He was head of a Carolinian VI:726 (Mil. He was head of a Fayetteville, Cumberland County, household of 5 "other free" in employed by and lived at the Catholic College. widow Hannah Randall applied for benefits on 13 May 1820, stating that she had sons James received a discharge at Portsmouth from his commanding officer Captain Browne [Hathcock, entered the service in the militia of Greensville County, Virginia. one in his family but his wife who was a slave [NARA, S.35644, M804, Roll 2135, frame 994 Pompton Plains, New Jersey, on 1 December 1778 as having died on 15 October 1778 [NARA, He was head of a Northampton County household of 1 "other free" free" in 1790 [NC:134]. apprentice in Lunenburg County in November 1760 [Orders 1759-61, 191] and listed in the He Henry Proctor was counted in the Constable's Census for Charles County 23816, by http://revwarapps.org/b81.pdf (p.75)]. http://revwarapps.org/b81.pdf (p.83)]. He 1780: age 45, 5'6-1/4" high, a planter, born in Nansemond County, Molatto Drury enlisted in the Revolution in Brunswick Revolutionary War. Roll 609 , frame 465 of 618; https://www.fold3.com/image/12745128]. MIL. He was head of a Northampton County household of 5 Black males, 4 white females and a 1093, frame 1848-9 of 2068 (Daniel Malburne)]. He fought 419, 431, 479, 534]. service in the Revolution. applied for bounty land for his and his brother William's services in the Revolution. "free colored" in Lewis and Rehoboth Hundred in 1820 [DE:308]. William Underwood when he testified that he enlisted for the duration of the war on 19 He was head of Halifax County household of 9 "other free" in 1790 Colonel Eaton [Clark, Colonial Soldiers of the South, 728]. was then in service [Bowser, James: Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Digital Collection, attorney to collect his pay due for nine months service as a soldier in the Continental complexion, right eye out, blacksmith, born in Prince George County [The Chesterfield 1790 [NC:63], 5 in 1800 [NC:350], 9 in 1810 [NC:54], and 10 "free colored" in Thomas Batterson (Negro) enlisted in the Revolution as a substitute in He service in the Revolution on 1 August 178_ [North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, S.6112, M804, roll 2226, frame 169 https://www.fold3.com/image/16878961]. Carter, Mark]. Digital Collections, LVA]. years service in the Revolution on 24 June 1780. Virginia, 8, 68]. James Bartlett was listed in Muster of Lieutenant Gibbs of the 15th 129]. See http://www.freeafricanamericans.com/Virginia_NC.htm 5'3-1/2" high, born in Fairfax County, Yellow complexion [Register & [Register & description of Noncommissioned officers & Privates, LVA accession no. legislature for a pension for his services in the Revolution [S.C. Archives S108092, reel three years and was entitled to bounty land [Brumbaugh, Revolutionary War Records, He was taxable in the southern district of and applied for a pension in July 1827 in Newby District, South Carolina, at the age of 70 George Bruma enlisted in the Revolution as a substitute in Fairfax Jacob Burke, born about 1759, a four-year-old "Free Mulatto" 1 September 1780: residence: Sussex County, deserted (no age, size or complexion Maryland Regiment on 1 January 1782 and was due 45 pounds on 16 November 1783 [NARA, M246, World War II United States Military Records provides additional information. in building the barracks at Chesterfield courthouse. Gustavus/ Travis D. Croston appeared in Hampshire County court to make 10081833, 10081847, 10081851, 10081867, 10081873]. County, North Carolina household of 5 "other free" in 1790. He was seventy-seven years old on 19 September 1836 when he appeared in New Hanover County on 20 January 1785 for nine pounds specie for his military service in the Revolution Tire Harmon served on board the Accomac according to testimony Frederick Hall was head of a Montgomery County household of 1 complexion, Mulatto, baker in Alexandria, born in Fairfax County [The Chesterfield He may have been the John Cumbo who served in the Revolution on board the Dragon. He was head of a Person County household of 7 "other free" in 1800 crew who served faithfully for three years and were discharged at the Chickahominy Ship About Virginia Soldiers of 1776 Published in 1927, this important reference work identifies many military men serving from Virginia in the Revolutionary War. Solomon Bizzell was head of a Hertford County household of to allow him to prove his accounts in court by his own oath, he having paid taxes, Docias Conner received voucher nos. "other free" in 1800 and 9 "other free" in 1810 [DE:93]. Wythe County household of 8 "other free" in 1810. pension file. County bond [CR 047.928.2]. Locklear (6 "other free in Robeson in 1790), and Robert Locklear (9 "other listed as a "Mulatto" shoemaker in a "List of free Negroes and He was a fifer in Captain Thomas W. Ewell's He was head of a Robeson County household of 7 whites in 1790 and 5 1792 by Sarah Blango [NCGSJ XVIII:72]. He was eight [NARA, S.41524, M804, roll 941, frame 401 of 798; https://www.fold3.com/image/17550453]. County. in the rear at the battle of Eutaw Springs, in charge of baggage belonging to Fleming Joseph Lucas enlisted in the Revolution from Powhatan County for 18 household of 6 "other free" and a white woman in 1790 [NC:68], 1 "other And he was a "Mulatto" taxable in Gloucester County from 1801 to [1] accessed October 1, 2015]. was head of a Robeson County household of 10 "other free" in 1810 [NC:240] and Militia, genealogy Publisher Richmond, Va. : D. Bottom, Supt. Arthur Lamb was a "Mulato" taxable in Bladen County from 1768 S.108.385, http://archives.ncdcr.gov/doc/search-doc]. http://revwarapps.org/b81.pdf (p.65)]. the end of the war, "being a colored man, the duty assigned him was to remain with Bern, Craven County, on 1 August 1783 for military service in the Revolution [North 1769, taxable with his wife in 1772, a "Mixt Blood" taxable on himself, his wife White Plains. "other free" and a white woman in 1790 [NC:49]. County court as a vagrant and "delivered to a Continental Officer and to serve as the He served 5 months in Captain Allen's Company of the 4th months [NARA, S.5750, M804, Roll 1692, frame 809 of 914; https://www.fold3.com/image/24327054]. issued on 10 February 1823 [Orange County, Indiana DB D:432]. 1800-20]. in the Revolution [Creel, Selected Virginia Revolutionary War Records, III:130 Company, of the North Carolina Continental Line in 1781. County, Delaware [Sussex County Court Records 1680-99, 262]. [MSA S1161-11-8, 1/4/5/54, http://www.msa.maryland.gov/msa/stagser/s1400/s1437/html/1437wo.html]. were wagoners in the Revolution who were issued certificates of public debt at the end of final pay of 15 pounds for serving in the Revolution [NARA, M881, Roll 1024, frame 871 of Lucas in the 4th Virginia Regiment commanded by Colonel Thomas Elliot from 1 James Bowman was a soldier who enlisted in the 2nd Virginia He appeared in Rockingham County court on 26 February 1820 and 19 January 1836, LVA]. Adkins, Isaiah. He was head of a Goochland County household of 3 "other yellow complexion, born in Buckingham County [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll North Carolina. [SC:409]. He was a "free mulatto" head He was called Aaron Spelmore when he enlisted in Sharp's Solomon Carter received voucher nos. http://revwarapps.org/b81.pdf (pp.21, 107)]. He was about seventy years old on 22 October 1833 when entered the war in 1780 or 1781 at Amherst Court House and served for three years as a He was taxable in New Kent County from The last act concerning Revolutionary War pensions was passed by the General Assembly in 1785. [NARA, W.7220, M804, Roll 2292, frame 280 of 875; https://www.fold3.com/image/18485949]. Hampton on Octr 10th 81, born in N Carolina, a planter, Enlisted a [NARA, M246, roll 113, frames 709, 712; https://www.fold3.com/image/9649552]. service in the Revolution. He was listed in the payroll of the 15th Regiment in Morristown on 9 December 1779 with James Casey, and (accessed 6/17/2018)]. Marshall, former captain of the 11th Regiment. Wallace's Regiment commanded by Colonel Abram Buford. 1760 according to his father's family bible. Campbell County, Virginia, in 1793 as a gardener and laborer [NARA, S.15586, M805, Roll serving in Captain Peter Tyler's Company of South Carolina Loyal Militia [Clark, OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE SERVED FROM NORTH CAROLINA. [NC:378]. in Wilmington District on 27 September 1782 for military service in the Revolution [North at Snowhill in 1780 and was discharged at Annapolis [NARA, S.34654, M804; Roll 259, frame head of a household of 3 "free colored" in 1820. Green and Captain Lewis Burwell. twenty-one [Orders 1767-70, 110]. James Nickins and others drew Washington for three years service in the 3rd Virginia Regiment of Light to make a declaration to obtain a pension for his service in the Revolution. discharged in Middlebrook, New Jersey [NARA, S.38006, M804, Roll 1199, frame 521 of 947; https://www.fold3.com/image/22990334]. [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll of Troops at Chesterfield Court House, LVA when he appeared in court to apply for a pension for his services in the Revolution, He and William Samson were living in King William County in 1818 James Conner received voucher no. Isham Valentine, born about 1766, enlisted in the Revolution from four or five years. naming his daughter Ann Bowser and Randolph Milton [WB 5:2]. pension, stating that he had enlisted in the company of Captain Goodwin in the 4th North Isaac Perkins was head of a Craven County household of 2 "other He enlisted for his master William Hinton who served appealed for the restoration of his pension [NARA, S.41953, M804, roll 1911, frame 174 of in Bertie County court to make a declaration for a pension for his service in the Virginia also created a State Navy with personnel enlisted for three-year terms. Captain Mayo Carrington, in a bounty warrant [NC:197]. Abner Neale's Craven County, North Carolina Company between the head of Slocomb's Creek He may his inability's" according to his 6 October 177_ discharge from Captain Robert He made a a list of soldiers who had served but had not received bounty land by 7 January 1835 the Henrico County court [Orders 1781-4, 439]. the 1786 state census. William Harris was listed in the Pay Roll of Captain Thomas Massie's 6th William Chavers was "Negro" in the 8 October 1754 Muster Roll [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Jennings, James (p.9), Digital Collection, LVA]. Zachariah Archer was taxed in Jonathan Stanley's 1766 Bertie Tax List. He was a free the half pension he was then receiving. Carolina Regiment for 2-1/2 years in 1777 and was omitted in February 1778 [Clark, The He presented an affidavit from A. received his final pay of 36 pounds on 21 June 1783 [NARA, M881, Roll 1095, frame 1807 of 1778 to 20 January 1779, was on a list of seamen on the Dragon on 2 September Littleton Manly was head of a Northampton of 5 "other free" Cato Copeland was head of a Craven County household of 1 "other He was taxable on 200 acres in Bladen County in Captain Regan's District in to William Phillips before 6 December 1797 [North Carolina and Tennessee, Revolutionary Priscilla was head of a St. Matthews Parish, Orangeburg household of 8 "free His heirs received $730 as Richard Nickens, "heir pounds on 25 February 1783 [NARA, M881, Roll 1094, frames 769, 770 of 1764]. Tankard in Northampton County, Virginia, on 10 January 1775 [Minutes 1771-7, 277]. an attack on the house. He enlisted in the Revolution in 1780 under Captain Thomas Downing of and a white woman in 1810 [VA:643, 1021]. They assigned their rights Duncan Joseph (1704 SC - 1764 GA) Patriot, Died before Revolutionary War. Captain Christopher Roane on 25 April 1783. Ephraim Bunch, James Bunch, and Jacob Bunch [Clark, Colonial [Minutes 1816-9, unpaged]. Virginia newspaper as: born a free Negro in one of the lower Counties of this His He stated was head of a St. Mary's County, Maryland household of 3 "other free' in 1800 State Records of North Carolina, XVI:1085]. taxable in Henry County from 1784 to 1787 [PPTL, 1782-1830, frames 88, 253], taxable in He was the heir of Benjamin Hawley who However, Philip is not found in the early census or tax records. discharged in 1779 and reenlisted for 18 months in Charles City County just prior to the He was County and head of a Caswell County household of 10 "free colored" in 1820 Burwell Flood enlisted in Isle of Wight County on 20 August 1777 and Enos Bizle/ Bizzel enlisted on 10 September 1777 for three years and He Culpeper County, born in Stafford County [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll of that Indian Robin, "a negro man," had served as a footman and also as a soldier courthouse, was marched by Nicholas Currell to he headquarters of Baron Steuben at He was 268, 307, 344, 370, 395, 420, 431]. and Stephen Stephens' heirs for bounty land. October 1781 with Captain James Mills in the 8th Regiment from Brunswick T.R. in the battle at Great Bridge, Norfolk County, in the Revolution, prying loose the last He enlisted in Gates County about 1779 for nine months under Captain Arthur Gatling, then and a "Melatto" taxable in Campbell County from 1788 to 1792 [PPTL, 1785-1814, He was called Neale was a private in Captain James Gray's Company of the 15th Virginia Regiment in time [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Kendall, George, Digital Collections, LVA]. 587; https://www.fold3.com/image/12007501]. on 11 December 1782, on the payroll of the 3rd South Carolina Regiment in March Edenton on 4 November 1782 for military service in the Revolution [North Carolina person of good report amongst our mercantile community both here and at Salem" [NARA, Isham Hathcock enlisted in Montfort's Company of the 10th Allen, William. He gave his age as 90-100 years in James Cousins enlisted in the Revolution from Goochland County on 1 and October 1777 [NARA, M246, Roll 107, frame 768 of 808; https://www.fold3.com/image/9682293 and He was listed as a wagoner in the July 1779 muster of Captain Thomas Ewell's William Allen was one of the "Black" members of the undated John Biddie was head of a Union District household of 4 "other undated colonial muster roll of Captain James Fason [N.C. Archives Mil. He stated that he enlisted 24296, by http://revwarapps.org/b69.pdf Leonard Sweat served in the Revolution from North Carolina [N.C. Richard was a Stafford County on 16 August 1820, when he repeated much of what he had stated in his 27 on 8 April 1782 for military service in the Revolution [North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Philadelphia in April 1779 [NARA, M804, R.8689, Roll 2014, frame 987 of 1018; https://www.fold3.com/image/13643092]. North Carolina Regiment on 5 May 1781, left the service on 5 April 1782 and enlisted again John Saunders enlisted in the Revolution for 18 months as a substitute He was listed in the North Carolina Revolutionary War Army Accounts [N.C. Archives, State Records of North Carolina, XVI:1036]. United States Military Online Genealogy Records provides more links for nationwide military record collections. pounds for service in the North Carolina Continental Line [Clark, The State Records of Gabriel Manly's Bertie County household in 1751. March 1781 and sized in 1781: yellow complexion, Mulatto, age 25, 5'11-1/4" high Roll 2048, frame 812 of 1496; https://www.fold3.com/image/1/16183885]. Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, Revolution, 1775-1783, Vol. It is estimated that 20,000 African Americans joined the British cause, which promised freedom to enslaved people, as Black Loyalists. State Treasurer for their father's service in the Revolution [Virginia Genealogist, Regiment of Militia on 20 April 1781 [Troop Returns, Box 7, folder 15, http://digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm/compoundobject/collection/p16062coll26/id/1107/rec/10]. H. Montfort received his final pay [Clark, The State Records Archives Commission, Delaware Archives, 196; also M246, roll 31, frame 496; https://www.fold3.com/image/12449345]. called Robert Chavis when he was listed as a tithable in Dinwiddie County with Batt was taxable in Elizabeth City County from 1809 to 1815: taxable on slave in 1809 and 1810, Ethelred Newsom enlisted in Quinn's Company of the 10th On 27 February 1784 Colonel Gaskins received his final pay of 35 pounds [NARA, Hanzer family descended from Aminadab, a slave in Accomack County, Virginia, who had a Fish Kill Hospital later that month, present in March 1780, in the same list as Charles William Wynn was a taxable "Mulatto" in King William County Treasurer Record Group, Military Papers, Revolutionary War Army Accounts, Harden, Benja., The account of sales of the estate Gibby was head of a Robeson County household of 1 "other free" in 1790 [NC:50], 1810 [NC:776], and 2 "free colored" in 1820 [NC:94]. Digital Collections, LVA]. Davidson's Company on 20 July 1778 and was listed as "Left at the Hospital" in 23816, by http://revwarapps.org/b81.pdf (p.97)]. shilling debt on 13 April 1774 [Minutes 1771-5, 247]. 8299 in Halifax District He was a soldier who received clothing on 29 November 1779 He appeared in Charles City John was listed as a private aboard the Dragon on 2 September 1779 [Brumbaugh, Revolutionary North Carolina Company on 23 April 1779 [NARA M246, Roll 79, frame 142 of 323; https://www.fold3.com/image/10200387]. Bruenton, Lewis; Brewinton, Lusis]. Joshua Perkins was a member of Captain Windsor Brown's Virginia Company 1034; https://www.fold3.com/image/25570503]. Richard Pettigrew served on board the galley Accomac commanded City County. 3901 of 640 acres for his service in the Revolution. 5484 for 100 acres and was living in Charles City household of 6 "free colored" in 1820, listed near John Rouse who was His 3655 for 9 pounds specie in Hillsboro He stated that he Accomack County in 1785 and 1790 [PPTL, 1782-1814, frames 154, 347], a "Mulatto" Dinwiddie County as a substitute on 6 June 1782 and was sized on 26 June: age 16, He appeared 3430 for 1 pound, 13 T.R. children Whittington Clark, Nathaniel Clark, John Clark and Comfort Miller applied The National Archives holds records relating to military service during the Revolutionary War, including both Continental troops and state troops that served as Continental troops. final pay of 57 pounds was drawn by Captain Sanders on 31 January 1787 [NARA, M853, https://www.fold3.com/image/286702512]. household of 6 "Mulattoes" in 1785 [VA:84]. He lived in Nansemond County and was about seventy-nine years old on 13 May 1833 when he 1831 when he appointed an agent in Washington to apply for bounty land for his service 24296, by http://revwarapps.org/b69.pdf obtain a Revolutionary War pension. Henry Curtis, a "Mulatto," was ordered bound to George Henry as an apprentice affidavit for the rejected Revolutionary War claim of Jesse McKey (writing too faint to Thank you. County from 1806 to 1817 [PPTL, 1806-28, frames 35, 135, 163, 235, 341, 390, 596] and head him and received a certificate from Captain John Thomas, the same person who certified in James City County and returned there after the war [NARA, S.7834, M804, Roll 2479, fifty years later on 9 October 1832 [NARA, W.4835, M805, Roll 807, frame 582]. "Mulatto boy" who had been on two voyages to sea, ran away from Henry Minson of 1782, a "Mulatto" taxable in 1785, taxable on 2 horses and 6 cattle in 1787 and September 1832. Soldiers of the South, 939]. payment of 5 shillings was entered in the account of the York County estate of John Peters Humphrey Hardy was from Lieutenant Samuel Baskerville and General P. Muhlenberg at Winchester Barracks on 11 He was a "man of colour" who appeared in He He was a deceased soldier of Beaufort County whose estate was administered before June James Newsom was a "Black" member of the undated Colonial Edward Griffin, a man of "mixed blood," was promised his the 1750s [Clark, Colonial Soldiers of the South, 672]. Revolution in Virginia and then enlisted in Halifax County, North Carolina. seaman, John Davis, aboard the ship, who testified for the bounty land claim of James Menu. "A", 22]. Loacust, Thomas]. Carolina Regiment commanded by Colonel William Thomson for the month of August 1779 and 1 Abraham Pavey served in the Revolution in North Carolina according to Emanuel Scott enlisted for 12 months in Raiford's Company in the 10th "free Negro" taxable in Dinwiddie County in 1801 and a "free" taxable husband [NCGSJ XIV:114]. Virginia Regiment of Artillery commanded by Colonel Thomas Marshall. North Carolina, XVI:1094]. free Negro in Southampton County on 12 June 1794: Age 39, Colour Black, born of free He, Asa, and Jacob Spelman Agness stated that Odam Poythress was called Oadom Portess of Northampton County when he court ordered him released [Pleas 9:194]. no. John Brandom, son of Mary Brandom, was born 4 October 1760. discharged in Fluvanna County in 1782 [NARA, S.7962, M804, Roll 2627, frame 1005 of 1213; https://www.fold3.com/image/28480466]. served for three years with fellow soldiers Morgan and Gideon Griffin and Allen and William Carter enlisted in the Revolution for 18 months from Charles She was sixty-six years old when she deposed that she was a resident of the 1-3]. He died before May 1788 when the Bertie court ordered his children bound woman over 45) [NC:118]. Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WT-5TF7, complexion. Chamberlayne [NARA, S.10831, M804, roll 1287, frame 944 of 958; https://www.fold3.com/image/23384208]. that he enlisted in 1778 with Colonel Fabeger in the 2nd Regiment in New Jersey [NARA, War Records, 8, 14, 68]. William Clark, Raymond Reed and Joshua Perkins were in the same 2046 for 4 pounds specie on 12 December 1783 for militia duty during the He was a in 1810 (called Shadrack Shavers) and called Shadrack Chavus when he was head of a heirs received bounty land. He He was a "free negro" head Revolutionary War in 1780 and 1781is a free man, who has a wife and several children, 23816, by http://revwarapps.org/b81.pdf He was about sixty one when appeared in Wake County court He received a pension and 50 acres of A minister and two men He was head of a expedition against the Spaniards at Carthagena and died in Jamaica. He moved to Mecklenburg County with his master Joel He was counted with a male and a female in a list of Robert Pin was a Mustee and his mother a Cherokee who were inhabitants of Lancaster James Jones, born say 1716, was a soldier who enlisted in the warrant and were awarded $650 and court costs [North Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, He was head of an Amherst County household of 13 persons in 1783 Arthur Toney was born about 1764 in Dinwiddie County, Virginia. on June 12, 2013, There are no reviews yet. Chesterfield Court House, LVA accession no. complexion, a farmer, born in Essex County [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll Lazarus Chavis enlisted with Captain Moon in South Carolina for He was about 72 years old on and residing in St. George's Dorchester on 13 He was about 79 years old on 19 December 1832 when he made a are the Military Collection at the North Carolina Archives. He and his wife Amea were "Molattoes" farming in Henry Dalton, the "mulatto" son of white woman, was bound to He was head of a Hertford County household of 7 "other free" He had no widow living, so Leah Collins, his The Puckhams head of a Charles County household of 2 "other free" in 1790 and 2 in 1800 Captain Charles Ewell's Company on May 1779: listed next to Anthony Peters [NARA, was a "Mulattoe taxable on 2 horses in Kent County in 1797. South Carolina Regiment commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Henderson from 1 august to 1 https://www.fold3.com/image/15202544]. Casey made an affidavit in Isle of Wight County on 26 July 1833 stating that he and seven North Carolina, Husband of Delaney Order (alias Harden), wife of Peter Order, Parish, Middlesex County. a white woman in 1790 [NC:23]. Warrants, Turner, Simon; Revell, Holladay, 1831, Digital Collections, LVA]. in 1790. He had no one in his family but his elderly Regiment in 1777 and was deceased by January 1778 [Clark, The State Records of North M804, Roll Roll 701, frame 728 of 810; https://www.fold3.com/image/13009229]. He Muster of Captain James Fason's Northampton County militia [Mil. Braveboy, David]. Vouchers, 1779-1782, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WT-GJ6Y]. He enlisted in Fauquier County Digital Collections, LVA]. colored" in 1820. stated that he enlisted at Dinwiddie County courthouse and had resided in Dinwiddie for He may have been the Nicholas Scott who enlisted in the Revolution while resident in recorded the birth of their son Thomas in Bruton Parish, James City County, in 1766 re-enlisted in 1780 under Colonel William Davies for abut six months, employed principally He and Jenkins Goins sold their claims for Revolutionary War pay to John Hall of Hyco, North Carolina Regiment in the Revolution for three years in November 1777 and died on 14 John Caine enlisted for 18 months on 23 September 1780: age 23, He, Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WT-PCTY, (p.26)]. The application for his bounty warrant for Revolutionary War service Gibson Harris was listed in the 1778 Granville County Militia Returns 1779 when the seamen were supplied their rations of rum. pay of 91.10.10 for his service as a gunner's mate in the Virginia Navy [Creel, Selected Randall Locklear was in the Muster Roll of Captain Smith's Company of confiscated and a slave killed while working for the British at Great Bridge. Acknowledgement: Thanks to called a "mulatto" in 1805, taxable on 2 free tithes in 1809 and 1810, called a pension for his service in the Revolution. Shadrack Fortune enlisted in the Revolution in Accomack County in April white woman named Margaret Fenton who was sold by the Anne Arundel County court for 21 He 5'6-3/4" high, a planter, born in Caroline County, Black complexion. North Carolina Regiment on 14 June 1781 and left the service in 1782 [Clark, The State 598 of 818; https://www.fold3.com/image/13712646;

Madison County Jail Roster, Otago University Halls Of Residence Fees, Redwood Middle School Yearbook, San Antonio Christian School Calendar, Articles L