He had been working long hours and sending money back to his family in Mexico. Terrance was a 27 year old man, also had four kids, but they were living back in Tennessee with the mother of his children. With the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on the case, different techniques, including placing a hidden GPS device in Steves car as well as cadaver dogs, were used. When he reaches his friend on dispatch at 12:49 p.m., Calkins spins an entirely different story. However, Jason became worried when Terrance did not return home even on January 13 and emailed Marcia. Obviously something happened to these men in 2003 and 2004, there is no other evidence that they came in to contact with anyone else and its so eery that the exact same thing happened to both of them. And since he did not file an arrest report for Terrance, where did he take him? He and his wife just had a baby girl. He was a father of 4 children and had shifted to Florida intending to provide better financial support to his children. Calkins had long been silent on the disappearances. Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos - Disappearances | Podcast on Spotify Sign up Log in Home Search Your Library Create Playlist Liked Songs Legal Privacy Center Privacy Policy Cookies About Ads Your Privacy Choices Cookies Preview of Spotify Sign up to get unlimited songs and podcasts with occasional ads. Shatterdaymorn The next morning, another Indigenous man named Rodney Naistus was found frozen to the ground near where Night was dropped off. Ultimately, there is no evidence of any theory, apart from the fact that Corporal Steve Calkins is the last known point of contact with both men. (Williams did not work at the Circle K.) According to Calkins, after dropping him off at the Circle K, Williams told him the paperwork for the car was in the vehicle's glove compartment. CUE (Community United Effort) Center is a nonprofit organization based out of North Carolina that assists in missing persons cases. Investigators also place a GPS inside of his patrol car to see if he went to any remote places that he could have possibly taken Terrance. Terrance Williams/Felipe Santos Investigations, Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Make a Public Records Request / Request a Background Check, Community Assistance Resource and Education (C.A.R.E.) His eyes are brown. No evidence was found. Steve Calkins also was involved in the disappearance of a man that he pulled over three months before the disappearance of Terrance. Even today neither of their bodies have been found, and Steve remains a prime suspect in the disappearance of both men. Felipe Santos was also trying to build a better life for his family, just like Terrance. Both, Calkins claimed, were both last dropped off at Circle K gas stations. However, they cannot provide any more details since there was no incident or arrest report filed. Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos went missing in 2004 and 2003, respectively, under similar circumstances in Naples, Florida, U.S. Felipe has never been seen again. Name: Felipe Santos Age: 23 years old Last seen: October 14, 2003 Location: Naples, Florida Status: Missing Terrance Williams Williams disappeared in January 2004. Im excited to see what cases they will cover. I can't let go of it." Eight years later, she continued working with friends and support systems for answers. This raises more alarms with investigators, because Calkins was adamant that he barely spoke to Terrance and did not even know his last name, considering he wrote unknown on the report. When Felipes boss had gone to post bail for his employee, he found that Felipe had been let go by Steve near another local Circle K which was about 4 miles from where he would leave Terrance a few months later. One of Terrances coworkers states that she clearly remembers Terrance leaving the party at around 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. Armed with the feeling of dread and this new information, he tries calling local hospitals and jails to see if he was picked up at some point, but comes up dry. There was no evidence of him making a phone call at Circle K, and neither the employees nor the video surveillance of the building was able to identify either Steve or Terrance. As such, I cant really find much about his past. He was driven away in Calkins cruiser but disappeared before making it . The car keys were found on the ground beside the car. The Unsolved Disappearance of Felipe Santos and Terrence Williams Two men disappear within 3 months of each other. Calkins states that he also dropped Santos off at the Circle K rather than arresting him. Calkins cited Santos for reckless driving and driving without a license or insurance, and placed him in his patrol car. Calkins claims he let him out at a convenience store, because he just decided not to arrest him, but Santos actually . News Ongoing Missing Persons Investigations. Terrance Williams & Felipe Santos Episode aired May 10, 2022 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary Drama Terrance Williams is last seen getting into a Florida cop's police cruiser. The reward has since been doubled to $200,000 in September 2018. It is a shame that they or their families will never get the justice they deserve. Steve added that he then called and requested dispatch to get Terrances car town away since it was obstructing the road. He has a gold crown with the letter "T" on the upper right tooth and the other upper front tooth is solid gold. Calkins then wrote that Terrance had deceived him about working at the Circle K and about having registration in his glove box. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, whose firm isrepresenting Terrance Williams family, said his team is pursuing other avenues for justice, including sharing information with the U.S. Department of Justice in hopes the agencywill open a federal investigation. There are several theories. When he awoke the following morning, Terrance did not return to his home. Calkins arrested both men, never booked them and allegedly dropped them off at a Circle K. Calkins was fired after giving contradicting statements during the investigation. However, the lawsuit came to an abrupt end when Marcias legal team failed to file for trial by the deadline. So, at the very least, we know they were both there that morning. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Calkins has never been arrested or charged in the disappearances. It just doesnt seem likely. Its not a good look, really. Later that same day, Felipes boss contacted the jail to post bail, thinking that Felipe was there. The circumstances surrounding his disappearance were amplified, when it was connected to another disappearance. Calkins claimed that he changed his mind about the arrest, because Santos was "polite and cooperative", left him at a local Circle K, and drove off. S01E05 - Matthew Weaver. [9] The other driver in the accident contradicted that report, stating that Calkins was agitated about Santos's lack of documentation. Calkins, for whatever reason, chose not to issue any tickets. Calkins also claimed that Terrance told him that he was an employee at that Circle K he was not. Both ears are pierced. But when they find his car has been towed by a police officer with no record of an arrest, an investigation reveals a disturbing case since the police officer was the last witness in an eerily similar disappearance. When the surveillance cameras were looked at, there was no sighting of Terrance or the police car. Terrance Williams was last seen being pulled over by an ex police deputy (Steve Calkins) from the Collier County Sheriffs Office for driving to work without a Drivers License and was never seen again. This is pretty self explanatory Felipe, fearing being deported due to the citations from the accident, left the United States and fled to Mexico and Terrance went on the run to avoid the possible citations that Calkins could dole out from the stop, or for another reason unknown to us at this time. Felipe was in an accident where Calkins was the responding officer and Calkins pulled over to question Terrance regarding the vehicle he was operating. Family and investigators hope to generate new leads in both cases. The term originated in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, and describes the practice of police driving individuals to the edge of town or outside of city limits, and abandoning them to find their own way home. I dont really have the bandwidth to get into that, but, The Missing: Felipe Santos and Terrance Williams, https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/local/2020/06/17/terrance-williams-felipe-santos-what-know-missing-collier-men/3207635001/, https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/local/2020/06/16/tyler-perry-posts-collier-county-disappearances-terrance-williams-felipe-santos/3202526001/, https://www.winknews.com/2020/06/02/judge-denies-motion-to-dismiss-lawsuit-against-former-collier-county-deputy/, https://www.facebook.com/DisappearanceOfTerranceWilliamsAndFelipeSantos/, https://www.change.org/p/collier-county-justice-for-terrence-williams-felipe-santos, https://www.colliersheriff.org/news/ongoing-missing-persons-investigations/missing-terrance-williams-felipe-santos, https://fhsvoice.org/4989/columns/the-strange-and-abnormal-the-haunting-disappearance-of-terrance-williams-and-felipe-santos/, https://investigationsforthemissing.org/blog/f/vanished-in-the-sunshine-state-terrance-williams-felipe-santos, http://charleyproject.org/case/felipe-santos, http://charleyproject.org/case/terrance-deon-williams, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/05/florida-sheriffs-deputy-murder-lawsuit-tyler-perry, https://www.fox4now.com/news/local-news/expected-update-on-missing-men-from-collier-county, https://archive.naplesnews.com/news/local/warm-memories-thaw-cold-cases-ep-404225411-345413162.html/, https://whdh.com/news/tyler-perry-to-make-announcement-on-missing-florida-men/, https://www.tmz.com/2018/09/04/tyler-perry-press-conference-reward-money-wrongful-death-terrance-williams-felipe-santos/, https://www.wtxl.com/news/tyler-perry-sharpton-push-fla-missing-men-cases/article_a20fdc18-5b29-11e2-b879-001a4bcf6878.html, https://www.theledger.com/news/20120404/cases-of-missing-florida-men-get-attention-in-wake-of-sanford-shooting, https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/culture/story/tyler-perry-involved-missing-mens-cold-cases-justice-57613910, https://www.thetimesherald.com/story/news/local/2017/10/26/missing-collier-men-terrance-williams-felipe-santos-remembered-ceremony/796757001/, https://www.baxterbulletin.com/story/news/local/2017/08/31/investigation-discovery-feature-disappearances-two-collier-men/620977001/, https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/terrance-williams-and-felipe-santos-missing-persons-cases-feature-on-deadline-crime-with-tamron-hall/. Cord with zipper pulls for grip. On January 12, 2004 Corporal Steven Calkins pulled off to the side of the road to investigate a white Cadillac that was having engine issues. To verify his accounts, investigators pull the calls he made to dispatch that afternoon and discover some red flags. This, along with the strange Circle K stories and inconsistencies, make him the prime subject of theories regarding the disappearances of Felipe Santos and Terrance Williams. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. At this point, Marcia filed a complaint against Calkins. During this time, Marcia discovered that the police officer involved in the Felipe case was Steve. From what I can infer, though, he was a caring man who strived to take care of his family. 5 talking about this. Lets get going now, will we?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thetraced_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_14',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetraced_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); An ancestor of Chattanooga, Tennessee, Terrance Williams moved to Naples, Florida, to be near Marcia, his mom. He last worked as a masonry concrete laborer. Gas stations are hubs of activity the men would have been able to get in contact with people to pick them up or get what they needed to move forward with their lives. At the time of his disappearance, Felipe was 57 and weighed around 150 pounds. 27-year-old Terrance Williams had come a long way in the years after moving from Chattanooga, Tennessee to Naples, Florida. Your IP: Their last known whereabouts both involve the same law enforcement officer, which has led to a lot of accusations throughout the years, and though theories may seem compelling, remember that all theories on this blog are simply theories until proven otherwise. Filmmaker Tyler Perry is working with civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump to help two families uncover answers in the cold cases of Felipe Santos and Terrance Williams who reportedly disappeared . In this recording, Calkins described the car as abandoned and blocking the road. . Plus, as Calkins told and retold his stories (especially his story of dropping Terrance off) they became more and more inconsistent. The entire process was repeated with Terrance as well. However, the family could find no other info since there were no incident reports or arrest memos filed regarding the case. Click here to download public records associated with these investigations. It is widely believed that he is responsible for whatever happened to Felipe and Terrance, and he has faced several lawsuits in regards to Terrances death in particular. When Terrance Williams goes missing, his family fears he may have been picked up for driving without a license. After getting settled, Terrance found a job working in construction and also took on a second job at Pizza Hut. He states that he fell victim to coincidence. Terrance has a gold crown with the letter T on his upper right front tooth and his left front tooth is solid gold. Get the latest news, stats and more about Troy Cracknell on Eurobasket, Reading Rockets, Augusta University, Augusta, Lake Norman Charter School, Augusta University Santos, circa 2004; Age-progression to an unknown age. by Calkins (who is an unreliable narrator at best) was at the scene of that accident. He was last seen wearing a short sleeve shirt, jeans and Timberland boots. The morning of January 12 rolls around, and Jason wakes up to realize that Terrance has not come home yet. He speaks fluent Spanish and limited English. Later in the afternoon, Felipes boss called the local jail to begin the process of getting Felipe bailed out (side note: what a good boss), and discovered that Felipe had never even been brought to the jail. Accessories and valuable pocket under flap. He also has two gold capped teeth, both engraved with the letter T. The obvious connection here is that both men were last seen by Corporal Steven Calkins. Calkins stated he did not interact with any Circle K employees while dropping Terrance off, though an employee did state she saw both of them there Calkins used the restroom and Terrance filled a small canister with gas before walking away from the station without Calkins. He had long hair he wore in dreadlocks. First, and most commonly mentioned, is that Calkins is allegedly responsible for both disappearances. Felipe Santos was a 23-year-old undocumented Mexican worker who disappeared in October 2003, three months before Terrance vanished. Despite this, the deputy insists his encounters with both Terrance and Felipe ended at the Circle-K and that he had nothing to do with their disappearances. Alongside an investigation by the FBI and The Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigating the case, various methods, such as using a concealed GPS device inside Steves vehicle and cadaver dogs and cadaver dogs, were utilized. The three brothers got involved in a fender bender with another vehicle in Naples, Florida. Terrance was a 27 year old man, also had four kids, but they were living back in Tennessee with the mother of his children. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He disappeared after a traffic. There has been no sign of either Felipe or Terrance since Calkins claims to have dropped them off. [14], The case went without any leads for a number of years until 2012, when a number of national programs began covering the case, including Disappeared, Anderson Cooper 360, and Dateline NBC. When Felipe failed to show up for his court date to address his citations, his family filed a missing persons report along with a complaint against Calkins for possible criminal misconduct. He worked all day and sent money to his family back in Mexico. Calkins has since been fired from the Sheriff's Department, but no charges have ever been brought forth in the case. on the tip of your tongue here, folks. While living in his native Chattanooga, he struggled to make ends meet while helping to support his four children, and had also lost his drivers license due to a citation of driving while under the influence. (LogOut/ The Florida appealscourt did not issue an opinion this week but simply affirmed Brodies decision. He is presumed dead under Florida law, though the investigation into his disappearance is still active. Janine Zeitlin is an enterprise reporter in Southwest Florida. Felipe Santos was driving to work in Naples, Florida on the morning of October 1, 2003 when he got into a minor accident with another vehicle. Playlists from our community.
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