Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. The countries primary and native language was French. Until, next time Everyone, Have a Happy New Year everybody, Goodbye! Well, now we can put these rumours to bed - turns out, the man never did vanish into thin air. Hence, it could be one of those stories which could have emerged from Wilson's imagination. Of course, I say "true" but the fact remains this story is just . One example of this genre that has proved popular over the last few decades. The world of urban legend is one of the areas of the internet and the world prefer to live in. [] This man, according to the evidence, has travelled all over the world with a very impressive looking passport indeed. It's in Part 3, "Strange Creatures and Unusual Events," under "Appearing People." And in 1954 a passport check in Japan is alleged to have produced a man with papers issued by the nation of Taured. "His passport had been stamped by many airports around the globe, including previous visits to Tokyo.". Apr 20, 2021. Cloud Ceiling 30000 ft. Location of Andorra (center of green circle) in Europe. He had reportedly travelled around the world with a very convincing, albeit fake passport written in an unknown language. But the officials are suspicious. -, Press J to jump to the feed. Hi! Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571: The Limits of Survival, Tesla Versus Edison: The Truth About The Infamous Inventors Rivalry. This man has been round the world on this passport without hindrance, a passport which as far as we know is written in the invented language of an invented country. After all, Taured had been around for over 1,000 years! Zegruss story passed throughout the world and was even cited by a member of the UKs parliament as an example of the ineffectiveness of passports. The united kingdom (uk) is an island nation located in europe and comprised of england, scotland, northern ireland and wales. The Scopes Monkey Trial: The Man Who Was Prosecuted for Teaching Evolution, The Beale Cyphers: Virginias Unsolved Key to an Enormous Fortune, The Republic of Salo: Italys Short Stint Under Nazi Rule. However it is just a piece of science fiction. [Zegruss] gallant gesture for the individualist, unfortunately, ended with the Japanese in Tokyo. In 1954, a well-dressed Caucasian man arrives at Tokyos Haneda Airport. As mentioned in American Post News, in 1954, a Caucasian man arrived in Japan saying that he came from a country that everyone else did not know about. To ensure that the man did not escape, two guards were placed outside his room. Source: Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? Have you ever switched on the news and caught a story about a country that youve never heard of? Too many of the details remain unclear or improbable, if not impossible. Snopes cannot be trusted as a non-biased site. John Allen Kuchar Zegrus invented them. In one account, when the man handed over his passport to be stamped the Japanese immigration officer noticed something strange. So what about the rest of the story? There are around 200 countries in the world, 28 of which are smaller than the tiny American state of Rhode Island. He claims he has a business meeting in Tokyo. I wish we had more info on the attempt. The Japanese official didnt recognize the country of origin. Thats the part that really stuck out to me, too. By the age of 10, most children in the United States have been taught all 50 states that make up the country. The forged passport Zegrus used to enter the country was handmade, and the name of the country it bore, Negusi Habesi Ghouloulouloul Esprit, was completely fictitious. Pha cnh st Nht Bn cng khng khng chc chn v vic khng c quc gia Taured no tng c cng nhn trong lch s. Outline Map. As per the reports, Zegrus was born in the United States but he migrated to the United Kingdom. To impress officials, he invented a nation, a capital, a people and a language. you didnt just prove what we all already knew (that it wasnt true) but managed to make the story even more interesting. In July 1954, an unidentified European-looking man arrived at Tokyo airport. ( Public Domain ). If you are denied entry into Japan they put you in immigration jail while they wait for the airlines to repatriate you (the airlines are responsible for repatriating you, they will try to get the money from you in advance if you don't have a return flight, they'll often hold you for several days waiting for a free seat). It is written in a language unknown and it has remained un-identified although it has been studied for a long time by philologists. :D, awesome. By proceeding, you agree to our privacy policy . Understanding how Japan deals with immigration violators will help understand that this is actually a very believable part of the story. Safe to say that the man from Taured certainly wouldn't get away with his antics in the modern world. (We dont know for certain, after all, that the man actually spoke Japanese.) Does the story of John Allen Zegrus ruin the fantastical element of the man from Taured? As translated by u/johnmasterof, it reads: A mysterious foreigner of unknown nationality and background, accused of illegal entry and fraud, tried to commit suicide in front of the judge who handed down the verdict, at the Tokyo District Court on April 10. Even accepting that a man can disappear/transport back to his alternate universe from a locked and watched hotel room (paging the ghost of John Dickson Carr), why would customs officials have brought him to a random hotel in the first place? Due to his lack of a home country, he was never allowed to leave Japan. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. The Moora Mystery: What Happened When a Girl Stepped into the Moor 2,500 Years Ago? The following day, airport officials called upon the man and were met with silence. However, when officials took a look at his ID, they were baffled to see that he was. There is a story, questionable at best, that a man arrived in the 1950's in Japan with an authentic looking passport supposedly from the country of Taured. The guards swear he never came out the door, and the only way out is through the windowwhich is not only on the hotels top floor but also locked. At its zenith in the 19th century, the British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the earth's surface. That stuff sells. Some believe that he was some sort of government agent, and the documents were forged by professionals. (once transliterated into Japanese, it's nearly impossible to translate Foreign language people/place names [excluding maybe Chinese and Korean, etc.] You have entered an incorrect email address! Read our methodology to see how the scores and rankings were calculated. Now the written article seems like a comic book piece. Following this line of logic, the hypothesis is that there is a parallel Earth, similar to our own, with the exception that the location known as Andorra here is known as Taured over there. If one considers the Science fiction; aspect, suppose he did come from another dimension? Hes from Taured. Ancient Origins articles related to Taured in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends. Some theorists claim that the man from Taured was a being from another dimension, living proof of the multi-verses existence. A summary of a Japanese radio broadcast from December 1961 suggested that Zegrus had not only been making use of a phony passport, but he had also been passing bad checks and claiming to be an agent of both the FBI and CIA: The Tokyo District Court 22 December [1961] sentenced John Allen K. Zegrus, a man without nationality, to one year imprisonment for having illegally entered Japan and passing phony checks. The defendant, John Allen K. Ziegler [sic] (36), was sentenced by Judge Yamagishi to one year of imprisonment. Thank you for posting this! But, as it turns out, none of these theories accurately describes the origin of the man from Taured. like wtf is up with that? We have all of the mans documents, so he cant get very far. It vanished from public awareness due to the print only having been published once or twice in small numbers. It was a day like any other in Tokyo, Japan, in July 1954. Officials go back to the roomand the man has vanished. No part is more than 75 miles (120 km) from the sea. However, the Tamanrasset that Zegrus claimed to be from was located in a Sub-Saharan country, which he called Tuarid/Tuared. He told airport staff that he had arrived in Japan on a business trip - for the third time this year. That is, until he was met with the very confused customs officials in Tokyo. This man has been round the world on this passport without hindrance, a Passport which as far as we know is written in the invented language of an invented country. When shown a map, the man from Taured pointed to the area occupied by the Principality of Andorra, and was puzzled as to why his country had been given a different name on the map. Ohmigod thats where the Age of Empires monks come from. United nations airway bill receipt. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. The man did not hail from another dimension, he was prosecuted and sentenced by Japanese authorities, and he did not mysteriously vanish from a guarded hotel room. One of the most notable explanations for this incident is that the man from Taured had somehow passed through a parallel dimension by accident, ending up at Haneda Airport in Tokyo. This is a list of fictional countries from published works of fiction . The passport is stated to have been issued in Tamanrosset the capital of the independent sovereign state of Tuarid. At this point, the case had gone beyond any possibility of reconciliation. That said, I do know one of the books authors, Colin Wilsonan interesting, intelligent, and insightful writer who nevertheless believed almost everything he read about the paranormal, no matter how outrageous, as skeptic Martin Gardner wrote. the name of the country, Negusi Habesi Ghouloulouloul Esprit, was completely fictitious, Bolding mine, that just made me chuckle , Actually, I think that was just the Deepl machine translation engine bugging out. Lanjut ke misteri 'Pria Dari Taured'. The officials pointed out the discrepancy in his story, reiterating their inability to allow anyone into Japan with a passport from a non-existent country. Who Was Really the Worst Dictator of the 20th Century? Airport security was lax at this time, but international travelers were still required to present their passport for a stamp by local officials. The story continues that since the passport didn't appear to be counterfeit aside from the made-up country, the police took the man in to ask some questions. A man arrives at Tokyo airport in Japan. Background: Once a 'great' nation, at its zenith, the British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the earth's surface. Customs officials stop a man who produces a passport from the country of Taured. In 1960 news began to spread throughout the Western world, primarily the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, of a man named John Allen Kuchar Zegrus. 26+ United Nations Airway Bill Receipt. Economically, United Kingdom of Taured favors moderate policies. The man presented travelers checks, his companys name, and a wallet full of foreign currencies. Zegrus claimed to be from a city called Tamanrasset, which is a real city in Algeria. He had an appointment with a real Japanese company and a reservation at a real hotel in Tokyo. John Allen Kuchar Zegrus invented them. Thankfully, the man spoke Japanese, though with a slight French accent, and was able to tell his story to the airport official. The United Kingdom was part of the European Union from 1973 until 'Brexit' was finalised on 3 1 December 2020 when the transition period (from 31 January 2020) ended with new arrangements between the EU and the UK. To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories, we're happy to send you some reminders, Click 'OK' then 'Allow' to enable notifications, .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published14:46,21 November 2021 GMT| Last updated16:32,21 November 2021 GMT. Timeless Mystery: How did a Swiss Ring Watch End up in a Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb. The Facebook post, which was shared by an account called "Alien UFO Sightings", claims that in 1954 a man arrived at Tokyo airport with a passport from a country called "Taured", which does not exist. Answer (1 of 15): Doesn't exist and never did. The Taured mystery is one that has puzzled us for generations. United nations airway bill receipt. A traveler from time or another dimension arrives in Japan. The identity of the riddle was not revealed at the trial, and the English newspaper reported that he was a "mystery man". Zegrus, self-styled American who has professedly acted as an agent for the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency, entered this country in 1959 on a bogus passport. But centuries ago, the land that is now the United States was a very different place As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. He was never seen again, and the mystery was never solved. Obviously I have no evidence of that, and its entirely possible that he did actually attempt suicide in the courtroom (whether based on his sentence/fear of foreign imprisonment or for completely unrelated reasons), but just based on his general M.O. The story may not prove the existence of multi-dimensional travel anymore, but it speaks to something that all humans can relate to. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.The country's head of state is the reigning king or queen, and the head of government is the prime minister, who is the leader of the majority political party in the House of Commons.. The mystery man claimed that it was the third time he was visiting Japan from his country. The man from Taured was therefore taken away for interrogation. He then used it to travel throughout the Middle East, before being caught lying by the efficient Japanese. Then they do some checking. (Bosonic dressing / CC BY-SA 3.0 ). While they conducted their investigation, they put him up at a nearby hotel for the night. Surprisingly, the man from Taured gets only one sentence in the book, on page 86. Verified Purchase. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. The defendant's wife, 30, entered the country with him and was repatriated to South Korea on her own passport. Airport officials in Tokyo asked themselves that question one summer day in 1954 when a man from a seemingly non-existent country showed up on their doorstep. He's of Caucasian appearance and conventional-looking. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Taured 1000 . So does King Tut. Havana Syndrome: Why Do US Diplomats Keep Getting Sick? Though small by modern standards, about 125 flights arrived and departed the airport each week, including a handful of international flights each day. The story of 'The Man from Taured' is an obscure short story printed along other short stories in the 50s or 60s. An airport official was left stunned at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan when a man named Jenansfer Berhodrick presented his passport for the standard check and stamp. In case youre wondering, there is no country by the name of Taured, either today or during the 1950s, the purported time when the incident took place. The mystery man claimed that it was the third time he was visiting Japan from his country. Image Via Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images. It comprises the island of Great Britain, the north-east part of the island of Ireland and many small islands. And disney rides. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. The passport Zegrus used was the size of a weekly magazine and was recognizable at a glance as a fake, but nonetheless the Japanese Embassy in Taipei had issued him a visa on October 17 last year, and this was the first time the defendant had entered Japan using that passport. One of the accounts of the conspiracy theory published on fact-checking website Snopes reads: "Customs officials found him in possession of money from several different European currencies. This is why it's called The United Kingdom of the Valleys of Taured. Clearly, much of the mans story seemed plausible, but the official couldnt let someone into his country with a passport from somewhere he had never heard of. The Chinese Room: Can Computers Be Conscious? Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. The nature of the text on the passport was also unclear, defying attempts of a linguistic specialist to identify the language it was written in. the "Mystery of the Man from Taured," involves both of these elements: The report of the man "from a parallel universe" who inexplicably showed up at a Tokyo airport in 1954 bearing a passport from the nonexistent country of "Taured" and then just as bafflingly disappeared from police custody is typically related in a number of mostly similar variant forms, such as the following account of the supposed mystery man from Taured: Its July 1954; a hot day. His work often required him to travel internationally, and he had picked up Japanese during his regular visits to the country over the past five years. Surely, this was some sort of an elaborate prank. The traveler, more and more impatient, was then asked to show other documents, which he did: but also identity cards, driving licenses, and insurance apparently had been issued by an elusive United Kingdom of Taured. Flag Challenge #255: Taured There are several versions of the urban legend, but the crux of the story is a mysterious traveler who is obviously out of place. When questioned by customs officers, he said this was his third time visiting Japan using this passport. A flight from somewhere in Europe landed, and the passengers began to disembark. As unusual as this account may seem in our modern security-conscious era -- that a man had been successful in moving about the world using a fabricated passport issued by a made-up country and bearing writing in a nonsensical language -- it was borne out by contemporaneous reporting, such as the following August 1960 newspaper article: Everyone who has run into officialdom to his cost and wondered at the ridiculous questions asked of tourists will have sympathy for a man sonorously named John Allen Kuchar Zegrus. A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. Our Race Will Rule Undisputed Over The World: fake document alleging Jewish superiority over Gentiles by a non-existent rabbi named Emmanuel Rabinovich. A debate in the British House of Commons at the time showed that Zegrus described himself as an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser and a naturalised Ethiopian. What do you think? The story goes that back to the 50s, when a man arrived at a Tokyo airport in Japan and made his way to customs. John Allen is in court, a martyr to Japanese thoroughness. This is one of those solutions that seem even more interesting than the problem! In the case of Japan July 1954 the movie that's now a legacy Godzilla was released that same year by the Toho Company. A totally unlikeable protagonist goes on a clichd romp through an alternative reality. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Mr. Zegrus wanted to travel round the world. is that just the how the translator chose to translate 'Tamanrasset, Taured'? The cover reportedly included the gibberish text: rch ubwall ochtra negussi habessi trwap turapa. John Zegrus. That was the clincher, but didnt mean anything in any language. (Tokyo KYODO English 22 December 1961 Evening--T). United Kingdom of Taured is a nation led by King Maxiwilliam VIII on the continent of Asia. Common classes of paranormal tales are accounts of persons who have mysteriously appeared (e.g., from the past, the future, other worlds, other dimensions) and those who have mysteriously vanished (to no one knows where). We still have questions remaining, obviously, about who Zegrus was, what nationality he was, what the name of his imaginary country was, if and/or why he try to commit suicide in front of a judge, and how much the translation from Japanese got wrong. They must have heard of it. This man, according to the evidence, has travelled all over the world with a very impressive looking passport indeed. (Page 1 of tag Taured) . Remember when one is a Child an are doing a lot of dreaming and sometimes during those dreams when children occasionally another other world comes alive through the dreams? Assuming that maybe he was a spy or criminal, the officers then asked him why he was in Japan, although again this led to a dead end. Pria tersebut menyebut bahwa ia sering melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri termasuk Jepang dan terbukti bahwa pria tersebut memiliki stempel yang ada pada paspornya. Do you know if thats what they did in 1954 as well? But, could there possibly be a simpler explanation? Tetapi apa pun yang terjadi sejak saat itu dan seterusnya, membuat semua orang bingung dan prihatin. Upon searching the airport, though, the officials discovered that all the mans papers, including his passport and ID, were no longer anywhere to be found. For Japan to all experience the same dream about the Man from Tauran that in itself is intriguing who knows but, Japan was there at that moment in Time; I wasn't so I really couldn't speak as an matter-of-fact that it didn't happen. El hombre aseguraba que su patria se encontraba en Europa, pero dado que los agentes no saban de su existencia dijo que era normal que no les sonase su nombre en Japn. UK memberikan penekanan penting kepada " Hubungan Istimewanya " bersama Amerika Syarikat. Officials take the man aside and start interrogating him. Armed with this wonderful document, Mr. Zegrus travelled royally through the Middle East, accepting homage as he went. The fake passport was confiscated, and Zegrus was sentenced to one year in prison for using counterfeit checks and documentation. Jenansfer Berhodrick had allegedly entered the airport in July 1954. It is made up of mainland Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and the northern part of the island of Ireland (Northern Ireland). Zegrus had been arrested in Japan earlier that year for attempting to enter the country using forged documents. Hes of Caucasian appearance and conventional-looking. This more mundane story could have been embellished each time it was told, so much so that it eventually evolved into the great mystery that continues to fascinate today. (Ancient Origins) -Juli 1954, muncul seorang pria berpakaian rapi di Bandara Haneda di Tokyo, Jepang. Let me help you with this little tidbit. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. So, the man was taken to an office in the airport for further questioning. However, when officials took a look at his ID, they were baffled to see that he was from a country that doesn't exist called Taured. the Mystery Man, who was arrested and prosecuted in Tokyo after having presented a fake passport to enter Japan in 1959.

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