This was the folksy down-home antique you may have seen in Patricks ads, where he puts on his boots and hunting garb and sits in a rocking chair and acts like your angry grandpappy. The Republican Party of Texas released its 2022 platform today. WHEREAS, The Medina County Republican Party, at its February 2023 Executive Committee meeting, passed a "Resolution of Censure of United States Congressman Tony Gonzales" which identified, among other grievances, the following five actions taken during the current biennium (which began on June 18, 2022, when the 2022 Republican Party of . At a time when newsroom resources and revenue across the country are declining, The Texas Tribune remains committed to sustaining our mission: creating a more engaged and informed Texas with every story we cover, every event we convene and every newsletter we send. But a decade or so ago the convention regularly boasted ten thousand or more attendees. The platform-drafting process at the Texas Republican convention is a sort of day-care program for the grassroots. And at a time where enthusiasm among more moderate voters of both parties is sagging, these voters could play a disproportionate role in deciding who holds power especially in lower-level offices that wield substantial influence over many Texans everyday lives. If not for the rise of Trump , some of the discriminatory language used by the Republican Party may have receded. In searching for a mythic past that never was, the delegates at the convention promise to take us to places weve never been. Privacy Policy. They even go so far as to refer to Biden as acting president, with some delegates subscribing to the Qanon theory that Trump will be re-installed as president by the end of the year. The Big Lie has gotten out of control amongst the Republican Party. (To take one particularly dark example, Pennsylvanias GOP nominee for governor, Doug Mastriano, attended the 6 January riot.). Now, whats left of our reproductive rights are slowly trickling away. The pickups falseness is appropriate for a political movement that is becoming more and more radical in pursuit of what it likes to call traditional values. The Texas Republican Party finished its 2022 platform priorities over the weekend at the Republican National Convention and gave a glimpse into some of the most powerful minds in power. They will have a heavy presence in Texas with mobile billboards in Austin, Dallas, and Amarillo, which is the site of a For press releases, tips, and pitches, email And Texas Republicans wont stop there. (Current chair Matt Rinaldi, who presided over the convention, called Abbott a petty tyrant two years ago.) The 53-page document covers a range of topics familiar with the national GOP platform, but shows the state party's new strategy to gain political power. The issue of gender has nothing to do with education, said Cindi Castilla, president of the Texas Eagle Forum and who served on the party platform committee. For more information, please see our platforms. The Texas GOP's stance on same-sex marriage aligns with the national party. Abolishing the Federal Reserve, the nations central bank, and guaranteeing the right to use alternatives to cash, including cryptocurrencies. The idea, however, refuses to go away, and this years platform indicates that the anti-federalist bent of the Texas party remains strong: Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. The platform also calls for lawmakers to remove an exemption in the Texas Penal Code that allows children access to harmful, explicit or pornographic materials under the guise of educational materials., Castilla said the exemption allows schools to use educational materials she considers to be obscene pornography.. We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations. Yes, the 2022 Texas GOP Platform Is Extreme. Abbotts reticence to talk to anyone, including right-wingers, outside of carefully controlled venues isnt news. As a result, the 2022 GOP feels free to veer to the right to its hearts content, confident that it wont come back to haunt the party in November, except perhaps in a half dozen races, Jones said. Mark P. Jones, a political scientist at Rice University in Houston, said the 2022 platform indicated how emboldened hard-right party activists now feel a far cry from 2020. Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Republican talking points on guns, yet it seems no matter how many Texans lose their lives, young or old, the GOPs guns will remain more important than life itself. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Republican elected officials are not bound to adhere to the platform, and party activists at times have expressed frustration that some parts of their platform and legislative priorities have not become law, despite complete Republican control of the state Legislature. A total repeal would be disastrous, dumpster-fire for our democracy. The Texas Republican party adopted a new platform on Saturday that refers to homosexuality as "abnormal" and "opposes all efforts to validate transgender . The 2022 Platform contains 274 planks, which was streamlined from 337 planks in 2020. The state also has seen a push from far-right lawmakers and conservative parents to remove obscene content from school libraries and classrooms. March 03 2023 4:32 PM EST. Deeming gender identity disorder a genuine and extremely rare mental health condition, requiring official documents to adhere to biological gender, and allowing civil penalties and monetary compensation to de-transitioners who have received gender-affirming surgery, which the platform calls a form of medical malpractice. Texas Lege Watch: A House Republican Fights for Chicken Freedom. Donald Trump Jr. put out a statement in support of the Log Cabin Republicans getting a booth. In primaries across the US, Republicans are nominating candidates who still propagate it to this day. They want any teacher who brings up LGBTQ+ topics to be prosecuted and have their teaching certification revoked. Crenshaw has expressed some very mild skepticism of some elements of the modern right-wing movement and has condemned the rising popularity of grifters and lies among its members. Welcome to the Texas Legislative Round-up! In a section titled "Homosexuality and gender issues," the party suggested that LGBTQ people should not be legally protected from discrimination and that being gay or trans is a choice. Encourage the building and operation of nuclear power plants. ), The platform, meanwhile, always contains ludicrously extreme planks and is mostly irrelevant when it comes to actually passing bills. Meanwhile, the party platform vote on Saturday by roughly 5,100 convention delegates would argue that those under 21 are most likely to need to defend themselves and may need to quickly buy guns in emergencies such as riots. It also would say that red flag laws violate the due process rights of people who havent been convicted of a crime. Week in Review Another Nearly no other issue has embodied the backward obsessions of the modern-day Texas GOP more than the fight for transgender rights in Texas. Donald Trump radicalized the party and accelerated the demands from the base. Nevertheless, the platform corresponds with the partys constant policy attacks against the LGBTQ community, including Texas Gov. Texas Republicans, who hold a majority of both chambers, want to do the exact opposite. Heres proof: They want NO gun free zones, unrestricted Constitutional Carry, and entirely reject the bipartisan gun reform agreement thats going through Congress as we speak. Today's economy is even worse than the one inherited . Greg Abbott, who is seeking a third term in the November election, only appeared at a reception on Thursday on the sidelines of the convention. In fact, gender and sexuality are one of the topics most prevalent in the 2022 Texas Republican platform. From Steve Bannon to Newt Gingrich to Matt Gaetz to Marjorie . In 2018, the idea of a total abortion ban seemed far fetched. Patricia Sharpe writes a regular restaurant column, Pats Pick, for Texas Monthly. The Texas Republican Party convention was really, um, something, wrote CNNs Chris Cilizza. HOUSTON Meeting at their first in-person convention since 2018, Texas Republicans on Saturday acted on a raft of resolutions and proposed platform changes to move their party even further. Kennedy is a passionate reporter, avid reader, coffee enthusiast, and loves to travel. The 2022 platform now calls homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice. The language is more emotive and forceful than in the past couple of years. The party's new official stance on sexual orientation and gender identity also coincides with a recent nationwide surge in charged rhetoric from media pundits and politicians about LGBTQ issues. 94 - Why Texas Cities Need YOU To Run For Office: Steven Monacelli of The Texas Observer, Ep. Oher platform priorities include limiting how much a citizen can donate to their favorite politicians. and our (When Cornyn spoke of the pain the families in Uvalde must feel after the school shooting, shouts of No gun control filled the room. Sen. John Cornyn. Take for example, LGBTQ issues. ", Your donation supports our media and helps us keep it free of ads and paywalls. Texas Republicans have included a plank in their platform urging the legislature to allow Texans to vote on whether the state should secede from the United States. Taken together, the new provisions would represent a shift even further rightward for the Republican Party of Texas, once known as the party of Presidents George Bush and his son George W. Bush. The Texas Republican Party isnt just ignoring science, theyre pushing against it. The group rebuked the party's decision to bar it from participating, calling on the state's GOP to "expand the tent. They approved measures declaring that President Joe Biden was not legitimately elected and rebuking Sen. John Cornyn for taking part in bipartisan gun talks. Considering the Jan. 6th attack and the harmful rhetoric theyve been spreading, making access to guns easier for QAnon, far-right Trump cronies is the last thing this country needs. However, Republican leaders said repeatedly on Saturday that it was the other side that was a threat to fair elections. The themes ran dark, and activists spoke in apocalyptic, even cataclysmic, terms about the state of the country. Vote. Sign up for The Brief, our daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news. For many right-wingers, this is the highlight of their year. By WILL WEISSERT June 21, 2022 WASHINGTON (AP) Ten years ago, the Texas Republican Party used its platform to oppose teaching critical thinking in schools. Texas Republicans met over the weekend and adopted a platform that would make Lincoln gasp and Sam Houston scream. Considering hate crime rates are higher than they have been in over a decade, we think otherwise. How Florence ButtNot Her SonLaunched the H-E-B Empire, Jimmy Carters Peanut-and-Egg Taco Made Quite the Impression on San Antonians, The Top 50 Texas BBQ Joints: 2021 Edition. They: 7. Were meant to be alive, at this time, right now, and here in this state.. And You Thought Feral Hogs Were Bad. The Texas Republican Party spent Juneteenth weekend, ironically, finalizing one of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and ageist platforms weve seen in recent years. I would like to thank the delegates and platform committee members who have put in countless hours to produce this platform. Schools arent the social educators of our kids.. We Texans cannot and we will not allow this to happen.. Some people are very susceptible to conspiracy theory, and that appears to be a higher percentage the deeper you go into the Republican Party of Texas. The Republican Party of Texas is considering censuring a GOP congressman from the state for his votes in favor of marriage equality and gun control. Texas GOP goes full MAGA at 2022 convention. Likes. The bill died in committee. The Texas GOP is out of step with the majority of Americans who believe in equality, said Zeph Capo, president of the Texas chapter of American Federation of Teachers. We believe in: 3. As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. The state GOPhas called for the VRAs repeal in every platform in the past decade, well predating Trumps appearance on the scene. Christopher Hooks writes mostly about Texas politics and occasionally about more serious subjects. They benefit from causing us to question the foundations that this country was built upon. But the recent proposals seem to reflect Texas Republicans' views on the 2020 election. June 20 (UPI) -- Republicans in Texas adopted a party platform over the weekend that rejects the results of the 2020 presidential election, calls homosexuality "an abnormal lifestyle choice". We believe in: 83 3. Some womens health advocates and public education leaders criticized the policies as harmful and discriminatory and questioned the legality of barring the teaching of gender and sexuality in schools. The group included self-identified Proud Boys and Alex Stein, a social media activist from North Texas. The Texas Republicans are trying to rewrite history with a party platform that calls for the restoration of any confederate monuments that have been removed anywhere in Texas. In 2014, it declared homosexuality a chosen behavior contrary to God and endorsed "reparative therapy" to reverse it. Considering hate crime rates are higher than they have been in over a decade, we think otherwise. Look up the definition of sore loser in any dictionary and you might find a red elephant. The misery, the crime, the drug abuse, the high gas prices are all by design, so that the Democratic Party can permanently transform society. b. The newly approved Texas GOP party platform broadly places the culture wars at its core, as the party adopted a slew of new platforms that shift the party further to the right on Saturday. Party conventions are supposed to win a public spotlight for the party in question. 10. Votes on the platform were collected at the end of the party's three-day convention in which party activists moved to add multiple items to the official Texas GOP platform. In addition, Texas Republicans called for the ban of gender-affirming care including the distribution of puberty blockers or hormone-suppressing therapies, and the performance of gender-affirming surgeries for anyone under the age of 21. But in 2018 and 2020, the platform still called it an abnormal lifestyle choice, just in a polite way, writing that homosexual sex was not part of Gods biblical design and is contrary to the foundation for all great nations in Western Civilization. That softened language was the aberration: prior to 2018, the platform condemned homosexuality as an aberration and insult to God that tears at the fabric of society and spreads communicable diseases.. More broadly, the platform is another salvo in the anti-permissive battle being waged by the right across the country. But the moves made in Texas to throw up obstacles to easy voting are apparently not enough. As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. when he took the floor for even proposing it. Consider, for example, the proceedings in 2014, when convention delegates got ready to pass a platform that endorsed net neutrality, a regulatory measure supported by internet companies and opposed by telecom companies. His current home, in suburban Houston, is more accustomed to the Escalade.But no matter. 169. Abbott has long been loathed by conservative activists, and both the current and former chair of the state GOP are among his enemies. By Eric Lutz. The convention was noteworthy for the relatively low profile of top officeholders. Thank you for subscribing - we will be in touch soon! Join us Sept. 22-24 in person in downtown Austin for The Texas Tribune Festival and experience 100+ conversation events featuring big names you know and others you should from the worlds of politics, public policy, the media and tech all curated by The Texas Tribunes award-winning journalists. Education is about reading, writing, math, science, history and fine arts. (1) "The laws of nature and nature's God," and we support the strict adherence to the original in 13 years has only led them to call for more guns blazing in every nook and cranny that Texas has to offer. Many delegates at the convention argued that young children dont need to learn about issues of gender and sexuality, including conversations and lessons about people who are transgender. KTRK The state party's new platform as posted online as of Sunday states that "homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice" and that, as a party, "We oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity." 2022 Republican Primary Ballot Propositions, 88th Session Legislative Priorities Talking Points, Republican Party of Texas Officially Censures Rep. Tony Gonzales, Resolution Urging Support for the Keep Nine Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Texas Republican wins state House seat in runoff election - KYMA, Republican Gary Gates Wins Texas House District 28 Special Election Runoff, Texas Republican wins state House seat in runoff election - KVIA, Texas Republican wins state House seat in runoff election - KRDO, Update from Chairman Dickey, December 2019 James Dickey, Update from Chairman Dickey, December 2019, Update from Chairman Dickey, November 2019 James Dickey, Update from Chairman Dickey, November 2019. The second the planks threatened the money, the delegates were corrected. The Texas Republican Party rejected the results of the 2020 election, labeled being gay as "abnormal" and vowed to protect access to guns in its . Whats right is wrong and whats wrong is right, said state Sen. Donna Campbell, an emergency room doctor in New Braunfels, reflecting a state of uncertainty that is shared by Americans of many political backgrounds, even if they dont agree on the causes. Buy tickets. 27.4K views. In 2022, the Texas GOP still says President Joe Biden didnt legitimately win the 2020 election, and the new platform supports the Texas Attorney Generals continued investigation of voter fraud claims. The party's new official stance on LGBTQ issues was unveiled during Pride Month, and as advocates fight against a record number of anti-LGBTQ bills introduced in states across the country this year more than 340, according to the Human Rights Campaign, the nations largest LGBTQ advocacy group. But the platforms are broad indicators of the sentiments of the most active Republican voters those who dominate party primaries. The Texas Republicans are trying to rewrite history with a party platform that calls for the restoration of any confederate monuments that have been removed anywhere in Texas. Do you value our journalism? President of the United States since 2021, restrictive election integrity legislation. We, the 2022 Republican Party of Texas, believe in this platform and expect our elected leaders to 82 uphold these truths through acknowledgment and action. Taken together, the events of the convention had one message, he continued. Oppose packing (or enlarging) the United States Supreme Court and supports the pending Keep Nine Amendment as filed in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives with bipartisan support. The denunciation of Cornyn represented a remarkable rebuke to a Republican who has served in the Senate since 2002. "This is not surprising, but it certainly is painful for LGBTQ people who live here in Texas. The Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa released a statement on Monday in response to the opposing partys platform: Texas Republicans showed us that they live in a parallel universe full of conspiracy-fueled hate and that they have a truly twisted view of our democracy and Constitution.. We believe that substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States. REJECT CERTIFIED ELECTION RESULTS OF 2020. Lt. Gov. The GOP platform also supports abolishing the Federal Reserve and alternatives to cash including cryptocurrency. June 20, 2022. The 37-year-old Republican presidential candidate, who confirmed he has a net worth of approximately $600 million, told Garrett that he intends to self-finance his campaign. THE FIGHT FOR TRANSGENDER RIGHTS AT THE TEXAS CAPITOL, The Organization Making It Easier To Access Abortion Pills. So they require legal protections, criminal protection, constitutional protections. U.S. senator John Cornyn, the longest-serving statewide elected official in Texas, was booed and shouted down during his speech, while attendees denounced his role leading Senate negotiations and helping craft an agreement for modest measures that might help prevent school shootings. Before a student may be provided with human sexuality or family planning instruction, the district must obtain the written consent of the students parent or guardian. Sen. John Cornyn addressing the Texas Republican Convention in Houston, Texas, June 17, 2022. That is, they dont want Texans to have any. Think thats being dramatic? The Texas Republican Party unveiled its official position on LGBTQ issues over the weekend, defining homosexuality as an "abnormal lifestyle choice" and also opposing "all efforts to validate transgender identity.". Before delegates voted on the platform, party activists delivered fiery speeches attacking Democrats. Texas Democratic Party 2022-2024 Platform ADOPTED BY STATE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AUGUST 6, 2022 NOTE: GRAMMATICAL AND TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THIS DOCUMENT IN A TIMELY MANNER. ", "I'm glad that they're being really explicit in their words because these words now match their actions," Martinez said. 2:01. Everything is topsy-turvy. Fire Ants Have Unleashed Chaos in Texas for Decades. Mon 20 Jun 2022 11.28 EDT Last modified on Mon 20 Jun 2022 17.35 EDT The Republican party in Texas has officially adopted a series of extreme-right positions that includes claims Joe. Their next step is to criminalize abortion, go after Plan B, and restrict birth control. Delegates booed Republican Sen. John Cornyn -- who has held his seat for 20 years and got more 2020 votes statewide than Trump . At a convention where several of its more prominent lawmakers were harassed and. If not for the rise of Trump , some of the discriminatory language used by the Republican Party may have receded. Over eight years as governor, hes carefully catered to, and sought acceptance from, the kinds of folks who attend these conventionsadopting many right-wing issues of the day as his own, from Jade Helm to his attempt to build a Texas border wall. And yet he cant show his face on stage at the partys premier biennial party without being booed and heckled.Cornyn and Abbott werent the only politicians at the convention who had reason to fear the state partys activists. Elected officials are not bound to adhere to their parties platforms. Can College Sports Get More Absurd Than SMU Joining the Pac-12? Oct. 29, 2021. What happened on, Secession is ridiculous, never going to happen, and. If Texas 6-week abortion ban, without exception for rape or incest, wasnt enough, the Texas GOP wants abortion outlawed and criminalized from the moment of conception. The Texas Republican platform was once considered the musings of the most fringe elements of the party, mocked or ignored by elected leaders and most others. And Texas Republicans wont stop there. They booed Senator John Cornyn when he took the floor for even proposing it. Period. Observers cite the party's convention as evidence that state Republicans have gone "full MAGA." But if anything, MAGA. All of this in the middle of Pride Month. This year, even the absolute worst case scenario has the GOP winning statewide, increasing its number of U.S. House seats, boosting its Texas Senate majority by a seat, and maintaining the 83 seats it held in the 2021 Texas House.. On the fringes of the convention, Congressman Dan Crenshaw, from Houston, got in a much-publicized scuffle with some right-wing provocateurs, led by online troll Alex Stein. Gov. 2022, 10:41 AM. The State Board of Education recently wrapped up its review of health curriculum standards, which include requirements to teach about fertilization in fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. I believe that in the sovereignty of God, you and I were purposely born into this moment, into this confusing time that we face, Campbell said. According to the proposal, the Texas GOP declared homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice, opposes same-sex marriage, and believes in repealing the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision. After Section 5 of the act was overturned in 2013, restrictive voting laws flooded the U.S. A total repeal would be disastrous, dumpster-fire for our democracy. Requiring Texas students to learn about the humanity of the preborn child, including teaching that life begins at fertilization and requiring students to listen to live ultrasounds of gestating fetuses. But it would be tough for even the most ideological legislators to adopt the planks wholesale: they are always a jumble of often-contradictory messages. The Texas Republican Party's new platform also counters President Joe Biden's recent efforts to expand LGBTQ rights through the executive branch. Watch: Democrat committee chair (in Republican dominated Texas House) bans use of term "illegal immigrant." #txlege. Until this prohibition goes into effect, sexual education shall only utilize sexual risk avoidance programs and promote abstinence outside of marriage. Incumbent Matt Robinson is not running for reelection. Patrick is from Baltimore, of course, and his childhood home probably saw more delivery vans than pickup trucks. c. Support repeal of the 16th Amendment (Federal Income Tax). ", "President Trump, who historically expanded the GOPs coalition, made clear that LGBT conservatives are welcome in the America First movement and the Republican Party," the organization said in a statement last week. Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto. David Faris. 6 min read Texas Republicans want to secede from the United States. "The federal government has impaired our right . Immigration continued to be a major theme, with delegates lamenting Bidens reversal of Trump-era border policies. A more muscular ideological platform eventually leads to a more conservative legislature as challengers knock off more moderate members.. All school districts, individual schools, or charter schools are prohibited from contracting with or making any payment to any third party for material concerning any of the above topics. The Texas Republican Party on Saturday voted on two new party platform planks aimed at barring the teaching of sex and sexuality in schools while simultaneously calling on Texas schools to teach the dignity of the preborn human and that life begins at fertilization. The Texas GOP argues in their platform that hate crime laws should be repealed because there are already plenty of other laws covering crimes against other persons on the books. My thought is to leave well enough alone. A difference of degrees is still a difference, however, and those degrees can add up over the years. including by many of his own former aides, treated COVID patients with unapproved drug therapies. Republicans made border security a "dominant" issueand it worked. That platform threatened to embarrass telecom giant AT&T, which had spent a good number of dollars to sponsor the convention. Greg Abbottorderedthe states child welfare agency to investigate child abuse claims filed against parents who might be providing their trans children with gender-affirming medical care. Disclosure: Rice University and University of Houston have been financial supporters of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors.
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