Latest posts by Janey Davies, B.A. My fake friends and family have used NLP and Trauma Based Mind Control on me since I was born. He was my roommate in Wila before this crime. I think a Colombian. Aluminum foil They changed them within three months. Read a book to a child, or make your way through your novels with a friend or partner by reading them to each other. USP # 6,488,617 (December 3, 2002), Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors. Get a trail map if available, and heed all posted warnings. Meditation or Exercise. Could these governments also introduce legislation to regulate the use of such weapons? There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. 5G uses a combination of frequencies. Muse One of the more intriguing mind control devices is Muse. There may also be emotional signatures frequency-modulated into the carrier. The Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts carried out the research. By 2009, Japanese scientists at Toyota and research lab RIKEN announced a thought-controlled wheelchair that used an EEG sensor cap to capture brainwaves and turn them into directional commands in. Some victims placed advertisements in major newspapers. 6) Then connect the alligator clip end to the bottom edge of a blanket, so that it grips onto both sides of the foil. The whole thing is controlled by an EEG headset called the MindWave Mobile 2. Control the person's physical and social environment. This would be done through an EEG headset that would essentially control an operating system. God. Sometimes, people who rely too much on technology get stuck in a rut where they just stay on their tablets or phones, spend too much time on the internet, or watch television. One of the more intriguing mind control devices is Muse (opens in new tab). One of Mennet's 3 residents was involved in a cocaine deal at the Falken restaurant in Rti. More than 250 people who claim they were the victims of brainwashing by Americas Central Intelligence Agency were set to win a multimillion dollar legal battle for compensation. Thank It was technically possible for a satellite to detect your thoughts, emotions and perceptions, and pass that information to a computer for interpretation. A crucial feature of these systems is the need for some kind . So far, USA, Europe, and China are the most impacted areas. My best guess for reducing scalar wave targeting is a layer of Velostat followed by a layer of the Everbilt insulation. Yeltsin had planned to visit Japan in 1992, but Ratnikovs department detected attempts to program the presidents mind, to make him give the Kuril Islands back to Japan. The other issue is that there are no commercially available consumer-priced detectors to measure the high band, which is above 20 GHz, since meters are currently limited to 8 GHz max. [2] Mike Parker, CIA'S BOURNE IDENTITY PLOT (Mkultra),, July 8, 2007, accessed August 19, 2013, [3] Leila Gray, Tiny electronic chip, interacting with the brain, modifies pathways for controlling movement, University of Washington News, October 24, 2006, accessed August 19, 2013, [4] Dr. Don Justesen, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975, accessed August 19, 2013, [5] Voice-to-skulldevices accessed August 19, 2013. Engaging in new experiences helps stimulate your brain. By telling your friends and family, their instant reaction to what is happening to you should be enough to shake you out of this awful trap. How the public education system is rigged to turn individuals into automatons. Keep to the original thought. =NZBJ!6S!^#3g$P Your nearest and dearest will no doubt tell you what is wrong with your new friend and that is exactly what they dont want. No imagination. This button displays the currently selected search type. You can also do this when walking, hiking, cycling, running, or taking public transit. My life is complete bullshit and everything I have known is fake. When the target enters an area in his home that the signal cannot reach, the signal goes on a wide search mode, thinking the target has left his home and is traveling about town. The main threat to humanity lies in the fact that the technology exists to control all of human behavior at one time. Morgan said God had told him in a dream to kill his parents. A civilian policeman. Be on the lookout for discontinuities between somebody's ideals and their actual behaviors. At Shortlist you'll find him mostly writing about movies and tech, so no change there then. Signals from the micro-electrodes are decoded and used to control the movement of a cursor on a screen, or the motion of a robotic arm. We are now seeing that biometrics will be required to access the Internet. High band 5G waves main danger is that they can come through even small holes or openings in shielding, so one would have to be more careful about having a good seal and no rips or punctures. [5]. 1) Identify abuse safe houses in your community and develop a relationship with them. If you recognise any of the above examples, then it is time to break free from this person and their attempts to control your mind. I lost my daughter because of this BS. The scale of the ongoing crimes is large, and hidden. Sensations of pain in internal organs 183 61.82%, Sensations of pain in backbone, arms, legs, and muscles 174 58.78%, Numbness and tingling, Paresthesias, Loss of sensation 144 48.65%, Acute inflammation/autoimmunity reactions 75 25.34%, Autoimmune disorders like Fibromyalgia 50 16.89%, Skin problems and skin irritations 149 50.34%, Change in growing of hair and nails 95 32.09%, Female problems which eventually lead to hysterectomy 24 8.11%, Sensation of Electric Current Running through the Body 161 54.39%, Induced Thoughts/ telepathic communication, messages 191 64.53%, Hearing voices (reception of auditory acoustic weapon transmissions or similar) 201 67.91%, Artificial Emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness) 201 67.91%, Sudden unexpected" Sexual Arousal 159 53.72%, Sudden extreme moodswings (depression - euphoria) 142 47.97%, Induced pleasure-aversion reactions towards people or objects 133 44.93%, Making you say things (forced speech) 135 45.61%, General behaviour control in some situations 147 49.66%, Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories) 199 67.23%, Remote steering of eye movements 114 38.51%, Remote steering of body movements/motor control 126 42.57%, Virtual reality experiences while awake 104 35.14%. had someone telling me to end my life for 8 months. It was strange that there were so many Security Guards outside the US Embassy, but nobody stopped her or asked her anything. Some unknown people held the strings and controlled her actions: speaking, walking, eating, sleeping, and even her thoughts and emotions. Soleilmavis case summary and her work will hopefully bring more public awareness to the secret crimes of mind control abuses and tortures. This is a gadget that helps with meditation by helping you focus on your own brainwaves - not quite mind control, but more. Use Rule 301 to shift burden, unless a statute or rule provides otherwise. These prevent strong hot spots from locking onto you. In 2011, neuroscientists at the University of California Berkeley put electrodes inside the skulls of brain surgery patients to monitor information from their temporal lobe, which was involved in the processing of speech and images. Get proper sleep and nutrition. Michael Robert Lawrence, accused of murdering a vacuum cleaner salesman in Waialua, said he was on a mission to kill people and chop up their bodies after voices commanded him to do so, a psychiatrist testified on April 3, 2001. They manipulated worst, cruel dreams to disturb my mind& Sleep. along with the list (things they can remotely do to you) She has suffered from a panic disorder for over 30 years, which prompted her to study and receive an Honours degree in Psychology with the Open University. Counselors are the rally point for those who are mentally abused. The antennas must capture Voyager information from a signal so weak that the power striking the antenna is only 10 exponent -16 watts (1 part in 10 quadrillion). It has been a nightmare for me. The guy doing the Mind control (Freddie Villegas) is a real deutsh bag. We All Have Thoughts That Spiral Out of Control. She cries daily saying she cant do anything right and cant find her way. Develop a network of those professionals who will work together on behalf of abuse victims. There are many types of disabilities, such as those that affect a person's: Vision. The technology is still in the development stage, but there is an SDK (opens in new tab) out there that enables devs to get to grips with mind-control gaming using the HTC Vive. endstream endobj 162 0 obj <>stream By Stacey Lindsay February 25, 2023. The third right, to mental integrity, aims to defend against hackers who seek to interfere with brain implants, either to take control of the devices people are connected to, or to feed spurious signals into victims brains. Abusers can be dangerous to those who would help their victims recover. ive asked my doctors As a consulting hypnotist I RARELY came across a client who was currently living with such abuse. But the times I did, I had to inform the person that THEY had to leave their environment before I could work with them. Yet they dont have family or kids. An easy and relatively cost-effective way to block microwaves goes as follows: 3) Use the signal detector to record the relative signal strength from all windows in the room you wish to protect, preferably the office or bedroom. You can even move a metal pan held a foot away from the detector, around the detector in order to block the beam, thereby indicating what direction the beam is coming from. She was like a little trapped marionette being controlled by invisible strings. Mind Control technology began in the 1960's during the Cold War and was used on unwitting citizens for non-consensual experimentation for the purpose of research and development, such as the infamous MKUltra programs run by the American CIA. Millimeter waves are even higher frequency than microwaves. Mind control is as relevant today as it was back in the 1950s when it was called brainwashing and used against American troops in Chinese prison camps during the Korean War. PLEASE note: Using NLP in communications isnt abuse in itself. Depending on the type of detector, you may also notice peaks and troughs in the signal strength, as you move the detector in a linear direction; these are the nodes and anti-nodes of standing EM waves being detected. The code was 0079.Get worked with scalar waves all night. The ability to detect electrical activity in the brain through the scalp, and to control it, will soon transform medicine and change society in profound ways. After the detention Jansen and probably also Graber had a new colleague. These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. [14] 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament in Geneva, A Joint Initiative of: Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, IUHEI, accessed August 19, 2013, [15] An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009), T.J. Richard Scott Baumhammers, 34, was arrested Friday, April 28, 2000, following a shooting rampage that left five dead and one seriously injured in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues. SHOP. In this research, the following conclusions were reached: 1) Many countries have developed various types of mind control methods: drugs, microchips, nanotechnologies and electromagnetic waves. James Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense, pushed for the CIA to begin a secret war against the Soviets. Thousands of people in groups or individually cries attention to the abuses and tortures with electromagnetic mind control technologies through internet and all other channels. 3. It does block a lot of effects the targeting tech do 158 0 obj <> endobj (Hons), Learning Mind 2012-2022 | All Rights Reserved |, 5 Signs Someone Is Using Mind Control against You and How to Prevent It, 5 Habits of People Who Just Appear to Be Smart but Are Not, How to Read Body Language Like a Book: 9Secrets Shared by a Former FBI Agent, The Magician Archetype: 14 Signs You Have This Unusual Personality Type, 5 Signs of Inner Child Wounds and How to Heal Them. Argue for broad protection against an infringement of a citizen's liberty. Create a free account and access your personalized content collection with our latest publications and analyses. The general stated emphatically that he and his colleagues had never manipulated the minds of the then president, Boris Yeltsin, or of economic reformer Yegor Gaidar, but claimed to have used mind-reading to save Russias first president and the country from a war with China. Aluminum foil really does attenuate (lessen) certain EM radiation if electrically grounded and not touching the skin. %%EOF This article was co-authored by Desiree Panlilio. Mind Control Technology or Remote Neural Monitoring or Psychotronics Mind Control as it is generally called, has assumed dangerous proportions in India, it is devastating and destroying lives of innocent men women and sometimes children. Marc Chacksfield is the Editor In Chief, at DC Thomson. The gadget goes on your head, and sends data to a dedicated smartphone app. [1] Nazi Wonder Drug,, 9/11/2002, accessed August 19, 2013. The use of deep brain stimulation, in which people have electrodes implanted deep into their brains to control Parkinson's symptoms and other conditions, has already raised concerns about its. Signs to look out for are initial feelings that you have found your soul mate, or that the person you have just met is perfectly matched to you. I and others have been making of this covert form of mind control. But it wasn't just CIA operatives who fell for the brainwashing hysteria. [6], Those mind reading technologies use EEC with decoding of neurological signals remotely with or without an implant through satellite or through TV Mobile transmission towers. Make it a family or social activity. anyone know anything on this?? Being used on us unsuspecting people. Make it fun by learning something you've always want to do, like surfing. From personal experimentation, and hearing the experiences of others, I am convinced that microwave pollution and intentional targeting can muddle thoughts, induce fatigue and migraines, reduce willpower, and maybe even subliminally implant thoughts or entrain emotional states. If you arent active, sign up for a dance class or tennis lesson. Expert Interview. Measurements of such. TechRadar's Next Up series is brought to you in association with Honor.,,,,,,,,,,, So I had to go and literally put myself in her shoes, so to speak. (3) Targets have depended on law enforcement, national government, and international bodies to "investigate" and stop the electronic torture and mind control. During the past years, Soleilmavis worked hard to expose mind control technologies and their torturous abuses, and urge governments worldwide to investigate and halt these egregious violations of human rights. Was done on a victim of abuse when it was meant on another person who used unauthorized ID of the victim! They need you alone and vulnerable in order to break your spirit. The Central Intelligence Agencys Fact Book states the NSC (National Security Council) and the CIA were established under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. Your mind may spiral to other thoughts and feelings based on that original . That feeling of uncertaintyand possibility!is what differentiates a person from a product, and reality from fantasy. hbbd```b``"k$z,. Pseudo science is not the way forward. Try a new restaurant or type of ethnic cuisine. Platform beds made of wood are available to support a futon mattress. Happened in a store that I had rented at the time, in Neubrunn 740, 8488 Turbenthal.The anesthesia with KO drops I got probably from a Daniele Silvestry.The reason is probably a detention of two acquaintances: Andreas Jansen and Roman Graber. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. We have all heard jokes about tinfoil hats. ive looked with no insight 12 October 2021. Visit your grandparents, for example. Individuals who recognize the techniques or effects in their or someone elses life can also look to this list. Youve seen the sublime, and here's the ridiculous. Using a microwave signal strength meter, I have made several objective observations about these signals: It appears cell phone towers are generating these signals by triangulating hotspots on selected tracked targets. im taking prescription pain meds, The house part was already guarded before this time (23.12.06).
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