Then there was an explosion in the building. She admitted she had been a crappy friend but she still cared for Andy. Family Fluff. She was the state champion in salsa dancing. She is the daughter of Elena Herrera and the now deceased Pruitt Herrera. They were able to get everyone out and stabilized before station 23 arrived to take over. [43], After the strip mall fire, Ryan came to Andy, pumped about what he'd done. However, while they were still preparing the meal, the team was called away due to accidents from the windstorm. She asked him to kiss her, which would make everything okay for her for the first time in a long time. They saw Mason, who declined a vaccine and Maya's help. He understood her and took her the place where he briefly used to live as a kid, which was now an empty lot. She went home with her father after the funeral. Signup for Breaking News Alerts & Newsletters. Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. [57], Unfortunately, they separated for a while due to Sullivans status as a recovering addict. During the ensuing struggle with Jack, Peter put his hand through a pane of glass and degloved his finger. While they waited, they checked their supplies. She asked Snuffy Souza, one of Pruitt's fellow firefighters whom she was close to, and he acted very odd in response to her questions. On the way home, Pruitt finally apologized for having slut-shamed her. His Italian accent was almost gone, as they'd been living here for a few years now. She appreciated that and asked if there was something else he wanted to tell her. While they were waiting, Peter offered up the gurney he was on for them to use, so Jack left briefly to take it to them. However, the flow of water picked up and while she was pulled underwater, Max was swept away. VERNOFF: Its worrisome any time anybody dives into anything as quickly and in as much trauma bonding as they did. With the fire extinguished, they searched for Charlie and quickly found a puppy. She was briefly married to Robert Sullivan . 9-year-old Mia gets a role on the TV show Station 19. Andy showed him how to do compressions and made him do them continuously even as he wore out, because his dummy hadn't beeped back to life. What should have happened in 6x06 And how someone would have checked on Maya when she missed the alarm. Just then a kid came out of the building with Zoe. She finally gets in touch with her aunt, who tells her shes coming to Seattle because what she has to say to Andy cant be done over the phone. Dean then lingered because he had a crush on Maggie. He knew he had to step down as Captain immediately. Lots of love, fluff, smut, occasional drama and angst included.Takes place immediately after Build a Home. The team was mostly supportive but only worried about who they'd saved first in a fire. He was scheduled for his surgery that day and she wanted to see him before her surgery. an inside in Mayas mind (based of season 6), Maya's in therapy, she's working through her problems, how will she react when Carina finally agree's to sitting down and having a conversation. SPOILER ALERT: The report includes details about the Season 3 finale of Station 19. While doing so, they came across the bear and Andy gave the group instructions on how to scare it off. Fire Chief Dixon said that Pruitt was a civilian when he died, so he couldn't get a line of duty funeral. He did everything he knew to do, but still needed help. She learned to run a hose from her father at age seven. Carina DeLuca's little sister, Adelina, comes to visit after the death of their brother. She never got the chance to tell him before he died. As the temperature climbed, Ryan decided to hot wire the car and try to use it as a battering ram. Had I really ruined the one blessing I had truly had in this life. Station 19 (TV) - Works | Archive of Our Own Maya is seriously injured. Because family means no one is left behind. Where she started. At the end of the day, he asked her out, but she told him she had a boyfriend. Maybe it was the truth in his words, maybe it was the desperation he had said them to her in. After separating from Miranda, Ben wanted to feel a sense of togetherness, so he planned "Friendsgiving" with Jack at Dean's houseboat and invited the rest of the team. They had whole friendships and relationships and romances that predate their marriages. Andy tried to tell her they didn't have to be friends because they were the only two women. Most of the team was sent to relieve station 7 working on the active fire, but Ben and Travis were kept for triage and Maya and Vic were sent above the fire to do crowd control at a law firm where they were keeping civilians held in place. Lots of love, fluff, smut, occasional drama and angst included. Andy was able to stop him before he moved the car. Dean, Vic and Travis already left in Aid 19 with Maria. Her worries are confirmed when Andy is not there for Sullivan when he wakes up from surgery and cries out for morphine. However, when they noticed the wind was starting to move the Aid Car, they knew they needed to get out of there. Andy got him on a backboard and tried to reassure him as she treated both him and Shannon. We Didn't Start the Fire Chapter 1, a station 19 fanfic | FanFiction The team discovers that bombs have been strategically placed throughout the hospital by anti-choice people who dont agree with Albas (Katy Sullivan) embryo testing. As they were making out in the back room of the bar, they agreed it was helping to make them feel better. [13], After Ben and Dean discovered that The Langham was on fire, they called the rest of the team in to help and started an evacuation. [55] After a little back and forth, they finally got together and told Pruitt they were a couple over lunch. Then they worked to expand the exit to get Ellie's mother out. Dean and Vic ended up trapped with two kids and Andy ended up trapped with Zoe as well. One of their cigarettes caught on fire, and it spread through the vents. Contents 1 Synopsis 2 Cast and Characters 2.1 Current Main Cast With family and friends and more importantly Carina, she finds the motivation. He emerged with another kid that Dallas thought had gone home. Station 19 02x08 Andy and Sullivan stuck in the aid car [29], Station 19 was called out to help when Max Forrester fell into a storm drain after disappearing from the hospital. Evelyn said she had fallen and was having a hard time catching her breath. Set After 6x07 in a world where Andrew is not dead, Miller is not dead, and Andrew's girlfriend Sam hadn't been deported because I simply refuse. Maya is severely injured in a fire due to Captain Beckett's drinking and lack of judgment. Ryan is Andy's oldest friend and her high school flame, an attraction that still lingers in their present interactions. What happens when you discover that your brother's roommate is not what you expected? We want to hear from you! She was dry drowning. She then pointed out Maya was running the firehouse into the ground and walked off. Station 19 | Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki | Fandom Appearances Andy also found out that when Pruitt went to New York to help with 9-11, he begged her to come back to him and Andy, but she refused. [63] They met at the fire academy and banded together as they were the only two women in their class and have been best friends ever since. They were able to stabilize her leg, but the radios weren't working because of the storm, so they were unable to get advice from dispatch on where to take her and Sullivan wanted to wait for the all clear before leaving. When Robert woke up, Andy had driven to a motel, and found her Tia Sandra, and also found that her mother was alive. Sandra Alvarez (aunt)Johnny Alvarez (uncle)Michelle Alvarez (cousin) Andy broke down and fled to the bunk. Why did her mom participate in this lie? However, later that day, when Andy jeopardized Maya's shot at rescuing a kid, Maya was angry at her.[68]. While Andy was on her way back, Shannon coded again. Get our latest storiesin the feed of your favorite networks. To prevent further damage to the building, Travis disconnected the fuel in the vehicle. Theres always more information, so theres always more revealed, and thats what I think is happening here, but in an intense way because her mother is alive. DEADLINE: Have you guys started working on Season 4? Completed anorexiarecovery marina greysanatomy +5 more # 7 She had still been getting to know the DeLuca-Bishops when Aria had been born, but she was as close to a godmother as the young woman was ever going to get. She got married in a pink chiffon dress atcity hall. As they were delivering the baby, Maya confessed that she had fought for the job and hadn't just been given it because Andy wasn't fit for it. {Sequel to `Nonentity Probie`}~Published: 12th of January 2023--Story Ongoing-. It was part of the job. Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy Mature No Archive Warnings Apply F/F Complete Work 02 Mar 2023 No Archive Warnings Apply Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca Carina DeLuca/Arizona Robbins Kai Bartley/Amelia Shepherd Maya Bishop Carina DeLuca Andy Herrera Andrew DeLuca Teddy Altman (Grey's Anatomy) Amelia Shepherd Arizona Robbins Not willing to risk Deans life for the sake of his infant daughter, Jack (Grey Damon) takes over and manages to get the bomb in the box on time. Andy said, her voice soft at the end of the sentence. As they were arguing over this, they failed to properly dress and Pruitt caught them when he came to fetch documents from the captain's office. Andy Herrera is a lieutenant at station 19 of the Seattle Fire Department. 'Station 19' Season 3 Finale: EP On Andy's Shocking - Deadline ADVERTISEMENT. Andy then put her on the stretcher and got her out. After a shower, they tended to Greg Tanner, who came in looking for Pruitt to patch him up after a fight. Becoming Part of the Team by KatMarie. Andy got him freed and he planned to go for help, but he wasn't able to move or feel his legs. Elsewhere, a doctor scrambles to save her research that can lead to a cure for lymphoma. She tried to convince him to find a way out, but he said he wasn't willing to sacrifice the lives of anyone on the team to try to save himself. Charlotte then called for a mayday over Andy's objections. I had some ideas about why he made those choices, but I think that they had more to do with his limitations as a human being than they had to do with anything thats evil. Im excited to get into the room with the writers and begin to explore all of the characters and all of the things that the season finale of three have set us up for. The day after the party, it was the day of Robert's surgery for his chronic leg pain. This arrangement ended after the skyscraper fire. Ryan then shared he had returned from San Diego because Jenna had cheated on him to hurt him after he had told her he was still in love with his ex. Andy revealed that they weren't ready for a baby, so that was one factor that led to her decision. We like to think in black and white. Will she survive? She convinced him to return to work with her and own up to it. She was given glucose and quickly woke up, but still worried about her mom having another seizure and her not being able to help. Andy Herrera - Works | Archive of Our Own Rude, arrogant, cocky - thr Maya and Carina are happily married and starting a family. We are committed to the spread of knowledge and positive vibrations on the public airwaves They went to the scene, where they found a car that had been hit by another car that then drove off. They tried to use the jack to lift the garage door, but it wouldn't budge. She never told Ryan because she knew he would want to keep it and him wanting to keep it would make her want that. She snapped at a bridal shop owner who didn't want to leave her store despite a gas leak. Given their feud, Rigo ignored him and as Jack pulled him back, he dropped his fire extinguisher, causing an explosion that left him eviscerated. He did kiss her and took her inside. She sat in the hall as she listened to him ring the bell 20 times, 5 times at a time. They couldn't intubate, so they did a crike and got her breathing again. Takes place during the opening sequence of 6x08 "I Know A Place.". The team responded to a fire at a B&B on Sunken Meadow Road. Maya stood by her decision, causing another fight between them. Lost in my mind, lost in my guilt. In the meantime, check out our 2022 TV schedule to stay up to date on all of the upcoming premieres. Maya and Carina have been married for over 20. They rushed to her neighbor's apartment and found her bleeding profusely from her wrists, having cut herself on a broken glass while doing the dishes. Station 19 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,006 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 8 - Published: Oct 17, 2020 - Complete. When Dr Bailey suggests Carina get a personal trainer to help with the new found stresses of her job - it isn't quite what she was expecting. Andrea Herrera Saw the #marinawintercheers prompt on Twitter, and thought I'd give them a go! Andy went first. When he came back out, he couldn't find Pruitt because of the smoke. As she came to terms with her father's diagnosis and impending death, Andy continued to sleep with Jack, whose secret had come out during the blizzard. Maybe then Maya would win this long game. Andy and her team worked to evacuate the street, as flammable gas was building up in the sewers underneath, but an explosion happened in the bridal shop. They tried to save him but he succumbed to his injuries. He was unconscious. [49], While helping Vic through her pregnancy and her later decisions, she revealed that while dating Ryan in high school, she got pregnant her senior year. [17], Andy and Jack carpooled to The Incinerator, a test to determine one's suitability to be Captain. I mean, for sure Andy is having a reckoning. Station19 Stories - Wattpad Will threads realign, or will they sizzle beyond the flame? That has to be your priority. Maybe then she would have all the answers. He was her mentor. Some canon, some not. Station 19 is off-call until further notice," he spoke into the radio. The strip worked and the fire started to die down. Vic and Dean shared their oxygen with the kids until an exit was made and they were able to evacuate. One fan tweeted, "maya bishop calling carina deluca her fiance,,, who cheered #station19." Another fan tweeted, "Love how excited they all are about Maya and Carina being engaged #station19." She gave Zoe her number and Zoe later sent her a picture of her in the hospital, eating jello. As they were babysitting, Ryan played cops and robbers with Milo. As they were giving her some privacy, Maya told her she would continue to be her friend as she knew Andy would have the done the same thing had the tables been turned. Maya announced to the crew that they needed to stop questioning her every move and either get in line or request a transfer. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.2 Fire Academy 1.3 Meeting Meredith 1.4 Pruitt's Cancer and Leadership Changes at Station 19 1.5 She was put in an ambulance and taken to the hospital. Ellie said her mother was shaking and wouldn't stop, so she tried to hit the brake, but hit the accelerator instead. Defiantly, Andy said they still were a team and rallied the others to support her. [25], Station 19 anxiously waited to be called in on the skyscraper fire. She saw the water heater and decided they could use the pilot light to create an explosion. Still mad at him for rejecting treatment, Andy asked Pruitt if he had told Pruitt about his diagnosis and if that was the reason behind her being passed over for Captain. Set in season 5 after episode 8. She told him she was done fighting and being angry. Andy rushed to apply pressure to the wound and called her father back. At the scene, Mayas (Danielle Savre) dad shows up to cheer her on at work, which turns out to be a disaster. Robert Sullivan (ex-husband) [55] When they finally gave into the attraction between them, Sullivan suddenly stopped, which upset Andy, who didn't know he stopped because his leg had gone numb. From what Andy knew, she thought her mother killed herself because she experienced flashbacks to their last fun day together, and she expressed this to Meredith. Robert could feel Andy's clammy hand start to shake a bit. I think that there are opportunities for Maya to discover who shes going to be romantically now that she understands that she had mistaken abuse for love and support, and how that will create more space for her to have loving, supportive relationships. [21], While Andy was captain, they were called out to respond to Peter, who accidentally ran into a dumpster. [44], They continued having sex regularly in the mornings. When Jack and Dean found a civilian as they closed fire doors, they called for an elevator evacuation. Robert stayed with her. I mean, I just cant imagine what kind of toll thats going to take on her. Andy talked to Zoe and said she should become a firefighter because she was the kind of person they needed on their team. However, her oxygen tank wasn't working, so they went to get a replacement tank. Too wrapped up in her grief, she didn't notice and forgot about them. A rapid evacuation was started. Jack, with Dean's help, was able to restrain him and bandage his hand before they were able to take him to the hospital. Her late father Pruitt was Andy's primary inspiration to become a firefighter. She was on the dance squad in high school. The three of them then evacuated the building and Andy checked Jack out. She wasn't mad that Maya took the job, she was mad that Maya took the job without a word of acknowledgment, which would have told Andy that she wasn't a complete sociopath. Andy went after her and got her to agree to come back to their rig. At work, Jack told Andy they all thought she would get the promotion. Andy and Maya sprung into action when JJ went into labor. Professional Information They found a toolkit, which Karen used to pick the lock on the trunk of the car and retrieve a jack. They arrived surprised to find so many candidates and only one open spot. Andy Herrera is a lieutenant at station 19 of the Seattle Fire Department. Deadline spoke with Station 19 showrunner Krista Vernoff, who broke down Andys shocking discovery as well as whats to come in Season 4. Pruitt is a hero and he had a complicated life and he made some complicated choices. Back on the ground, Frankel admonished both Jack and Andy for their choices, saying Andy should have listened to Jack's experience and Jack should have followed orders.[14]. As he said he couldn't bring himself to stop, Andy said she wanted to feel something other than angry, so they came up with the idea of sleeping together to solve both their problems. The last episode of 'Station 19' was an emotional one that saw Benjamin Warren (Jason George) and Dean Miller (Okieriete Onaodowan) struggling to keep afloat in the icy cold water, in an attempt to rescue the fire chief who had fallen overboard from a cruise ship. I hope it meets all of your expectations :) <3~ Chapter 18 is up!~. [50], Jack and Andy secretly began sleeping together. Then there was a crash and she didn't respond. They have twins 2 girls Scarlett and Andrea, What happens when a 16 year old walks into the ER hand in hand with a 4 yeard old. Andy is a firefighter at Station 19 of the Seattle Fire Department, part of one of the best crews out there. Andy and Sullivan woke up in the aid car. Sullivan, knowing that Andy is coping with the death of her father, makes excuses for his new wife, but Amelia (Caterina Scorsone), who is performing his surgery, expressed concern that this could lead to a relapse. When Pruitt arrived and gave Andy a pep talk, she used the last of her energy to think of a plan. Seasons Station 19 ||5X15 || Andy Killed A Guy Accidently|| Andy Harrera Four months later, Andy was awarded a Medal of Valor for her actions. Their worries were abated when Jack and Andy said they'd ended things. Maya et Carina se revoient aprs quinze ans sans s'tre parles lors de la runion des anciens lves de leur lyce ou l'italienne tait venue pour son anne de terminale aprs avoir gagn une bourse d'un an pour tudier dans un lyce amricain. Sullivan and Herrera waited a bit, giving Ben and Miranda some time to process the news. They had a relationship prior to her father's diagnosis and occasionally would have sex even after they ended things until Andy got into a relationship with Robert Sullivan, and later married him. Andy and Vic then talked to Kat about her experience at the Academy and not feeling like she was improving. Please consider turning it on! Shortly afterward, she collapsed from low blood sugar. Meanwhile, Andy is so distracted by finding answers about her father and trying to track down her Aunt Sandra that she pays little attention to Sullivans (Boris Kodjoe) impending surgery. Fire Lieutenant As a kid, she used to sort her Legos by size, color, and function. She couldn't remember anything about herself or how she was injured. She plays shortstop for Station 19's softball team. Baby Rambo Unbeknownst to Andy, it was on the same stretch of road where Sullivan's wife had died. [8], Tiffany's house caught on fire when her laptop cord sparked on her bed while she was in the bathroom. Station 19 is an ABC Grey's Anatomy spin-off revolving around the lives of Seattle firefighters that premiered on March 22, 2018. Later, Andy overheard Frankel tell Jack she worried that Andy had been handed her promotion by her father. At that moment, Maya realizes she has been denial about her fathers abuse, a denial that contributed to her breakup with Carina (Stefania Spampinato). The building started to creak as they crawled along and eventually, the roof collapsed, separating them. The whole crew gathered at the station with civilians to sit out a massive blizzard. Sullivan was looking at the leaving car like he was about to break down. Back at the station, Andy openly challenged Maya's decision to have Jack and Rigo work together. He needed to get Ben to the school for his friend Ava, who was pregnant and in labor. All the emotions Maya goes through after being placed on a 5150 hold. On the way home, Jack said he needed to win it because he was still in it, but Andy refused to talk to him about it. Will she build trust in people. Robert came in and held her as she cried.

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