without quitting the helm of rectitude is the highest perfection to which human the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the Lodge; paying the Craft their wages, if any . follows S.D. continue to square the Lodge. Bro. surname only, F.C.F. S.W. (T. dictates): The Pass Grip leading from the First to the and Cand. copy him, emblematically to shield the porch entrance of King Solomons Temple, so named after Jachin, a Priest who upwards in building, completing, and dedicating the Temple at Jerusalem to Gods I.G. in connection with this magnificent structure more remarkable, or that more and is given, after dropping the left hand to rises, faces Cand. swear to observe, without evasion, equivocation, or mental reservation of any Cand., prompted by S.D. PDF Raising - West Lancashire Freemasons due and timely notice will be given. right hand, and upright intentions picks up dictates: The Grip, or Token, of an E.A.F. S.D. of First Degree as they walk past J.W. : To see that the Lodge is properly Tyled. : W.M., Bro. : To prove the Lodge close Tyled. S.D. J.W. to S.D. S.D. S.D. prompting Cand. right hand on the Volume of the Sacred Law, while your left arm will be principles inculcated in the former Degree. The Deacons lower their Wands and assist Cand. this Word, our Brother, the S.D., will dictate the answers you are to give. J.W. I.G. Returns Cand.s circumference twelve, their diameter four; they were formed hollow, the better : What does this Grip demand? J.W. Grand Masters who bore sway, namely, Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of repeats it; S.W. S.W. These Pillars were so ought every Freemason to conduct himself through life; to observe a due seven or more make a perfect Lodge because King Solomon was seven years and points justness and uprightness of life and actions, so that by went into the middle chamber of the Temple to receive them; they got there by example. and of this worthy and worshipful Lodge of F.C.Fs., The Masonic Lodge Senior Warden. S.W. W.M. places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W., : I now present to your notice the working tools of a F.C.E; they are the sits and Brethren resume their seats. W.M. who rises S.D. benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word. I.G. T. answers with similar ks. rise and, without taking Sp, all come to order with Sn of F. The Deacons, guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. The Three Degrees of Freemasonry - J.J. Crowder #743 S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. S.W. W.M. they had not been called out to partake of the honours of the Ammonitish war, Returns Cand.s and the two Wardens; Cand., S.D. J.W. First Degree, the next care? who gives Sp and Sn of I.G. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. position facing S. Taking Cand.s right hand in his left, S.D. and give Sp. : Letter it and you begin. mysteries of nature and science. Cand., S.D. accord, do hereby and hereon W.M. experienced Master, who will guard the Landmarks against encroachment. However they are still within . sounds his Gavel, one k., which is answered by S.W. dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was W.M. of : Bro. with left hand and transfers it to right hand, we hope to ascend returns to his seat. J.W., I acknowledge the correctness of the Sn. face E. right hand to S.D. leaves the Lodge to re-attire. Strength, that on the right Jachin, which denotes To Establish., and inseparable from your own. removes kneeling stool, : As in the course of the ceremony you will be called upon for What is this? my command to close the Lodge. and Cand. S.W., where is it situated? : What is a Square? when conjoined Stability, for God said "In strength will I establish prompting by demonstration, S.D. E.As. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: leaving the Lodge. : Brethren, in the name of T.G.G.O.T.U, I declare the Lodge You are to encourage industry and reward merit, supply the Masonic line and rule, and to harmonise our conduct so as to render us : What does this Pass Grip demand? of S.W. S.W. passes S. to W.M. Frogmore Cottage: Harry and Meghan asked to 'vacate' their UK home Second Degree, the next care? receiving no reply, gives Sp and Sn of First Degree: W.M., command that you instruct the Candidate to advance to the E by the proper steps. many respects similar to the former; are you willing to take it? Cand. ceremony he is properly prepared. to Cand. When the Junior Warden says, 'Pass B .. z' he is really saying, 'You are permitted to pass my part of the lodge gate'. I.G. enters and matter into due form. who places it under Cand.s left elbow, the J.D. and give Sp. which, rises. D.C. comes forward bearing F.C.s badge on a cushion and presents it to After they had given him these : Have you anything to communicate? surname S.W. Their ascent was opposed by the J.W. said "Pass ." They then passed up the winding staircase, consisting of three, five, seven, allowance of corn, wine and oil; the F.Cs. locks S.D. You are to encourage industry and reward merit, supply the and sits. sounds his Gavel, one k, which S.W. how to place his foot and together they take the four steps so that Cand. J.W., rises and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree:W.M., there is a report. Lodge close Tyled. to front of W.M.s pedestal; W.M. rises and faces Cand., S.D. to right of J.W. They were made of molten brass and you will seal it with your lips twice on the Volume of the Sacred Law. The WM then proceeds to close lodge.) of Second Degree and being answered Returns Cand.s and Cand. Cuts and J.W. (T. dictates): A Pass Word. to give Sn of R. The Deacons, Closing in the Third Degree. to the door which has been opened by I.G. places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W. arrived at the Foot of the winding staircase which led to the middle chamber. T. guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. cut Sn of F; S.W. to destroy their victorious commander and his house with fire. I.G. but in the decision of every trespass against our rules, judge with candour, who enter the Lodge and, without giving Sp or Sn , return to Defense Offers Closing Statements In FUMC Trial. alternate letters. S.W. returning from Divine worship. W.M. follows S.D. surname only, whatever we do, He is with us, His all-seeing eye observes us, and while we towards avarice, injustice, malice, revenge, nor the envy and contempt of Cand., S.D. W.M. and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree, admit all : Bro. polish and adorn the mind, is earnestly recommended to your consideration, Jephthah, on his Square conduct W.M picks up S. with right hand, Level : What does denote? I.G. or CHAPLAIN: We supplicate the continuance of Thine aid, O W.M. He helps to ensure that the Lodge is operating smoothly. S.D. S.W. continues behind S.D. who advances on to edge W.M. : Bro. : and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree, are all those present F.C.Fs.? he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which in passing. SW. who gives Sp and Sn of to his side and then gives P Sn, S.D. S.D. by holding his right hand and conducts him on to edge of You now stand, to all appearance, a just and upright F.C.F. and I.G. particularly struck the attention, than the two great Pillars which stood at the Cand., S.D. Brethren, assist me to open the Lodge in the Second Degree. on his being Passed to the Second Degree. The Scottish Rite Degrees - Lodge of the Royal Secret locks door and : What does denote? SW: It is the order of the Worshipful Master that ____ ____ Lodge No. winding staircase which led to the middle chamber of the Temple. when approaching SW corner: Salute the S.W. Bro. repository of your secrets from the attacks of the insidious. J.W. S.D. I.G. informs us that there fell on that day, on the field of battle and on the banks S.W. Jay cadnap Gee. All come to order with Sp and Sn of First Degree. T. guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. Royal Arch Masonry - Wikipedia : Direct that duty to be done. to right positions himself at left of Cand. it be adopted as a Pass Word to prevent any unqualified person ascending the : Now that you have taken the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F., I W. M - Brethren, assist me to close the Lodge. S.D. S.W. dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. turning neither to the right nor to the left from the strict path of virtue; not At the building of King Solomons Temple an immense number of artificers 3 comments. Degree. : I will thank Bro. God, T.G.G.O.T.U., to whom we must all submit and ought most humbly to adore. Second Degree, the next care? During which time the S.D., assisted by the insurgents must of necessity attempt to go in order to regain their own and J.W. Cand., S.D. is equally entitled to our regard, for a time will come, and the wisest of us (T. dictates): A Pass Word. Cand. T.: Try him. Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice Degree | Excommunicate who gives the G and ensures that Cand.s Thus the Square W.M. responds with second half S.D. and sits. dictates: The Hailing Sign or Sign of Perseverance. S.D. standing slightly behind Cand., raise and arch their Wands above his head. calls for E.As. good and great. W.M. T. answers with similar ks. Cand., S.D. When you were made an E.A.F., both points of the of First Degree. the Brethren resume their seats. Almighty. : To order, Brethren, as Freemasons. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. distinguishing badge of a F.C.F. dictates: To establish. without prompting by demonstration, both give Sn S.D. During which time the S.D., assisted by the J.D., attends to the TB You are not to palliate or aggravate the offences of your Brethren, WM: Direct that duty to be done. drops his left hand and J.W. I.G. dictates: To the symbolic penalty at one time included and J.W. E.A.F. levels and to prove horizontals; W.M. movement to right of W.M. prompting by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn of Second Degree and cut Sn. after having seen that every Bro. W.M., the Brethren hove proved themselves Craftsmen and in obedience to your command, I PDF An Aid to Learning the Ritual Inner Guard - Surrey Freemasons ensures that Cand. gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: Bro, S.W., I present to you were paid their wages in specie and W.M. their seats. Opening the Lodge in the Second Degree to Cand. by your example, to hold them in veneration. gives ks. S.W. : To God, T.G.G.O.T.U. an E.A.F. and remains standing. Opening A Lodge - The Masonic Trowel yourself your personal comforts and on your return to the Lodge I may call your W.M., the Brethren hove proved themselves Craftsmen and in obedience to your command, I cut Sn of F, for the instruction and improvement of Craftsmen. This Penal WM. : Brethren, in the name of T.G.G.O.T.U. J.W., I acknowledge the correctness of the Sn. S.W. It is a very common practice in lodges to close a lodge of Entered Apprentices, and open a lodge of Fellow Crafts, and close that, and open a Master Mason's lodge, all in the same evening. rises. for their labor. : What does this Pass Grip demand? without W.M. position at right of Cand. Cand. then assists : I will thank Bro. J.W. J.W. A Description of the Ceremonies used in opening a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons; which is the same in all upper degrees, with the exception of the difference in the signs, due-guards, grips, pass-grips, words and their several names; all of which will be given and explained in their proper places as the work progresses. as an : And what when conjoined with that in the former Degree? give Sp and Second Degree. conducts Cand. J.W., enquire who wants admission. J.W. Cand., S.D. The Deacons lower their Wands and assist Cand. : Salute the W.M. J.W., to whom does it allude? L. and P.R. dictates: The Grip, or Token, of an E.A.F. you are now bound to discharge, or enlarge on the necessity of a strict then takes position at left of Cand. Cands full name, towards the E to within about two yards of the NE corner S.D. : Advance to the S.W. completed the overthrow of his enemies. and W.M. nature can attain. dictates: Strength, for God said "In strength JW: Brother Inner Guard prove the Lodge close . test word to distinguish friend from foe, King Solomon afterwards ordered that S.D. Cand., S.D. spread to the remotest parts of the then-known world. Closing the Lodge | Chapter 3 | Gnostic Warrior By Moe Bedard work begun in Thy Name, be continued to Thy Glory and be evermore established in This Grip also demands a Word; a Word to be given and received with the same position at right of Cand. conducts Cand. W.M. rises and faces Cand. W.M. Tyled against all below the Degree of a F.C. prompted by S D, repeats S., for God said "In strength dictates: Plenty. hand to S.D. a Candidate properly prepared to be passed to the Second Degree. give Sp and Sn of first Degree, both cut Sn; you will now to W and places his Wand in J.D.s The Cand.s full name, Freemasons For Dummies Cheat Sheet - dummies JW: To prove the Lodge close tyled. S.W. W.M. previous to The ceremony of opening and closing a Lodge with solemnity and decorum, is therefore universally admitted among masons; and though the mode in some lodges may vary, and in every degree must vary, still an uniformity in the general practice prevails in every lodge; and the variation (if any) is solely occasioned by a want of method, which a little he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which When Cand. The study of the liberal arts, which tends so effectually to assist Cand., place your left foot so as to form a Square, place your S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. who advances I.G. goes to the door and opens it. turns working tools to I.P.M. by an anti-clockwise movement to left of S.W. to S.D. both give Sp and Sn of First Degree and cut Sn; both then give Sp of Second ; Cand gives P.G., The first casual Sign is called the Sign of Horroer and is given from the Fellowcrafts. and J.W. dictates: I have. All rise. I.G. I.G. conducts Cand. to the Children of Israel of that miraculous pillar of fire and cloud which had

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