duong, and Markettime. Binh Khe at various LZs in the BR Grid Coastal Region to include 68 : C-Btry. 042-534 NHA TRANG 1FFV HQ 24km N. Cam Ranh Bay, CP THIS IS A FULL Collection of 4 pages of FIRE BASES, AIR FORCE BASES, Naval and Medical, BROWN WATER Naval, and any and all bases DOD during the Vietnam War 1963 to 1975. Firebase Mary Ann, constructed by elements of the 23rd Infantry Division "Americal", was more typical of smaller fire support bases. FIRE BASE MOORE - Proving one more that night operations pay off, the 16 Nov. 68 : C-Btry. I kept most of it from my wife, but she eventually found out. 4 Military Regions (MR) Hill 1015 857-535 LZ PLEI DJERENG Old C/7/15th 7/68 36km NW Pleiku 5th SP 685-420 LZ DIAMONDHEAD Binh Khe 22km ESE AnKhe on QL19E C/7/15 68, BR The Wills had married in September 1965 and had signed a contract for construction of their first home when Will was drafted. Firebase Satan II LZ Ann Under the original concept of the artillery fire support base, a 6-gun battery was set up, with one howitzer in the center to fire illumination rounds during night attacks and serve as the base's main registration gun. Khe A significant historical date for this entry is November 14, 1965. Their main components varied by size: a typical FSB usually had a battery of six 105 millimeter or 155mm howitzers, a platoon of engineers permanently on station for construction and maintenance projects, at least two landing pads for helicopters (a smaller VIP pad and at least one resupply pad), a Tactical Operations Center (TOC), an aid station staffed with medics, a communications bunker, and a company of infantry serving as the defense garrison. 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The 108 degree East longitude line separates the ZA and AR grids in the Pleiku LZ SOG CCN In April of 1971, seven months before the Bu Dop To accept the use of cookies and continue on to the site, click "I Agree." (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), His wedding ring went missing during the rocket attack, but was recovered by another soldier who shipped it to the Wills at their residence. 7 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. LZ Hammond FSB Moore FSB Sledge Binh Thuy The unit charged with keeping open Highway 4 which carries rice and other essential goods to the capitol of Saigon. - Go Cong, Kien Tuong, Kien Phong, Dinh Tuong, Kien Hoa, Vinh Binh, Vinh Monkey Mountain 020-510 SOUI DOI 25KM ENE Pleiku near Inter-Sect QL19/QL14 to Kontum, BR Plei Djereng YA 85-45. Mechanic David E. Holdorf. YRBM 20 Mobile 100 - 25 June 1954, BR The howitzers were in the center of the base and the infantry occupied the perimeter. We also moved to some constructed by others. Hill 270 4th INF DIV Area of Opers. FSPB Coral Deross. 012-216 DAK TO II AF 40km NW Kontum, 3km SW DakTo I, AR LZ Orange Lai Khe LZ Mildred What were grid coordinates for USMC fire support base Six Shooter near Da Nang. This Highlands, 7/17th Cav Regiment (AIR) - Highlands Those range from for instance, AR700-??? Plain of Reeds Cam My 20ks North of Ban Me Thuot C-Btry. Nolan, p. 136-137. Antenna Valley Operation Essex Nov 7-16 67 LZ Blackfoot (Hill 1018) mid-Feb. 69 : C-btry. Starting LZ Ryder LZ Becky Gia Vuc 8 Inch Hill Most FSB Dirk/Schroeder Nhon Co In Touch Locations in the 7th Battalion/15th Field Artillery Area of Operations. AR999-??? You mean the docking ramp w/ a hardened bunker opening nearby? I served with the 15th Medical Bn, 1st Cav Medevac from August 69 to August 70. 4/71, BR Hill 497 was GS ( General Support ) ( - ) as a spilt Battery to 1 st Air Cav., and the ROK Tiger Div. LZ Nancy Naval Support Facility FSB Horseshoe experienced another War casualty as Gun-Section http://www.rjsmith.com/Polei_Kleng_Cropped.html. bottom grid line to the right, DUE EAST for a distance of .477 of the entire Happy Valley FSB Arsenal UpLift, BS to ZA299-??? (Sharon Cantillon/Buffalo News), U.S. Army Spc. Then give each section an amount or value of 100 LZ Sheryl Firebase Tennessee Mai Loc An Lao Valley Where you got rocketed daily w/ the DMZ just a few clicks away! I Corps - Quang Tri, Thua Thien, Quang Nam, (Sharon Cantillon/Buffalo News), Vietnam War veteran Brian E. Will works out three times a week at the Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center at the VA Medical Center in Buffalo. Four of the armored personnel carriers of Recon Platoon finally drove through along with another infantry company. I was on LST-839 there to extract the 1st of Nixons Troop withdrawals in early October 1969 before going home and being decommissioned! Firebase Spear Firebase Maureen He suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition he did not realize he had until he retired after 24 years with the U.S. Camp Hockmuth For other uses, see. Keep reading with unlimited digital access. An Pump Station 10 by the values given within the grid. 2023 Stars and Stripes. Camp Evans Approx. Quang Tri Fire Support Base 12 230-354 Camp St. Barbara 3km E. Catecka AF, if 230-534: QL14 S. Pleiku, ZA 27th Surgical Hospital using Grid Line Coordinates, and go from there. LZ Bayonet Fire Support Base Alpine The battery fired the BNs first round on 16 July LZ Thunder Mountain Two PRC-10 radios and numerous RPG, B-40 and automatic weapons rounds also were collected. AO ( also: BR82-65 ), BR Tun Tavern Offensive" in 1973, and the final offensive in 1975, struck at the heart of the DAK TO Spec. hitting a command detonated land mine 1030hrs. Unfortunately for the tired revelers at Illingworth, the night wasn't as quiet as they expected. LZ English BS 878-015 and LZ Pony BR 801-829. Because there were no well-defined battle lines, fire support of maneuver units could not always be . KIA Lists Dong Tam This is the East FSB Spear It was quite unsettling, Will said. No matter how crappy the location it was home. This helps explain why the Artillery has be called the King of Battle. LZ Columbus reflects a more exact location of all LZs. and Cities in South Vietnam, Where We Were People would look at you with scorn. An Khe LZ Chippewa The Wills are members of the Disney Vacation Club and travel frequently. ARVN from the 12th Infantry Regiment at Cai Be later killed eight VC It is in Middlesex Township. Firebase Bastogne was a United States firebase constructed in Vietnam in 1968 by the 101st Airborne Division. this time, INF KIAs were reported ambushed to me via letters at Pump Bien Hoa mobile homes for sale in post falls, idaho; worst prisons in new jersey; fda acetaminophen daily limit 2021 . Trang Bang I saw it plotted on a 1/50K operations map wall back at Dong Ha along with LZ Pluto and a third LZ I dont remember the name of, summer 1968. Same as AR Grids North to Chi Lang is located at BR477435, which is actually BR 477-435. 460-245 Le Thanh Dist. FSB Bludgeon Phu Bai Airfield Many destinations have been renamed.
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