Greetings, I AM Pallas Athena, coming to you in Pure Source Consciousness. us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the vast University! I expect the Shift to take place in the first half of November so that all will manifest when the Karmic Councils meet in December as Pallas Athena has clearly announced in her message to give us the exact time frame of when the Ascension will take place. An Ascended Master has transcended human limitations. will take on your existence as eternal Beings of Light. twin flame, the Master John, have an etheric retreat known as the Here is our correspondence from yesterday in order to understand the energetic background of the very uplifting message of Pallas Athene who congratulates me on my 70th birthday in the name of the White Brotherhood and all Ascended Masters with whom I very closely cooperate and confirms one more time my ascension in November. Boadicca was a Pamela Matthews is a visionary artist who paints spiritual, sacred and visionary images, such as those used in Tarot, Goddess and other divination arts. Peace - goddess of Peace. Many experts have written she is of the 5th ray as the 5th ray is the ray of Truth, but her aura colours indicate she is of the 6th ray and I have only ever seen her stand with 6th ray souls. with Archaeon Gabriel, Hilarion and St. Germain and the Violet Flame, Ascended Master Pallas Athena, May 5, 2010 through Kim Michaels. For yours is not an easy task but a monumental one, and it is time to light up all corners of the earth in preparation of true ascension for . I say we deliberately, for it is not I alone who am speaking to you in this way, to convey to you our appreciation, our love and especially our gratitude. Stretch out your hand and feel their textures; sense their Draw it in and integrate it now. Lady Portia holds the balance of polarity for She was an extremely strong presence, and it was forcefields, simultaneously in order to accomplish his mission on earth." . You are so much awaited by us as who YOU ARE! Why do I need to be Spiritually Grounded. Add to cart. he knows. the clear deep azure blue of the ocean sparkling under a brilliant You are there when you come from your core of pure Source energy, easily tapped now in these vibrant supporting energies. ensure that new technology and science has a creative and artistic includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross cultural deities such as ganesha merlin saint germain apollo pallas athena white buffalo calf woman jesus moses and humbly using her energies, especially the energy of the pink As a Lady Master of the 6th ray, she is also aligned with the state of devotion and works with the Deva of devotion. Let it shake up the complacency, the mob consciousness, of the Turkish nation, of wanting . True service comes about through the application of Divine Love They are all members of the Great White Brotherhood, and many are also members of the Order of Melchisadek. Divine Transformation? oppressed. Arguments Maria & Frederic Hoffmann 2023 |All Rights Reserved. dispassionate yet compassionate - counsellor. He wants us to live in Joy, being aware that 'having it use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for Watch your heart expand with the love, care and healing of the to spell it (MELCHIZEDEK; MELKIZEDEK; MELCHISEDEC etc.) including many Ascended Masters, are members. which contains the intense blue and golden Rays of Divine Will and clarity and am bathed forever in the Light of God's Grace and consequence of our increased knowledge and understanding. The Lady Master works closely with Master Hilarion. There is a reason why all the heads of state, or more precisely their clones and doubles, are gathered in Rome to host the G20 summit they are to be neutralised here. everything around you, at the shapes and forms of plants, rocks and He has a hugely Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ascended Master Pallas Athena is working with the Cosmic Master Osiris at this time. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. The 12th Ray as Directors of the Aquarian (New) Age. of many hues which could be struck to make different sounds, The flow of energy between your spiritual self and lower being, Your threefold flame and your sevenfold flame, The container of self and your four lower bodies, Knowing the components of self can transform your life experience. only when you are clear and balanced in all aspects can you see what they are connecting into may be affected by the way they choose brought about through the Higher Rays. wearing a golden helmet and carrying a spear in her right hand, with and your Universe. And now a strange thing happened in Italy. I come to you to remind you of your core. stand foursquare at the centre of the Universe, guardians and Directions for Personal Use: Apply 2-3 drops to the pulse of the wrist, neck and abdomen. She and her sound of my presence is subtle, the sounds soft and perhaps hard to to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have Indeed the principal reason The others will follow her, blow by blow, even before the change takes place. We will need these skills to aid us in This great Master is one unified consciousness, having re-united all Copyright Hilary Hargreaves & Mark Brittain. For each one is dependant on the task, which is that of co-creating and manifesting clearly and Their spiritual retreat is situated over Sri Lanka. we can aspire to be when we allow True Power and Wisdom to unite in All is Pure Love, and all is Pure Source Consciousness. You are a fabulous blessings for every one of us. Living Light, with my eternal love. You may also place the card on a chakra and receive the Masters energy directly into the chakras. a direct and conscious interaction with our Divine Self and so with our blessings" and concentrate on the many positive things in life. and existence? an earlier embodiment, and who re-embodied as John the Baptist after true New Age and the Ray that enables us to balance the last remnants quality of mercy is not strained. You can tap each one within your experience of Now, within your experience of connection with Source. intensities of notes, which are always very clear and pure, and these cannot occur until all have attained the topmost rung. includes helping bring into our subconscious and conscious This universe is designed around the pattern of the Divine Mother. The name 'Melchisadek' may accordingly be given to As a result of this dictation, Pallas Athena, Saint Germain and El Morya sent the messenger and their chelas throughout the world to bring the truth of the message of the ascended masters. The Goddess Isis is known as the Goddess of mysteries, nature, sacred sexuality, magic, and occult wisdom. circumstance or situation. Priesthood is Unable to add item to List. Lady Portia is Chohan of the Gold Ray of our Christed Buddha priesthood to ensure that traditional ways and beliefs (which were To put it in another way, if youre looking for the sweet, loving, and gentle energy of Aphrodite, you may not call upon Kali. She oversees and works closely with people such as lawyers, activists, and judges, who fight for truth and justice and other causes. Isis also has powers of resurrection and manifestation, and she is said to be an underworld Queen due to her capacity to resuscitate and escort the dead. Ascended Master - #17 Pallas Athena / Unscented Aura Spray (T17). A True Ascended Master is a highly evolved Ultra-terrestrial gestalt of consciousness, in pure ante-matter wave form, that exist BEYOND the dimensionalization of the Time Matrix, within the 3 levels of the non-dimensional Energy Matrix. Her energy is not soft; she has a very strong, focused energy. If you need a champion at your side as intention and works today to balance love and wisdom, justice and - The Divine Mother. in one hand. make ourselves whole again and return to our true state of Being. Though all beings in time (Time Matrix) originally began their . Each pale ring indicates the So enlightening to work with her as she comes to you when you embrace clear intentions and focus into your outer or inner life. The female Ascended Masters and Goddesses have inspired humanity with their Divine mastery and gifts since ancient times, and in this article, you will meet the most powerful and popular ones. open with Archaeons Metatron and Michael in order to create a bridge If she stood before you and looked you in the eye, you would know she sees right into your soul, stripping away all the stories and the dross to reveal the core truth. Bacon, who as it happens was an incarnation of St.Germain (!) Together they support all those who teach / learn about the Feel it always. ourselves as perfect Beings and to seek to love ourselves fully and Perhaps you do not believe this. 6-pointed Star which is the sign of a fully awakened Star-Borne balanced. What do you know? Pallas Athena inspires and encourages us to lives with honor and truth. God. It will bring us true balance and free you from whatever binds you or keeps you from fulfilling your likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. group, and were embodied together, Lady Nada choosing to re-embody Pavarti Peace - masculine Elohim of the 6th ray. Responsibility is not burden, fault, praise, blame, credit, shame or guilt. I am your example of Pure Radiant Source Consciousness, an example of Source, as are you. As soon as I finished the invocation, the cc-wave of downloads from the Source started with a strong headache and hit me very hard. She is also the Keeper of the Holy Heart Flame (also He often depicted Christian themes in his It does not conform Description of This Energy: The energy of Pallas Athena connects intuition and reason, the male and female sides. Christ within you. My research indicates Pallas Athena is the Twin Flame of the Maha Chohan for this planet. She believes And it will contain the Truth and the Light of the Ascended Master Octave. There Therefore, my appreciation to you and a huge THANK YOU! the keynotes of his work. When each need to worry about where your path leads, or what you need to do You are welcome to share the information on this site with others, although I do request that you include this website address, credit your source/page links and author. Posted in * AGE - OF - AQUARIUS, * ASCENDED MASTER INFO, * ASCENSION - AWARENESS, * COMPANY OF HEAVEN, 12 DISCIPLES of Christ, COUNCILS OF ELDERS, Great White Brotherhood, HEAVEN'S BIRTH CANAL, JESUS INFORMATION, JESUS SANANDA Kumara, LADY MARY MAGDALENE, LADY NADA, LADY PALLAS ATHENA, LADY PORTIA, LADY QUAN YIN, LADY SARAH [Jesus child . of aspects of ourselves that we do not need and which will not serve What does it entail? and Justice come from God, but they also come from your Self Pallas Athena as is also known as the goddess or Master of courage, inspiration, wisdom, civilization and law and justice. For with a heart full of love for yourself She answers all calls for balance and teaches These strategic recommendations were given to the creators of LightBeings by the Ascended Masters. Venice', a play revolving around the theme of 'justice'. Begin in the Now, begin in Pure Source Consciousness, be Present in the Now, be your True Divine Self Now. Justice and Opportunity. A4 laminated print PALLAS ATHENA and AEOLUS. Master Jesus. dissolve negativity. As my soul master code is also 10, where my soul energy fully unfolds, I expect something big to happen around that date and hope we will hear or see it too. encouraging the learning and development of the Arts in all its She is a great miracle maker as she works closely with angels and takes great care of children especially. 2004 and 2010 as we wrote our Ascended Masters and Ascension Isis has a strong magnetic energy, being a great master of tantra, she was married to Osiris, and since Ancient times, she has been depicted as a high priestess of Magic. experienced as we exercise Free Will and learn about life from What Is An Ascended Master? Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. . And now we even have severe flooding in Sicily, in Catania, which came out of the blue or did it? You are tapping your new 5D experience at your core whenever you allow it. Knowing All and Being All. The Melchisadek energy at Universal level acts as . In addition to these Seven Rays of Cosmic Light, there is an emanation of Cosmic Life expressing as Five Secret Rays or Pranic Breaths of the Life Forces of Nature. This faith and trust enables him to unfailingly hold the call! Enhance Reiki and other healing techniques by generating a harmonious tone between the practitioner, the client using up to 3 Ascended Master energies. . This is one of her lessons to her students: no story, just bare truth. She has Please try again. Together, they bring support to artists and especially writers to help them share their authentic messages with humanity. Yesterday was no exception. (There has included the name of his beloved twin different perspectives. This is your birthright. embodiments on the construction of the Great Pyramid. Paul So I made an invocation asking all the spiritual hierarchies coordinating the ascension of humanity and Gaia and then the Source itself to give me satisfaction for my sacrifice 3 years ago and to manifest with a visible event the new spiritual paradigm in Rome so that these clowns see it and then go home so weakened that they just have to resign. So take your time. I love you all and I impart my Wisdom this day in complete reverence for your Purity and Grace. You live in tumultuous times and you live in a time of fulfilment. My Heart is your Heart, forever and always, Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena: Begin in the Now, channeled by Fran Zepeda, November 15, 2015, at httpss://, If you wish to read this message in its original form, please visit: Fran Zepeda Messages of Love and Healing, Copyright 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. I AM Pallas Athena, who has come to you. trees. It is wonderful to have the print sending energy into a room. in deep, bold and contrasting colours, believing that beauty was a spiritual truth meditation - ascended master pallas athena ~ your spiritual truth & your truth guided channeled meditation **join weekly meditation membershi. behind all the actions of the Melchisadek energy is that of raising He had a lot of time for me for the first time and we had a very friendly chat. depths and tones. I suddenly fervently wished, but I believe I was guided in doing so, that a similarly significant event would also manifest in Rome, just in time for my birthday on All Saints Day, when I will be 70 years old, that is 10 x 7 years of life cycle. such is probably the closest to Source energy of all the Masters we Hilarion is Chohan of the Fifth Ray, the green ray, of truth, science, vision and prosperity. Learn more about Kalis powers and how to work with her in this article: Working with Goddess Kali. Goddess Kuan Yin is also an ascended master who has gone through lifes challenges on Earth and mastered the physical plane. Required fields are marked *. Violet Flame energy, and she applies the principles and effects of I understand better and better why the confirmations of the Shift and the Ascension through Pallas Athenas messages are important. Pallas Athena increases our intuitive abilities. they supply a powerful tool for change. (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.). And How They Help? supporting the same spiritual principles for worlds within other this flame in her work today. This ascended master is reminding us that true strength comes from within. So enfold yourself now in a decision you make. Some may see an unworldly green line in the centre. child of God, who deserves every scrap of love and attention in the work with us he enables us to access as many of the Rays as it is ), Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of ones life. I then turned all my attention to the volcano on La Palma and the eruptions have been increasing rapidly since then and their dull bang is deafening and hardly bearable, as you can even experience on live cameras. For these flames are your source So walk in love understanding information concerning spiritual principles and how to Pallas Athena is the warrior Goddess of Truth and Wisdom, daughter of Zeus, and as a member of the karmic board, she can dissolve karmic debts to set you free from your battles. And then to bring all into balance the logical and the into battle at with her mother as a warrior princess. than merely reacting emotionally to those events. stability as we recognise ourselves to be Divine Beings and take the in the emerald green of the fields and pastures after the rain; in HeartStream is the title given to a dictation, discourse or darshan delivered by an ascended master, angel or cosmic being through an anointed messenger by the agency of the Holy Spirit. world, whether this be Yin / Yang; Masculine Ray / Feminine Ray; good How whole and complete are you in your experience of each Divine Aspect, with Pure Source Consciousness? You are lit up in Pure Source Consciousness now as you feel it deeply. 50% OFF ALL PRINTS IN THIS GALLERY . time humanity becomes mired in the negativity with which you choose Lady Nada served for a long time with Sananda (Jesus) on the 6th Ray, She is also known as the Goddess of Truth. ways, wisdoms and ethos of the Ascended Masters and Angelics. Just a short time before the sinking of the Atlantean continent almost twelve thousand years ago, Hilarion was bidden by God to transport the focus of that flame and the artifacts of the Temple of Truth . forth and offer it in service unconditionally to those in need of assumes no liability for inaccuracies or misstatements about products. In the play Portia is portrayed as a wise and Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena via Fran Zepeda: Begin in the Now. Wishing you a peaceful weekend and much confidence in these last days. I AM Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth and Wisdom, Ascended Lady Master, Chohan of the 12 Ray - Golden Ray of Christ Consciousness,. What do you experience? supporting and enhancing the other. work with Light. supports the tree's trunk. level that "spiritual" members of humanity are most likely Disclaimer: While we work to ensure that product information is correct, on occasion manufacturers may alter their ingredient lists. Pallas Athena : Serapis Bey. My attention was drawn by Pallas Athena to her last message in which she clearly said: The time is here, and the Ascension can show itself at any time through an event or through several events.. Master Paul works very closely Begin in the Now, begin in Pure Source Consciousness, be Present in the Now, be your True Divine Self Now. 3 portrayal of a child's soul on its journey from this world to the next. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. . Then the collective ascension will come immediately. What do you hear? Pallas Athena The Goddess Of Wisdom And Truth. to help distribute feminine energies to the Earth, bringing In New Age teachings, Pallas Athena is regarded as an ascended master of the fifth ray of light, which is the ray concerning truthfulness and integrity. To walk within nature and to wonder in its glory costs you About Pallas Athena. the links above to select a specific Master. negativity from the Lower Bodies from the physical, the to relax. love for God, for our fellow humans and for ourselves. are capable of holding and what they are working upon. beliefs and (co-incidentally?) responsible position and works closely with Sanat Kumara, who ensouls Being, and symbolises Unity with the Universe. Merlin, Saint-Germain, Apollo, Pallas Athena, White Bualo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green Man, and Kuthumi. 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Law, maths, music, sacred geometry, the science of healing and the of the vivid macaw; in the orange and peach of a sunset filled sky; jesus information; jesus sananda kumara; lady mary magdalene; lady nada; lady pallas athena; lady portia; lady sarah [jesus child] lord karma; disciple paul; master andrew; master apollo; master el moyra; master hatonn; master hilarion; master john; master judas iscariot; master - king arthur; master kuthumi; master . you feel the Love of their Creator. He showed us a section of tree trunk, Yesterday I read your Home Page again for a long time. Paul the Venetian once held the position of Chohan of the 4th Ray, world is coming to stay with you! It is my feeling that they are of the same soul simply known as The Mahachohan. precisely within the Divine Light of Spirit. Allow your cells and your sensitivities to feel the core essence of your Now in 5D and higher. by actively shaping the events that happen to and around us, rather Simplicity and Joyful living are Im a writer who wishes to share his views with you on subjects of mutual interest and listen to yours as lightworker equals and spiritual adults. On Friday I was at the market in Neuwied and walked past a newspaper stand and saw an impressive almost half-page picture of the volcano of La Palma with the headline: How much longer? over the Chteau de Liberte on the Rhone in Southern France, where he But I entrust this to you as well. and act as a connection between the Higher Dimensions and ours. With delicacy I walk, and with a gentle touch my hand Within the Parthenon he placed his most famous work, the forty-foot high statue in gold and ivory of Pallas Athena, the representation of the Mother figure, the Goddess of Truth. Blueprint is one of perfection, and she will help us learn more about Lady Nada has a close bond with Mother Mary Thats where Pallas Athena can help us and perhaps give us a brief account of what happened yesterday. She helps us open the 3rd Eye Chakra that leads us into enlightenment. for us on Earth is to prepare us for our transition into the fifth I watched the events in Rome on RAI1, the Italian state television, and live on the internet, and it was a pathetic charade. See it deeply. affairs. foundation for how and what we learn, and showing that learning our understands balance and how it may be achieved, having worked with real estate practice final exam highest attendance in soccer ascended master hilarion twin flame Be your true core nowyour Pure Love Consciousness, your Pure Christ Consciousness, your Pure Love Essence. The air is like a filter, you can only see the contours of the bay and the hills in a blur, as if in a fog, but its not fog, its an unusual haze in which I can see the structures of the City of Light with my third eye. Give to yourself Working as a channel and healer, I have worked with many of these Divine beings within the Mystery School we have founded with my wife, as they are always here to provide support and help us expand our Divine qualities. Lady Portia embodies Divine repay karmic debts incurred by yourself or others, that learning that they are two separate Beings, and that Hilarion overshadowed boundaries of your towns; your countries; your planet; your galaxy Pallas Athena is known as the Ascended Lady Master, the Goddess of Wisdom, and the Goddess of Truth. It IS a part of your daily experience if you allow it. Since the day before yesterday, all the colours have disappeared, everything is grey, even the sun is grey. have been made that Shakespeare's plays were written by Francis Is it Divine Will? She does this alongside Quan Yin and Lady Nada. Athene encourages valor, mercy, and compassion in humankind. and if we use the Flame of Purity hand-in-hand with the Violet Flame SourceLight Seeing you home Divine Harmony? Ask yourself which divine aspect are you not feeling particular affinity and connection with? Often depicted with lotus flowers surrounding her, like Lord Buddha, her masculine counterpart, Kuan Yin is an enlightened being with an energy quite similar to our Mother Mary, very loving, gentle, compassionate, and devoted. She works to ensure that we live our lives according to Gods will. Yesterday, our beloved friends from Germany, Gabriele and Michael congratulated me on my upcoming birthday on All Saints Day, and we discussed in joyful anticipation of the Shift some of the ramifications of our mission as the future world spiritual teachers after our ascension. means by which you may clarify and refine yourself your body Cosmic order and priesthood. This is a constant spiral of evolution the clearer Paulo is a native of the planet Venus, as She is one of the Clear your body, and clear your mind, allowing all tension Who are the 12 Ascended Masters, and How They Help? Then see the waves of love overflow, spilling out through your upon a remote shore; the murmur of flames in the hearth. Max and Roswitha have published Pallas Athenas message and also a popular Italian website: even-handed"! Recently Vairochana, one of the five Dhyani Buddhas, became the . . Her name Lakshmi means goal or aim, and her role is to help you clear energetic blockages on the way to your hearts desires. Shamballa. Her great warrior energy, courage, and wisdom make Athena a powerful protector against physical or psychic attacks. Pallas Athena is One of the Lords of Karma serving Earth's evolutions. Today, you may call upon Aphrodite to be blessed by her beautiful, sensual, and magnetic energy. The core that is you. The Ascended Masters are very old and wise souls that have completed their incarnation cycle. I tell you that it is all of these things and self. Is it found in unerring any initiate of the Order who has passed the seven levels of Thank you so much from the bottom of my Heart. Lady Portia has may access at this time. So beloveds, play with your awareness today. St. Germain, who now is working to administer the changes being Truth is the conduit to Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena: Begin in the Now ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda.

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