Since you have made it this far on your long journey, you try have the urge to stop reading. "Health" in terms of definitions for humans means a state of the body that is totally free from any illness or injury. "Bottlenose dolphins develop their own unique identity signal, the signature whistle," the researchers reported. First we took many books available on project Gutenberg and stored their contents in a database. And, according to The New York Times, by 1880, "hello" had won out. In old Christian art, good angels were red and Satan was blue. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. Therefore, according to Moses, who is credited with writing Genesis, God made birds first and the egg would have come afterward when those birds were "fruitful" and multiplied. Yet you have not yet realized, that you wasted a full 5 minutes on this paragraph that feels endless yet it has been ceased. When Parker Brothers released the first Nerf ball in 1970, they wanted the public to be aware of how safe the four-inch foam toy was. "As the cow lies down, the water pushes underneath the pressure points where the cow lies, and the cow ends up floating," he said. 100 Totally Useless Facts That Are Too Entertaining for Words, Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, head over to the neighboring city of Barre, largest independent lost and found survey, University of Florida's Center for Smell and Taste, camels did, in fact, populate the Arizona desert, research team from Michigan State University, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Guinness World Record for the cheesiest pizza, majority of pandas around the world either come from China. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. One man set a world record by putting on 260 T-shirts at once. In the past and even now, people have been discussing if the State of Florida should raise the age for students in school. That was followed by "password," "123456789," "12345678," "12345678," "12345," "111111," "1234567," and then, delightfully, "sunshine," and "iloveyou.". But if you want to feel like a superhero, keep in mind that human bone is actually stronger than both steel and concrete. It was indeed a jaw-dropping sight to behold.". You are 13.8 percent more likely to die on your birthday. But no, you are still reading this paragraph and it has been around 60 seconds, which is a whole full minute. But it turns out that punctuation wasn't always a part of our written language. I'm at the end of my rope right now so have to take a raincheck. Then when you are reading this, you realize that there is no long a wall of text, you realize that you think youve made it to the ending and I congratulate you on your epic journey across the wall of text. Movie trailers got their name because they were originally shown after the movie. And God saw that it was good. The U.S. Air Force introduced Bob Ross to painting. Next click the arrow button to open "Page Setup" dialog box. You uneducated, ignorant, idiotic dumb swine, you're an absolute embarrassment to humanity and all life as a whole. The best one Terrible English by PT sir 1 There is no wind in the football.. 2 I talk, he talk, why you middle talk?. While exploring an underwater volcano with a remotely operated vehicle some 6,500 feet under the sea, they spotted what appeared to be a small lake-like pool that was upside-down (and, obviously, underwater). Long Quotes. Take cover, because we're about to drop some seriously random knowledge on you. By Dr. Saul McLeod, published 2014. The infinity sign is called a lemniscate. "This whistle encodes individual identity independently of voice features. She came up with multiple terms to describe groups of animals including a "swarm of bees" and a "gaggle of geese.". 4 minutes, if you expect this paragraph to say the old and customary saying after youve discovered how long its been, then youre wrong. Include on each page about two handwritten or three typed paragraphs. Why am I still reading this? In 2008, then-19-year-old George Garratt from the U.K. legally changed his name to this incredibly long moniker, which was believed to be the longest name in the world. Ray Tomlinson is often credited with inventing email (although that claim has been disputed). In the capital of the province of Quebec, the Old Town (Vieux-Qubec) area is the only fortified walled city in North America. Then, open them up and take a look around. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. "Looking at this dog helps us better relate to the people who cared for and venerated these animals," HES interpretation manager Steve Farrar explained. You should be able to find stronger verbs or adjectives for whatever you're trying to enhance. This is a Really Long, Pointless Story about a Shirt. But before Willis landed the role in the action-packed movies, the part was offered to singer Frank Sinatra, who was in his 70s at the time. When Sinatra signed on for The Detective, it was in his contract that the studio had to offer him the main part in the sequel. Antarctica is the largest unclaimed territory on Earth. The monarch's 165 dairy cows spend much of their time snoozing and relaxing on waterbeds, said Mark Osman, the manager of the royal's farm at Windsor Great Park, inan episode of BBC's Countryfile. Baur was so proud of his invention that he wanted to take it to the graveliterally. And you are right, but I did not write this and you have wasted now around 2 minutes. Paper and cardboard products were the biggest culprits, with yard trimmings, plastic products, and consumer electronics also making up a bulk of the trash. You complete me in all ways. That means that without being able to smell apples, potatoes, and onions, they're indistinguishable. Satellite data showed that some areas around Kathmandu lifted and the Langtang region dropped as much as five feet while Everest sank around an inch. Because when you're reading a paragraph inside your head, the words are projected into your brain with the IQ above 90 and then the thought process go through your internal organs and through yours eyes and you wonder if this is actually true but it's really not because all it is non-sense. (8,626 kg) or moreroughly the weight of five standard pickup trucksmaking it about four times as strong as concrete.". While we'd hope you wouldn't hunt down a camel even if you did see one, you should know that in Arizona it's actually illegal, according to the Maricopa County Bar Association. It would be nearly impossible to properly read without periods, commas, exclamation points, and question marks. Weighing around four pounds and measuring up to three feet from head to tail, the Malabar giant squirrel looks more like a rainbow-inspired muppet than something that you'd find in the forest stateside. The copying of signature whistles may therefore allow animals to label or address one another.". You've probably said you'll be "back in a jiffy" at least a few times in your life. They're not just there to add some extra pizzazz to your pants; they actually have a purpose. However, Bell's rival, Thomas Edison, wanted users to answer the phone with "hello." - Copypasta. According to the BBC, the high pressures of the mantle can strip oxygen from carbon dioxide and leave behind the carbon to form a diamond. The game of Monopoly dates back to 1903, according to The New York Times. Long and pointless text by Sou1forged on DeviantArt Deviation Status Update Journal Literature Commission Poll Subscription DreamUp New! It renders water useless by transmitting modern waste in water bodies. (That's likely why Mr. Burns on The Simpsons says "ahoy-hoy" when he picks up the phone.) But did you know that there's a name for sleeping through the summer? The couple will likely attend the big event. There is a company in Japan that has schools that teach you how to be funny. Answer (1 of 7): Surprisingly enough, a two hundred and fifty word paragraph is actually not very long. (@fentyy) June 15, 2018. 5. And when a few of the first editions were printed, there were some mistakes inside. He sent the first email message to himself while trying out the revolutionary form of online communication in 1971. If you've ever broken a nail way down near the baseor lost one completelyyou know they take quite a while to grow back. Taco Bell may feature a big bell on its logo, but the fast food chain didn't take its name from the musical instrument. Although it's meant to be a satirical take on short-sighted people's intolerance and prejudice, the state of Maryland didn't take kindly to the tune. However, because we have so many in our body, The Franklin Institute explains that if you laid them out in a single row, a child's blood vessels would stretch more than 60,000 miles, while an adult's would measure around 100,000 miles long. And if you're the kind of person who wakes up hungry, then perhaps your mouth will water over the fact that in Oct. 2019, the Federacin Nacional de Avicultores de Colombia made the largest scrambled eggs ever, a process that took quite a few chefs to pull off. Not only is it made from some pretty common ingredientsbutter, eggs, sugar, and flourbut its name comes from the fact that the original recipe called for a pound of each item, according to What's Cooking America. Privacy Policy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A CT-scan of the skull was taken and a 3D print was created, which forensic artist Amy Thornton then used as a base to add fake muscle, skin, and hair, resulting in a model of the pup. Also read: How To Know If Your Friend Values You 16. How does this paragraph know what youre thinking about you think? You probably know your fair share of men who sport some sort offacial hair. We've all seen movies where people are sucked into space before meeting their doom in various ghastly ways. These are useless modifiers. The state's landscape would often pop up in his work throughout his artistic career. Then you start getting nervous that its almost time for bed, then you wonder what you ate for breakfast on June the 9th. If you were to draw an infinity sign, you would create a sort of figure-eight that looped in a continuous, unbroken line. Students can select any long paragraph on Honesty or short paragraph on honesty according to their particular requirement. This closure meant that playwrights like William Shakespeare were temporarily out of work. To leave a callback number, press five." For God's sakes, is there anybody in the world who doesn't know that they can hang up a phone when they're done? Pope John Paul II was an honorary Harlem Globetrotter. Paragraph On Save Water - 250 to 300 Words for Class 9, 10, 11 . The most commonly misplaced items, according to the survey, are remotes, phones, keys, and glasses. While it sounds like an Egyptian queen, the metallic minor planetwhich has two of its own moons, Alexhelios and Cleoseleneis similar in shape to a dog bone. If only it worked. You might have seen a dragonfly hanging out on a plant in your garden or zipping around in the air above a pond. If you take a look, you'll see that one and six are on opposite sides of the cube (1+6=7), as are two and five (2+5=7), and three and four (3+4=7). This letter is a reminder that YOU are so worthy of giving and receiving the best love. While most of us are happy to slap some peanut butter between two slices of bread, scientist Dan Frost of the Bayerisches Geoinstitut in Germany did something a little bit different with his peanut butter: He made a diamond. Yet. A paragraph could contain a series of brief examples or a single long illustration of a general point. So my apologies Donatello, culinary impossibility debunked!". The Western Foods Salsa is a blend of 50% whole tomatoes 30% tomato sauce and 20% tomato paste. Not only is it more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined, but if Earth were the size of a grape, Jupiter would be the size of a basketball, according to NASA. If you plug your nose, you can't tell the difference between an apple, a potato, and an onion. The English language is full of idiosyncrasies, and the word "dreamt" is one of them. $30 USD in 6 days (3 Reviews) 3.8. hassanarshad92. What are dinosaurs? Just so you know, this paragraph you're reading right now is two hundred and fifty words long. During World War II, then 18-year-old Princess Elizabeth was a member of the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service, making her the only woman in the British royal family to have served in the armed forces and the only living head of state to serve in the Second World War. In the 2016 study, researchers put this idea to the test and found that ravens acted as if they knew they were being watched when there was an open peephole available for other birds to spy on them. But did you know just how big? Why is the writer making a paragraph so long that I have the urge and motivation to finish this pointless paragraph to prove him that reading is what makes me, me. So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. The little dot above a lowercase "i" and "j" has a name. It affects the air, water bodies, forests, vegetation, soil, oceans and other natural resources, having long lasting and fatal consequences. For more information, please see our A paragraph is a short collection of well-organized sentences which revolve around a single theme and is coherent. And God blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.'". $20 CAD in 5 days (0 Reviews) 0.0. kishankhanpara3. The average American produces 4.5 pounds of trash per day. The Earth may seem like a giant place, but our planet is incredibly small compared to the sun, which makes up an incredible 99.8 percent of our solar system's entire mass, according to the experts at "My siblings and I briefly debated what flavor to use," Baur's eldest son, Larry, told Time. Dragonflies have six legs but can't walk. In you, I found love, a friend, a companion, a mother, a role model, a perfect human, in short, you're my total package. ", At some point in time, for whatever reason, someone decided to give a name to the lint that collects in the bottom of your pockets. The first keeper in America, George Worthylake, met an untimely death: He drowned, along with his wife and daughter . To enjoy a meal from either fast food chain, Montpelier residents can simply head over to the neighboring city of Barre. Or just trust usit works! You rotate the ground 4 times.. 4 You go and understand the tree. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=bba54a4c-b30e-43e7-b67d-944ec7d6631d&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=6933717896175629530'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); ", Hopefully, the passwords you choose are unexpected and cryptic, unlike the vast majority of people who still use incredibly common ones. This little area may not have an official name, but some know it as Busta Rhymes Islandyes, as in Busta Rhymes the rapper. Sorry, Whopper lovers! With "A" and "S" being beside each other on the middle row of the standard QWERTY keyboard and "K" and "L" over on the other side of the same row, Alaska is the only state name that you can type out using a single row on a keyboard. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Well, for a long sentence that ultimately says nothing, one would need to think of something that doesn't mean anything, or at least if it does mean something then its meaning must be of no consequence whatsoever, to the end that the sentence ultimately doesn't say anything. When Pixie Wireless Tracker commissioned the largest independent lost and found survey in the U.S. in April 2017, the research showed that Americans spend around 2.5 days each year in total looking for their lost things. After mixing 59,758 eggsalong with a whole lot of butter, milk, onion, and garlicthe dish wound up weighing 6,860 pounds and 12.57 ounces, which is about 3.4 tons. 8. That's because they can snooze while using only one hemisphere of the brain at a time, according to a 2016 study published in the journalNature Communications. Being shown a random sentence and using it to complete a paragraph each day can be an excellent way to begin any writing session. Basenji dogs are the only breed that doesn't bark. Genghis Khan wasn't only known for being the leader of the Mongol Empire from 1206 to 1227he also fathered a lot of children. Each jar of salsa produced weighs . It turns out even Queen Elizabeth II's cows enjoy a life of luxury. In April 2019, Historic Environment Scotland(HES) gave us a look at a Neolithic dog that lived around 4,000 years agoor rather, they gave us a glimpse at what the ancient canine probably looked like by using a skull that was found in 1901 in Scotland. Simply trying to counteract the low self-esteem verbally will not do it, though, for in their down state, they will see the person as just trying to be nice or spare their feelings. In April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Himalayas and reshaped parts of the mountain range, Science Alert reported. Then finally, you feel relaxed and accomplished because the essay said finally to make you hyped up that you accomplished reading a nearly 2 paged essay then the paragraph creates a plot twist; Youre no where near the ending. Let's start, and end, with the shirts. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { "Dreamt" is the only word in the English language that ends with "mt.". Massachusetts is home to Busta Rhymes Island. You produce about six pounds of stool per week. There's a tiny home in Virginia called the "Spite House" because that's why it was built. 11. Cap'n Crunch's full name is Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch. Then you wonder how this is even a paragraph. There's a city called "Rome" on every continent except Antarctica. Instead of writing about the entire paragraph, take each sentence in the paragraph and make each of those individual sentences the first or last sentence of each paragraph of a short story. Posts The tongue is the only muscle in one's body that is attached from one end. A 2016 study published in the journal Nature Communications found that the super smart birds display what's called "theory of mind," which is the ability to attribute mental states to others. Students should stay in school until 18 for two reasons. You couldve been playing with your dog, or eating your cat, but no. The largest scrambled eggs ever made weighed nearly 3.5 tons. I raise you up in deep caress and watch you call my name in your deep throat way of doing that when you are aroused. Wondering about that mutation element? You can rise from the darkness that is self-doubt. The piano is a little over 18 feet long and has 85 keys - 3 short of the standard 88. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology says that a fingernail takes around six months to grow from base to tip and toenails can take up to a year. There are giant technicolor squirrels in India. ", Mandy Joye, a professor at the University of Georgia and the lead scientist of the expedition, told Smithsonian magazine that "the immense beauty and majesty of the scene was overwhelming. But hey, that's part of the fun, right? Amateur photographer Kaushik Vijayan was able to snap some spectacular shots of one of the creatures in 2019 and told CBS News, "I felt so amazed by how drop-dead gorgeous it looked. It also happens to be an anagram (meaning it uses the exact same letters) as "the classroom.". While many other languages include written accents throughout their alphabets, English only has two letters that include a "diacritic dot," according to After multiple people claimed that they had passed kidney stones while riding Walt Disney World's Big Thunder Mountain Railroad ride, a research team from Michigan State University decided to take a look at the situation in 2016. Frank Sinatra was offered the starring role in, Sleeping through summer is called "estivation.". From the type of music that can ward off mosquitoes to the shocking food you can turn into diamonds, you'll love learning theseuseless facts. Ketchup was used medicinally in the early 1800s. Our sense of smell is responsible for interpreting around 80 percent of what we taste, according to the University of Florida's Center for Smell and Taste. As they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor awayunless you eat too many apple seeds, that is. According to a 2013 study published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, bottlenose dolphins each have their own special whistles, which are just like human names. In 1966, Fredric Baur developed the ingenious idea for Procter & Gamble to uniformly stack chips inside a can instead of tossing them in a bag. everyday is my birthday : You can change how many bullets you get by adjusting the summary length slider. Before you write your essay it's important to analyse the task and understand exactly what the essay question is asking. Prosecutors sought 30 years, saying Chauvin's act was cruel and it was in the presence of children. Select "Justified" for "Vertical alignment". 3. Do you see those little metal studs on the corners? Edgar Allan Poe married his 13-year-old cousin. It's hard to imagine ketchup without the sweet tomatoey taste, but when the condiment was originally invented, it was actually a fish- or mushroom-based mixture. 1. Now you have nearly reached the end, you ponder, why am I reading this? Somehow you have managed still to waste around now 35 seconds reading this stupid, excessive, and long paragraph with your irreversible time. No number from one to 999 includes the letter "a" in its word form. And, according to a 2003 study published by the Association for the Study of Dreams, the most common dreams includebeingchased or pursued, falling,school and studying, and sexual experiences. If you're lucky, you may be able to see a panda or two at a nearby zoo, but that cute creature is most likely on loan from China. Mulan has the highest kill-count of any Disney character. There will always be fierce debates over whether or not pineapple has any place on a pizza, but there's no question about where the Hawaiian pizza originally came from: Chatham, Ontario, Canada! We all feel worthless at times, but this letter is a reminder to you that you are not alone. A British teen changed his name to "Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined.". and our Shrewsbury resident Kevin O'Brien has been diligently geo-tagging the spot on Google Maps in hopes that it will eventually come to be known by the moniker. And while they all look similar, the King of Hearts is the only royal fellow who doesn't have a mustache. Marie Curie's 100-year-old belongings are still radioactive. The oldest unequivocal dinosaur fossils, dating to about 231 million years ago, are from Ischigualasto Provincial Park in northwestern Argentina, and include the genuses . Quotes tagged as "wasting-time" Showing 1-30 of 112. The King of Hearts is the only king in a deck of cards without a mustache. But we can guarantee that you've never seen a dragonfly parading across a picnic table or strolling along a branch. That's why, even though Curie died around 85 years ago, her possessions are still radioactive, according to The Christian Science Monitor. If you're trying to locate Rome on a map, you'd probably head right to the boot-shaped country of Italy. Frost studies the conditions of Earth's mantle and has found ways to mimic them in his lab. Ohio physician John Cook Bennetwas one of the first people to add tomatoes to ketchup in 1834, Fast Company reports. 1.Now that's what I call stupid: In my junior year of high school, this guy asked me on a date.He rented a Redbox movie and made a pizza. Jupiter is twice as large as all the other planets combined. In the dialog box, click to display the "Layout" tab. How does it work? The poll found that 65 percent of millennials sleep in the nude. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about itexcept shower, of course. In many cities, you can pick up a Quarter Pounder or some McNuggets on every other block. And you don't have to worry about their slow-moving ways being an issue: According to the ZSL London Zoo, sloths can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, which is 30 minutes longer than a dolphin. Some smaller dogs have high-pitched yappy barks while larger dogs tend to have deep howls and low growls. In fact, there's a Rome on every continent except Antarctica, according toNational Geographic. When 20 rodents were sent up to the International Space Station, they started to suddenly run in loops around their cage after just a week, according to a 2019 study published in Scientific Reports. According to, a "jiffy" is an actual unit of timeand a very short one at that. The average adult spends more time on the toilet than they do exercising. The continent is "governed internationally" through theAntarctic Treaty System, which includes Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom.

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