], A. (iv) for a period exceeding 29 years , or in perpetuity, or does not purport for any definite period, or for lease for a period exceeding 29 years, with a renewal clause contingent or otherwise. 100/-. Enforcement of Arbitral Awards - M U M B A I S I L I CO N VA L L E Y B Recently, specific changes have been made in the Maharashtra Stamp Act that deals with the electronic payment of stamp duty, gift deeds stamp duty, new penalty clauses, and changes in stamp duty amount under specific clauses. Provided that in case of instrument executed by consortium of banks, the duty chargeable shall not exceed 50 lakhs. The Finance Act, 2019 ('FA 2019'), has prescribed certain amendments in the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 ("the ISA") with the intent of creating a mechanism which would enable the State to collect . Stamp duty on lease deed in Maharashtra (2022): Know registration laws 1 by Impressed Stamp Fixed by Proper Officer. Revocation of -- of, or concerning, any property when made by any instrument other than a Will. Who bears and pays the stamp duty is a matter of agreement between the parties. 10.1 Deletion of requirement to round off duty amount. (1) Instrument of any partnership inclusive of ,Limited Liability Partnership and Joint Venture to run a business ,earn profits and to share profits ,whether in cash or in kind-. Explanation I. - For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that nothing in this Act shall apply to rates of stamp duty in respect of bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, bills of lading, letters of credit, policies of insurance, transfer of . // -->