The edge has a repeating laurel leaf design which is very difficult to counterfeit and is often used for authentication purposes. Displays the arms of Castile and Len with Granada in base and an inescutcheon of Anjou. Find more coin values at Go to the NGC US Coin Price Guide Price Guide Click on "Shop" to search for the coin on eBay. This field requires numeric values only. I have this over 60 years, what is it worth? VTRAQVE VNUM M[EXICANUS] 1739 PHILIP[PUS] V D[EI] G[RATIA] HISPAN[IARUM] ET IND[IARUM] REX ("Philip V, by the Grace of God, King of the Spains and the Indies") Displays the arms of Castile and Len with Granada in base and an inescutcheon of Anjou. Before the United States Mint was in production, columnarios circulated, along with other coinage, in the US colonies, as legal tender until the middle of the 19th century. Joe M. writes: I have an old coin I know nothing about and would like a little information, if possible. Even by the colonies which eventually became the United States, and until we authorized our own currency as a nation. Free shipping for many products! The reverse also has the letters "VTRAQUE VNUM", referring to the Old and New Worlds, "Both are One", and the date at the bottom, with mint marks on both sides. how much. PLUS VLTR Sellers declare the item's customs value and must comply with . The denomination of this particular one is 2 reales, which is one of the predecessors of America's 5, 10, 25, 50 cents, and one dollar.The coins have different Spanish kings during different periods of time.For coins with this pattern, the kings of Spain were Philip (Phs), Ferdinand (Ferd, Ferdnd, Frdnd, Frd), and Charles (Carlos, Carolus, Carolvs, Carol, Car). Find more coin values at Go to the NGC US Coin Price Guide Price Guide Click on "Shop" to search for the coin on eBay. MEXICO CITY MADE #8 24.2 GRA What is a 2000 Gold Susan B. Anthony coin worth? The Spanish Pillar dollar ( 8 reales) was the successor to the crude irregular cob coinage that was typical of the output of the Spanish Colonial Mints. 1739 Mexico 1/2 Reales SILVER Coin Pendent Mexican $19.95 $5.60 shipping PCGS X F Mexico 1739 1/2 Real M F Silver - KM65 $184.00 $4.00 shipping 1739 MF Mexico 1/2 Real Silver Coin Spanish Colony Philip V $40.00 $4.00 shipping Mexico Colonial. Various florets, rosettes, stops, and other features are used to separate features. Prices provided are averages, not specific prices for individual coins. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, These old coins from Spanish Mexico are great collectibles. IN REALLY GOOD SHAPE FOR IT'S AGE. . I still suggest that you take this to a coin dealer near you to verify if its genuine or not. Frequencies show the percentage of Numista users who own each year or variety among all the users who own this coin. REX. As such, NGC disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information contained in the NGC Guides. Obverse Legend:PHILIP V D G HISPAN ET IND REX, Reverse:Crowned globes flanked by crowned pillars with banner, date below. Melt Value = "" The World Coin Price Guide was independently compiled by Active Interest Media's NumisMaster. HOW DO I EXCH Set of 60 Great American Triumphs Sterling Silver Coin set. Lots of people lump these coins together under a generic term 'pillar dollar,' but there are other designs with pillars also. Crowned hemispheres flanked by crowned pillars. The design of the columnario consists on the reverse of two worlds representing the new world and old world with a royal crown above. The World Coin Price Guide was independently compiled by Active Interest Medias NumisMaster. My father bought in holiday How much is a dollar coin with no date worth. The base denomination is an 8 reales coin (aka Piece of eight or Spanish dollar). The coin I have is a 1732 SILVER PILLAR DOLLAR (piece of eight). View sold price and similar items: 1748 Silver Mexico 8 Reales Ferdnd VI.D.G. Worth - Mexico 8 reals 1760-1771 in the coin catalog at - International Catalog of World Coins. If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please. Add Coin. This index is based on the data of Numista members collections. Usage Statement: Public Domain. what is my 1739 vtraque vnim coin worth in American dollars coins replicas answer #2 Marra M 6 years ago Hi there There are replicas out there and these has no numismatic or coin collectors' value. Public Domain is a copyright term that is often used when talking about copyright for creative works. Other minor denominations included 4 reales, 2 reales, 1 real, and 1/2 real. It translates as Both Are One. As such, NGC disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information contained in the NGC Guides. what is my 1739 vtraque vnim coin worth in American dollars, There are replicas out there and these has no numismatic or coin collectors' value. In some cases, NGC has made adjustments or edits to the prices, descriptions and specifications. Average circulated condition- $200 This means that you do not need to request permission to re-use, re-publish or even change a copy of the item. Also on the back of the coin it reads; PIASTRE AUX COLONNES DHERCULE (PESO). ctrl Member. ET. In some cases, NGC has made adjustments or edits to the prices, descriptions and specifications. The coin in the picture is a 2 reales from Mexico and carries a catalog value of $300 (or thereabouts) in the condition you see in the picture. Charles writes: I found a coin in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and I wanted to know what these following words mean VTRA::QUE::VNUM (by the way its dated 1736). Find more coin values at Go to the NGC US Coin Price Guide Price Guide Click on "Shop" to search for the coin on eBay. These prices are not intended, and should not be relied upon, to replace the due diligence and when appropriate expert consultation that coin buyers and sellers should undertake when entering into a coin transaction. VTRAQUE VNUM CARLOS VS III D.G. . Detailed information about the coin 8 Reales, Fernando VI, Mexico, with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data . VTRAQUE VNUM MO 1755 Mexico Pillar Dollar MF 8 Reales RARE Coin Copper coins. The first year of issue of this famous coin was at the Mexico City Mint in 1732. Columnarios are silver coins that were minted by Spain from 1732 to 1773 throughout its New World colonies. I have coin vtraque vnum 1734 iwant to sale, D.GREG FD 1969 ELIZABETH II NEW PENCE 10 HOW MUCH IS THIS COIN WORTH. Vtownkid. The World Coin Price Guide was independently compiled by Active Interest Medias NumisMaster. What is it worth today? The denomination would be on the right side of the obverse. Scroll below to see all grades. Hispan et Ind Rex, Vtraque Vnum from One Source Auctions on October 1, 0116 5:00 PM EDT. This is especially true for rare coins, where there are fewer sales and greater variations in sale prices. Phone number. Swap. This value is given for information purpose only. Latin Legend: VTRAQUE VNUM * Mo * 1762 * Mo * Translation: "On both sides / Unity." Pillar coins were a great improvement over cobs in that they were of a uniform size and weight without cracks or uneven edges. In worn condition, the catalog value decreases to $200. Unfortunately, aside from the appearance of being cast, the mintmark of that 1776 one should have a circle above the M. There was no mintmark with just a plain M like that. PHILIP V D G HISPAN ET IND REX (PHILIP V por la gracia de Dios rey de las Espaas y las Indias) alrededor de un escudo coronado de castillos y leones y escusn de los Borbones, entre MF (ensayador) y 2 (valor). This coin looks to be made of a pot metal and would likely stick to a magnet. VTRAQVE VNUM M[EXICANUS] 1739 PHILIP[PUS] V D[EI] G[RATIA] HISPAN[IARUM] ET IND[IARUM] REX ("Philip V, by the Grace of God, King of the Spains and the Indies") Singapore. This coin was minted in the first year of Charles III's reign. Author: Replies: 7 / Views: 5,790 : TT6373. Please contact NGC Customer Service with any questions. HISPAN. For example, varieties listed in the World Coin Price Guide may not necessarily be recognized by NGC. I have a 1760. Script: Latin . It is ungraded. Here is a link that shows current value for such coins. By using the NGC Guides, the user agrees that neither NGC nor any of its affiliates, shareholders, officers, employees or agents shall have any liability for any loss or damage of any kind, including without limitation any loss arising from reliance on the information contained in the Guides. How much is a dollar coin with no date worth, How much is a Ronald Regas silver dollar double eagle coin worth. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1800 Rare Draped Bust Silver Dollar $1 Coin Copper coins at the best online prices at eBay! Click on "Shop" to search for the coin on eBay. To participate in the forum you must log in or register. Crowned globes flanked by crowned pillars with banner, date below, Numismatic specification data and valuation estimates provided by Active Interest Medias. Further, because these prices are only updated from time to time, they do not reflect short term pricing trends, which are quite common and are often quite dramatic, given the volatile nature of the collectible coin marketplace. How much is a lady liberty silver dollar coin worth? Value: 2 REALES Year: 1739 MF- Manuel de Len y Francisco de la Pea y Flores Material: Silver 0.9030 Measures: 27 mm . Further, because these prices are only updated from time to time, they do not reflect short term pricing trends, which are quite common and are often quite dramatic, given the volatile nature of the collectible coin marketplace. News. The NGC World Coin Price Guide is a complete catalog of values for World coins from 1600 to date, created by NGC and NumisMaster price guide pages. Be sure to add me to your favorites list ! Crowned hemispheres flanked by crowned pillars. They had a deep full strike with all information clearly visible and were difficult to clip or counterfeit. Values in the table above are expressed in USD. If it is genuine below are the values depending on its condition. coins silver answer #2 Logan 8 years ago A picture would determine the value. It translates as "Both Are One". The 8-reales coin was referred to in colonial contracts calling for payment in Spanish milled dollars. Numista does not buy or sell coins or banknotes. It has been suggested that this article be, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, a website devoted to the columnario, Independence of Spanish continental Americas, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, northernmost France, Colonial universities in Hispanic America, Law of coartacin (which allowed slaves to buy their freedom, and that of others),, Articles lacking in-text citations from December 2011, Articles needing additional references from April 2007, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 November 2022, at 14:55. I have a 1760 vtraque vnum in good condition ,about what is Hello i have vtraque vnum 1741 is it rare coin? Label vector designed by Ibrandify - R: VTRAQUE VNUM; Mo 1756 MoCrowned hemispheres flanked by crowned pillars. Coin Lot Value Estimate, Silver Dimes And Lincolns; 1838-O New Orleans Half Dime; Help Grading 1922 Peace Dollar & Identify If Error; While the majority of columnarios were struck in Mexico, smaller mints existed in Guatemala; Lima, Peru; Santiago, Chile; Potos, Bolivia; and Colombia. Reverse: VTRAQUE VNUM / [four petal rosette] Mo [rosette] 1760 [rosette] Mo [rosette] Weight: 416.5 g (26.99 grams) Diameter: 38.8 mm. Scroll below to see all grades. Melt Value = "" I have a 1760 pieces of eight coin that says copy on it. In some cases, NGC has made adjustments or edits to the prices, descriptions and specifications. These prices are not intended, and should not be relied upon, to replace the due diligence and when appropriate expert consultation that coin buyers and sellers should undertake when entering into a coin transaction.
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