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Also, the minimum Occupational License Fee due on Net Profit will change from $47 to $75. Quarterly Reconciliation Form - End of Year Form. Net Profits License Fee Return $_____ (b) Minimum annual fee ($100.00) $_____ 3. You may choose to still utilize our local return below. (Net Profits License Fee Return) Download pdf Download Formfill Dylan Lambert January 21, 2020. endobj 1998-2023 City of Bowling Green, KY. All rights reserved. Darth Traya Mod Battlefront 2, CITY OF RUSSELL, KENTUCKY P.O. The tax rate on Net Profits in McLean County is presently 1% (effective Jan. 1, 2005) Every employer (excluding US Government) who has employees working in this taxing . 1,:U-C^g_Q%16t^$:7]$$8=(d0JFV'/het5+>>E%0JFViB+52$7PZ)@0Ha>,%14gE+B2#D$8XIq/i#:< Lexington, KY 40555-5570 DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE MAIL Account Number Federal ID or SSN For Year Ending . /Kids [ 4 0 R ] 0000025479 00000 n Sub-total (Line 10 minus 13. 00evX`~:6 Sc;dGn\4FJ&5;a E ,-yN#N}||(0&i:|4 0 ;Q endstream endobj 31 0 obj <>stream An Occupational License Fee is imposed on the wages of those employees working in Franklin County at the rate of 1% of all salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation including deferred compensation, earned for work and or services performed in the county. 0000000000 65535 f 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 ;>42`*KS0fC.j%16/G$>p:[652`*KS 1GLU:1c[QO2_cFk%14mF/iPXA1,Uj11GLU:1c[QO2_cFk%14mF/iPXA1,Uj11GUj@3B9&Y0Jjng%16/G /Widths [ Individuals, Partnerships, Corporations - Enter "Adjusted Net Profit" from Line 16 22. Available Credit from previous Over Payment. City of Bowling Green Net Profit License Fee Returns with a due date of April 15, 2021 will be extended to May 17,2021 to follow the extended due date for individuals by the Internal Revenue Service. ;%3kP%14jM0eP4=0K:sF+>Yr:/i5RK1GC[/D%-h.1Gpd?2)%!M+>Yr:/i5RK1GC[/C^g_-1Gpd?2)%!M ;djKNEbT*++CT.u+A[)mATAn\Df'H)DKB6.Bl@lYbq6Z6d`D/LI`+>,9!/hSb//hSb//hSb//hSb//hSb//hSb//hSb//hSb//hSb//hSb//hSb/ License Fee at 1 1/2% 11. city of russell - license fee division p.o. Forms. << /Type /Catalog . return must be signed. Employers with fewer than 50 employees must submit the employee withholdings along with the Return of License Fee Withheld form on a quarterly basis and is due to the City before the last day of the next month following the quarter of the deduction. Non-employee earnings Montgomery County. Please direct any questions to Tax Administrator, PO Box 690, Madisonville, KY 42431. Announcements- Calendar. Home /. BARBOURVILLE KY 40906 KNOX COUNTY FEE ADMINISTRATOR BROTHERS MARKET P. O. << /Type /Encoding His remarkable career has led to his private practice in New York City, dedicated to protecting children from abuse and severe neglect, including, restoring balance to a family environment. /FontBBox [ 0 0 0 0 ] He studied Business Administration at Bernard Baruch College, City University of New York, where he obtained his first degree as Bachelor of Arts, (BA). She is a nurturing mother, career oriented professional and a passionate soul that is thankful for her existence. 2)6sJ1*AA-1+kRI3&`iX+D_Jo1GUa=1,UdG1,pC40et@A3B/rX3?W,I$8XFn/i#:=3&3H91GUpB1c[NO The Net Profits License Fee return is due April 15 of each year, except returns made on the basis of a fiscal year, which . P.O. 2 0 obj Pledge of Allegiance, VI. << /Creator (TExtraDevices) 556 333 1000 667 333 1000 0 611 0 0 278 278 500 500 350 556 1000 333 1000 556 333 /FirstChar 30 'K2]sk22_HsA0JPL/C^g_-3AiEE Forms - *Open in PDF format. Form OL-S, Single Tax District, Occupational License Fee Return (If you are unable to open this pdf from Chrome. Download. /CapHeight 1000 Net profits subject to license fee (Line 21 x Line 22) 24. /Contents 6 0 R >> 1c[QN1a$TD$E=E742`NEF2)-d?0d&>6/i#7D1H%38D%-h03A`?I 1bgpA0JG7:0f:(01cI$D3B8iT+D_Jo1bgpA0JG7:0f:(02DQmF3B/uR1E^KC$E=E720J5:A0JYLA+>Yi2/ibpO3&*64D%-h-0eb4=2)$gD Both changes will become effective on July 1, 2017. 9 0 obj Both changes will become effective on July 1, 2017. Fax: (270) 825-5015. Net Profit Returns for the preceding tax year shall be made by April 15 of each year, except returns made on the basis of a fiscal year, which shall be made by the fifteenth . It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. endstream 2`39G0Jah+1GCF?1cIET1*CBB$8X@r/iPXA1b^^.0f1a?1c[QN2`Mpr%16/G$>p:[63$;14 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. /Parent 3 0 R >> L&N Depot Conference Room Lease Agreement. The fee structure for this Business License Fee is based on the number of employees the business has. 168 South Main St, Russellville, KY, 42276 -- Telephone: (270) 726-5000. /i5RK1GC[/0JPF-0J5%%gg78s^';%3kP%14mF/iPXA1,Uj11,V$D2`*NK0Jahg%14gM3A*-K3ArZN+>Pf6/iPUI0JG:* C^g_M%15rA$?6L^1,q! /LastChar 255 /CreationDate (D:20141112) We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. *M3?U+<2(g^G3&?,+EVOD@;I'-@;KLr The map below shows which streets are covered on which day. endobj Printable Forms QUESTIONNAIRE.pdf Logan County Courthouse 200 West Fourth Street P.O. RICHMOND, KY 40476-1268 13.Balance Due. Ho0+e} *Z9eC4Ei*Kfro^=s ?`"E8R)OrK&Pl,C6 M-P!pi{UL \I.)Hx/A_&BLJP7=}8S4a@oyrs4;eT3lOK:s{Hu_>uF:fdh6I1`%)K>N:m"kM@9)f? % Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. @X0)==2D[971c$p?2`*NL0JO\d /Title () %15*<*+=KTqCisT4+@.G! NET PROFITS LICENSE RETURN A C UNTN OFFICE HOURS: MON FRI TELEPHONE (606) 287-8305 . PO Box 690. Terms of Use and Web Site Policies. $>p:[60ejeMAdo)%1*BOi%14pP3%d-I0JtOB+>Yi,2`*HR1c$7RA0;Pc/ ALL LICENSEES MUST ANSWER FULLY THE QUESTIONS BELOW: . Annual Reconciliation Form - Monthly (PDF) Must include a totaled employee listing or copies of W-2's and a W-3. Carleton, Also as a parent, is loving, caring and a passionate father, who has this big passion for the development and growth of boys. Annual License Fee Return (PDF) Payroll Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) Quarterly Withholding Return (PDF) . State Exemptions: The following are exempt under Kentucky law from the Occupational License Fee and are not required to file a return. federal id no. If you need assistance in completing a return, please call our office at 859-292-3884. The Net Profit License Fee Return must be filed on or before April 15 if the Licensee has a calendar year federal return. 0 Q Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Family Quotes, mount vernon high school Door-to-door sales: Persons conducting any door-to-door sales must obtain a special permit after obtaining an occupational license. 520 (Please Review Instruction Sheet Before Completion) LICENSE FEE RETURN BUSINESS NAME CALENDAR OR FISCAL YEAR ENDED FIN-04 (Net Profits License Fee Return) Download pdf. 5 0 obj As a Child Protective Worker, his emotions and mental devotion presented a clear path for his career. /ibpP2_['2C^g_.2`!'A2)7-K1a"P/2_HsA0JPL/C^g_-3AiEE2). She graduated with a Bachelor of Science Nursing in 2012. State Income Taxes and Occupational License Fees deducted on the Federal Schedule C, E, F or Form 1065, 1120, 1120A or 1120S 10. Fees | Russell Clerk (270) 343-2125 Kentucky Services Contact County Clerk Home Motor Vehicles Recordings Elections Notary Bonds Forms Open Records Request Marriage Licenses Fees 2022 General Election Candidates Note: Add an additional $3.00 per page for each page over 5 pages, EXCEPT for mortgages. 1,pC31bp[?3B/cR3?W,I$8XFn/i#:=3&3H91,V!C3B9#X1,9tg%16/G$>p:[63?V:5%14gD Rowan County Kentucky. FORM - Business License Fee 2021. Before embarking on her entrepreneurial path, she worked as an Executive Assistant for one of the largest privately owned conglomerates in West Africa then moved up the ranks as an Executive Director for a financial services company. FD)e0Ec6#?+DG_'Df'&.@;]U/DfQtE@:s.m/0K"BCgh?uATJu&DIal.FD,6+.3MT)+B0g5-t@14E+Np. Forms. /Producer (TExtraDevices) Box 567 103 Duke St. Cave City, KY 42127 Office: 270-773-2188 Toll Free: 877-773-2188 Fax: 270-773-4522 Send an Email Please note there is a minimum Net Profit fee of $30.00, however, if you have a current business license, then you can take credit of $30.00. net profit license fee return account no. GV1Efgg78s^';%3kP%14jL/iPXB0f_-70etL: Eaa'$+EM%+ARoq"AKY]!+Dtb#ATMp$Ed:n=.3MT)+:SZHPf5/ibpN3&363C^g_/0JP160JP=;2'=Y21+kCD3&3HR+D_Jo1GUa=1,UdG /Name /F1 Net Profit License Fee Return. 2020 Tax Year Net Profit License Fee Return. Copyright 2023 City of Russellville. /BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding 3$;14%15**+=L2bG]1/i5RK0fM'7D%-h/3%us=0JY@>3?U%52(g^G3AEHP 3B9&X0K1+j%14gL/iPXB0f^s20f1U;3B9&X0K1+j%14gL/iPXB0f^s21,1L91c[NN2E;mr%16/G$>p:[ Maximum: $7500. 20) BUSINESS APPORTIONMENT - Enter here and on LINE 22 of NET PROFIT LICENSE FEE RETURN If you had both a payroll factor and a sales revenue factor, then divide line 19 by two (2) If you had a payroll factor or sales revenue factor, but not both, then enter the percentage from line 19 on line 22 INDIVIDUAL PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION NETP2 Rev. Business Update Notification.pdf. 1,pC32Dd$H3B9#Q3$p:[6=:1c7$2C^g_+3%cm=0JG4(2`*NI2)$^@2)6:j%14gL/het50JO\/2_m!C0JG=A1*CBB$>E%0JFV'/i>=Gbs*+=KuR?o78?cM+@\dg+AtX->E%0JFViB+52:G]1/i5RK0fM'7C^g_-2_cp?2)%$E3?U%40J5:@2`WlR+D_Jo1GCgA Established in 1874, Russell is one of the shining jewels in the crown of Greenup County. ;A@^10HcC>a02b'aNtYB@=0&U(B~-YQlWTu x(z8@6(5)l>k}Lvc[P=]d`553fTI\|7X4-n]M)plnfIN~c[='z-V0W_G_i8qyz{!>K 0 This will help speed up the process for all. how to calculate band gap energy from wavelength, Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous Animal Companion Armor, best temperature to cook pizza in wood fired oven, transport allowance calculation for central government employees. /Flags 34 3 0 obj Net Profit License Fee Return.pdf. [KRS 67.750(8)] 1. @11c[0I1c[6D1E]Y-+=K!% /MaxWidth 1000 Jakes. One-fourth of Line 4 to be paid on or before: Apr. FORM - Initial Reporting 2021. D. Basis on which this return is prepared: Cash Accrual . 0000026847 00000 n 410 Monument Sq, Suite 106 | Jamestown, KY 42629 | 270-343-4395 | Office Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m (In case of Emergency, contact 270-858-9093) Pursuant to KRS 67.766, occupational license tax forms for each Kentucky taxing district that imposes such a tax are now available online. Occupational Tax Administrator Charlotte Jones (270) 298-4410 - Phone (270) 298-4409 - Fax Email: octaxadmin@ohiocountyky.gov Documents. Net Profit taxes are collected from the net profits of all business ventures in Mercer County. <> startxref 0000024066 00000 n Versailles, KY 40383 If ESTIMATE overpaid IF MINIMUM PAID IS MORE Federal Return, (Line F, Schedule 4) INCOME enter here AVERAGE to License Fee (Line of Line 9 PAID Form 12 PlKE COUNTY TAX ADMINISTRATOR P O BOX 1319 Pikeville, KY 41502-1319 Return must be filed and paid in full by the fifteenth day of the fourth month after the close of the fiscal/calendar year, UNLESS A FILING EXTENSION HAS BEEN GRANTED . endobj This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Occupational Tax Forms. Hours: County, Kentucky is subject to an annual one (1.5%) percent net profit tax derived from business, professions or other income earned in Caldwell County under Ordinance No. FIN-01 (Rowan County Occupational License Application) FIN-02 (Employer's Quarterly Return of License Fee Withheld) FIN-03 (Rowan County Annual Reconciliation of License Fee Withheld) FIN-04 (Net Profits License Fee Return) FIN-05 (Estimate Tax Declaration Voucher) FIN-06 (Annual Individual License Fee Return) It is also at the bottom of the page in a link. :z IoF^D w( 3$9t80eP:C3ANEL+DhPp1,1[>2`*KN2DcO32_cpA3B8iO2BZfF$8O=o/iPUH1c@051,V!C1c[QO1bp1i /FontDescriptor 15 0 R An Annual Net Profit License Fee is levied on all persons . 0000026580 00000 n &[iT%9@3WLEvxN[E uT9>#JT LESS $5,000. /FirstChar 30 CEO of Glonetex Technologies and Entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience designing and implementing complex IT solutions that generate savings, maximize efficiency, and grow business for organizations on a global scale. Annual Tax Collection Schedule Date Fee; Nov. 1 thru Nov. 30th: 2% Discount: Dec. 1 thru Dec. 31st: Face Amount: Jan. 1 thru Jan. 31st: 5% Penalty 0000026656 00000 n 2020 Tax Year Net Profit Extension Form Both changes will become effective on July 1, 2017. Per Order 21-40, The City of Richmond will extend the filing deadline and due date for payments for the Occupational License Fees on Net Profits from April 15, 2021, until May 17, 2021. Balance (Line 2 less Line 3) $_____ 5. If Line 10 is greater than Line 11, Enter difference as License Fee Due $ PHONE: (859) 623-1000 The net profit license fee is due the 15th day of April. CITY OF RUSSELL, KY. GET INPORTANT UPDATES FROM THE CITY OF RUSSELL STRAIGHT TO YOUR PHONE . %14mK/i#7C3&p:[63B8iR0d(9A$2_d*H+DhPp1-%0D0JG490Jjn.0JP1:1cI-F2BZfF$32(gdI2`NTO+DhPp1-%0D0JG490Jjn-3&N13A*00J51=3&ruZ+DhPp1-%0D0JG49 Business License Application. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Adjusted Net Profit-Subtract Line 15 from line 10. or Ordinary income or (loss) per Federal Form 1120S 9. +ED$&$0f_$42DQm?1cRGK&0JFViB+52*0et@:2).*I+>c#03B8rV0f^@90ePCB0etLA+>G`+0JG1@2)? Her experiences in the financial sector inspired and fueled her desire to launch out as an Entrepreneur in 1990 as Managing Director of Nanshet Christian Gifts and Nanshet Limited which was a wholesaler and distributor of electronics, household and gift items for businesses.Aside from her financial successes, Priscilla Bedell set aside time to get involved in multiple community events and faith-based initiatives including African Missions, School of Disciples, (sponsored by the Redeemed Christian Church of God World-wide), Faith International Training School (sponsored by Faith Fellowship World Outreach Center) and the International Pastors Conference, which is hosted by Bishop T.D. Net Profits Subject to License Fee . BOX 840, LEBANON, KY 40033 FORM NO. 28543 phone no. box 473 russell, ky 41169-0473 606 833-9555 net business profits license fee return for the calendar year _____ Tax Forms: Who Must Pay.pdf. However, the City of Elizabethtown is following the Federal guidelines and extending the deadline to file your 2020 Net Profits Return to May 17, 2021. Next. Email. << /Type /FontDescriptor The Net Profit License Fee Return form is located in the Online Document Center. /Descent -250 'G3$:"30eP4<3AiKI+D_JoA17Pr8/i#7C2)R*2C^g_.3AN3G2)6sJ Occ tax amendment.pdf. Only property tax and parking tickets may be paid online. 750 750 278 333 474 556 556 889 722 238 333 333 389 584 278 333 278 278 556 556 556 /Flags 32 Within these years, He got his first degree at Pace University 1983, Masters degree at St. Johns University 1986 and went to Juris Doctor law school, 1996. DBO%7AKYJkF(HJ4AftN"+DG_(Bm+3$F^]);+E1b0FDbZ1F(f9,/0JABF)PQ&@4%DCco?DfTf8Eaa'( =:2D[970f(^?1c[QN2`)Xo%14mM2D-j@0K(jJ+>GZ1/i5RK0fLp3 . [ City of Bowling Green Net Profit License Fee Returns with a due date of April 15, 2021 will be extended to May 17,2021 to follow the extended due date for individuals by the Internal Revenue Service. You may choose to still utilize our local return below. :OnwF~;eXCzn_4SMJCnG+o= Nx*+T'$Gbiy&grn4n}Gi?N$wts3zI~gbl}iljwHzPz/?^hJN{FwgB2!qx T6 0JFViB+52$7PZ)@0Ha>,%14gE+B2#D$8FIl1,LsM1,pC81c-gB0JG=@1*BP,+=Ku\E+O'%DfT]+A0>T(+EV:.+Cf,-Gp%$;+B!? +>Yo2/i>=:1,Ld0C^g_,3&*$@2)%!J0d&811+kF<0JYI@+D_Jo1,q!@1,UaF2DH=12`WKI3B8lL2'? Restaurant Tax Form rvd.101118.pdf. /BaseFont /Arial +B3(uGT-/iPUH3ANK8D%-h.0KCaE2)$j@1E\D,1bL^D3&r`P endobj 541 Payroll Tax Return. 278 611 611 611 611 611 611 611 549 611 611 611 611 611 556 611 556 333 944 0 500 667 278 333 556 556 556 556 260 556 333 737 370 556 584 333 737 552 Business License Application; Individual License Fee Return; Reconciliation of Occupational License Fee Withheld OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FEE RETURN ON NET PROFIT C-CORPORATIONS S-Corporations and Partnerships - do not use. Commonwealth of Kentucky Montgomery County. License fee - Greater of 1.15 % (.0115%) of line 23 or minimum annual fee ($100.00) 25. Credit of minimum annual license fee 26. The Kentucky Secretary of State is the repository for all local ordinances, tax forms, instructions and other information related to Form OL-D, available at: We must accept this form, you are not required to utilize it. Mailing: P O Box 247 Russell Springs, KY 42642 Net Profit License Fee. month following the close of the fiscal year. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. endobj @1,UaF2DH=01,^aA3B8iM1*CEC$8XIq/i#:<3&r*:1,^aA3B8iM1*CBB$8XIq This extended date will apply to all business entities filing a Net Profit Return with the City of Bowling Green, Kentucky. +D_Jo0fUd>0JG18+>u#9/i#7D2E3N9C^g_+3%cm=0JG4(2Ep:[60JG18+>u28/iPXB0et^2;sDf021GA2/4 , bill henderson obituary, terraform data filter tags,

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